If you appreciate Achewood, please support Chris Onstad (shop; gallery art.)
Searching for one's self on eBay Monday, November 12, 2007 • read strip Viewing 186 comments:

You'd think the Platinum Reserve folks would have first crack at swomething like this.

Nah. Regular ebay, starting price a buck-o-nine. You want to imply that the item can be sold cheaply to many.

It sounds like you've tried this kind of thing before.

wow that just is such a nasty idea. nasty!

What if you made a cheesecake out of Ray's Momma's breastmilk cheese, then convinced a comely young lady to sit upon it in front of Ray?

Man, if he wasn't a converted breast man before he would be after that crazy Freudian shit, huh?

This Calls to question the state of Ray's fetish, I mean- is Ray now into woman Smaching cakes against their chests?

Who isn't?

it's like Oedipus, but with a furry and a fetish thrown in.

No need to be redundant.

Furries are already motherfuckers.

If I wasn't a stronger man I would hunt you down and kill you for that suggestion of heresy against the sanctity of Cheesecake.

Given that his momma's breasts are also involved here, I'm not sure if this would help him become a breast man, even if it would cause problems with him being an ass man.

It would be quite a problem. Basically, I think this is just something that should never happen to anyone, ever.

Yep. The bodily-fluid-moistened dark side of musical superstardom. I also cite the Madonna's pap smear scene from "Slacker".

yay linklater!

What now?
I work for Linklaters.
I'm supposed to be doing it right now.

Does anybody else sense Bensington? Is it possible to perform something like this while Irish Dancing?

Confirmed. Check the ebay listing Q&A section (link here

one panel later.

That is gold

That might be my favourite transition ever.


Is this to make obvious the fact that we have no idea how long Ray has been conversing with this woman? Or does it make it necessarily the immediate future? There is no answer

I have never noticed that. How have I never noticed that?

This makes me so glad I'm not involved in the dating scene.


"Scared but important."

makes one wonder what mr. smuckles was looking for in the first place. had he just googled hisself, or was he looking for the lactic cheese of a non-relative?

he was searching for himself, you can tell because his name is in bold.

come on, kids, we've all done this.

A quick eBay of my name (Morgan Harris) reveals three books on US coins and an album with the title "The Mushroom Hunter".

An eBay of my name returns no results and suggests a misspelling of my last name.

A quick eBay of my name reveals me stealing your identity, Morgan Harris of 21 Pinewood Lane, Westchester, New York.

woah woah woah

searching my name on ebay actually yields:
"Dairy Milk Bottle~_____~Chelsea~NY~Pt Emb SL PL

art :: life
life :: art
? ? ?

Whoa. You spelled 'whoa' wrong. 3 times. Slow down fella.

Actually, the misspelling "woah" is becoming so common it may soon be considered an alternative spelling.

On the internet, that bastion of orthographic precision, I see it spelled "woah" about 10 times for every once I see it spelled "whoa".

They're all wrong. That's like spelling 'yeah' like 'yea.'


And like those idiots who are all "...and VIOLA! My head pulled free from my ass with nary a tweaked ear!"

However you want to spell it, her post was interesting and yours was shit.

You can also tell by the name of the strip...

He was looking for more merkins. His interest is piqued now.

A comment left by theorrhea was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Pseudochron, retinarow, griggs_although)

You mean country-western?

Somebody was eBaying himself.

I hope somebody else notes the fact that Ray is apparently on a first-name basis with the CEO of eBay.

I believe there are multiple layers at work here: could it be that the CEO of eBay is a past love interest of Ray's scorned? Why else would Ray be so colloquial with her, and know her flat regular appearance to the last detail? She is perhaps the key to this curdic mystery.

i salute the use of the word curdic.

A comment left by nikopol was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by banjothepony, mortshire, shoinan, rachel, Doc_Rostov)

I don't think Ray is on a first-name basis with the CEO of eBay, but rather extrapolating these details rom what he's read about her in the financial papers.

The way Ray conducts himself in the conversation is probably his attempt at appearing casual to cover his panic.

"probably a Maserati" clears up that Ray is having a guess...

I'm assuming ebay gets calls like this all the time.

