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Satan Will Smite You...Where it Counts Thursday, March 3, 2005 • read strip Viewing 38 comments:

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by thedice, ezcmac, Howard, SenseiHollywood, unsentletter)

He'll smite you where it counts

" he shall... he'll...
he'll smite you...

where it counts "

Holy crap, I love this comic so much... with Phillipe's dancing, the diabeetus mention, Beef gettin' down with K.Burns, and Ray's slow cardio descent to the floor... just so much to love. Thank you Onstad.

Philippe dances like a little 19th century cabin boy.

Which is what he is, I suppose.

for those who care to inquire, where it counts is the sack.

it really is the worst place to be smote

indeed. thats where i keep all my feelings.

A comment left by cicadalek was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, kenthegod, yingkaixing)

A comment left by mortshire was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ShemmJacc, Deusoma, Madoushi)

who the hell did I hit?

Every time I see that.. I imagine Wilford Brimley has his own circle of Hell that's filled with all sorts of candy-sugary-sweet goodness.. and then I can't sleep.

That is definitely my kind of Hell.

This picture isn't much of a leap once you've seen him go nuts with an ax in "The Thing."

(That was a bad-ass scene, btw, all goin' crazy with a fire ax and then getting beat-down by Kurt Russell and Keith David.)

check it

god that thing rules.

Ray needs to work out more. Being possessed is like high-impact cardio.

Beef is not yet a good enough banjo player to fully exploit its potential for evil. He got no chops on that device.

Again with the diabetes.

Philippe's happy little jig is making me forget all of my troubles.

Cutest little dance of joy ever.

Right in Hit Location 10 he'll smite you.

I think this is actually the first in-strip mention of Diabetes. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Beef mentioned it previously as one of his neuroses.

Diabetes has been a running gag through the whole strip. Take a trip through the archives, its everywhere.

just like in real life

again with the chicken!

Do all of Ray's musical instruments come directly from Satan?

Yeah, pretty much.

Presumably not his childhood drum.

No, all BANJOS come from Satan.

I imagine that rolling in tubs of lice would be hella unpleasant. And I wonder who Ray is talking to in his Satan-sent ranting.

5'd for Philippe

Ray correctly surmises that not being him is quite enough qualification to be considered "unlucky".

Is it wrong that I kind of wish this is what diabetes was actually like?

really though i kind of think people would prefer it

So it'd be like Satanic tourette's?

Now I'll do a little dance

It's the five face! Even the movement lines!

ray seems to be affected by the evil banjo almost exactly like he's vomiting uncontrollably

it's like HUAUALULGUUGULGUH oh jesus christ i hate this process vomiting is the uh oh AHAUUGUGUGLUHULGUHU god dammit i'm not drinking again for the next AUGAUGUGLGULGUHU fuck BLEAURGH hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just gonna hold on to the toilet for the next few minutes