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Nice Pete Thursday, April 3, 2003 • read strip Viewing 121 comments:

A comment left by nyu was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mikebox, Michaelangelho, varnish, motts, Ubermensch)

A comment left by william was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dracer2, LiquidCruelty, pogo)

A comment left by shmuckeles was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Nessotron, dracer2, LiquidCruelty, pogo)

80th chubby to the man, that if he is telling the truth, deserves one

A comment left by ninjaein was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, dracer2, LiquidCruelty)

A comment left by catgrl131 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by daidai, kenthegod, mercuri0us, antecen, dracer2)

A comment left by falala was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Mangtastic, jay_wish, robbingdog, farqussus, NDCaesar, Sweetlips, mystkmanat, theplaidknight, PoodleLucy, clintisiceman, holly_golightly, I_Love_Kate, Satyr, LiquidCruelty)

In the avatar, the Enzyte man displays the size and rigidity of his member. It shocks these Sailor Scouts.

That part I got (and it was funny), but why the lemonade lady, then?
(Sorry for being dense)

I dunno. She's the Enzyte guy's wife in the commercials. I assume she is there for Added Humor?

I'm a year late, but she's there because she was there in the original commercial, and the sailor scouts are just added on.

I went to give the first post a chubby, only to realize that my past self had already done so. Well done, self.

Been there. Done that. Was also smug.
Chubb for you too.

Just did the same exact thing, on the same exact post.

150th. this guy is going to the moon!

Ninety-five! Let's see if we can get the man to 100.

Got it to 100

111 chubbies

192 damn, this is thread is full of chubby.


People have long since stopped counting (420, btw) but I love the comment/avatar synergy. Phillipe could be playing a mean game of poker right now.

This was a triumph.

you are welcome for the 121st chubby. there you go.

135, for the sheer novelty of it and not out of any actual belief that the comment, while amusing and impressive if true, warranted that amount.

A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by FVVS, professorhazard, Overmedicated, envika, aargh, rude_mechanical, n00b, NDCaesar, Crater12, theplaidknight, Windex, vucubcaquix, holly_golightly)

A comment left by envika was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by goocifer, clintisiceman, Satyr)

You know, I was thinking that too. Not only that, but it's funny how everyone has documented the number of chubbies as it climbs. I get it. I get that if there are now 277 chubbies, there would have been, at one time, 276, 275, 119, 47, et cetera...

My faith in humanity has actually been shaken by the fact that such a comment could garner three genuine lames from three, seperate, real people.

Maybe it's when you get right down to it this is one of the Seven Unforgivable Assetbar Tropes (I SAY THIS ALL THE TIME NOW)

trashy lingerie stores sell sheer novelties

160th chubby, bam

167, Fuck thats a lot

Jesus Christos guys, thanks for the 177 chubbies.

Proud to say that I brought you 1/177th of your joy

#180, buddy. Do you think we can reach 200?

191. Am I doing it right?

220. I just hope that one of those roommates fey-ley screamed "FAB-U-LOUS!" and jumped your bones.

As much as I'd love to give you a chubby, I can't bring myself to break 222. It's such a pleasing looking number.

the number two is great. that it was in a grouping of three was not so great.

226. booyah.

230, bitches.

135... and I didn't even find it that funny.
I just want to be included.


I registered just to see this legendary comment

287 freakink chubbies for man who scares many children...is so good.


I am so behind.

301, i feel the same way

Motherfucking 338, chubbies. The brother's looking down on us from the Moon.

350, i guess we may have a thing here

394 chubs, only 6 more



Is this the most chubbied post? I ask out of genuine curiousity.

Two plus years later, I still say that it fucking better not be. That would be an insult to all the really genius shit that has gone on here.

Let's be honest, when you have a mustache like that, you might as well just let it all ride on the first impression.

When people want to know what "Faulkneresque dread" is, I point them to this strip.

it that what that is

I get the feeling Nice Pete's brain sounds a lot like Judge Holden from Blood Meridian.

I am suddenly far more amused than I was before I read this comment. A chubby to you for making me laugh awkwardly and uncomfortably.

It's what I do.

This strip is actually more interesting now that we know what Pat's actual answer to that question is.

are there other early hints at Pat's persuasion?

There's his hatred of Arthur and Mr. Gary - homophobia as self-defense?

The only problem is that Pat isn't gay yet. Remember, he TURNS gay as the result of a family curse.

