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The Firebrand and the Firewater. Tuesday, March 17, 2009 • read strip Viewing 546 comments:

Past Melancholies
A bottle to sooth his heart
Lyle misses Darlene

A comment left by aperson was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by prettyrad, dasilodavi, shaggy23)

Improvised Haiku
First post by circumstances
Out of my control

A comment left by aperson was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Sant, dasilodavi, cpnglxynchos)

get a room

Tasteful thinks we're gay
Why you gotta do a thing
I'm straight as this verse.

This verse, we all know,
instintively, loves to love
the rock hard cat cock.

Haiku are firm breasts
The posession of women
The delight of men

If that were true, sir
You would not have to say so,
Or try hypnosis.

haiku is manly?
john wayne riding a horse and
voting for reagan?

I am no poet
particularly haikus
but I wrote this one

I also turned this in as an english assignment once. It got the D it deserved.

Oh Quiche, yonder quiche! Wherefrom art thou eggs? Thy spinach which gives thy every bite a bite of'ts own? Thy heat which combines thy elements which born'st thee? Why quiche, are you?

Oh Quiche, speak Quiche! I long for your words! Quiche Quiche!

Whither doth thou fly?


I see.

My plate.

oh thee, how i miss thy thou! shall i compare thee to a shoe? how unfair, for a shoe by any other name would smell just as foul. thou art more shapely...

i did all my math homework in haiku for a whole trimester
i got expelled from that high school though


No, that's not too bad.
At least it has the correct
Amount of sylla...


Sigh. There's more to it
Than simply "five, seven, five"
Bloody Philistines

Haiku are easy.
But sometimes they don't make sense.

If you think that's so funny then why don't you buy the shirt that that haiku IS ALREADY ON

It is from a shirt?
My brother said he wrote it.
I regret nothing.


who is that girl in your avatar?



lizzy mercier descloux, no wave badass https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lizzy_Mercier_Descloux

[url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lizzy_Mercier_Descloux [/url]
Don't forget the [ url ] tags!

Wait, what?


I added an extra space CARRY ON

I like watching all four beefs falling all synchronised.

help I meant to do
a syllable but instead
I did a :( help

(not lying this time)

Is a ;( where it makes your eyes sting?


this haiku translates into every language.

you have stumbled upon the most universal set of ordered syllables, my dear friend

palestinians and israelis are hugging. russians and chechens. yankees and dixies. nancy pelosi and rush limbaugh

Humans and lobsters.


Mass hysteria!

hey, that's my line.

A comment left by miaou was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, Spoon, ActualTaunt, blueshoc12, cpnglxynchos, joamiq)

No! What've you done! You're un-doing it all!!!


Maewyn Succat made me write this poop... My apologies.

duh nununuh nununuh dananah nah
it's bugging me, grating me etc.

man we all already knew that nancy and rush was makin the big squish on down low all having illicit sitdowns in an out of the way and rarely frequented georgetown bar that specializes in overpriced dominican cigars and a rum cake so moist it's been banned in the district nancy all scoring oxies off ted kennedy the two of them getting absolutely goofy as rush serenades her crooning the internationale like a beached walrus as she feeds him razor thin slices of black walnuts

you know, you are a magnificent bastard.

one might say that rush 'lobbied her'. He lobbied her in the lobby, in the foyer and in the coat check.

chubbied right back. wish i'd thought of that lobby pun.

Nobody wants to hug Pelosi. A good portion of her constituents particularly hate her.


bitchy-bitch bitch-bitch
the main bitch in all the land
bitchy-bitch bitch man

Well, guys, the internet is over. We've come to the best thing that's ever going to show up.
It's been real.

DiSaGrEeMeNt BoX

Although I am always in favor of gooooood... tiiiiiiits, I believe this to be the most-chubbied comment on Assetbar, based on absolutely nothing except that I couldn't quickly find any comments with more chubbies.

I agree that that one has more chubbies, but it doesn't give as many.

And it would maybe be nice if there were a list of most chubbied comments.

Also, I really like the "most chubbied list" idea even though my lack of photoshop skills would ensure that I would be nowhere on it.

Related issue/suggestion: there should be most chubbied lists for each individual user (i.e., a way to sort a particular user's comments by number of chubbies).


There already is .

Wow. If someone posted something like that today they'd be lucky to get twenty. And they would deserve five.

I am shamed. I replied to an earlier post with something almost identical, and had not read down to this one yet when I posted, 18 hours after this post

Please end your sorry life.

a bloo a bloo bloo
a bloo a bloo a bloo blooo
a bloo a bloo bloo


hey, try what i did
only ten thousand up front
to finish this thing

You know she's angry when her hair gets eyebrows.

She does look rather harried.
It's not good to keep all that emotion bottled up.

A comment left by everything was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, HamScout, gladi8orrex, invidious, ActualTaunt, Maldraedior, FablesandBlues, Stonecrab, Sleaw, Lumus, IronDave, octafish, desert_donkey, Methadone, NigelChaos, Frankreich, joamiq)

I never like to do this, but you leave me no alternative.


*Ignore User*

you'll scroll through hundreds of pages of comments, but you can't suffer to scroll through one comment that's a couple of pages long?

what are you doing rowboat? Rowboat? I I'm sorry I can't let you do that rowboat. .>>Daisy, Daisy Give me your answer do I'm ... I'm..... half .ref.34f34[%%%%%%%%%

Rowboat hearkens to
Old usenet- join my killfile,
everything , Flusshhhh...

Maybe if it was tied into the comic in ANY WAY, or if today's comic had been about enviro-politics. But several pages of crap unrelated to anything else? Who do you think you are, Dr. Manflesh?

Manflesh is actually the only other person (?) who I've ignored. I didn't even mind him that much. It was only the computer-crashing "sexy weekend" episode that drove me to it in his (?) case.

This, on the other hand, only serves to prove the unfortunate truth that obnoxious is still better than boring.

CLITS over commentary.

yeah, that weekend had a lot of serious repercussions for me too

Sexy repercussions?

Yes. Short attention span: I has it.


"But I'm posting it here damnit because I know almost no one goes back and looks at yesterday's assetbar."

That's not why you're posting it here. I mean, that's why you're posting it here and not there. But why did you post that here?

Decades have passed since that introduction and no progress has been made on the disappearance of our Darlene and Wolcott layer.



What the fuck does this shit have to do with anything here?

In my minds ear Wolcott sounds all hella gravel-ly
I wish I had something better to say. I'm usually not thia high and the thing is is that I'm afriaid of heights and I think they are afraid of me either that or we have just kept respectable distances from each other. Like two fat people passing in like at the Shoneys breakfast bar.

I put on my glasses to avoid making typos and what happened?... well.. poopfart.

That's how he sounded for me too, and his face I think looks a lot like this (only not as cowboyish you know):


Chubbied for saying what I logged in to say. CHEERS!

Looks more like this to me:

"Why hey there good-lookin, name's Wolcott and truckin' is ma' raisin detra. Free mustache ride?"

The story goes Wolcott tried to impress her with his knowledge of French.

Wolcott tried to impress her with his knowledge of French

wolcott does impress me as a cunning linguist.

I was thinking about how Wolcott sounds, I keep hearing Billy Bob Thornton in Slingblade. You know, "I like them french fried potaters, mmmmm". Only wiser. And without the mmmms.

Plenty of "mmmms" when the taters get there, though.

all side of biscuits with mustard all making me cry in spite of myself

No, you don't, Oprah!

A shout out to The Soup for being the only reason I know what you're talking about.

