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Repeat of January 30, 2003 Wednesday, June 11, 2003 • read strip Viewing 18 comments:

A comment left by mr_wilson was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Mangtastic, wittyname, SotiCoto)

knowin the intelligence of newscasters, they'd prob'ly play it out like someone shot the shit

I can but wonder if Beef mentioned shooting as a serious solution or a sarcastic "what in the hell do you think we are going to do with it ray", and then just went with it.

You made this joke last time. That is terrible.

Probably because it's a rerun.

Reruns don't get 5's.

The first time through was worth a 5. Reruns deserve lower scores :/

total sarcasm, skiddy

I was so relieved by this comic to know that I'm not the only one who shits their bed every once in a blue moon.


Come on, don't lie. You've been shitting your bed every night for the past seventy years.

Every time I see one of these repeats I get confused. I can help it, there's just always a second where I'm all "wait WHAT"

Now this strip has been rerun, I can give it a 10. Yes!

Phillipe is so eager

I would have liked Beef doing a thoughtful cat 'sniff' wearing the beard in panel 4, as he is coming to the dreadful conclusion.

But surely it's funnier if he's just working it out from knowledge of Ray's previous form?

I agree. I think it's more hilarious that just because he knows Ray he can jump to the correct conclusion. I really want to know what his thought process is here.


(test test test)