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A glimpse inside Ray's Place Tuesday, March 5, 2002 • read strip Viewing 22 comments:

Pat doesn't like it when Ray talks about getting his bone on.

Rays eyebrows are my new god.

Pat's fear of the bone leads me to believe that he is hiding somthing.

Somebody knows them something about predictions. Nostradamus

I'm more in awe of the pink walls, myself.

Such a vaginal pink I have never seen. Except for vaginas, of course...

I think I can accept George Clinton as an authority on this subject.

So what was the favor? Did he borrow the Pink Elephant of the next strip from Pat?

No... Pat was worthless.

True, but innacurate in that it implies that in the furture pat became of some value, which he has not. The more accurate statement at this point would be "Pat is worthless"

Alt text: "Pat! My pebbles are hanging out everywhere!"

I guess this was before Pat's answering machine straight up told you he was screening your call.

Love the color

Ray's house has gone from Legoish Barbie affair to a suburban mansion, possibly built by the Bluth Company. Is that an improvement? You decide.

I had noticed this to. I thought, his house is monstrous in comparison. I thought maybe it was pat's house since he was on the other end of this transfer but the word bubbles do not corroborate this.

perhaps it's the pool house?

What? It could have it's own driveway!

I don't think Ray actually gets rich until he makes it big with "Ass in Your Pants." Or at least it's never mentioned exactly how much money he has until that point.

Ray isn't moving his lips... yet, he speaks... and has his hand in the air as if in the arse of a puppet. LOLcat: Invisible Ventriloquist Dummy. Fucking LOL cats.

Ain't no one want to get ahold of Pat that bad. Not even to talk about their Bone.

I kind of like the color scheme here. The pink on pink suggests a lack of masculinity that Ray must feel now that his thong has been pilfered.

Does the fact that he's thongless also mean he's unable to wear his phone jacket? I am mightily confused.

Well you can't wear a phone jacket without a thong. That would look RIDICULOUS.