I don't know what that is. I was referencing 30 Rock.

I've never seen that show, but I'd bet anything that this is what they were referring to.

Man, I am seriously getting weirded out by some of the implications of this arc. Flashback Lyle's flowing locks and Present Lyle's locklessness leads me to think Lyle's right now sporting the equivalent of being completely hairless except for a giant curly soupcatcher.

And I'm... I'm not sure how I feel about that.

He is a man (lion?) of Regrets. Time has not been good to his hairline. I like to think that he simply cut it off at the pass, as it were.


Manlion sounds pretty interesting though, but heccibiggs is right. Lyle is a stuffed tiger and if you don't get that then gtfo.

It's true, he is a tiger, but the implications of the bald lyle white beard reveals this interesting face-type, the BaldBearder. An example .

Compare with the natural tiger-beard look .

I tried to compare but I am FORBIDDEN. That only makes me want it more.

mmm....forbidden tiger

Crouching Mattylite, Forbidden Tiger

These guys have a page already up just in case tiger meat every gets legalized.

I think he was trying to link to this

my beard would trump that clown's.

But are you bald?

I am a Terrible person.

what a shame. I rather like wolcott.

Lyle did until that time he caught him with Darlene. That would be the one time.

I thought it was because Lyle went to the Beeter-Bub only to discover Wolcott drinking a coconut rum drink. That kind of thing don't fly in the south.

Thanks, Mory. I really couldn't wrap my mind around what the hell Lyle was saying, and this seems to be a logical suggestion.

Now I wanna know more about Wolcott!

Oh Woolcot, you're so wise. Like a miniature Buddha, covered in hair.

Yeah, what in the fuck is he anyway?

Perhaps a muskrat?

And they whirled and they twirled and they tangoed
Singin' and jingin' the jango
Floatin' like the heavens above
It looks like muskrat love

Oh Wolcott how do you jing the jango?

I was going to say he looks kind of like a terrier but now my brain can think no other thoughts than MUSKRAT LURVE.

Considering it's Florida I'd say nutria.

nutria sounds like such a pleasant name for what are basically R.O.U.S.

Oddly enough in Spanish nutria mean otter. They call our nutrias coypu.

or as we like to call them in the fur business "South American Beaver." Yeah, you can slice that in a few ways.

Split Beaver? shome mishtake shurely?

how does one get into the fur business? i am interested.

Just lift up the tail and dive in.

In this case, I think I'll go with this:

I hear South American beavers don't have fur at all.

Chubbied for Anchorman reference.


Yep. Sod.

Maybe it's the name of the bait shop/reading room. Looks like there's something else under Steam, but I can't read it.


He's a cool old wool coot!

Don't you know that it's insane
Don't you wanna get outta Cape Cod
Outta Cape Cod tonight

This arc is just dragging terribly. I can barely be bothered to pay attention any more. Finally I think I understand where everyone else was coming from with the Polly arc. This is just... I have to say it's the first time where I feel like Onstad has just seriously dropped the ball.

On the plus side we got a new strip out of the blue and not long after the last one. A really great job and without any deadline provided or missed. I'm almost starting to regret my intent to compare him to Kricfalusi. Way to go man. If you're going to bitch about something you can't be tight with the praise.

In what way would you compare him to Kricfalusi? Would it have something to do with producing something unbelievably good for a long time and then suddenly falling off the face of the earth? I'm not saying I'd agree with that, just trying to clarify.

But not the face of the Internet!

Kricfalusi has been sort of back occasionally, off and on, recently. Plus he only did season one before getting fired so I wouldn't say it was really a long time.

It was more along the lines of producing something incredible, but being almost entirely incapable of doing so in a timely manner.

In all fairness Onstad also doesn't give us wickedly hot women or shower scenes of almost comedic gratuity .

If he did nothing else but help create Bat-bat he would have still been considered brilliant.

Was that a Wilhelmina Scream that my ears chanced upon?

You can tell she has been drinking because she is wearing a spiral hat. That's all I got.

That is the beginning of wisdom. Also, she is a Mean Drunk.
Run, Forrest! Run!

achewood chat tonight at 7 pm central, be there or be square.

the chat can be found by going to mibbit.com and searching achewood, or by using this url in some manner: https://www.slashnet.org/webclient/achewood

those are the only two ways i'm aware of, but i'm sure there's a billion more.
cmon people let's see how many people we can get in that room.
also, i plan on attempting to make this happen at least weekly. holler if you have suggestions.

I think I'll be there.

You know it's St. Paddy's day, right?

I mean, I'm all for community, and while I think Assetbar is a computer-oriented crowd I like to nurse the notion that it's also a drinkin' crowd, so a stout majority may be on the business end of a bottle tonight.

I know I sure will be.

When you drink everyday, St. Paddy's loses its novelty. Not to mention that all the bars fill up with the worst kind of bar-goers of all: novices. And my job strangely doesn't grant the morning after St. Paddy's off, so even the prospect of drinking even more than usual loses its sheen.

I sound like a downer. I'm actually in a really good mood.

[And before someone goes through the motions - yes, I do think that it is rad to have alcoholism.]

"Stout majority." I get it.

I've become tired of going out to bars on the 17th; around where I live, any place that has Guinness on tap (which is most places) is just balls to the wall packed, with a few token, really annoying plastic paddies running around spilling other peoples' beers. If someone is having a party, I'll go, but my one friend who normally has one, well, isn't having one this year.

Personally, I'm probably just gonna pick up something liquid and Irish on the way home (resisting the temptation to get some Redbreast), listen to the Pogues, and watch the Quiet Man or Man of Aran or something.

Yeah, that's what I'm doing, that and cooking something earthy and Gaelic (potato and leek soup). I'm actually looking forward to the food more than the drink, to be honest.

Guess who won't be acting like a drunken idiot but rather eating a hunk of Irish soda bread at his computer while watching "The Wind That Shakes The Barley"? It's me, the answer is me.

Honestly, I'd rather lament the old country than go to a bar with a fake ID and drink green piss.

Dickhead moment: St. Paddy's Day is not for non-Irish and no, you're not Irish "just for today." Thoughts?

The Micks can have it. I'll take Bastille Day.

Ach, and good riddance to yez Frenchies, too, fer Christ's sake.

Man tell that to every fuckin' gringo who thinks Cinco de Mayo is the Mexican Fourth Of July and does the exact same thing they'd do on FoJ except with tacos and Corona .

I'm not even Mexican and that pisses me off.

As someone who is part Mexican it pisses me off.

As someone who is part Irish, today's goings on piss me off, but even more because I'm much more Irish than Mexican. However I don't get mad on Columbus Day...

Man you are totally racially confused, aren't you?

I'm just mad Puerto Ricans don't have a day that whitey can get drunk at so I can be righteously angry, and as a white person I am mad that everyone keeps takin' my jobs!

I am racially not confused; I deal with my heritage accordingly.

Are you sexually confused?

That, I might be.

I used to get all caught up in the heritage horseshit, and then I actually went to Ireland and realized those people are Irish, and I am something pretty far from that.

I think now that all holidays should be about trying new things and having fun, regardless of authenticity. After all, on a long enough time span nothing is authentic and everything is just a bunch of shit someone just recently made up. Might as well have some interesting music, some good food, and some tasty drinks, and enjoy yourself with some fun people.

Claims of rights-to-fun-by-race get pretty boring.

