+0 -0
A comment left by caduceo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, straw, Norsef, sirhan_duran, AdrianMiller, Zefiel, apocowarg, silver_lake, tasteful, mawk, ppccd, riotdejaneiro, cryztal, Thorfinn, Vondicus, Mangtastic, BionicVapourBoy, Deusoma, EM2, tibcoolbreeze, sevenarts, aargh, CK421, gothfae, twohundredninety, purplehaze, kenthegod, kazad, leftsaidtim, StagnantDisplay, Plurabelle, Spenham, Jhunter, unalone, equinn2006, jollysaintpete, farqussus, Tagrineth, NDCaesar, DougTheHead, atticusonline, meowmix, JonMW, TollSchaft, Vee, JesseDaniel, Lumus, pete, luckypyjamas, huskemonge, RBisme, aHatOfPig, earendil, Njury, a-jay, orrrderup, mugi, mountain, Lokiamis, cathaoir, Tragic_Johnson, nutmeg, TheGreatestCape, captneko, erinye, Doc_Rostov, littlefatdog, Audhumla, hellabosque, clintisiceman, greyfield, JoulesIsEnergy, echidnaboy, bilingualmonkey, Mastronaut, cjfoster, ouroboros, tellumo, Dallovich, Archon_Divinus, icecube)
A comment left by caduceo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, straw, Norsef, sirhan_duran, AdrianMiller, Zefiel, apocowarg, silver_lake, tasteful, mawk, ppccd, riotdejaneiro, cryztal, Thorfinn, Vondicus, Mangtastic, BionicVapourBoy, Deusoma, EM2, tibcoolbreeze, sevenarts, aargh, CK421, gothfae, twohundredninety, purplehaze, kenthegod, kazad, leftsaidtim, StagnantDisplay, Plurabelle, Spenham, Jhunter, unalone, equinn2006, jollysaintpete, farqussus, Tagrineth, NDCaesar, DougTheHead, atticusonline, meowmix, JonMW, TollSchaft, Vee, JesseDaniel, Lumus, pete, luckypyjamas, huskemonge, RBisme, aHatOfPig, earendil, Njury, a-jay, orrrderup, mugi, mountain, Lokiamis, cathaoir, Tragic_Johnson, nutmeg, TheGreatestCape, captneko, erinye, Doc_Rostov, littlefatdog, Audhumla, hellabosque, clintisiceman, greyfield, JoulesIsEnergy, echidnaboy, bilingualmonkey, Mastronaut, cjfoster, ouroboros, tellumo, Dallovich, Archon_Divinus, icecube)
+13 -0
Okay, you don't like the arc, have you commented every damn strip with this same message?
Okay, you don't like the arc, have you commented every damn strip with this same message?
+14 -1
+0 -0
A comment left by nutmeg was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by furysama, magnificentpoof, achilleselbow, Satyr)
A comment left by nutmeg was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by furysama, magnificentpoof, achilleselbow, Satyr)
+39 -0
The reference you are missing is literacy
The reference you are missing is literacy
+3 -0
exactly, if only a guy knew about magical realism in literature
exactly, if only a guy knew about magical realism in literature
+4 -0
If he had just heard of it even. He doesn't have to actually have read any books.
If he had just heard of it even. He doesn't have to actually have read any books.
+0 -0
Come on, man, be fair, he'd have to have at least read three.
Hell of interesting arc, though. I enjoy it, but I don't start finding it funny until they start getting into the inventions.
Come on, man, be fair, he'd have to have at least read three.
Hell of interesting arc, though. I enjoy it, but I don't start finding it funny until they start getting into the inventions.
+1 -0
Way to reveal that you are of low mind, there.
Way to reveal that you are of low mind, there.
+1 -0
37 people disagree with you, none agree.
37 people disagree with you, none agree.
+7 -0
+0 -0
A comment left by jaredwilde was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Rhadamanthus, sevenarts, Scorpio_nadir)
A comment left by jaredwilde was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Rhadamanthus, sevenarts, Scorpio_nadir)
+0 -0
I really WANT to appreciate the surreal, but I sometimes have a hard time of it, since I like rationality.
Even though I don't always enjoy it, I can tell that Onstad does it masterfully, and I'm glad that other people get it more than I do.
I really WANT to appreciate the surreal, but I sometimes have a hard time of it, since I like rationality.
Even though I don't always enjoy it, I can tell that Onstad does it masterfully, and I'm glad that other people get it more than I do.
+3 -0
This is worse than my not knowing who Bella Lugosi was.
This is worse than my not knowing who Bella Lugosi was.
+3 -0
No, it's not.
No, it's not.
+0 -0
Yes it is.
Yes it is.
+0 -0
A comment left by hellabosque was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Jesler729, n00b, _cheesekayke, NDCaesar, Lumus, Jeef, achilleselbow)
A comment left by hellabosque was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Jesler729, n00b, _cheesekayke, NDCaesar, Lumus, Jeef, achilleselbow)
+7 -0
waldo klaus nomi
waldo klaus nomi
+3 -0
Lonis is so happy to see you!
