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Under Philippe's Wing Thursday, September 19, 2002 • read strip Viewing 46 comments:

The Sistine Chapel of Achewoods.

If I were a woman I might be that woman

I am a woman and I am THAT woman.

Hey doll, is this guy boring you? Come and talk to me, I'm from a different planet!

You don't want any of that man she's from West Virginia

Just let me go grab my bag.

Mostly Harmless was pretty underrated in my opinion

I dunno, that one always freaks me the fuck out for some reason.

Maybe I shouldn't read it on PCP.

Maybe because MH was pretty fucking freaky. Maybe.

That and I think MH might just be the saddest thing.


The chubby has been reciprocated. Oh, and I got a book that had the first four (a while back) and I thought it was a complete set. A little while later I found mostly harmless and.. well I won't ruin the ending, but yeah... The End! No moral!

love your pfsc icon.

It is the result of the funniest thing and the saddest thing locking eyes over the magazine rack in the local supermarket

Oh god that sounds so awkward


I was kinda perturbed that they just offed Fenchurch right out the gate. I was like "But he was so happy..." It'd be like if Onstad killed Molly.

Note: The answers are "Yes it is" and "Yes I am." A chubby to whoever can guess the questions. (Hint: it's mentioned in another comment thread)

Is the name a reference and... are you that fictional character? Or "Are you that big of a nerd"

Ooh! "Are you playing me to find The Question to The Answer like I'm some kinda Earth or something"

Looking back, my above post has a douche tone to it, and i apologize.

The questions are "Is that your real name?" and "Are you named after that fictional character?"

I was trying to brag to some other nerds about nerdy things. Scientists have recently determined that this is the worst kind of bragging.

Of all fictional sci-fi type characters to be named after, that's one of the better ones, I have to say.

Imagine the poor kid whose parents named him Riker or Davros. Or Slartibartfast.

Oh, fuck. Should I not have named my daughter Slartibartfast?

so was Moistly Harmless

Is that the name of a porno?

Relaxing get's a big fat chubbie for the keen Hitchhiker's reference. You, sir, rock.

Sigh. Prepare to get estalked, Liz Jones. Don't you know better than to be female and be on the internet, not to mention claiming to be attentive to the Needs of Nerds?

Philippe is the best friend a guy can have.

Phillipe is so rad

chicks dig outer space.

A comment left by achewoodno1fan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Tinhand, RiazM, madnes, entropyends, Thorfinn, Jesler729, thunderbat, hikikomori, farqussus, Semiquaver, Johnnyrocker, sigmacoder, Hyetal, Caeristhiona, Epicurus, nathanielperson, Mastronaut, cuneocapo)

A comment left by achewoodno1fan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Tinhand, madnes, entropyends, Thorfinn, Jesler729, thunderbat, hikikomori, farqussus, SatelliteTV, Semiquaver, Johnnyrocker, sigmacoder, Hyetal, Caeristhiona, Epicurus, nathanielperson, Mastronaut, cuneocapo)

A comment left by tinhand was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, tttt, goocifer, farqussus, SenseiHollywood)

He did go to outer space. That's undeniably a turn-on for nearly all women.

Astronauts get mad rutty on a regular basis.

It's true. According to Dr. McNinja, astronauts can win anything without even trying. Perhaps...even a lady's heart.

Likewise, a female Kosmonaut would encounter few obstacles on her path to my love.

It is interesting to me that, apparently, astronauts are assumed to be masculine and cosmonauts to be feminine. Because of girly communism?

Now I'm going to be more sympathetic to mad people I meet. Maybe they're telling the truth, but in my cynicism I believe them insane. Thank you, Achewood, for opening my eyes!

I'd respond to that ad

When I first read this I misread the title as "Under Philippe's Wang", and it was creating all sorts of chaos in my brain.

I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but I laughed harder at this Achewood than any other.

Panel three for the win.

Damn I need a friend as rad as Phillipe.

Damn Philippe is a rad friend =)

Everyone needs Philipe for a friend. He is the raddest.

Love of my life, would you like to hear about the time I took a holiday in outer space?

We all need a philippe in our lifes! poor beef it must suck to have a 5 year old take you under their wing to and sort out your love life

btw first post :D so hai everyone