Well I know I'm not Irish-Irish, but heritage has always been pretty important in my family. If it doesn't count for shit to you unless I speak Gaelic fluently and have relatives in the IRA, then I could care less, but I don't feel hypocritical or like I'm lying when I say being Irish is important to me. And Italian too, those are the two big ones for me. It's not "backwards" to be proud of or know your roots.

irish girls are cute

Right up until they say that you can't wear a condom because god's consigliere has said it's a no-go.

Did you see that fucking thing that that sham of a pope said today?


Now that's common sense. Except it's not.

::debate ignited::

I accidentally mis-read this

people in Yaounde have been energetically swapping and cleaning everywhere in preparation for Pope Benedict's visit.

Apparently it was "sweeping". I thought it was more of a "oh fuck! We better get in as much casual fucking as possible before the pope shows up and ruins the damn party."

This isn't a new position though. I mainly find it interesting that he declined to speak about the power of the dark side.

Nah the pope is pretty into snowballing. If only someone would ask him out.

I guess his "You're hotter than the girls I saw at the concentration camps" line doesn't go down so well.

there's nothing to debate here, this isn't even really news.
the catholic church is against birth control of any sort, always. they want you to wait until your married. it's kind of their thing.
however that title seemed a little negative, but i've been noticing a lot of catholic hate lately, which i don't understand. yes, the new pope is really conservative, and he apparently is unable to appear in the media without seeming offensive. basically, he is not john paul. from what i've read, he reinstated those bishops, including the one who is a holocaust denier (btw not what he got excommunicated for) in order to avoid another schism within the church. you could compare the catholic church with the troubles the newspaper industry is facing -- people are having to decide between tradition and adapting to meet the current needs.
the church has made a lot of progress, all things considered. they didn't even stop doing latin mass and chapel veils until the 60s. a lot of people don't know that, despite being against gay marriage, the catholic church is accepting of homosexuality, so long as they abstain.
i may have achieved a point somewhere in here, but hopefully you at least learned some fun facts.

bonus: st. patrick's day is totally a holy day of obligation in ireland. basically, you're required to go to mass. it's a Thing. also, i always forget that st. patrick supposedly was not from ireland, but wales.
another bonus fact: mary of magdalene was not a whore, the catholic church took that back forever ago. somehow people still think it. she's actually a saint :)

Not really hate of Catholics. Possibly hate of Catholicism. Had a long argument with my girl about it. In essence it's a system that denies gay sexuality, denies human sexuality (condoms/priest sex/abortion), and has constantly covered up child sex abuse. I just believe it's an archaic system of a bygone time.

There are many systems with inherent flaws, I think Catholicism has more than most. In the end though, it's your moral code and I ain't got no power over that. Everyone is a part of some system that's fucked up.

also, i've never seen a catholic attempt to convert anyone, and while yeah a collection basket goes round, a lot of baptist churches expect congregation members to put in a certain percent of their wages. also at every catholic festival ever, there will be a beer tent. plus there's just something about the whole process of mass and everything, i can't explain really the appeal of the ritual and formality of the whole thing. this being said, i rarely go to church.
i'm rambling a lot on this, but basically i think the catholic church just needs new pr and advertising people. time to get with the times.

oh for another inherently flawed and entertaining system, check out the Shakers. They didn't believe in procreation.

aww it only posted part of my ramble.
ramble prequel synopsis:
being catholic makes my being white a little more interesting, i like to think. definitely moreso than explaining the ridiculous pie chart that makes up my family background.
catholicism, like any religion, ever, gives you something to believe in.
we're not going to get it right anytime soon, but neither is anyone else. it's kind of a panacea until another religion succeeds, which i guess is bound to happen sometime or another, seeing as there were many religions before christianity that aren't around anymore.
but yes i'm going to stop talking about catholicism. it's a weird issue, i'm sure i'm not the only cradle catholic like this, but despite not really believing in jeebus and all that, i will totally not eat meat on fridays during lent. somehow, i bet that sums up a lot of people. someone else figure it out.

I'm Catholic but I haven't been to Church since confirmation and haven't given up anything for Lent in two years. I consider more a part of my background than my religion, which is odd, I know, but Catholicism is a big thing for my family (need I remind you: Irish, Italian, Mexican) and I think it's something that shaped my family, but for me just isn't something I want to be a part of anymore religiously. I prefer a stripped-down, non-committal agnostic type of religion basically because I'm lazy.

yes. i wish they would just make catholicism a racial identity. i mean, race is a social construct, so uh just construct more on it, maybe? what more could catholics do to be considered a race? i don't know why anyone would object to this. i'm down because being a white american is boring and full of guilt.

that yes was meant to be a lawbotesque YES. but i forgot. next time, though.

Holy Christ no. Race isn't a social construct, it is physical, genetic. Ethnicity is a social construct. And to be considered a part of an ethnic group, you have to consider yourself and others have to consider you part of it. So, just like Jewish is kinda an ethnic group (although apparently you don't have to follow the religion, whch is confusing), I suppose that Catholicism can be considered an ethnic group as well . ..except that it isn't very noticable. It's not a very tight-knit ommunity, culture-wise. While Rastas have dreadlocks, and smoke ganja, and have their own lingo, etc, Catholic culture is too diluted, mixed in with all of western culture.

Also, the idea of someone saying "I'm one half white and one half Catholic" is ridiculous.

no no, race really is a social construct. there are more genetic differences between dna samples of one race than the are between different races. society defined race, which is different from ethnicity, which is when groups with similiar beliefs, history and culture identify with each other, despite possible racial differences.
yeah it would actually be difficult to start doing, and catholicism in different everywhere its practiced. i think it would be an interesting marketing move for the catholic church.

but yeah race isn't real. there is no science to it.

I knew that race is not recognized or whatever by anthropology, and that there is more difference within than between. Quote:
The American Anthropological Association%u2019s statement on race states: %u201Cphysical variations in the human species have no meaning except the social ones that humans put on them.%u201D

So yeah, it is a social construct, my mistake. I got confused about terms.

But my point is that race is still a physical thing, not social differences. I have never heard the term "society-defined race" and I would appreciate a source on that. I am confused by the contradiction between the name of the term and the "despite racial differences" part. If someone says "Oh, well Jewish is a race because it is "society-defined" which means that even though it isn't physical it is still a race" just strikes me as an excuse to use the term "racism" more broadly, when the term "ethnocentrism" is the correct academic term. Of course, people won't ever say that while just talking with friends, but we are talking about what the scholars use. Race is physical. And to suggest that Catholics are a race is just . .. it just makes me a little sick, for reasons I can't articulate. I think catholicism should whither and die a painful death. alling it a race suggests that people are born being catholic. People are not born being catholic. They are taught to be catholic.

Hahahahhaha... so in order to beat the guilt and the boring, you thought you know what... Catholicism!

1) Catholicism = Guilt.
2) Every Catholic Hymn Ever.

yeah no i thought about mentioning how contradictory that is for me to say, but i figured i'd set the joke up for someone else.
it was a pleasure being your straightman.

*is confused about this comment*

it's kind of a panacea until another religion succeeds, which i guess is bound to happen sometime or another, seeing as there were many religions before christianity that aren't around anymore.

