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Badass Games, Car Quiz Friday, June 16, 2006 • read strip Viewing 54 comments:

A comment left by overmedicated was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tttt2, Theoban, _cheesekayke)

This is my favorite first post on Acheworld.

I imagine Ray and Beef speaking their lines in real heavy Badass voices.

Really? Wow.

D! D!!!

I don't know anything about cars, but how in the world did anyone get this wrong?

Hasn't there ever been that little voice in the back of your head telling you that you must drive the Weinermobile once before you die?

...Oh, that's only me? Ok.

Once Dave Barry picked his son up from high school while driving the Weinermobile.

I myself have had many a fantasy in which I graphically crash my car into the side of the Weinermobile. Intentionally.

It would be in all the papers.

Which car would you use to crash it?

Another Wienermobile, duh.

Don't cross the ... streams?

Going against all the caution instilled by his KGB training, Mr. Putin opts for the obvious sight gag and easy laffs.

His agent is turned, his network destroyed.

Good night sweet prince

Sic Transit Gloria Wienerus.


A carnival truck carrying the tunnel of love.

would t-boning a hot-dog shaped car be considered irony?


I have been in this situation.


Well, I'm guessing Pat picked D because anything with the word "awareness" in it beats out the other three gas-hogs.

Téodor probably picked B, as a running theme of his participation in the BADASS GAMES is his pretending to be a badass by trying to give Ray and Beef what he thinks they want.

Vlad picked A, because even though they are not speakink at Christmas, it was the first one to pop in his head.

Pat wouldn't pick a Bugatti because they have even worse gas mileage than Ray's Escalade . The Audi R10 probably has the best fuel efficiency and least greenhouse gas production of all of those vehicles, being a diesel.

There hasn't been a real Bugatti since WWII. Sure they bought the name, but Volkswagen will never have the style.

I'm not sure why you got lamed for this. I completely agree, the Bugatti Veyron is an ugly piece of trash. Pure technical and monetary wank.

Dogg I would think the Wienermobile is a diesel too, it runs on a truck frame.

Kinda looks like a bus frame when I saw it. It was a dark and stormy night in north Milwaukee. The fog from the lake had rolled in and ye could only see the break lights of the car ahead of you to avoid crashing. Then I saw 'er, something beside me the length of a bus, but without running lights along the top, and as it passed the street lights I saw that it was curved up, unlike any right vehicle should be. Then lightning struck nearby and I saw full clear, Das Wursthenauto, "The moving body of the sausage of Frankfurt", the Wiener mobile.

Teodor looks like he doesn't even know what the hell the Eliminator is. No-one is a badass who has never cruised, elbow out the window, with La Grange blasting.

Except Cornelius, I guess, that don't quite seem his style.

No clue, the answer should have been obvious the moment ZZ top was mentioned.

I don't know anything about cars either, I just want to know what month Lotion awareness is.

The Audi Le Mans cars are top of the line! They're everything you could want in a car! Shit I don't know why you'd choose anything else.

They are glorified electric razors, sir. The Eliminator is a car with soul, pure and simple.

the '33 may be the obvious old school bad-ass car, but I would take any chance I could to drive a Bugatti Veyron W16. Even if it had L'Oreal all over it. It's hard to take any mocking serious when you're going 205mph...

The answer is Wienermobile, correct? That's what I want to drive, man.

Beef is so intense with those pencils.

Those number two pencils.

I believe we already went over this gentlemen.

he's got to somehow match Ray's intensity in the Badass Games, no matter what it comes down to.

Like handing out pencils.

Cars are for going, not for stopping, as old Bugatti said...

I had to go with "C" from the start. That's one badass vehicle. The idea of a "L'Oreal Group Lotion Awareness Bugatti" is hilarious though.

Well personally I see nothing wrong with my personal preference, which would be the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile
But as always, science does not care about your feelings

You follow a Bugatti on the road, and then you notice two little nozzles coming out from under the plate. Seconds later, they spurt a large trail of white lotion-y stuff on the road. It is too close to swerve away, and you run into the slick, fully expecting the fluid to coat your tires and ruin your traction and send you careening off the road, possibly flipping end over end into a river.

But you don't.

The rest of the trip is the smoothest drive you've ever had; you barely feel the familiar pothole just off main street. You arrive home, and as you pull in the driveway, you think with a smile: "thank you, L'Oréal".

You're worth it.

Damn, this is some TIGHT fan fiction.

Speaking of Wienermobiles, read this .

This is a fun feel-good story involving the Wienermobile. (I'm dead serious; no sarcasm.)


That wiener story was awesome!

Shit, I wonder if Lindsey is old enough by now to blow MY Wiener whistle...

For me, it was a toss-up between B and C. I went with B, because I play a lot of video games that give props to high-class racing vehicles. Never considered the "street legal" angle. A serious oversight on my part. What good's a sweet ride if you can't cruise the streets for ladies?

... Those are real vehicles?

What now?
I've never heard of any of 'em.

The only one I'd ever heard of was the Oscar Meier Weinermobile. Even so, you can guess the correct answer, right? I mean, just the SOUND of the names should solve this one instantly.

I think I would honestly prefer to drive #3, as stupid as I feel by saying so.

Beef and Ray are so angry about giving this test.

That is so badass!

I'd take Beef's Galaxie over any of those

How could it not be the ZZ Top '33 Ford Eliminator?

I bet you cheated and looked ahead, L'Oreal-lover!