Flat regular lady business hair is kinda a thing .

keep in mind that this is meg whitman:

whoops. Fuck you, BBcode.

OK, I have looked at this picture several times now, and it disturbs me more every time.

It looks like the sun is in her eyes, and she smells something nasty.

Oh, and flat hair.

Jesus, as if the comic wasn't disturbing enough.

Meg Whitman is not the kind of person who takes well to being called "Baby, baby girl." This is because she was never a child.

Oh man... it's what in the world is going on with those teeth. She also has the forehead of a dolphin.

just noticing. blue and yellow together make green...why does the overlap between blue and yellow make orange in the ebay logo?


No more chubbies to give, I am so sorry.

I gave one for you.

Caseous Conundrums


This strip changes my feelings on e-commerce.

I no longer find it arousing.

It was so easy to fly under the radar, too. Your friends don't exclaim loudly in class "dude, you're fucking gross", and girls don't flee in a panic when your quick links are amazon.com and eBay. You never have to lock your laptop if you leave it in the office and you never have to make a seperate, secure partition just to hide your shame. Why is it that e-commerce is accepted when other forms of sexual expression are not? Why is one man persecuted for poopsex while another is praised for newegg? My browser is awful bare, now. Without a socially acceptable outlet, I will need to spend hours researching security software to once again feel safe to pursue my... eccentricities. I hope you're reading this, Onstad. You have complicated my life tenfold. Curse you.

Serching for "screw" on Newegg will not yield mounting screws.

Sorry about this one, guys! Left my laptop unlocked.

OrganizedMan (74): AAAA e-bayer, very speedy. Little bit anxious about his cheese but keen to pay (more than we asked for!).

Ray's "I got to buy my mama's cheese" face is very similar to his "Fuck man, why they got to do a thing" face.

A comment left by postblank was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by aHatOfPig, lazarusloafer, G3K)

Hmmm...I may be mistaken but I'm fairly sure Ray's reaction to someone sitting on his birthday cake is pretty much the exact opposite of anything that happens anywhere in this strip.

Well, as long as that someone is a woman, I suppose.

If that someone was a dude, he would try to see it as a challenge.

Ray's eBay ID: "OrganizedMan"...

A comment left by phthoggos was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ppccd, Jesler729, troutman, Ikrizzle)

Boy, Ray really fucked up this time. I guess he's not the OrganizedMan he claims to be.

how do 2 servings of Breast milk go unmolested in a hotel fridge for thirty years? It's inconceivable. My money is on Lil Nephew.

Lil Nephew is a bright young lad, but I dunno if he's THIS imaginative.

plus i mean that's his grandmother the boy's got limits i hope

I don't think it'd really be his grandma's cheese.

Maybe it's his own. (Ew. Even I'm disgusted by that.)

I don't think it works like that.

I just thought about it very hard, and I do not believe my mother's brother's wife's mother is my grandmother, although my mother's brother's wife is my aunt. So. I shall ponder whether or not I would sell my mother's brother's wife's mother's curdled breast milk on eBay and get back to you.

Think a little harder. There are no wives involved at all. Your (unknown parent)'s brother's mother is also your (unknown parent)'s mother, hence, your grandmother.

I hope we get to meet Ray's sibling some day.

Wish granted!

Oh my god you have no idea how astonished I was this morning. I feel like a prophet or something.

Thank you very much. However, one can become a nephew by marriage, but one can not become a grandchild by marriage.

I think Ray's mom needed some cash . She'd know this is good for a few six hundos.

Ray's username is Organized Man? So that's where Roast Beef got that desk pad from.

Is that some reference to an earlier strip? Because I would LOVE for you to provide a link.

Are you thinking of the one where beef's letterhead says 'From the desk of a reasonable man"? Because that is different. You know Organized Man is from the platinum reserve one.

Doh, you're right. I suffer from a very sexy learning disability.


Nah, that's not a learning disability.

sex lex' i a

1. Confusion as to one's preferred sexual position, as in top versus bottom

2. slang Not knowing whether you are coming or going

I thought this was very funny but I am all out of chubbies.

Kif, what do I call it?
Say it.

Ray has to call eBay a lot. Sometimes they don't pick up.

Pick it up!

