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Guest artist: John Allison Friday, March 28, 2003 • read strip Viewing 35 comments:

I'm picking up some good vibrations from this strip! Ba-dump ching!

A comment left by catachresis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by stormypinkness, Lolsworth, UntilYouAreSoNude, Overmedicated, NotGodot, mortshire, stevegt500, Koremora, MortisInvictus, JuanCarlos, fakedaisies, theplaidknight, suprememongoose, nutmeg, clembot)

Except for the drew one

A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Lolsworth, NotGodot, plummet, riste, fakedaisies, holly_golightly)

I think it's kind of unfair to judge guest strips by the same criteria as the real ones. Some of these folks have rad strips. It's much more difficult to do a strip in a style of such as not your own.

You make a good point.

A comment left by cryabetes was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by daidai, riotdejaneiro, songbirdspectre, equinn2006, Baryonyx, Tragic_Johnson, clintisiceman, AmonRunsAmok)

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, GeyserShitdick, Baryonyx, Afkpuz, dracer2, SenseiHollywood, SPECTRE)

Brian Wilson: "Arp"


The way I see this, this is all a grand scheme concocted by LieBot to get Phillipe to witness a fake murder. How he got everyone to go along with it, I'll never know.

I originally read this as everyone getting in on an elaborate play on Phillipe that everyone was in on, but then... I have no idea where the end came from.

He Lied to them

no, everyone was in to set it up for Phillipe, much like they set that TV show thing up for Beef (I can't remember what it was or find it). Then Ray got drunk and passed out in the back room, and Liebot saw a chance to scar Phillipe just a little bit more.

but then how do you explain the title. "Los Angeles, California, 1971"? If Phillipe will always be 5 years old, isn't it safe to assume he's been 5 for a while now?

this one is definitely underrated. but i do love SGR. two greats that make an awesome.

But shouldn't Beef be Brian wilson?

He should be Scott Walker


only beach boys fans would understand this. hmmph

I dunno. I think it's fairly common knowledge that Manson was friends with the Beach Boys for a long time. At least if you're morbid.

john allison rocks. i had totally forgotten who was manson here. so great.

Everytime he closes his eyes....
... Lies

Achewood and The Arcade Fire are two of my favourite things, but I would never mix them.

Like mayo and peanut butter.

Suppose so. Charles manson mixed mass murder and Beatles lyrics...his two favourites, that didnt end too well.

You could probably write some pretty metal songs out of his lyrics.

what is that Pet Sounds font used on the sign and around the panels??

Everything you ever wanted to know about... Cooper Black

What would be terrific is if Dresden Codak did an Achewood guest strip.

Actually that would be really fucked up.

No man it would be terrific, you had it right the first time.

Come on, this should be a little bit higher than 3.2

Easily the best of the guest strips so far. Well observed.

Pat is Mike Love because Pat is an asshole. That made a lot of sense to me.

Damn you, I wanted to post this. Still liked Ray being Dennis, though.

Amazing that he correlated Phillipe with the Beach Boys in the first place.

1971? Nope. Other than that I like this strip quite a bit.