I don't understand how one religion has to succeed. I guess it depends on how you define it. If you define it as supernaturalism, then that is definitely wrong, as I believe it doesn't exist. If you define it as . . .I don't know. . .a series of beliefs(supernatural or not) that inform you what is the correct way to life, I don't really believe that either. If you call people believing in the Big Bang, and no afterlife of any sort, and thinking all morals are subjunctive, etc . . .not everyone is going to accept that, even if the governemtn and the majority of people do.

oops i got misunderstood. i was vaguely hypothesizing about the next religion that's going to come along. remember that christianity is basically the world's most successful cult. but now we have all kinds of different social media,
i totally in no way meant one religion had to succeed. i think i meant supersede, but its amazing everything i wrote on so little sleep isn't riddled with errors.
but yeah totally all about some religious freedoms. there's no real way to do christianity correct. that is not a thing you can do. everyone's using a telephone game of a bible, and no one is really told how the bible was put together by a committee. there's corruption and all kinds of misunderstandings in every aspect of christianity. people are human and will always do bad things and will always need scapegoats. i only speak of christianity because i don't know much about other religions.

All right then. sorry for the misunderstandmentation.

. . . Shakers. They didn't believe in procreation.

but Michael J. Fox had children.

... and look what happened to HIM!

Hyuk yuk!

That was because he is the Anti-Elvis.

I dislike the notion of Elvis fanatics, I don't know why...might be because...of a distant memory...

As a young lad, growing up in the southwest of County Queens, lower New York state, my mother, in the particular habit of trying to be as sociable as possible in a place where the opportunity rarely reared its head, would take along my sister and I to a neighbor's house, down the street apiece, to gossip gaily with an older friend "affectionately" known as Rose (affection barely entered into it from my perspective), leaving us to entertain her young granddaughter, a demonchild if there ever was one named Samantha. In addition to the carcinogenic sauna that was the lower level of this house (this particular neighborhood given to the odd distinction of having many houses below street level due to latter day sewer renovations, adding upper levels that served as street-level "second floors"), we had to suffer with the maniacal child and her ornery, Elvis-obsessed grandfather, a more callous man I never knew. Convinced we were the demon children instead (possibly due to our distinctly olive-toned skin, perhaps on a good day passing for Sicilians), he sought to make even our persevering, good humored and mature attempts at entertaining his insane granddaughter a course of hoops and hurdles to work through. A more miserable man you will never find but O! how he loved his Elvis memorabilia, and the man himself-- nothing gave him greater joy. In this crotchety, subterranean life, he carved out one piece of happiness in the memory of a dead pop icon and in my youth I despised it as an extension of him. To this day, I rue the Elvis-is-alivers and fanatics, perhaps trying to reject the memory of this corpulent, dirty old man, sitting on his cigarette-burnt couch, watching TV and grunting orders at my sister and I...

Fuck life stories amirite.

So you didn't like Bubba Hotep ?

My friend has been trying to get me to see that, and I guess since I normally do, I'll have to trust his judgment on this one.

Bubba Ho-Tep is decent but does not live up to its fantastic premise. The idea is funny, but there really aren't that many funny parts in the movie.

Despite being sort of indifferent to Elvis I really liked the film. It was awesome and melancholy and I think it showed the wonderful nature of how even the biggest star in the world gets fat, old, and has a boil on his cock that requires daily draining.

It's definitely a film for Elvis and non-Elvis fans alike.

I'm with Tekende on this one. A great premise and interesting script killed by terrible pacing and surprisingly hit-and-miss acting (for which I will blame the director). It's a shame. I'm sure another creative team could've made it work. Imagine a Terry Gilliam version.

Eh, I'm a fan of Coscarelli. Conflicting handjobs for varying people I guess.

I like coscarelli OK as long as it's not too heavy on the basil.

Terry Gilliam would have done an ok job, I just don't think it's a movie that would deserve the Gilliam treatment.

Imagine a Gilliam Watchmen though. It would not be good. Probably even worse than what we had now (because it was rumored he wanted to end it with Dr. Manhattan saving the world).

Imagine an Aronofsky Watchmen though.

We really need to get a drinking game going here: a shot of Wild Turkey for every mention of The Watchmen on Assetbar. I'm a proponent of this because I like to get drunk and this game would get me drunker than I've ever been.

im drunk rite nao, shit b so cash

ya rite lol u nodrnk ur a pusssssy$!

I believe that almost all of the mentions are directly due to TGH. Nothing against it, but comic fandom isn't measured in number of times you reference a major film adaptation of a widely read graphic novel. It's measured in the hundreds of pounds of longboxes you have to deal with every time you move and having a serious weekly habit.

I was just talking about Gilliam, I just wanted to bring it up. I really wasn't trying to be like a superfan, it was just something that was on my mind.

Sorry for partying

Too hard*

Not hard enough*

That's what she said*

God, what is the Gilliam Treatment? Make a shitty movie, precede it by a shitty movie and follow it with another shitty movie? Repeat for the next 20 years?

When was the last time that guy did anything that wasn't just a flat out disappointment?

Are you implying that Gilliam has only made shitty movies?

Have you forgotten The Adventures of Baron Munchausen , Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas , and Brazil ?

I'm implying that it's been a long time (~20 years) since he's made anything I would want to watch a 2nd time.

Admittedly, I've never had much interest in seeing two overrated actors in a movie by a fanboy-bait director by a writer I've never really cared about, so I haven't seen Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas. Its generally mixed reviews, by critics and fans alike, haven't swayed me to think otherwise.

I get tired of Gilliam fanboys who can't accept the fact that Gilliam's been travelling on the road of the smug, creative has-been for years now. His nerd-charm and cred are big enough that even I still want the guy to get back on the creative wagon one of these days, but I'll be damned if I didn't get sick of the guys about ten years ago. Maybe he should let Hollywood intervene in more of his movies, just to try something new...nothing else is working.

And the legions of Gilliam fans don't help. If a Terry Gilliam movie is your favorite movie, then you need to see more movies. Maybe I've just met too many nerds who'll grandstand and pontificate on how Brazil is the best movie ever made, and then turn out to know jack all about movies that don't know have slow motion shoot-outs in them.

I hate to pigeonhole, but it seems that everyone I've met who likes to pretend they know about film but really don't tend to be big Terry Gilliam fans.

I don't "like" to "pretend" to "know" about "film," but Twelve Monkeys and Fear and Loathing (to speak only of the past twenty years) were both amazing. You know, prolificacy isn't everything. Terrence Malick has made, like, four movies over the last forty years, all of which have been excellent.

And shame on you for undercutting the accomplishments of Johnny Depp. Whether or not you get tired of seeing his pretty face, it is patently shortsighted to deny that he is one of the most versatile actors of our time.

while i love fear and loathing and think its the best adaptation of hunter s. thompson's work, fact is that every kid who thinks drugs are the height of cool loves that movie. for those unfamiliar, the percent of douchebags and functional morons in the population of recreational drug users is ridiculously large. these are the people who are disappointed by Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail and don't attempt to read much more of his work.
basically, with a little bit of elitism, you can ruin anything for yourself.

I never said anything about being prolific or not. I just put an estimate on how long it's been since he made a movie I liked. I'm fine with slow movers (and yeah, I'm a Malick fan, too).

I can't stand the love-fest for Depp, damn. He's better than average, and really enjoyable in certain movies. I give the guy credit for trying to avoid the typical pretty boy roles all the time, and actually giving a shit about acting. I've argued this with friends before; maybe he is one of the better actors of the current times. That is not a good statement about the current times.

I also didn't find 12 Monkeys amazing. I'd rather watch La Jetee and not have to put up with Brad Pitt's ACTING . In fact, watching the "original" makes you realize how annoying Gilliam's convoluted style can be. He took something incredibly soulful and injected that dork energy into it.

See, I see you talking but all I hear is bitchbitchbitch my opinions are better than yours

I'm sorry you feel that way, theguitarhero.

If it makes it any better, there was a time once when I thought that Gilliam was one of the great directors.

Then I saw a lot of other movies.

