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Philippe Solves Homelessness Tuesday, August 24, 2004 • read strip Viewing 39 comments:

Look at RB's face as he says "racism" and tell me this strip is less than a 4. I challenge you to this, but you cannot.

Daaamn, you're right

His face is totally conveying that he is speaking in italics

all trying real hard
all forming the words

It's true, somehow you know the voice that goes with that face.

Also his shirt collar on about p3-4 looks like a little dang goatee. Which kinda looks hella sporting on Mr. Kazantzakis.

ya i think that something that is rarely mentioned outside of the comments on this sight, but ought to be, is that onstad is a really effective illustrator.

it's the Alec Trebec face

I must remember to enter a scene using "m'blokes"

Almost as good as m'buches.

Why does Philippe feel he has to wear a hat while being the President?

Otherwise you couldn't tell the difference between the President and a regular guy.

If he didn't my mom would think a talking penis was president. That's not so bad, but we don't want her getting the wrong idea.

I will give this much to Ray and Philippe: They have ideas that work. (In a parallel universe where bad ideas work, but nonetheless still work...)

See, now I don't know who's taking this campaign seriously.

I love Philippe's choice of the word "win" in panel 6.

Philippe is trying to bring classy headware back into the political arena.


Now that's the face that belongs on the dime!

Which, coincidentally, is how much the dollar was worth by the time he left office.

A comment left by samuraieaux was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, TonyHighwind, GMM, Spenham, biacat, xiaomimi, newwavepony, choosebro, NumberKillinger, stormagnet)

You're right, it's impossible that two witty people could have made this connection independently.

Which witty person besides Onstad made that connection?


Today's Blogs

Molly: Stand by your man...

I don't know if anyone realized this, but Philippe pretty much has the correct opinion on both those issues (assuming that his liking of Italians doesn't mean that he hates other races/nationalities).

I think it's just that he's nice. Being a sweet-tempered five-year-old and all.

Not all people are nice. Some people are Italian. If you accept these statements then you have to allow for the possibility that some Italian people are not nice.

Also, Mussolini.

Yeah, Mussolini pretty much wrecks Phillipe's theory here.

And let us not forget ruthless mafia dons.

nor Wario.

Yeah, FUCK Wario. What kind of asshole wears purple suspenders with a yellow shirt? That shit is fuckin' gaudy as hell.

They're overalls, but you get a chubby for the sheer vehemence of your statement.

Screw you, Wario. FUCK you.

I think Ray is a member of the same think tank that came up with the Gas Tax Holiday.

Oh snap I just got political.

I am considering voting for Phillipe then becoming homeless.

Thats it Philippe, one step at the time.

For anyone worried that Philippe's paper hat isn't suitably presidential, it's made out of the U.S. Constitution.

These Phillippe for president strips i love, because in every one Phillippe is wearing a different hat, and they are amazing. but still incomparable to the great moment in cinema with roomba. that is teh win.

I am probably going to get lamed all to hell for saying this, but the "Philippe runs for President" arc is easily my least favorite. That said, I appreciate that Onstad broke it up into smaller chunks and spread it throughout storylines. If it were one continuous arc I would absolutely despise it. As it is, it's just "enh."