Well at the time of that arc, Simon mentions that the birthday in question was three years prior to said arc.


Thank you!

The careful reader will see that the strip is fairly larded with jabs at Pat's defensive prissiness, which now can be read as foreshadowing.

Best character introduction ever.

Heck yes! :)

i don't know what answer would be in a pat's best intrest, saying that man kisses are ok, or enraging him saying that they are bad

Where is the retardo post on this one? Is he dead?

Please say he's dead.

This is exactly how I imagine going to prison for a serious crime would turn out for me.

best opening line ever

Apparently "nice to meet you" just didn't cut the mustard for Nice Pete.

He's testing Pat. If Pat answers wrong he loses his liver.

or his lips

what good is a phone call if you are unable to speak?

Pat has no mouth, but he must bitch.

what good is kissing another man if you've got no lips?

Easy: you still get to smell his fear.

i for one would find such a greeting very stressful, particularly under the circumstances. then again, his name is "nice" pete so ...

Better to give an accurate impression than necessarily a good one? A man to be admired
except such as the whole murder thing

Cat cop/judge with the shades is awesome

Pete's pupils are undulagting.

I used that line on some guy who was sniffing around my fiancee...

When I encounter a smug dude with a smoking hot girl I go to great pains to overtly stare at the dude's package and pretend that the girl doesn't exist. As a straight guy I find this empowering ...

Of course, we now know that Pat thinks that it is okay for a man to give another man kisses.

I get it. Because he is gay.

Someone sure is saucy today!

that is one cheerful guard.

"Hell~o Pat Reynolds!"

For some reason, the single "Pat" word balloon in the fifth panel is extremely creepy.

In my mind, Pete has the voice of Mr Rogers. I can't help it.

In my mind he has kind of a regular, rough voice, but he speaks in a very calm tone. Until he freaks out, of course.

I imagine him as having a slighty melodic, high and airy voice. I agree with the calm tone though.

oh man there goes my childhood THANKS

so, did nice pete know? does he have some intuition that pat is gay?

This strip is on my bedroom door.

You are one creepy motherfucker. But your icon is Mr. Yuck. IMy soul is conflicted-- I fall to the floor in agony.

You take 1d4 of fall damage.

5 for the introduction of Nice Pete.

And for the phrase "give another man kisses"

Nice Pete, a man of little punctuation

Just to clear up any confusion, Nice Pete is not gay. He merely finds the very idea of women revolting and understands male friendship in much the same way that the ancient Greeks did.

Tonight we sodomize in hell!

You didn't have to type this message and you didn't have to use bbcode crayons but you did both of those things

I'm not a smart man. But I know what love is.

Forrest Gump is always worth a chubby.

I would run into the arms of Charlie Manson, Herman Goering and those Westbotro Church freaks to get away from Nice Pete.

Are you a gay Jew who is heir to a newspaper fortune?

okay, i'm sorta stoned and this is just hilarious as hell

The creepiest story arc now begins!


Apparently you've never heard of our friend Cartilage Head.

Dude what the fuuuuck.

This is like coming seeing someone wearing your same shirt in a train so that you can't get away from one another.

I said this about Chucklebot but I am saying it this time and I AM MEANING IT: This strip introduces my least favorite character of all time of any comic strip.

Why don't you like that jail guard?

Just every god damned thing about him. I look at him and I'm like, "Jesus. Why did Onstad even waste time drawing you? You weren't worth the finger strength."

How about the sublte dissolution of the justice/judiciary/penal system. One panel in. Anyone?

i feel like there should've been a panel of silence before Pete says anything.

still, Onstad def knew exactly what this caracter was going to be before he appeared.

Considering the most recent comic (i.e. Nice Pete driving around a trapped Teodor and Nathan the elderly homosexual), this is almost foreshadowing.

Also, Pat now likes the penis.

I just clicked random from that and got the one where beef talks ray into sparing Pete (chess/whack a mole) then again and got this one. It's like assetbar is giving me a nice Pete Review. It's two distinctly different kinds of creepy in one. On top of that, I've been sitting still long enough that the automatic lights shut off, and I just now learned that taco bell has plans to start selling actual tacos. Were through the looking glass here people. Or at least I am.

Is there broken glass and blood on the other side?

Glass and blood and tacos. Open late for Fourthmeal!

the beginning of a beautiful friendship :D