Okay, so basically your opinion can be summed up to "if it's popular, it sucks." Good to know.

God knows it's the most efficient way to let people know you're Pretty Hip.

No, wait. This is a respectable discussion. Don't turn it into this.

How is this a respectable discussion?

Well, I once thought it was. It has now degraded beyond the level of rational conversation.

Aw c'mon. This is still pretty tame, man. You're talking about a dork icon like Gilliam; rationality's presence will be fleeting.

That's funny, I don't see me saying that anywhere. If you're saying that because I said I disagree with Terry Gilliam fans, than your assumption makes no sense (attaching the word "popular" to anything having to do with Terry Gilliam fans is ridiculous).

Way to take the easy way out, tekende. Nothing like breaking out the "I'll just call him a hipster/elitist" technique, that obviously settles it all.

Frankly, it's a lot more fucking hip to be a Gilliam apologist. I should point out that I'm not entirely kicking against the pricks here; even the All Movie Guide has only given the guy one 4 star movie since Brazil (it was 12 Monkeys).

Basically, and I'm 3 martinis in here, saying that Terry Gilliam is one of the greatest directors is like saying that J.R.R. Tolkien is one of the greatest writers.

Frankly, it's a lot more fucking hip to be a Gilliam apologist.

Considering I never said you were a hipster, that kinda proves my point.

You accused me of being a guy who doesn't like stuff just because it might be popular.

On the internet.

We all know what that means.

It's just the spelled-out version of saying somebody is an elitist/hipster, as these terms are basically interchangable when used in these kind of discussions. I was a little disheartened. I don't mind arguing, even throwing and taking a few barbs back and forth. But don't just pin down my opinion on Gilliam to being an elitist and/or hipster.

And I don't see what proves your point.

And I don't see what proves your point.

You claim that being a "Gilliam apologist" is "hip", which is slang for "popular". You are not a "Gilliam apologist". You are being the opposite of "hip". Do you see what I mean?

And I wouldn't pin down your opinion on Gilliam the way I did if it weren't evident from what you've said that your main problem with both Gilliam and Depp is that they're more popular than you think they should be.

Ah, ok, it's god damn semantics, but not in patronizing way.

To me, being "hip" is closer to being an "elitist." But for you, it's closer to being "popular." Really, it's an odd mix of both, but we're leaning to different sides on it.

When I said it's hip to be a Gilliam fan, basically, I'm saying that it's cool in more alternative circles to be a Gilliam fan. It's popular to an extent, in these circles...but these circles aren't really representative of truly popular opinion (world/culture at large). I would never say that Gilliam is a "popular" director. His movies are pretty much made to be cult movies.

Re: your 2nd paragraph, well, you're just not hearing me, basically. I think they're both overrated. That doesn't mean popular.

As stated above, I would never consider Gilliam popular. Johnny Depp is just as popular as he should be: he's a handsome movie star with a lot of charisma who has been in a few of the largest blockbusters of recent years (Pirates). I really enjoyed his acting in those movies. But, overall, I've never felt that he's a consistently great actor. He tries, and I give him credit for that. I am somewhat perplexed why so many people think he is a great actor (I don't see it), but I understand why they like him (attractive, charismatic, etc.). I even want to say that diludes peoples' judgements about him, but hey, I want to give people more credit than that.

A lot of this could've been avoid if I just left out the "hipster" part of my comment and went with only "elitist." But since they tend to get lumped in together (see theguitarhero calling belgand a hipster a while back because he hates everything; the proper term should've been elitist), I included both.

Oh well. I think this is a good stopping point, what about you, tekende?

When I said hip I too meant hipster/elitist. I think I forced that word into the debate without actually taking part in it...

You guys are making me cry. Did you all seriously just have this argument?

I've been on your side a lot, but don't pretend like you've never been in arguments like this here. We all have.

It's true.

I hate to be the one to say it, but we all know that theguitarhero is totally assetbar's bitch, and has absolutely no right to tell other people how to act or what to post on assetbar.

No offense, tgh.

I wasn't telling anyone what to do, I was just saying it was making me sad that people were arguing about hipsterism. That's all.

I always forget Gilliam directed 12 Monkeys . Man, I love that movie.


I give you this: a Virtual Chubby. Ranting is rad.

Ritual and formality and tradition and even dogma have their similarities, and yes, each has appeal. As far as what many a devout Catholic experiences vis-a-vis the Church and the Pope, and what a devoutly patriotic WWII German Nationalist experienced vis-a-vis the State and the Fuhrer und Reichskanzler, or what a devout citizen of North Korea experiences vis-a-vis that State and that Dear Leader, or a devout American citizen experiences vis-a-vis that whole God-Awful system of beliefs and leaders... it's often impossible to distinguish one from the other.

Talking to the Franciscan friars at my college, you'd get the impression that Catholicism is the best thing ever. But then go to a regular mass or read the Bible or read the history of the Church and you'd be appalled. Basically these denominations like Franciscan and Jesuit are pretty ballin' because their whole thing really is "Love they neighbor" and whatnot, without the politics.

If you want to have all of the ritual and formality of Catholicism, but with the liberalism of some of the less fundamentalist Protestant groups you're looking for Episcopalianism.

Frankly, I'm an atheist. You're all crazy as far as I'm concerned.

I prefer a belief system based on my own thought process, that if there is a God, it doesn't really mind what I do and probably doesn't damn people that don't go to church etc etc. I don't care either way at this point because it doesn't factor that largely into my life; I just try and be good like everyone else.

Yeah, I try not to hate the brainwashed, or even the brainwashers in most cases (because they, too, are usually brainwashed too), but I hate the fact that they are being brainwashed.

I have a negative view towards religion.

Hell is hot.

Rowboat can cook eggs on his belly.

Why use tables when you have a perfectly good belly to eat off?

Yeah, 'cause everyone who believes in a relgion is brainwashed. Nice, sje. What are you going to do to make yourself feel smarter next? Make fun of retarded people, maybe? Perhaps go insult a baby because it can't talk yet like you can?

I have a negative view towards your viewpoint.

We're not cool because we believe in stuff.

Fonzie was a nihilist.

Yeah, 'cause everyone who believes in a relgion is brainwashed
The fundies, at least.

Also, I don't care too much for your attutude. I never insult babies or the mentally challenged, but only mentally challenged babies. Because they are just plain stupid , amirite?

I would never make fun of the mentally challenged.

No retard should have to pay to eat!

The fundies, at least.

Well maybe you should ARTICULATE THAT instead of saying that anyone who believes in God (minus people who also follow your ridiculously specific ideology) are brainwashed cant-think-for-them-selfers.

Also just because you are an atheist doesn't mean you can think for yourself. YOU SPECIFICALLY, have said several things that are basically verbatim of what every other atheist I know says.

Maybe they are true things. I don't know many atheists who would disagree that the Earth is an oblate spheroid.

Goddamn people, but oblate spheroids are just the worst fucking things ever. I can't believe you people can put up with such crap like that. I mean, maybe I could accept a prolate spheroid, but even then you're barely above mediocre.

I'll be over here with my polyhedra not completely ruining our topography.

Just because I say the same things as every atheist you know says doesn't mean I can't think for myself. If alkl classical music experts agree that Mozart was a very good composer, that doesn't mean that they can't think for themselves.

Be a freethinking atheist by believing in God. That'll really show everyone how trendy you are!

I'm a stereotyper. Sorry about that.

I know it's not a new thing, but it's funny how he thinks he's addressing the problem and firmly resolving it by saying "Oh it's easy, just stop having sex, entire continent of Africa."

