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The "Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk" Guidebook Series Tuesday, August 20, 2002 • read strip Viewing 22 comments:

When you think about it, the Moon is a great place to hack websites. Who's going to track you down?

AOL apparently.

they'd know where you were but how many people have a rocket? the moon's IP is just easy to get banned. they could send richard branson for you i suppose.

This is pretty much exactly what I was going say.

Well that failed so heres the link on its own.

Ray reaches out

Ray is hell of irritated by Roast Beef's giggling.

Good Lord!

I love that "Cool! Which one?" is a phrase in the guide to computer lifestyle.

A comment left by mufferz was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Lumus, Axhoola, aHatOfPig, ASaltySalute4)

i'm using my first post to point out the quotation marks in the last panel..

And italics.

That is some stone-cold quoting Ray is doing there.

no, he looked up for an appropriate response to "i hacked a website"

I need that book!

I just love that Ray apparently had to use a book to know to say "Cool! Which one?". This strip should be rated higher for that reason alone.

I know. It got a 5 for me.


I have friends who need that book so I can talk to them.

I only gave it a 4 because it is setting up future awesomeness and effectively at that.

Great jacket, whatever happened to it?

I need this book. I think Ray's hypnotherapist got to me before I'd actually learned anything

Hee hee! That book is so uniquely Ray.... I want a copy, too!