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The most important email in the world Wednesday, July 13, 2005 • read strip Viewing 49 comments:

This is EXACTLY how I thought up to, er, age 13.

I can sympathize man.

Panels 3-6 basically sum up my experiences with computers until my mid-teens.

Down to the weird expression Phillipe's got in three.

of course it would be Cornelius who berates him in his imagination. (and in all of our imaginations, really)

Phillipe even gets Cornelius's vernacular down. Maybe a little less eloquent, but pretty good considering Phillipe is five.

A comment left by jhunter was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, mystkmanat, gorrioncita)

Ooof, rough chuckles.

you gotta be willing to throw it all away for a domestic abuse reference


hi jhunter, it is a year later and i want to know what is the way in which a woman who has just been beat up cries. xoxo gorrioncita

Words broken up in this email: h=elp, n=amely, P=RODUCT
Words not broken up: DRUGS, Viruses, ENHANCED
This spammer has strange ideas of what a spam filter might block.

That's because the equals signs are an artifact of line-breaks translated from one encoding to another one, not a spam-dodging attempt.
{folds arms smugly}

You are so ARROGANT!

Just wait until all your eurotrash characters become weird Japanese characters in the middle of your eurotrash words.

i kinda thought the = was like he went for backspace, and missed. i do that sometimes.

but then the sender would have been trying to advertise a roduct that would amely help with cancer etc

This is a real spam message (you can find it posted elsewhere by searching for key phrases), which is why the equals signs at every 76-character line limit (except for "ans=wer", which I'm guessing was altered for stylistic reasons) are appearing unstripped. If you're seeing this happening to you in real life, it's actually more likely a flaw in your e-mail client's handling of quoted-printable than a network node's sendmail mangling. Try another mail program, and if problem persists, contact your system administrator. He'll just fucking love it.

Ever have a Yahoo! email account? This spammer has a pretty good idea of what a spam filter might block.

Phillipe never ceases to amaze. He can recreate Mr. Bear's speech and probable reaction flawlessly in his mind.

hikikomori, to hear you i would believe you never were a child.

Poor Phillipe, at least he didn't cry this time.

Did you notice that the characters play sort of different familial roles to Phillipe? Cornelius portrays the stern, informative father, Roast Beef plays the worrying and supportive mother, Lyle plays the abusive older brother, etc.

I always saw Teodor as the mother and Roast Beef as the nice older brother, but otherwise you hit it right on the head. Ray would be the eccentric rich uncle of course.

Teodor actually describes himself (somewhat sardonically) as "big brother" in one of the blogs, referring to his relationship with Philippe.

nooooooooo that was a terrible decision!
gah, i just love how naive that kid is.

slowly moving towards 'delete all'

Philippe's hand is possessed of the powers of common sense... even if he doesn't know it yet.

Mr. Bear is going to make Phillipe come from Circumstances if he is not careful.

there is no worse possible outcome then Mr. bear disapproving of your behavior

A comment left by hcaz was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, ssink, magnificentpoof)

that comment looks like the "more you know" star

This otter appears hella contemplative in panel the third.

the alt text is what did it for me
especially since i think more and more about such as calculus and manifolds and shit the more i drink

This is brilliant. Philippe would have this look of intense concentration as he clicks 'delete all.'

This is also how old people use computers.

Today's Blogs

Teodor: Penis Maximus

Silly T, of course you may make a food/cunnilingus analogy. In fact, I insist.

Phillipe is a lot like my father with a computer.

"Dad, whatever you do, do not click on the huge red flashing icon that says WARNING: DELETE ENTIRE WORLD -- DO NOT CLICK EVER."

"What, you mean this?" *click* "AAAAUGH!"

Ah, my dad is equally, frustratingly shit with computers. I'll often insist on doing his task for him because it makes it so much quicker, and he has this really weird thing where you're on a page and he'll go, "Okay, go up." "What do you mean?" "Go up!" "Dad, I'm at the very top of the page, there is no up to go." "Yes there is, you did it a second ago, make the page go up..!"

After a while, I realised that he wanted me to scroll down, which makes the page look like it's moving upwards (if you think like an idiot, I guess).

It kind of makes sense.

My dad also still says "punch it in", as in "It's asking for my name here, should I punch it in?" At first I thought he was going to get all violent on my PC.

Whenever iTunes takes three minutes to load I'm tempted to punch my computer in.

You experience times when iTunes doesn't take three minutes to load?

For what it's worth, you have as of now viewed exatly 1337 strips.

I bow to your leet.

Oh, I'm so happy you caught that! It's gone up now. Dang new strips.

But yeah, that was superfly. I did manage to view it briefly. Ahh..

slightly to the right of panel 4 is "save message"

This once happened to me too, but with a college lab report. The open access lab had never heard such anguish.

A million deaths are not enough for Ueuys.

I typed in the adress but got taken into Google images wher eit showed a picture of the Achewood Search Service or somesuch.

That is an terrible awful thing you did, Pillippe. You should feel terrible.