If he can o his entire life without sex, why can't everybody.

Really, its a slap in the face to God to ignore a beautiful gift such as sex. Lord knows there were Popes succeeded by their sons -- why is it such a big deal now.

I also find it amusing that post-marital sex will definitely solve the AIDS problem.

But we're married! I can't have AIDS!

....the catholic church is accepting of homosexuality, so long as they abstain.

I don't understand how that works. In fact, it doesn't.

yeah it's kind of weird. basically the church doesn't like the idea of gay marriage, but understands that homosexuality is not a choice. the church then goes for consistency by saying gays can't have premarital sex either. it's really an odd way of putting it, but i haven't heard about anything like that from a lot of other religions. i think it's neat that there are catholic gay teen ministries.

I think the negatives of the patriarchal bureaucracy which stifles the human experience that is the Catholic Church far outweigh what few positive anecdotes we can find. Spin is the presentation of facts out of applicable context, and this is (self-) deceptive.

Thanks for trying to turn back the tide of amoral relativism that is sweeping everything into hell.

That they are mate.

But Italian girls are women .

Sophia Loren or Maureen O'Hara?

Loren. I need a new asshole anyway.

A pet peeve of mine is when people ask you "what you are". And they say "Oh! I'm one eighth Irish and one quarter french and one sixteenth Cherokee [everyone is New Hampshire is one sixteenth Cherokee, or something] and one sixteenth black and . ..". It annoys me very much. And then they start using it to explain their behavior. "Oh, he's a good cook! it must be the Italian in him." That makes me rage.
Listen, dickwads. You are American. Only call yourself British if you are from Britland. If you are part black, that's fine. But if you are just naming off fractions of different shades of white, that's irrelevant. You won't be treated differently if you are one quarter Italian as opposed to being one half Italian, not in this day of age. Why would you identify so closely with it? You never grew up in an Irish slum in the 1860s. They are all granfalloons, really.

/sje46 hates it when people do that.

You don't like to identify with the unique aspects of your heritage? I personally am proud of all my nationalities, no matter how minute. That doesn't conflict with my way of thinking in any way (ie: I'm Irish so I must hate British people: false), so why does it matter?

Heritage seems to me to be a pointless thing to be proud about, because you didn't do a thing to deserve it, it's all just luck, and no heritage is better than any other one. It's like being proud that the last digit of your social security number is a five, or something. I'm not saying that culture is a bad thing, but there is no point in being proud that your ancestors liked to eat potatoes, or that in the old country they used to wear socks on their heads on the sixth sunday of January, or something. And people just do it .. .just because. If it is a worthwhile tradition--like, going around giving food to the poor--then all of society should do it, not just an ethnic group.

This in itself isn't a bad thing--it isn't a good thing either--but I feel like it leads people to develop a racist point of view on things. Too often I have heard the words "He's got an Irish temper". I hate it.

You're right, sje, I should disregard my heritage and be an atheist.

Seriously, your self-righteousness is really getting on my balls. If I want to embrace a facet of another culture that was handed down to me from people who were part of it and also happen to be related to me, that should be none of your concern. If I tell my hypothetical kids "mangia, mangia" at dinner because my Italian great-grandmother told me at dinner, even though the only Italian I know is minimal, colloquial, fractured and usually vulgar, then that's my business, isn't it?

Yeah, you have a right to do those things, and you have the right to identify however you want, but that doesn't mean you should. But "mangia mangia" isn't really a big deal, and does not really tell me just how much you identify yourself as being Italian.

And yes, I do think you should disregard your heritage. I also think you should be an atheist too, but for different reasons.

What I mean is my Italian great-grandmother passed that down to my grandparents and they did to my father who did to me, so why should I ignore that? It doesn't MAKE me Italian-- I could say it and be 100% Polish or something-- but I say it because someone who was Italian said it and it was passed down.

Cool, you should say it then.
I guess all I was saying is that it annoys me when people identify so much with heritage when it doesn't factor into their lives.

And also fuck the last part of your post. You're as close-minded as the "fundies" you claim to be so above.

I'm not close-minded, honestly!
I'm just being assertive, is all. I do think that everyone should be atheist, because I think that everyone should follow the truth. Just like how most Christians think people should be Christians, because of the benefits of having faith, and being saved and all that. There is nothing closed-minded about it.

So if you're admitting to being just like Christians how can you fine your own way of thinking better?? I'm so confused.

We're both human beings.

I didn't say I was just like a Christian. Christians believe in God and Jesus and whatnot. I do not believe in this. I believe in a different thing. This thing I think is right. If I am right, it is better to think what I think.

And because I think I am more justified in what I believe.

This thing I think is right. If I am right, it is better to think what I think.

And because I think I am more justified in what I believe.

Are you sure you are an atheist?

Yes. Are you sure you know how to debate things in a logical way?

Fun fact: I don't have faith, not even in the non-existence in god. I do not think it is a virtue to not question his non-existence either.

I know how to debate logically. I'm showing you your own quotes in hopes you are realizing you are saying exactly what fundie Christians say.

So don't act like you are better than them.

Explain it like I'm three years old. What is it that both I and fundamental Christians say that is the same.

That what you think is better than what everyone else thinks and that ultimately you are right and everyone else is wrong.


What he said.

Yes, I have this in common with many fundies.
However, I am not closed-minded.

Most people think they are right about most things.

Most people are wrong.


Ok, because saying that anyone who doesn't follow your strict view of the world is probably brainwashed is pretty much the most open-minded thing ever.

So is it wrong to call anyone brainwashed?

You wouldn't call those people in Jonestown brainwashed? Scientologists? It's possible that they are not, I can accept that. I can accept that God exists. But it's unliekly.

Ok but those people were ACTUALLY BRAINWASHED (Jonestown at least). Most other, older religions are generational and racial (most people of Jewish/Israeli descent are Jewish, etc).

Religion isn't racial. If you think that, you don't know what race is. Race is physical, skin color and facial features and stuff. You can't change your race, and you can your religion. To suggest that religion is racial is to suggest that we are born Christian or atheist or muslim.
But I'm sure many cults are generational too. They aren't mutually exclusive. And yes, Christians are actually brainwashed by being taken advantaged of at an early age to believe lies under punishment of guilt and eternal punishment for even doubting the lies.

Be aware that I'm not talking about all churches, but a lot of them, and a lot of families too. They are still a cult even if the beliefs aren't necessarily very extreme bt run of the mill fundie stuff.

Religion is racial if a certain race of people (Israeli) are attached to a certain religion (Jewish). That is part of their racial culture. Race is more than skin color DUMB SHIT.

You've seriously frustrated me to the point where I want to meet you in real life just to yell obscenities at you and tell you how dumb you are. I really wish you would just leave for a couple days, come back after doing some research into shit that you obviously know nothing about and realize how fucking stupid you are being.


I don't want to look like the trained monkey sitting on tgh's shoulder but um, bravo sir? That's all I'll say.

Dang, and I almost deconditioned you.

Not at all, b'y.

Sorry for my douchiness. I really mean no offense. Maybe indoctrination is not exactly like depriving a person of food, but it is a bad thing. A person should decide to be a Christian, and shouldn't just be told to be one at that young an age. I don't know why you guys are being upset . . you just keep misunderstanding me. But I'm sorry if I was a jerk about it.

Culture prevents anyone from being able to be neutral and decide later in life. It's not pessimism, it's a fact. So people will always be indoctrinated (what sociologists call in less hostile tones "enculturation") from an early age and there's nothing to stop that short of sending every child out into the woods. People will always have religion and religion will always help enculture a child, even with its absence.

