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Todd is on the Fuck Plan Wednesday, July 19, 2006 • read strip Viewing 141 comments:

i knew a guy kinda like todd. months after a questionable night, he still didn't know whether or not he had herpes. how do you not know if you have herpes? i guess by not givin' a shit.

i wasnt sure if i had the clap, twice

if gonorrhea is a piano, then AIDS is like a 28-piece drum set.

Crabs is the keytar of venereal diseases: you never see it today but it was big in the '80s.

A comment left by peterjoel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by jamb23, Norsef, riotdejaneiro, Vondicus, sevenarts, Ariamaki, Rykan, trisha, MortisInvictus, Stonecrab, RedGuy, jetsam7, LexSenthur, PoodleLucy, Rakadin)

I can't believe Todd's familiarity to vd got compared to being a piano virtuoso. That is Raw. That is awesome.

Wow. Just....wow.

chubby for earthbound avatar

This is hands down my favorite strip.

Daaamn! That answer could use some work!


that entered my vernacular big time after reading this strip

"Hey-o" is hella old school, Johnny Carson's boozy fat sidekick, Ed McMahon, threw it in whenever Johnny's jokes required it. Sort of verbal rim shot.

Often followed by an exaggerated grimace from Carson and maybe a few notes from Doc Severinson's band. Good times.

Leno- pffft.

that really is the best line of this strip. or possibly the strips within the radial convergence of 5.

Ask a guy who's just entered a relationship if he's lost a bunch of weight.

prayin' and sweepin', as opposed to just straight fuckin' all unprotected and everything.

that basically describes why todd is my favorite character. dude just don't give a shit. todd was my favorite since day one, and that TERRIBLE little man continues to claim the top spot.

godDAMNit, todd!

Being the Steve Irwin of getting STD's is a harsh life, but the rewards are great for those willing to run the course.


In Todd's favour, herpes is unlikely to stab you in the heart.

Balls. Someone did this joke just beneath here. Now I look ridonkulous.

This was about a month and a half before Steve Irwin died, just for the record.

A dark portent of things to come?

Fairly sure that it wasn't gonorrhea stabbed him through the heart.


Seriously, any strip in any comic that had the word hey-o! in it would be an instant 5. Too bad assetbar won't let me rate strips.

It would have been manlier than some crab-fish. Hell, Al Capone died of syphilis.

I was just about to make a "smote through the heart with syphilis" pun. I'm glad you got to it, oh, seven months prior. Chubby.

... except that wouldn't really be a pun at all. Just a comment on Steve Irwin and all the sexin'.

Dude, hella repsect for your avatar.

He'll kick you apart
He'll kick you apart

He'll save children but not the British children


I'm reminded of that show John Adams. I can't watch big kid tv in this building so I need to rent any HBO supershow that I'm interested in from the local Blockbuster whose copies of John Adams are always inexplicably rented. For whom in this stupid fucking city where you can't mount a satellite dish on the side of building would the show have even registered as it whizzed by Showtime's (?) programming schedule in the space of a little over a month? "Some prick," yeah, that's right.

there's something called the internet

I spent all Christmas break trying to explain to my parents what a torrent is... and then getting lectured about it.

... You're too old to get lectured about such things. Lecture them back. Threaten to put them in an old folks home or recycle them into dogfood.

Ray - who we all know is no prude - doesn't approve of Todd's consequence-free fuck plan.

Ray knows to put a jimmy-hat on his wee-wee. It's the equipment for the sport, and Ray is a player .

And his socks i.e. leg-warmers.

I really like the shift from exclaiming "Daaaaaamn!" to showing some friendly advice about how dangerous Todd's remark is!

Way to be responsible in light of the younger sexually active audience, Onstad.

Remember, kids: the only safe sex is no sex. ...ya fatties.

i dunno, i've be known to hurt myself once in awhile when i get too into it

Oh no! It says I've given out too many chubbies on this page. But this comment deserves one, too!

And he is the winner.

It's hard to choose which is the best Todd strip - this one, or the one in which he's being interviewed by Roast Beef?

It is not hard at all. The other one distill this entire strip into "Bitches gotta take their cunt pills! I ain't wearin' no gunny sack!" And then added bonus punchlines.