Lonis is so happy to see you!
+4 -1
The first Achewood strip I saw. I had to finish the story, as bizarre as it was. And I've been hooked since.
The first Achewood strip I saw. I had to finish the story, as bizarre as it was. And I've been hooked since.
+1 -0
This is a very good strip, and I am sad that it is so lowly-rated.
This is a very good strip, and I am sad that it is so lowly-rated.
+4 -0
Somehow: the best part of this strip is (to me) the little dime-sized sun in the upper air, there in the first panel. Speaks volumes. Sings in the key of soul, you might say (I wouldn't, but hey).
Somehow: the best part of this strip is (to me) the little dime-sized sun in the upper air, there in the first panel. Speaks volumes. Sings in the key of soul, you might say (I wouldn't, but hey).
+0 -0
I second this. Reminds me of days when they seem to hum. I can't really explain it.
I second this. Reminds me of days when they seem to hum. I can't really explain it.
+0 -0
i read that as "dime-sized nun ." The odd part is that that made sense until I scrolled up to check again. Just thought you ought to know.
i read that as "dime-sized nun ." The odd part is that that made sense until I scrolled up to check again. Just thought you ought to know.
+21 -0
Today's Blogs
Philippe: I got a buck!
Nice Pete: A complicated gay man sold me a sandwich.
Little Nephew: da nhoo jabbah
"Krunk Drunkle Ray been hellz 'a some Niggard Lee at me l8ly, all sayinz' sum softserveproduktdatcomezouttahizazz 'bout response-ho-billity."
Today's Blogs
Philippe: I got a buck!
Nice Pete: A complicated gay man sold me a sandwich.
Little Nephew: da nhoo jabbah
"Krunk Drunkle Ray been hellz 'a some Niggard Lee at me l8ly, all sayinz' sum softserveproduktdatcomezouttahizazz 'bout response-ho-billity."
+3 -0
Wow. This Nice Pete blog entry is wonderful.
"He prepared the sandwich well and something about him fascinated me. He wore his jeans in the modern low style where there is a hint of backside, and I was interested in that. I did not know how much he meant to show me, and that raised questions. You will know what I mean when I say that the sandwich is not where I will stop knowing him. I want to know what he meant by those pants and that coquetry. I think he meant quite a great deal, and I think he was out for adventure."
Wow. This Nice Pete blog entry is wonderful.
"He prepared the sandwich well and something about him fascinated me. He wore his jeans in the modern low style where there is a hint of backside, and I was interested in that. I did not know how much he meant to show me, and that raised questions. You will know what I mean when I say that the sandwich is not where I will stop knowing him. I want to know what he meant by those pants and that coquetry. I think he meant quite a great deal, and I think he was out for adventure."
+1 -0
You there! What do you mean by those pants !?
You there! What do you mean by those pants !?
+3 -0
The 4th to 7th panels are a really neat effect. A nice diegetic paradox, if you will.
The 4th to 7th panels are a really neat effect. A nice diegetic paradox, if you will.
+0 -0
[last two panels]
[last two panels]
+0 -0
man don't smile at me like that I aint got no business with you none atall.
man don't smile at me like that I aint got no business with you none atall.
+0 -0
That dude looks like a Dr. Seuss character
That dude looks like a Dr. Seuss character
+7 -0
I joined the Army, and was in basic training when this arc went live. I had worked out a deal with my girlfriend at the time where she would print out the comic and send them to me, hidden amidst the standard loose-leafed missive.
Jesus crap, for months until I got home I only assumed that she'd been messing with me, and writing the strips herself.
I joined the Army, and was in basic training when this arc went live. I had worked out a deal with my girlfriend at the time where she would print out the comic and send them to me, hidden amidst the standard loose-leafed missive.
Jesus crap, for months until I got home I only assumed that she'd been messing with me, and writing the strips herself.
+0 -0
Why are people so fricken anal about everything.. It's part of the fricken story. Get over it.
Why are people so fricken anal about everything.. It's part of the fricken story. Get over it.
+0 -0
This is actually the first achewood strip I saw. I came into it with no context, but I did laugh at the last panel and continued to read the comic. So, yeah, I think this arc is funny. Not that it has to be to be good.
This is actually the first achewood strip I saw. I came into it with no context, but I did laugh at the last panel and continued to read the comic. So, yeah, I think this arc is funny. Not that it has to be to be good.
+0 -0
Ray's eyebrow in the last panel defies the laws of physics.
Ray's eyebrow in the last panel defies the laws of physics.
+1 -0
+0 -0
Lonis' security system is to have intruders exit the building when they enter the door.
Lonis' security system is to have intruders exit the building when they enter the door.
There's something really effective about the last two frames of this comic. At first I was like, "Why'd his suit get lighter in the last panel?" But now I think it adds some subtle effect. It's like he flickers in the last two frames.