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Parade of Mechanical Sex Thursday, December 16, 2004 • read strip Viewing 68 comments:

A comment left by deimosrising was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by FireAce, ishuta, Chetyre, littlecat, jdhenry105, cryztal, tttt, shrewbie, cryptfiend85, regrepnsnefpoh, jenever, sid, nutmeg, kenyot, Direhaggis, puguglypress, Panserbjorne)

Seriously, you guys? 6 lames? Man.

A comment left by semiquaver was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, 7th_shot, instantkarma, LordPretzel, Doc_Rostov, pquinn87)

gobberwarts isn't even a real word you probably aren't going to find it in any thesauri

A comment left by semiquaver was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, 7th_shot, shrewbie, tao_of_poo, Connellingus, RedMange, LordPretzel, amandulence, LaserBlade, patrickjs5, Direhaggis, Doc_Rostov, pquinn87, Satyr)

I once saw a thesaurus stick its junk into an electrical socket. It quavered semi-ly before gobberwarts paroxysmically spewed from its genital intermediary.

saying utilizing instead of using is the thing of what you saidery.

A comment left by semiquaver was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by goocifer, Gumfish, mystkmanat)

There is nothing good about what you are doing.

All nervously losing his tickle virginity to the lost episodes of Monty Python

none of you are clever at all

I chubbied it specifically for gobberwarts.

People hate to hear that achewood isnt always perfect

People are lame, pointing out things that are not right with Achewood shows you care enough about it to realise when it might be wrong instead of being lazy by thinking it is always right.

Well, I chubbied it.

Plus I learned a new word!

Why do the people in Achewood who need shooting, like the Taco Bell jerk, never get shot?
Where's the justice?

Justice is not comedy.

True dat. Comedy is often the height of injustice.

for me it was the last panel. i was all like "aw fuck no. no one treats my molly that way." bc i sorta have a crush on molly. which isn't weird.

The way Ray gives thumbs up and down even though Connie can't see is awesome.

The thumbs up/thumbs down really makes this for me.

Ray is gesticulating the positive and negative of his conversation. I like it (thumbs up)

the best part is that there's no real indication that Roast Beef is even there watching anymore. Ray is just acting like how he feels.

The second pillow on Cornelius's bed makes this for me, as do the lines on the back of his keyboard.

Not to mention the terrified look on Molly's face. Ah, the joys of food service.

I have to believe that Onstad watched a nasty customer berate a fastfood employee shortly before writing this strip.

I don't know wht anyone in California would go to a Taco Bell when the place is probably littered with real taco stands that don't give you e. coli. The best pizza places are always local, I imagine it'd be true for tacos as well.

Probably because a real taco stand wouldn't take shit like that.

california is lined with burrito trucks, magnificent marvelous burrito trucks. folks still go to taco bell because they don't trust the *trucks* to be sanitary, which is totally hilarious, because that means they trust the bell.

A comment left by pwb was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, molesticide, Audhumla, stormagnet)

We don't have burritos in Mexico, except in the border.

liar. i had a burrito the size of my forearm when i was in mexico. unless theyve gotten rid of them since 2000.......

They just didn't make economic sense with the new peso. It sucks, I know.

What about SaniTaco?

Freaking Rosa Maria's in San Bernardino!

I hated that freaking city, but I still dream of their guacomole.

Perhaps he himself practiced the fine art of beratement as inspiration.

Molly doesn't deserve to be hated upon.

The Customer is always a Dick.

No one should be a dick to a stranger ever!

Nothing will make you feel like more of a man than yelling at a young defenseless girl while she's at work. Good show.

Young? Dude, she's like three hundred.

Man, I'm really getting attached to the characters in this strip. I really wanted to slap that bastard in the lat panel, possibly challenge him to pistols at ten paces. Nobody talks that way to ... uh ... that anthopomorphized, illustrated cat ... character ...

I need therapy.

Same. I got actually angry for a second when I read the last panel. Who has volume enough in the bozack to stand up for the cartoon cat? Me.

Dzieger don't forget our therapy session Saturday.

Agreed. But if you wanna slap HIM, don't look at the alt text. It'll make you go on a spree of some kind. And it won't be shopping.

That guy is just lucky Roast Beef wasn't there. After his rages when someone insulted his Aibo, just picture what he would do to someone dissin his girl.

Say hi to Arthur for me guys!

last panel is amazing.

This strip is giving me horrible flashbacks of my teen years working in fast food.

When you guys post one right after the other I really have to do a double take.

I think they should do an ebert and roeper thing on all the strips. Mr. Ramone(y) weighs in with positive but uncapitalized sentence fragments, Pitseleh adds sniping and bad associations with his own life.

Ah damn, kinda like working at a DQ and having to fight with a customer who complains that his super dog is not big enough to show how big his penis is. Not that I would know or anything

Aha! I had been wondering why hotels provide that wireless keyboard. "The name of the movie that you are transcribing will not appear on your bill."

Coincidentally, the last panel is also how "Raunch-ero Sauce" begins -- which Cornelius is currently transcribing!

Pollice Verso!

The final panel is like a punch to the gut

Why do people have to be mean to cashier clerks and fast food workers and anyone behind the counter? You just forget that they're people I guess, so you feel okay abusing them? Showing Molly getting harassed and putting it in a really negative light makes this strip a total 5

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Mangtastic, 7th_shot, Nlaw)

Yeah the lame limit just punishes people who read a lot more strips. They should find a different way to administer that.

Like letting me make more accounts to get more lames?

.... Now I think about it, I'd probably just waste them on the same comments early on and run out at the same point.

On the flipside, sometimes I chubbie comments that criticise me or people who lame me... just for the hell of it.

Today's Blogs

Ray: Holiday-Themed Party!

Panel 3: Ray demonstrates the tele-thumbs up.

The Spice Channel treats its incoming close-captioned staff very well.

Don't that feel like distant memory...

"Rather dull rather quickly", using rather as many times as possible is an indication of class.

Molly is so afriad.

if roastbeef hears about this, that guy is going wish he was wearing his brown underwear.....

Somebody should take that guy in the last panel outside and kick him in the neck.

he is rude.