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Kut-Me Ups Friday, April 22, 2005 • read strip Viewing 34 comments:

I have the Ray and Nice pete cut outs on opposing strings of my window blinds such that when I close the blinds, Ray informs its time to do this.

I cut out most of these at work and fit them on a post-it note to make a little Achewood scene. Then I put the post-it note on a shelf just above my computer monitor. I'm a little worried my boss will see The Death Sound and think odd things about me.

'Do not expect a reply.'
'Stop camping outside my house'

Printable, high-resolution PDF of Kut-Me Ups! (the original link to the nice printable PDF file)


oh nice

I wondered if On-Sate was just jerking us around with the promise of a PDF.


Son of Tarzan?

George, George, George of the Jungle?


Thanks for the link

I cannot even quantify how useful more Kut-Me-Ups would be.

Just another lonely night at closefriend's house.

Won't you be his close friend?

Terrorize your players with Achewood minis! Whip Darth Teodor at your Star Wars RPG players, or inject a hypodermic needle full of terror right into the heart of your next Call of Cthulhu game with The Death Sound!

I read your comment, and it is good. Is so good.

I do believe that Death Sound would be much more agreeable in Vampire: The Masquerade.

Someone sooo make this happen.

I was thinking of doing my own house rules Monopoly set with The Death Sound filling the role of the Plankton piece from the Spongebob edition (move forward one space on every snake eyes, game ends upon return to Go)

Where the hell did I learn about a Plankton piece? I ain't never played no Spongebob Monopoly.

Back when I was married, my ex made magnets outta these. That was the coolest refrigerator I have ever owned.

Was she your ex at the time?

Correction. Back when I was married, which I no longer am, my WIFE made magnets of these.

Now I feel like a cock for making a joke out of your divorce.

Man I can't buy you a drink because of Age but the sentiment is there and I can certainly apologize oh fuck

Today is Roast Beef's birthday.

Roast Beef is represented three times in the Kut-Me-Ups.

And yet not ONE Mr. Bear.

I had to go back and re-check them after your comment, and not only is Beef in there three times, he's wearing clothes in all of them.How odd.

Also, I wish there was a Mr. Bear too, deusoma.

god these are so good for my area

I used the Nice Pete figurine in a Vampire game a few years back. The Death Sound got mixed reviews. What the hell.

Well, he has cut his body.

Weekend project for charchar! Who needs alive people with eggs and testicles when you can chill with the Death Sound?

Why is no Vlad? I am hurt by this belittlink!

Is no good!

How old is Beef in cat years now?