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Some Subway Would Punish Thursday, February 6, 2003 • read strip Viewing 33 comments:

The cats were so excited they drove 240mph the rest of the trip.

I believe it.

A comment left by alejandroadam was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Nasir, king_of_pwns, VictoriaW)

I love the Italian BMT so much it hurts sometimes. In my stomach.

Parmesan oregano bread is the best they have

Yes I get double meat double cheese BMT's, evtra mayonnaise. The sandwich would weigh 5 pounds. I am going to die soon.

its funny how, they advertise their sandwiches as part of a good diet and low in calories and stuff, but when people go and put extra this and extra that on, it ends up being no better than a triple whopper.

Is such a good sandwich, Beef.

Is SO good.

Banned in six states.

'hold on to your hangover' is the closest thing to a vocal meme I possess.

Speaking of "hang on", note the Galaxie does not have seatbelts.

Unless they're of the waist variety you sometimes find in older cars.

I've seen two 1965 Galaxies, both had lap-belts.

Case closed!

this strip punishes

Incidentally, Baked Lay's are freaking delicious.

They taste like Pringles. It's kind of weird.

Man you are really mucking through the past here. This strip is 5 and a hal fyears old, tombsgrave's comment is a year old, and he hasn't posted anything in three months.

This doesn't change the fact that Bakes Lay's are basically Pringles in a bag.

I feel it's important people know this.

you did all that research and math for what reason? you honkies have strange cares, i tell you....


I am enjoying the sub from panel 3 right now. It punishes.

I like how Bakersfield is "abroad".

It's much more polite than "middle of nowhere". Hell, from up here in SF Palo Alto is basically a distant place that may or may not exist and I'm in no hurry to find out.

bakersfield is abroad and LA is a straight-up whore.

I really want to punish an Italian BMT now but I'm broke. Gee thanks, Beef.

too broke for a $5/footlong? if you have paypal, ill spot you the cash, dude. retards shouldnt pay to eat.

The motion lines in the last panel effectively convey that the car is traveling at approximately 3x Delorean speed.

Aha! Now we know how they made it back so fast. They must have borrowed the flux capacitor from Lie Bot.

Subway sounds SO GOOD, even though I have balogna and bread at home and it's basically the same thing

except you might smile while you make it.

it would not so at Subway .