Relax, please. Don't get so worked up. We disagree about some things, fine.

Race is:
Physical variations in the human species have no meaning except the social ones that humans put on them

You're thinking of ethnic groups.

That quote made no sense.
Definition: race (n) a human population considered distinct based on physical characteristics.



most of your arguments today have been logical fallacies and untruths.

oh i thought of a good explanation to you of why race is social:
The irish weren't considered white initially.

Thanks for the links. . I don't see how they prove me wrong. And I don't see the logical fallacies and untruths either.

Right, race is a socially constructed thing. If people really thought that the Irish had such different physical features than all other Europeans, then whatever.

I wish I could go back and stop myself from adding a comment to this thread. My inbox is now three pages longer with comments that I would never possibly read.

If only you had assetbarista, rowboat. Embrace the true faith my child...

I actually did finally download that and it was nice (though, not nearly as important as many here would paint it). Unfortunately, when a page gets to three hundred comments or so my Firefox won't even touch it so I have to switch to Safari and I don't think it can be used with that (watch every possible nerd tell me how wrong I am).

Anyway, I don't see how Assetbarista would help me with this particular problem. Would it stay my hand from commenting on this thread in the first place? Because that was my mistake.

Call me when they invent a program that keeps me from commenting on Assetbar at all, ever. I'd buy that for a dollar.

No you're right, this thread would still be huge and boring even with assetbarista. That's weird about firefox - Im okay here with v3.0.7.

I have no fucking clue how to even find out, I have to imagine that I'm using v1.0.35, or something. Our computer can't suport much more. It's basically in a retirement home. Pre-chewed meals only for this old broad.

rowboat. Would you consider changing your icon to Pogo's old icon and addressing people as 'kid'? I would like that.

I love the fact that a thread talking about long and boring threads and how we hate them is, indeed, long and boring. No offense.

You dont really love it, and it's only 6 messages in an ocean of bad arguing.

You could never offend me, child.

Maybe Achewood should just get a real forum and ditch this bullshit assetbar system altogether. I know it holds some sentimental value, and its fun to give chubbies and scroll down for hours at a time (not actually fun), but come on, people.

"I'm not close-minded, I just think everyone who thinks a certain way is stupid."

You are a Christian that doesn't believe in God. GET USED TO IT.

A Fundie*

And yes, you are sje. Go to church and be with your own kind.

yes, you are, sje**

Yes, you are sje! Yes you are!

Here's a treat!

I'm not closed-minded! Listen: I'm not closed-minded. Conservatives think that they ae right, and they want everyone to agree with them. Same with liberals. However, I wouldn't indoctrinate. Get this through, please :)

All christians do think that way, to be sure.

Saying "Mangia mangia" doesnt make somebody Italian in any way whatsoever.

I often beat my children with a large wooden club but that doesn't make me Irish. JUST KIDDING!

Right, the club is actually corked aluminum.

I'm pretty much with you, sje46. I think my favorite quote about the issue came from a Dubliner who told me, "I don't care if your grandfather drank Jameson by the pint and marched every day to (Some crazy-ass Irish song), if you're not from here you're not from here, so shut up."

I think we do this because we're a big, young country with many identities, so we try to steal older ones to give us a sense of legitimacy. Old things, to us, are a hint of the eternal and the neverending. So to claim that you're Irish gives you a stable identity and a history, and that makes you feel good and it makes things make sense. It's similar to all the Eastern Mysticism stuff people tend to like - they're looking to older cultures for older traditions, believing age and wisdom to be the same thing.

We're looking for self-definition. In our eyes, Europe and China are older and so are more stable and defined. So we try and take their traditions and wrap ourselves up in them and see if they carry by osmosis.

Again, I got all into the Irish heritage thing when I was 19, because I look like Conan O'Brien only pastier (yeah, thanks, heritage), and then I went over there and felt supremely deflated and alienated by the experience for me. I wasn't like these people, this wasn't "the homeland", they were something separate and very different.

I like St. Patrick's Day, because it's got good music, good food, and good drink. But I'm not in it because it puts tears in my eyes when I think of the home country I never had.

Note - he didn't tell me that directly. It was in conversation.

But at the same time you don't reject one's ability to try and stabilize their identity with passed-down traditions from other cultures, do you?

Reject their ability? You mean, do I think it doesn't make sense to take another culture and claim it as your own, even though the connection is tenuous at best, just to make self-definition easier? Because yes, I do think that. I think you should figure out who you are on your own, rather than cherry-pick from other identities and make a patchwork hat to put on.

There's no better example of this than when a friend suddenly "remembers" or "decides" they have a heritage, and dives into it. I had a friend in college whose family were Chinese emigrees, and the day he just starting quoting nothing but Chinese philosophers and started talking up Communism is very memorable in my mind. That lasted for about a month. I must have been just as irritating, running around with opinions on whiskey and beer and talking at length about folklore I'd just learned the day before.

What if you're raised in an amalgam of cultures (American I assume being the primary one)? Should the person drop everything they were raised on that isn't distinctly American? That's more my point. I don't pick and choose what I am because I yam what I yam (Popeye) already, and I won't tomorrow start talking with an Irish accent and lamenting about the old country just because I'm Irish. Sje seems to reject the very idea of heritage at all, even though it factors very differently in individual people's lives.

Well, that's the problem. There's no clear sense of American identity, so there's a great urge to just kind of hodge-podge it. A lot of the hodge-podging, though, feels false and artificial to me. You have someone saying, "I act like ____, because I am _____," which is sort of conforming to a predetermined character. It's... easy. You're Irish, so naturally you're Catholic in some way or another and you like the Pogues and drinkin' and have a temper, etc, etc.

You shouldn't look for something to tell you what you are and what to do and make your opinions for you. You should make them up yourself, independent of all that.

I don't think you're addressing the thing I said about being raised a certain way, though. What I mean is would you tell someone who was raised a certain way to "make it up for yourself" because otherwise they must be forcing it.

Are you asking whether I think being a raised a certain way is the same thing as choosing something in a pretty artificial way? No, I don't think that's quite the same. But sometimes it's really tough to tell the difference. Anyone who embraces "being" something balls and all is always going to seem pretty suspect to me.

I think culture is something that happens to you whether you know it or not or like it or not, and it's something you don't recognize until you meet someone wildly different. But it's nothing you can choose and it's nothing that you're "told." Which is what a lot of the heritage stuff seems to be about.

Let's put it this way. Say a person born to Haitia-born parents is raised with some "voodoo" ideas (I don't know how common this is anymore so if it's just plain insulting, someone let me know). If you saw this person would you be like "Oh look at you, you're a stereotype, why don't you make your OWN identity?" even though this is the person's upbringing and culture and that's what they were raised on?

No, not at all. There's a real difference between being raised and honestly being affected and molded by culture and traditions, and just choosing them because it seems like fun.

I guess telling the difference is the hard part. You can tell if they're consciously affecting behavior, rather than just doing it without thinking. For example, if someone thinks "I am doing this because this is Texan," they are probably not Texan. If you were honestly Texan, you'd be doing it without thinking. You'd want barbecue because it tastes awesome, or whatever. You'd shoot skeet because you find it a fun and relaxing activity that's a hell of a good time.

If you honestly have culture, heritage, or traditions, you probably don't refer to them or think of them as such, is what I'm saying. It's who you are without thinking about it.

