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Ray wants weed from Téodor Friday, January 5, 2007 • read strip Viewing 77 comments:

A comment left by shmuckeles was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Norsef, hellofyellin, kenthegod)

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Lacool, DomainAvailable, cheesegod)

I raise two fists of enthusiasm for Ray's one.

Right on Ray. The last two panels represent my inner feelings whenever a friend tells me they have weed and want to smoke. I pretty much think (to quote the next strip) "Hooray for some guys."

Chubby only for the Frisky Dingo reference.

At the risk of sounding trite, what could possibly be better than burning one with Ray Smuckles? Put on some Toto, get him reminiscing about small times, maybe win some money off him in a friendly match of Nintendo Golf, & settle down with some chilly Stellas and a copy of Road Warrior. Sort of like if my stoner friends had mad dough and were anthropomorphic cats.

Nintendo Golf was/is the least forgiving game ever. There is no such thing as a friendly game of it.

Maybe he was talking about Wii Golf?

He's clearly talking about mario golf. The nintendo golf game that will forever live in infamy for the ability to hit the d pad and repeatedly make really annoying noises while your opponent is putting


God that was fun.

Only if you're talking about multiplayer.

If Echo the Dolphin had been multiplayer, I would be in jail right now for multiple counts of homicide. It took being dumped by my first girlfriend and having to live with her for another month past that for me to complete that damned game.

My hat is off to you, my friend. I could never fucking finish Echo. If it were multiplayer, I can only begin to imagine the carnage.

I never had this problem. I knew in my core that I should avoid playing a video game about a fucking dolphin.

Fuck all y'all you guys should know it's Ecco the Dolphin and not Echo.

That game ruined my childhood even! I mean you start out as a happy dolphin all talking to your dolphin friends and then this tornado comes up outta nowhere and then you ain't got shit.

On a similar note, Disney's Adventures in the Magic Kingdom was a curiously difficult game, given its target audience. I finally beat the fucking thing, but it took a long time and it wasn't easy.

Odd. I remember it as being an incredibly easy game. Specifically that I rented it one morning, took it home, beat it in a few hours and was able to take it back to the store and get a new game from them because it was so damn easy.

Weird, but true. It's a strong memory of mine for some reason.

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Norsef, riotdejaneiro, Mangtastic, eatmorekix, qwertycat, TonyHighwind, hrbobhope, JesseDaniel, TheGreatestCape, usversusthem, Doc_Rostov, Audhumla)

you are an angry man

Getting stoned demands cannabis. That is all.

Nothing on earth demands posters on walls and Tool music except maybe a junior year of high school

Meh. There's nothing wrong with Tool that ignoring its fanbase can't fix. On the other hand, your "saddestking in his own words" comments is the most beautiful statement ever.

Except, you know, the other, similar, statement.

I think you are maybe confusing the herb with something else. Something that makes you see shit.

The alt text is the best.

for those who don't want to go look it up: "Ray has a crush on being high pass it on"

This alt text along with this strip really changed the way I think about liking and disliking things that aren't people.

I love when the silent panels are equally as funny as those with dialogue. The surreptitious backwards glance, the upraised fist. Classic.

surreptitious backwards glance? seems to me he's just got a chin-drop eyes-buggin like his dream just came true. TOTally had his day made by that comment. me too

Did anyone else hear Simple Minds playing in the last panel, or am I crazy?

I'm with you.

Is Teodor breathing fire in panels 2 and 4, or is it just cold outside?

Those are smoke signals that tell the nations how greened up he is.

The fist thrust in the air is the best part.

See, this is why Ray is awesome. He has all the money in the world, can do whatever he wants, and yet his friend having weed is what makes his day. Awesome.

I don't know, that says to me he's pretty cheap. I mean, he could probably buy a medium-sized Hawaiian island and devote it entirely to the cultivation of marijuana, yet he has to bum it from his at best lower-middle-class friend.

As I learned from Bill Gates via the Simpsons, nobody gets rich by writing a bunch of checks. Especially if they're for weed.