If he gets outbid, it's going to be half past Chablis o'thirty for a long, long time.

So know we know for certain that the dudes are from the early 70's generation. Good to know.

https://images.google.com/images?q=meg whitman&ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi

Interestingly, you can't make cheese out of human breast milk. It's nice to be occasionally reminded that Ray and his momma are still cats, even if it's through titty cheese.

You can't? God dammit . See, my friend and I had this idea that we were gonna get rich off of the whole new-agey vegan market by creating a human dairy farm. We would collect human breast milk and pasteurize and homogenize it and make it into hell of vegan-friendly dairy products, such as human cheese or human ice cream. Or human neufchâtel.

Oh man that is mega nasty

That is dog shit

To the best of my knowledge it [url=https://www.indrani.net/index.php?q=2006/03/breast_milk_cheese ]isn't possible to make breast milk cheese[/url] from human breast milk. Concerning cats, and specifically Ray Smuckles's Mom, I do not know.

First of all, link . And also, regular cheese is made from cow breast milk, so there's every possibility cat milk works.

A comment left by mikeleffel2 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by AdrianMiller, Jesler729, gussiejives, retinarow)

This is the perfect comic to read at 2:30 in the morning.

Agreed! It's like Monty Python all over again!
(... I wasn't expecting a kind of breast milk cheese, let alone Mrs. Smuckles' ...)

A comment left by nestor was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ElZilcho, erinye, cpnglxynchos, retinarow, DrSAd)

So, Achewood is getting pretty surreal again, hey?

Also seems to be some sort of tit fixation going on.

(sorry for the double post)

Is that a bad thing?

Comment left by towl ignored.

Would YOU buy your mothers milk cheese?

To prevent anyone else from getting it, yes.

Yes I would.

A more pertinent question perhaps would be:

Would you sell someone else's mothers milk cheese?

If you saw the cheese of a good friend's mother for sale, would you alert him to the situation or just purchase it yourself and ensure immediate destruction upon delivery?

i would alert said friend. just imagine all the awkwardness of when your friend finds your bid, or worse, your purchase in your possession. (prior to rapid destruction, of course.)

however..how would you explain HOW you found your good friend's mothers cheese..?

"Hey man, I was looking for your mom on eBay and- what? Oh, I figured she'd be cheaper there. Anyway, you'll never believe what I found..."

i'm sure that conversation would have gone smoother if ray had taken the time to put on his telephone jacket.

And don't forget the martini. With Ray it's a mistake to 'NOT drink and dial'.

It is crucial that something fall off of the top of Ray's monitor.
For Gravitas.

I don't know who did [url=https://cgi.ebay.com/CHEESE-MADE-FROM-THE-BREAST-MILK-OF-RAY-SMUCKLES-MOM_W0QQitemZ300171154529QQihZ020QQcategoryZ10906QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem]this[\url] but you sir deserve THE BIGGEST CHUBBY EVER.

I don't know who did this but you sir deserve THE BIGGEST CHUBBY EVER.

(I don't know why everyone can't just code in Tex... or at least make the slashes work the same way...)

History: 5 bids

Well I guess Ray found a solution, because the auction's been removed.

When was the comic posted today? The timestamp on the eBay listing says "Nov-11-07 17:48:30 PST", so if it was posted before that... Onstad has FORCES AT WORK.

Alright people this is a thing. From detailed analysis of the seller's eBay account we have discovered that they probable collect NES games and own a Chevrolet Van. They also have bought a signal booster for some kind of modem, I think it's meant to increase signal strength in..rural...areas.

Nice Pete has discovered the internet.

O's said that the characters are such as figments of himself. i don't remember if it's just the cats that are that way or not but...could Nice Pete's section of Onstad have taken over to purchase all these things..?

i realize it's a ridiculous theory and yuk at it myself, yet i can't stop shivering.

Nice Pete has already discovered the internet . Does he drive a Chevy?

Looks like a VW to me .

Looks that way to me too but the alt text says 1961 Ford Econoline

A bidding war against Ray Smuckles?

We doin' this.

who won this item? Pls enlighten us with the deliciousness of the cheese when it arrives

professor h up there won it, but ebay removed it shortly after. some shit about violating ebay policy.

