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What Do They Dream About: Téodor Wednesday, January 4, 2006 • read strip Viewing 64 comments:

That is a common dream.

Actually this is the most common dream.

Is perhaps most basic dream.

A comment left by weretrout was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Pumpinpedal, Vondicus, Appers, kestral)

MAN that guy is creepy looking. What is going on with his face?

He appears to be the lines of Alfred Hitchcock's face that he would walk up to at the start of the episodes?

YES! Brilliant. That just makes this dream that much weirder.

Gah! You beat me to it! But yes, I agree.


Alfred Hitchcock my arse. That guy is Pob!

Oh Pob, to think you were once so controversial. How televisual standards have slipped...


Heh, he lost.

T, don't take off your mouth man that is all kinds of rude.

it seems like T is much more fit in his dream than he is usually drawn

Teodor must dream in Mexican Magical Realism.

He looks like some blowjob from the Banana Republic

Teodor wishes he was taller. I wish I was shorter (6'5").

Dude, work it. Guys who are 6'5" make girls who are taller than average (5'8" and above) feel all short and girlylike, on those occasional instances where we like to feel that way.

AMEN! I am 5'11 and that is totally a thing for me.

I think one of the best notes hit is the alteration of the dreamer's name to one that people can easily pronounce and type on message boards.

They'll let you marry anybody in Hawaii! Anybody!

Anybody? Anything, man. I think a guy married a horse one time. And somebody else might have married a bush?

Practice animal husbandry!

Or animal wivery, if that's Your Thing.

This is disturbingly similar to a dream I had a couple of nights ago. Hm.

Wade has some fun little lips today!

This is an absolute classic

Let this be a long and prosperous series of strips.

Ohhhhh, those are candy wax lips!


...That was my literal, out loud reaction to this strip. Still, I love it, possibly because of that reaction.


This one freaks me right the fuck out.


I am with you 100% on this one.


Seconded. Went straight from "Eeee! Puppy tray!" to ".......!!!!!" to NIGHTMARES.

That is dog shit.



wait why the hell is his name wade hanson in the dream instead of Teodor? At first i thought that the executive was wade hanson but Ray is clearly talking to Teodor when he says that...

T is dreaming that his name is Wade Hanson. And that he has his dream job and is in great shape.

Basically the name represents an ideal that Teodor wishes he could embody.

But people still think he's gay.

What a strange anxiety.

I am somewhere between scared and scarred. But there's no way to make a hybrid of those words without making one the other. DAMNIT!



Everyone keeps making "omg that was the best onomatopoeia" posts. I submit that "sluck!" is the grossest. Makes my skin crawl every time I see it.

T�odor should stop watching Guinness World Records right before going to bed.

Screw that. I got to the part where the guy first comes on screen and the presenter's saying "You certainly can't tell by looking at him..." and then realised, shit, I don't want to see this. I can totally live without it. So, thanks, eca, but no thanks.

what do they dream of

argh that was supposed to be written in the "search strip dialogue" box..

Wait, why would you type it in the search box if you're already on the right strip...?

maybe he was wondering if there were other strips in this same vein like if it was a series of sorts

I have this one recurring nightmare where my face freezes up. It starts as a tingling numbness around my lips and suddenly my face is all contorted and frozen and I can't find a mirror but I know I looks like I had such as a stroke or unfortunate neuropathy. This has been going on since I was eight.


Oh hell of balls that is a Cartilage Head moment. Suddenly the dream version of Teodor becomes the top of a bowling pin with lip stick and a chin.

So surreal! A hidden girlie mouth! Yuck!

Even 59 year-olds can be disturbed by their first sexual experience.

This is the funniest thing I've read in assetbar in ages.


Did I miss something?



This is super, super, super bizarre.