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Philippe and the Crab's Soul Wednesday, January 7, 2004 • read strip Viewing 77 comments:

Does the soul make it taste better?

It gives you the power of the Lobster.

Including but not limited to: Harder Shell, Clenching Skill, Aquatic Adaptation, Flying Hatchets, Ancient Pendulums, etc.

And a 1 to saving throws!

And Knowledge(aquatic)
Crabs possess vast wisdom pertaining to the deep.
(They know that they can eat plankton and scuttle.)

Also, it tastes like butter.

before i chubbied this comment, there were five green comments and then this and then five more green comments. now I have made a solid line of eleven green comments, and subsequently ruined it. the joy of the mundane

Don't worry, my Chubbies are set to thirty-three.

I'm pretty sure crabs would have Improved Grab. That way they can start grapples as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if they hit with their claw attack.

If it can get me to Cinnabar Island, that is all that matters.

which makes you stick to magnet

Chubbied, but that's lobster.

Wait, deimosrising said lobster. He was the confused one.

Eating the soul of a Crab gives you the power of a Lobster?

You of all avatars should know already

I do wish Lyle appeared more often.

Maybe, but I'd rather not see his mouth again. It's strangely large. Just like Philippe's crazy opening mouth.

It's actually one of the cruelest things Lyle has ever done if you think about it.

A comment left by huber was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, Dovey, Tinhand, twntysevn27, madnes, twohundredninety, sex_bicycle, foolio, chochacho, StagnantDisplay, rowboat, thunderbat, mustconcentrate, fattypneumonia, mystkmanat, kenyot, eRiUukFJk, Doc_Rostov, Wolfslice, clintisiceman, stormagnet, joamiq, STUART, Darthemed)

A comment left by dovey was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, Ariamaki, jollysaintpete, CanusDivinus, perhapsmaybe)

Hey. Even Onstad himself refers to characters by characteristic rather than name. Check all the alt texts saying such as "The fat cat..." and then beg for forgiveness for such a wrongful lame!

A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Ewzicyn, Deusoma, Ariamaki, crawfomp, CanusDivinus, tarnations)

Yeah you shouldn't forget his name

he needs the support at this age

he is five

I thought this was a haiku at first

You should not forget his name
he needs the support
because, the otter is five

Isn't that a nega-haiku?

'Don't forget his name
He needs support at that age -
He is five, you know.'

Heh, yeah. Turns out it's five-seven-five, so we're both wrong.

No, cagliostro is right and you're wrong.

Looking back at myself from two months ago, I can't imagine why I was so stupid as to say that. Maybe I was stoned. Yeah, I'm sure that's what it was...

I beleive, with haiku, the content is sometimes considered more important than the syllabic(?) formula. Neither of these would really be haiku, because they don't focus on nature or the seasons. Senryu is more appropriate, with it's focus on human (or, i guess, sentient-otter) foibles.

he can be a dick but that is why i love him

This is definitely in my top ten.

I bought this strip just for the "cracked crab dance" panel.

Otters love cracked crab. They eat it on their bellies while they swim on their backs.

Nearly as cute as this comic.


Philippe has elbows.

thats cool on 2 levels:

a] it appeals to my inner caveman because its the (result of that)predator vs. prey deal

b] it also appeals to my inner wuss because otters are effing cute

Speaking of, is this the first time I have noticed Philippe wear high heels?! How did I not know this?

i believe them to be special dancing shoes, worn only for the cracked crab dance. "here comes a special dance!"

onstad was reading the cider house rules when he wrote this

A comment left by relaxing was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, madnes, fell, Wulvaine, Quartzblade, Teabag_Mel)


This strip is a weird one; you could replace Lyle with Teodor and nothing would change. You'd need to clean up Lyle's diction in panel one, but still... odd.

Teodor wouldn't dick around with Phillipe like this.

He would also probably be bustling around the kitchen gathering various spices and side dishes instead of staring drunkenly at the pot and the happy otter.

But it's the only type of staring Lyle knows!

I love it when they mess with Phillipe.

Lyle is actually a soft-hearted tiger. He just likes to go on the piss. Who doesn't?

Lyle got a mouth for Christmas.

I'm A-OK with his eventual losing it, probably by way of pawn shop

i like the john irving's "cider house rules" reference. lyle is well-read, for a big ol asshole.

lyle doesnt read those kinds of books, doofie.

Lyle takes a single look at Phillipe

Thinks "Oh hell no none of that"

Ugh, when Lyle opens his mouth it's almost more disgusting than Phillipe's.

I love how Philippe has a "Cracked Crab dance".

Does he also have a pizza dance and a filet mignon dance?

He is an otter. Crab is an otter's favourite, if left to his own devices.

see hellofyellin's reply way on up there.

fukken phill is always startin new trends

"kind of if that's OK"

The crab's soul is a bashful one.

It and Roast Beef would probably get along well.

Hahaha, yeah that's the best part

YES. Plus, it is totally Mr. Hankey's voice that I hear in my head here.

<--- Allergic to shellfish. Cept oysters, oddly enough...

Aw, man. I'm sorry to hear that, that blows. At least you got oysters, though. Unless you don't like oysters, in which case you have proof positive that the universe is fucking with you.

Crabs are an insecure bunch.

hi, sorry for not replying earlier, but assetbar and I are just not talking. yes, "rosemary's baby" ^^ "everything is just fine, ros'mary" BULGE EYES

the soul adds hella flavor now what are they going to do

This needs a 5.

I don't really have anything funny to say, just that this is probably my favorite strip.

If I ever eat cracked crab, there will be a fiver-year-old otter dancing in my mind.

You mean you haven't?!

I think that counts as Circumstances right there, all by itself.

Every time Philippe is happy about something, the nearest character has to ruin it for him. Let us not forget the 99cent pen, or the micky mouse pancake. Philippe is funnier for the things that happen to him rather than the things he does.

My dad used to do shit like this to me all the fracking time. I cried the day I found out pepperoni doesn't grow on happy tress: it is dead, smashed-up cows with spices. I still believe in the Great Gopher Round-Up.

I'm just cracking myself up imagining Lyle's crab falsetto. I can hear it so clearly it's frightening.

Chubbied for the choice phrase "crab falsetto."

i really tried to do the cracked crab dance, but you see, it is so very hard to sing the cracked crab dance song. philippe is a very talented little 5 year old.

That is pure, unadulterated evil. I'm pretty sure I should never have kids.

I love Lyle.