A comment left by tooth_brush was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Tinhand, FVVS, jrpigman, Overmedicated, layzerblade, Narcolepticdog, Deusoma, bug, equinn2006, Howard, lucidaconsole, Nessotron, le_chien_manquee, caduceo, godfatherofsouls, Magb, suprememongoose, dj_insomniac, cbtbone, Boredom_Man, prowle4763, anitrophaeron, Ikrizzle, echidnaboy, dj)

Shame on you.

I lost a lot of weight when I started fffuckin. This shit works!

A comment left by soylimpio was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by schadenfreude87, n00b, jocelynthepink)

I dated a girl whose guaranteed way to drop 5-10 pounds in two weeks was to stop taking her birth control.

I have purchased many home pregnancy tests, which I thankfully consistently passed. Maybe one too many knees to the groin growing up; I'm not gonna turn a good thing into a bad thing and thing about it too much.

you passed the pregnancy test?

you dated a girl?

she was on birth control?

something isn't adding up.

Dear. God. I. Am. Not. A. Religious. Man. But. Please. Help. Me. See. The. Connection. Here.

I'd chubby this shit a million times if I could.

Thank you. That is always nice to hear.

Make sure you look at the audience when you say that.

Also, you beat me to that other comment by three months.

I lost hella weight with zero effort when I stopped taking the pill, but it's not like a magical solution. The thing is that the pill makes you have more of an appetite, so it doesn't just conjure fat out of nowhere but it makes you more likely to eat more, and that's why you gain weight. Similarly, when you stop taking it, the fat doesn't just fall off you but your appetite goes down again.

With me this was also in addition to the fact that the reason I stopped taking the pill was because I broke up with my boyfriend, and we had a tendency to order take-aways all the time, plus his house was just full of delicious food. So the removal of these two factors from my life meant I went down a dress size in like three months without any exercise or effort to change my eating habits.

The moral of the story is: always break up with your boyfriend because like everything gets better. Or maybe that was just me.

Ladies who are reading this: if your boyfriend happens to be me, do not take this advice. Do not break up with me.

Other ladies who are reading this: go ahead and break up with me all you want as long as you don't value your ability to walk or eat things other than apple sauce through a fucking straw.

(The joke is that I physically harm girls who try to end their relationship with me. I've been in my current relationship for nearly three years. I like a lady with a sense of self-preservation.)

Not sure where I was going with that, but I totally succeeded in creeping my own self out on the internet. Sorry, all.

The real reason she stays with me is because of my humongous wang.


rowboat: he gets with the ladies but in the end they do not like him.

Also, there are restraining orders.

Worry not. I chubbied you for implied ultraviolence.

This is a non-ideal solution because it doesn't eliminate adipose tissue, but rather, mostly muscle, making it hard to keep the weight off (unless you die. Then you'll be really skinny, so there's that).

A comment left by sherwood was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by UntilYouAreSoNude, dwodles, Howard, le_chien_manquee, differentdog, wehavemagnums)

That's my weight loss plan too!
But I should start worrying about the herpies I caught...hmm.

If chlamydia was the heavyweight title Todd would be Buster Douglas, all surprise-upsettin' Mike Tyson in the 10th...

Wasn't it the second?


look it up...

Huh. What fight am I thinking of that was supposed to be such a great one but was over in what seemed like a minute and a half? It had to be a good twenty years ago.

pretty much every other Mike Tyson fight he ever fought...at least on the way up...


Would you really wear a shirt that said "Suckin' Dick Bought This Van"?

A comment left by huber was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by bug, lucidaconsole, differentdog, dj)

Touché, my friend, touché. Few Todd quotes would be suitable for t-shirt printing.

How 'bout "Bein' fat rocks!"

Yeah, there are quotes that could be worn even by kids, like "F-f-f-frickin' awesome!" But when I think of Todd, I think of rude. I think of a guy who's not afraid to be stupid. So we can imagine a shirt that would not offend your mother, your boss, your lover, and most of your friends; that would not at the same time embarrass and shame you into mending your ways, if only you had any sense or conscience, or if you could read. But calling that shirt a Todd shirt, well, that's like drinking milk from an Achewater glass. It would simply be a betrayal of the spirit of Todd.

Not that he'd give a shit.

Drinking milk from an Achewood glass would be okay, but only if you did it up proper.

Personally, I'd like to submit "WHOOOOO AMMMMM I?"

He Wanted To Know.

"Suckin' Dick Bought This T-shirt" i would buy and wear it whenever possible

it could even say "I been doin a lot a f-f-fuckin"

I guess by not giv in' a shit!