Ray could get rich by going to the lavatory. He probably has. The man finds money everywhere he doesn't look for it.

Indeed he has.

I knew we kept you around here for a reason, tekende. Have yourself a chubby.

Uh, you know what I mean.

Oh neat! Fifty bucks!

Not found.

Teodor always has interesting things to say about Nice Pete.

What *is* kingston sideburn? google search reveals only references to Achewood, and I'm a lamer who doesn't know the cannabanoid lingo....

Possibly a specific breed/kind of weed. Go with the context, it's what i do and what allows me to understand Achewood despite not even being amerikan.

it is a fictitious strain of weed.

This is the only explanation I can find.

There should be a wikipedia article: Fictitious Strains of Weed.

It would probably get nominated for deletion within days by a few asshole users/admins and their sockpuppets. What I am saying is, wikipedia hates fun.

As Kingston is in Jamaica, and Ray mentions it by way of saying that he is not picky, I figure Kingston Sideburn is whatever ambient weed could be plucked from a Rastafarian's facial hair on an average day.

Perhaps Ray believes that the residents of said town normally keep a joint tucked in their ear like some people would keep a pencil or a regular cigarette. I've never been to Jamaica, let alone this town, and I don't believe that said people would tote their green in such a manner. However, I can see Ray believing that Kingstonians do such a thing.

Not to knitpick.. but wouldn't they be called "Kingstoners"?

Kingston-ites, I think

not to nitpick, but you spelled "nitpick" wrong

While we're nitpicking, you used 'wrong' wrongly.

I was being a dick but you are being even more of a dick.

Interesting! What metric are you using to calculate 'more'?

The fact that your mistake was pointed out, rather than someone else's?

Also, your use of 'was' is ambiguous. Are you suggesting that you're not being a dick in your most recent post?

I'm sorry, no hard feelings were meant. I thought my original comment was funny when I posted it, but when I stumbled upon it recently I was embarrassed, as I perceived it as kind of a petty, rude thing to say (I have been accused of being an asshole about other people's linguistic mistakes in the past). So, this was merely a case of seeing my own perceived faults in another. Your comment was funny, I shouldn't have said what I did.

Jeez, reading over this post I guess I make myself sound like even more of a dick.

No dickishness here, excellent fellow.

A fine day to you!

I am a lady, but thank you all the same!

Aww, you two should be in a sitcom as mismatched roomates who make each other SO MAD but underneath that really care about one another.

That position is already filled in my life. Well, she's not my roommate, but that's pretty much how it is.

pot joke.. for those who missed it.. namely .. whoever lamed me.

Excellent inference, IMHO.

Two of Ray's other suggestions refer to byproducts of weed - shake and 'kief' (a US misnomer for resin glands based on the fact that the Moroccan term for cannabis foliage is 'khif'), so a Kingston Sideburn seems most likely to be reclaimed cannabis of the type you describe.

Too awesome to not be true.

Weed: it's what's for dinner!

I love this line.

I love the one after it, myself.

"Puff, puff, puff. Oh me, oh my."

Hahaha I just love the strips where they burn one. Just makes me smile. Onstad's got the lingo DOWN!

I hate weed but DAMN if Achewood doesn't make me want to "burn one"

Yeah, I ain't on the level after toke, but reading achewood makes me want to echo the only research Jeff Bridges did for his best role, "Did the dude burn a jay on the way over?" and answer with a fervent "yes"

Hahah yes! I just read that quote on the wikipedia article for The Big Lebowski yesterday, made me really happy.

Why have I never looked up TBL on Wikipedia before?

The hell, man

Oh me, oh my.

i've got a crush on being high, too.

Best achewood? It's up there.

I love how surprised Ray looks when Teodor is ultimately down.

Oh my god the last time I had Kingston Sideburn...such times.

T�odor knows how to keep Ray in suspense.

Ray was not expecting Teodor to agree -- but when he did, there was only one medium with which to express his enthusiasm

man I've been saying people have got a crush on things that are atypical for years before Achewood did it

now I just look like a douche :(