That's what happens when we don't use Platinum Reserve.

I hope this isn't a one-off. I have so many questions that shouldn't be left unanswered. Who put this up for auction? Does Ray's mom know about this? Is it really made from her breast milk?

I want to know how much it goes for. I also wonder how such a cheese might taste.

Girls like a boy that eats cheese, Raymond.

oh god ewww

I do believe your post is my favorite "avatar plus comment" pairing ever.Thank you.

That is my new favorite comment

Oh dear God.

A nightmare scenario.

A scenario that could only be made worse, ironically, by the addition of the Blue Badger.

Its ululations are the silent song of a man who must buy his mother's own cheese off of eBay, lest some cad lay claim to it first. It wriggles, watches, and waits.

Also: that should be undulation.

I was gonna say. Silent ululations are a novel concept.

One that demands further study.

I don't want to buy my mother's breast cheese. That's all.

Was a bad time to be enjoying a French Cheese flavored yogurt when I read this...

A lot of people are calling B.S. on that yogurt flavor.

I am one of them.

yogurt these days is largely nonsense.

He should be happy he chose this particular day to search for his own name; who knows what the consequences would be if Ray's Mother's breast milk cheese got into the wrong hands?

Does anyone else get the sinking feeling this may be connected, somehow, to Teodor's 'tit-staring' escapade?

I want some resolution to that little adventure before we delve any deeper into Mrs. Smuckles' lactations.

This is clearly Ray's karmic retribution for enjoying his friend go crazy from single-titservation.

Did you know?
Single-Titservation is the 84th leading cause of death for single male teddy bears between 20 and 30, just below malfunctioning dryers.

Oh. My. God. Ray's mama's cheese. Shit.

Don't forget, folks, that cheese is gonna be hell of raunchy. I heavily doubt it's seen as much as a pinch of rennet.

with some wine it would be awesome

Little does Ray know, the hippie grocery store around the corner sells Ray's Mom's Breast Yogurt - with chunks of real fruit and congealed breastmilk! Be sure to mix thoroughly before you eat it - all the good stuff's at the bottom! Num num num

This can be none other than the long-awaited revenge of the Ass Men, custom crafted to suit Ray's betrayal of their brotherhood.

The devilish bastards using Ray's newfound love against him!

Well played, Assmen.

Hey, Ray can probably pawn it off on Téodor for one of his fancy recipes, as long as he doesn't ask too many questions.

Or he can claim it's soy-based and supply it to Pat, thereby alienating his clientele, who will wonder why the "faux"-cheese they're eating is so hell of raunchy.

I gotta do this ex's mom's milk revenge tactic next time.

Judging from the real-life eBay history of the actual OrganizedMan, either Ray or Onstad (or both) is a fan of Man... or Astro-Man? . That is hugely wonderful news.

I'd believe it. I don't know if their sound has ever been described in greater detail in the strip, but I always imagined The Tenmen to be a sci-fi/surf band. Probably because of the way they dress.


Ray calls the CEO of eBay "baby girl."

The implications are rather startling.

Who's the seller? Bensington?

As I type this, the strip stands at a perfect 4 with 228 votes. Is that a first?

It was at 3.9 but I bumped it back up to 4.


Is there something specific about that combination of numbers, or do you just mean that it's rated at an even number without a decimal? There are several strips in the archive that have an even-number rating after a significant number of votes.

Pretty much 1 out of every 10 strips should be a whole number. It won't be exactly that of course, but it should be pretty close with this many strips in the population.

Yeah, that makes sense. Silly me.

No man should ever have to buy his own Mama's cheese. Or anyone's, for that matter.

check out what ray's ebay name is

Every once in a while I will come to think that Onstad has lost his edge. Then he will bust out with a strip like this.

This bidding war is going to be a who's who of the universe. Donald Trump? Ian Ziering?

Best Achewood in some time. Seriously.

This one made me throw up a little.

that's nasty

One of the all-time greats.

the fat content of cat milk would not be high enough for cheese.

Today's Blogs

Molly: The Achewood A-List! November 12, 2007!

heh, one panel later.

I thought eBay had a policy about this stuff.

"it's illegal" :)

This happened to me once. Hella embarrassing.