You guys hear Todd with a super-high-pitched voice too, don't you?

So many brilliant lines in this one strip.

And also he has a Brooklyn accent.

Definitely. Man, how can that even be conveyed to different people in the form of small text. I am astonished.

to me, todd sounds like butters from southpark, but angrier

Oh my god it never occurred to me before but that is SO TRUE?

Todd sounds like many of the characters featured in the Flash Tub animations on Something Awful in my mind. Particularly the ones with high pitched voices.

I imagine Tweak, because the cocaine makes him just as twitchy.


is it lame that i have recited this strip from memory to friends in real life? that is how i knew that todd had a high-pitched voice, because it is the voice that came out of my mouth when i called upon his spirit for laughs.

i, also, bear your pain.

I do hear high-pitched, but I kind of imagine in an Achewood animated series/movie, Todd would be voiced by Tracy Morgan.

"I guess by not givin' a shit!" is how I overcame my social anxiety. I now have more friends than I ever thought I would. Thanks Todd!

todd is so true to himself

Between this and his interview to be Phillipe's running mate, Todd is the Emperor of Terrible Answers .

Well, he has uttered some of the worst sentences in the English language, according to the magical realism arch.

Worms: like tiny, free steaks

He is also the god emperor of poon.

my brother in law caught the clap in germany, gave it to his girlfriend in virginia and managed to convince her that the insane itching was a yeast infection. well, until she went to the doctor, anyway.

...Why did your sister marry him?

Let's hope for "wife's brother" here; there are fewer choices involved.

Good point.

best diet. EVER!

fucking gets me every time! ill be thinking about this all day.

Alt Text: You guessed it: it's a Todd Got Fucked Wednesday. Tell your parents.

A comment left by fattybeaver was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dayvancowboy, lucidaconsole, spicyponyhead)

You're 22 and you got kids? Damn.

I had one when I was 22.
Haven't updated that since.

Todd thinks he avoids STDs by not caring. Todd also thinks that someday he is going to shank Santa in the ass.

"That answer could use some work" is one of the most diplomatic responses I have ever seen.

Todd should give inspirational speeches in high schools. He is living proof that you don't have to read or stay out of prison to be a master of many trades .

Wait, I mean he shouldn't be allowed near school grounds in his smack-running van.

the last line of this strip is probably my all-time favorite achewood sentence

Hell, it might be my favorite sentence of all time.

I imagine Todd to sound like Tweak from South Park, maybe a bit angrier. Not that I've put much thought behind it though.

either that or john leguizamo.

Exactly what I hear, I heard todd in my mind as annoying, but never with a high squeaky voice

especially when he was in er... all coked up and crazy

All strips that feature Todd are good strips. I dare you to show otherwise.

What is the finest sentence in the English language? "If gonorrhea was a piano, Todd would be considered a bold and unpredictable new talent."

i always read todd's voice as Ur the Mooninite from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

I love how Ray just casually bunches "things one might acquire from having casual sexual relations" into one line. Could be a game category!

Last Panel=Best Analogy in History

If your medical plan is not to get sick, you might be Todd.

When Ray says "hey-o!" he points down at Todd as if to say to others " this is the guy."

"I guess by not givin' a shit."

You know, I used to think Todd was being a smart-ass with that response, but now I think he was making an honest guess.

this is my very favorite strip.

Natural Gas Company
Amount Due: $125.32
Past Due After 2/12/08
Amount Enclosed: I don't give a shit.

This will work.

the not giving a shit philosophy has thus far worked for me
either that or i've drank so much that my little swimmers are no longer motivated

Today's Blogs

Ray: I'm just bloggin', you know?
Philippe: What did I eat?
Onstad: Yeah, I bought the biggest one. It's nice.

Is Todd's tail slimmer? From all the fuckin'?

I want that fifth panel on the booklets for my wedding.

*gives you the evil eye*

there is at least one joke in every panel of this strip. i think it might be one of my favorites for this reason alone.

pressing the '5' multiple times is not having the desired effect

Todd is like every guy you see on a park bench and is terrible , you just know is terrible that is why I love him so much

"I guess by not givin' a shit!"

Oh my God that is the worst possible answer in the universe

My favorite line from Achewood: "Daaamn! That answer could use some work!"


Molly has got Beef some nice new swim trunks.