+8 -0
I dunno, Ray kind of makes alcoholism look rad. All getting business done while on his drink.
I dunno, Ray kind of makes alcoholism look rad. All getting business done while on his drink.
+23 -0
Beef intervenes because he would want someone to do likewise to him.
Beef intervenes because he would want someone to do likewise to him.
+8 -0
If Ray has it it's because it's rad, and if it's rad it's because Ray has it.
If Ray has it it's because it's rad, and if it's rad it's because Ray has it.
+0 -0
A comment left by vonpokemon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by hellofyellin, mattbeetee, GMM, mortshire, Courtland, Zippyllama, Xerol, Prine, ZedPower, TheSoulBear, Cicadalek)
A comment left by vonpokemon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by hellofyellin, mattbeetee, GMM, mortshire, Courtland, Zippyllama, Xerol, Prine, ZedPower, TheSoulBear, Cicadalek)
+13 -0
It is NOT rad.
It is NOT rad.
+0 -0
A comment left by zapatos was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by smallgods, heccibiggs, Mnemon, miaou)
A comment left by zapatos was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by smallgods, heccibiggs, Mnemon, miaou)
+85 -0
My dad thinks it's rad. We don't really speak.
My dad thinks it's rad. We don't really speak.
+31 -0
Craigola's working some rough chuckles these days
Craigola's working some rough chuckles these days
+5 -0
He's trying to get inside your head, you know?
He's trying to get inside your head, you know?
+8 -0
You think he's just giving Ray sass...but then you look at his face, and see nothing but concern for his best friend's wellbeing.
Achewood can be so damn touching.
You think he's just giving Ray sass...but then you look at his face, and see nothing but concern for his best friend's wellbeing.
Achewood can be so damn touching.
+1 -2
Alt text: "We are not sure if it is a problem."
Alt text: "We are not sure if it is a problem."
+0 -2
+14 -0
In college its called being awesome. At any other time it is called be an alcoholic.
In college its called being awesome. At any other time it is called be an alcoholic.
+12 -0
There is a time and a place for everything, and it's called "College".
There is a time and a place for everything, and it's called "College".
+0 -0
so sad
so sad
+4 -0
I know everyone has their own personal Achewood moment - "this is the strip that got me hooked," or "changed me," or blah blah blah. Well, this was mine. The end.
I know everyone has their own personal Achewood moment - "this is the strip that got me hooked," or "changed me," or blah blah blah. Well, this was mine. The end.
+11 -0
I would love a program that controls my drinking...right now I use "wife."
I would love a program that controls my drinking...right now I use "wife."
+2 -0
I use passing out.
I use passing out.
+1 -0
I tried coding my brother's drinking. It didn't end well.
I tried coding my brother's drinking. It didn't end well.
+0 -0
Beef only asks because he cares.
Beef only asks because he cares.
+3 -0
You know what, this'd probably be a 5 if it weren't for the last panel being repeatedly quoted or paraphrased on almost every single strip since Assetbar's inception.
Jus' sayin.
You know what, this'd probably be a 5 if it weren't for the last panel being repeatedly quoted or paraphrased on almost every single strip since Assetbar's inception.
Jus' sayin.
+14 -0
Do you think it is rad to have negativism dovey
Do you think it is rad to have negativism dovey
+0 -0
Well played, fineoakstructure. Well played.
Well played, fineoakstructure. Well played.
+1 -0
i would have used the phrase, 'a stick up your ass', as opposed to 'negativity', but i can be untoward at times.
i would have used the phrase, 'a stick up your ass', as opposed to 'negativity', but i can be untoward at times.
+0 -0
In my understanding the difference between a drunk and an alcoholic is that alcoholics go to meetings. I don't think Ray's parties fit the AA bill anyway. All such as hell of crispy Stellas and Kettle One. According to my best friend who is a massive drunk, to be a drunk you must be so drunk that on at least one occasion you took a leak in a dresser drawer. I don't know how true that is, but thank god I have never been that drunk.
In my understanding the difference between a drunk and an alcoholic is that alcoholics go to meetings. I don't think Ray's parties fit the AA bill anyway. All such as hell of crispy Stellas and Kettle One. According to my best friend who is a massive drunk, to be a drunk you must be so drunk that on at least one occasion you took a leak in a dresser drawer. I don't know how true that is, but thank god I have never been that drunk.
+0 -0
Yes Roast Beef, I do.
Yes Roast Beef, I do.
+0 -0
It IS rad to have alcoholism!
It IS rad to have alcoholism!
+0 -0
Hemingway had alcoholism. Hemingway was rad. Ergo, it is rad to have alcoholism. Squid toe roe.
Hemingway had alcoholism. Hemingway was rad. Ergo, it is rad to have alcoholism. Squid toe roe.
A comment left by deimosrising was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by choosebro, TacoBock, VictoriaW)