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The Party: Day VII Wednesday, March 20, 2002 • read strip Viewing 47 comments:

I remember asking my friend from HK to translate for me.

What was the translation?

The first one is "hello" and the second one was like "writing" or something like that

This is the best Achewood strip ever created.

It's "ji" in the fourth tone, the meaning is closest to "record" or "write for memory's sake"

a whole new level of props and respect for Onstad.

His wife is Chinese, or so an alt text claimed.

It's in traditional chinise, too, not simplified.

...or even Chinese.

Given the demographics of the bay area I would say that is quite possible. I believe it's roughly a 1 in 3 chance. Palo Alto may be an outlier, however, due to the college.

I met her at an event. She looks white, but you never know.

They're taking the piss with that damn language.

haha! when i was in germany all the little kids would test their cusses on me first! "you like, butt shit?" children, love 'em!



I'm staying away from all these moist, German children.

I was declared medically dead after reading this for the first time.

Excellent comment.

I love how the three blank panels setup the last one; we see Ultra-Peanut writing, we see Philippe's look of dismay, then we see what she wrote: "snoopys balls." To an adult reader, wonderfully representative of a five-year-old's typical insult; to a fellow five-year-old like Philippe, this was probably more distressing than the most graphic longshoreman's curse.

Apparently, 15 people liked your death so far.

I had to leave the office because I was crying with laughter after this.

I love this so much. What the fuck would you do if that was the first thing someone tried to communicate to you? I love it.

"High Five!"

That Pikachu is not giving the other Pikachu a high-five!

he's trying....missing obscenely...but trying!!

that is a common pikachu greeting.

I, personally, would inform the gentlemen or lady in question that my hovercraft is full of eels.

The Tobacconist's? Down the street and to the right.

I'm imagining a pretty shitty first contact with an alien species.

Why is Ultra Peanut so mean?

because she's extremely cool is all

Alt text: "the foreign language textbook"

Of all the things to write down...

"Snoopy's balls" has become my go-to term for something poorly done, ie. "ProjectFun is totally snoopy's balls."

What about digipen?


I know that you left, SSDDR.

Ultra Peanut could teach Lyle a few things about swearing.

Phillipe's face in panel 9 is priceless.


imported japanese girls are actually kind of like this. they love to swear, are unbearably cute, like to take swings at the police, etc.

i have only known two imported japanese girls, but they were both like this.

and yet, this is a chinese girl.

I like that you say imported twice, like an old-timey dude who wants it known that they come in a box.

And due to their imported status they cost more on Amazon.com.

they have previously unreleased material on them.

ho damn!

Aww, that is precious. Philippe looks very adorable in the tie!

I freakin' love Ultra Peanut, but this is one of those strips where the comments made me laugh harder than the strip did. Assetbarians, you rock my socks.

She looks so hopefully expectant I could drop kick an infant.