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Carl: A Fallen Friend Monday, September 15, 2003 • read strip Viewing 42 comments:

aw hell is that traditional.

When Beef says something is depressing, you damn well know it is depressing.

Castration is fucking terrifying.

Weird to see, even two years into the strip, that humans still have influence or direct control over the animals' lives.

Like the stuff about Ray's owner and his show-cat past, the 'lost cat' poster offering a reward for him and, of course, the fact that Ray got his bozack flayed, apparently against his will.

The other changes and evolutions in the setting and characters are easy to take in stride, but I find these references curiously jarring.
It's bittersweet.

All playing an old Sinatra 45 the dude was conceived to.

The bed was built in 1936 by the sweat of his grandfather's brow.

My parents' house has a harpsichord that was built by my grandfather and great-grandfather, from boards they made from a cherry tree they chopped down.

We're very traditional in our family.

A comment left by bug56 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, blacksheepboy, salvagebar, Wite_Rabit)

A harpsichord is like a midget amputee piano, and it ain't rad to be dissing the disabled, man.

A comment left by theoneyouwant was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, Thorfinn, TonyHighwind, Connellingus, aquamuffin, mustconcentrate, RogueCheddar, scott_335, puguglypress, Mastronaut, Centipede_Damascus)

Shut up you pedantic BASTARD, I'm nearly blubbering as it is without you pointing the obvious flaws in poor Carl's logic.

Flaws? Carl wanted a family. He wanted to be a dad. Why use an effective condom when you want to have kids?

A comment left by morelaak was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, Ebessan, wingspan)

this isn't the most awesome comment ever but Balrog makes me want to chubby everything you write

it is very symbolic

Conception by broken condoms is perhaps another tradition in Carl's family.

No one said it could be done.

Broken condoms are proven to lead to pregnancy almost 75% of the time. It is a fact.

You're getting a lame so I don't ever have to read this again.

I love how this looks like one of the 'funny pathos' achewood strips, but then Ray's "what?" just makes it collapse into absurdity...is Onstad subverting his own conventions here?

Actually, this was probably Onstad's reaction to the Beef's latest laundry list.

aw, beef's scrambled up sad face is killing me.

I know, his lower lip all jutting out like that. I also love Ray's almost crying hand gesture, so amazing (if slightly camp) that you almost don't look at his almost crying eyebrows.

Hell, Pat'd be the only person still annoyed about stolen baseball cards from childhood. He is such a dick.

Nuh uh, those baseball cards are probably worth a lot by now.

You can tell that Ray is almost crying.
Because he has waggly eyebrows.

Its not alt text its character development

Roast Beefs eyes in panel 5 are *awesome*!

ah...sheepskin condoms...

Ray is in panel 5. Your panel-count seems to be off.

Beef's eyes in panel six...

Beef and Carl must be hellaciously close if Beef knows all that.

They are hellaciously close.
They have known each other since small times.

Oh god bbcode please be my friend please.

Oh come ON.
Damn assetbar.

Oh god...I teared up...

Acheword, what does it mean when you care more for the mutual friends of two cartoon cats than you do for most of the people you interact with in daily life?

Well, it is more hilarious and better drawn, for one thing.

This is always the heartbreak we come up against when we ascribe human-style emotions to pets. Damn you, conventions of fiction!

I was at the WWII museum in new orleans and one of the exhibits was a pack of condoms

they used them to prevent dirt and water from getting into their barrels

people can think of good alternate uses for condoms.

Like safely handling a large electric eel.

I wonder if Carl can still sport wood?

Panel six is heartbreaking, if mostly because of Beef's expression.

man beef is just making shit up!!!!!!! lol