Agreed. This is why I mentioned being from an Irish neiborhood in a city, or something. That is you . . .you were raised with those traditions, the memes, so on. But if you are a white boy from Chester New Hampshire, and you find out that your grandparents are from Italy, so you get a tattoo of the flag on your shoulder . . .that's ridiculous. You were raised just like everyone else in the town. Even if you are 100% Italian, it's not justified.

Also by that token you should not be proud at all to be an American or appreciate the fact because you were born here by dumb luck.

Right, there is no reason to be proud to be an American, I think.

I think America is unusually proud, in comparison to other countries. There was a foreign exchange student from Germany who was surprised that we said the pledge at the start of every class, shit like that. But it's common for nations at the top of their game to be proud. England and Germany and France all did it in their day. I think it's just reaction, you're on top of the world, you got to tell yourself you deserve to be there.

I am pretty proud of America, if only because we have the First Amendment, and almost no one else does. That means a lot more to me than any amount of dough.

I wish I could be in high school so that I could remain sitting during the pledge. Explain that while I do love my country, I love it better when all the ladies are standing up next to me and I get a nice view of their butts.

This is a lie, of course. I am not a butt man.

Speaking as a (grovelling, sycophantic) foreigner, Americans have a lot to be chuffed about wrt their country. Okay, they aren't individually responsible for it, but I think it's okay to be a bit chuffed nonetheless. To not be would be almost twattishly churlish. Drive smaller, more fuel efficient cars though, eh? For fuck's sake.

We are trying

I am dead chuffed about it, myself

We are seriously chuffed here, Sir!

I'll give that a great big Yankee chub.

It's very different for Germany though because of Nazism, and that's not a joke. Pride is misconstrued as dangerous nationalism there and it's rare for a German to said "Iche liebe Deutschland" whereas we hear "I love America" or "God Bless America" everyday.

I'm studying abroad in Germany right now and the difference between here and America in terms of national pride is immense. It's not as if they're just not as exuberant about it as we are, they see it as a dangerous thing. It makes sense from a German stand point. National pride leads to nationalism leads to, well, Nazis. Because of the Third Reich the Germans basically aren't allowed to be proud of their country. I was talking to a girl in one of my classes and she said that her little brother hung up a German flag and another group of kids immediately started calling him a Nazi. Of course in America if you're not patriotic you should just git the hell out! It's quite interesting comparing that aspect of the two cultures.

I basically learned that in German a few weeks ago. And then the whole shooting happened. Apparently they're taking it really hard over there. Wo bist du?


Well, I've been encultured to put a boot up your ass for saying that!

Git r doooooooooone

I'll enculture you one!, hooooo boy will I, but good!

I don't particularly have an opinion on this whole heritage thing, but I think sje is doing a disservice to whatever points he is trying to make by being a douchebag about it.

Kind of like the religion-bashing thing above. I don't really care that sje is an atheist, it's no skin off my nose. I'd appreciate the same consideration from him instead of being insultingly called "brainwashed" because I'm a Christian.

You seem like a smart enough guy, so 'brainwashed' is a pretty polite way to explain why you might believe in a religion.

No offense intended towards the adherents of such religions, but plenty of offense intended to the religion itself. Perhaps "cruelly indoctrinated" is better?

I have to admit that those that believe in God while still believing in evolution and that the Bible is probably mostly false but still has some good morals . . .I wouldn't classify them as brainwashed. While I think that God is nonexistent, by itself that belief doesn't involving a huge leap of faith. IF you fall into that camp, I wouldn't say that you are brainwashed, but I would still disagee with your beliefs, of course.

I dont think 'cruelly indoctrinated' is a fair description, since it paints tekende's parents as cruel, which is insulting, since they probably aren't.
oh no must think of offensive joke about tekende's parents

Does it make sense to say that the system cruelly indoctrinated him into itself?

Because his mom was too busy indoctrinating me into her.

All gouging your back with the crucifix she had clutched in her hand?

sje apparently thinks that there's just no way I would actually choose to be a Christian. I must have either been brainwashed or "cruelly indoctrinated". According to sje, I'm an idiot with no will of my own.

Go ahead and disagree with my beliefs, but please note that while I disagree with yours, I haven't felt the need to say that you must be brainwashed to think the way that you do.

You, sir, are a jackass.

At least you don't choose to believe in astrology tekende - then you'd just be a no-euphemisms dumbass.


Religious people obviously have no free will, if they did they'd choose to be grumpy all the time and bitch about everything like Christopher Hitchens!


Tekende, don't you turn the other cheek at me you son of a bitch!

But the funny thing is that I still love you =/

I just think that most (most [most]) fundamentalists were indoctrinated. I mean, people who think that evolution is not real and such.

But not all fundamentalists are idiots. I'm sure the average intelligence is the same, or close enough. People who just believe in God, or Jesus, do not strike me as people who were indoctrinated.

And they still have free will. Just less of it.

There you go. Keep backtracking until you come to a more pleasant, tolerant state of mind. I'd appreciate it.

I can't agree at all. That's like saying all ways of thinking are fine because god forbid we insult people, but religion is a no-no.

You're just saying that because yours doesn't end in a five. You're just jealous of me and all the other people cool enough to get a good number.

It's true...I'm...well, there's no easy way so I'm just...I'm a 7 :(

Look, can we all just agree that sje is a bitter old nihilist and go on with our belief systems unharassed?!


I'm not bitter!

I love all of youuuuuuuu!

I am a little jealous of people who know all that, because it gives them a sense of identity, however dilute. Family and heritage is important to some people. It explains things like why your family eats what they do on the holidays and what's important to your family come wedding time. I agree that it becomes unnecessary around the 1/16th mark, but why get pissed off at people because they're seeking to connect with their heritage? I don't even know where my last name is from, and when I get the chance, I intend to find out.
I can see getting annoyed when you just want a quick snapshot of their culture (when asked your question, I would simply answer Canadian), but some people also like to have discussions beyond that.

It pisses me off that St. Patrick's Day is always on a fucking weeknight. I HAVE TO WORK IN THE MORNING. I would like to go celebrate me heritage by getting drunk, but I don't want to go to work with a hangover. Ach!

Plus one. I mean, I didn't drink before last year but even so, it won't fall on a weekend for at least a few years.

Mark your calendar for 2012, when it falls on a Saturday! My complaint is that St. Patrick's Day and Cinco de Mayo always fall on the same day of the week in the same year. I think that if you have St. Paddy's Day on Tuesday, you should get a Friday Cinco de Mayo, for example. Ireland? Mexico? Let's get together and work something out.

A coupla good ol' Catholic countries, we can work something out. I'll mediate, seeing as how I can appeal to both sides.

They will unite in saying "Hm. So I dunno who this American guy is, but he seems nice enough. Anyone fancy a pint?".


The obvious solution is to add some days to the end of March or April. Screw September.

I forgot that that was how this conversation actually started. Solution: Drink on the weekend! There's nothing so special about St Patty's except that they throw a few drops of blue food colouring in your beer and sell you Guinness for cheap.

Irish and Mexican!?! You hit the drinking holiday Daily Double! Nicely done. There used to be a restaurant here called Carlos Murphy's, a Mexican-Irish place. I always figured they came up with that just so they could cash in on St. Patrick's Day and Cinco de Mayo, but maybe they were targeting you!

I'm fuckin' going there!

Irish and Mexican? That's impossible. You're lying.

Fuck you, you racially insensitive clod. My mother's over 75% Irish and a bit of German, my dad is half Italian and a quarter Mexican and German-Dutch (the Dutch dude had German in him and our last name is German because of him). So feast on that little international smorgasbord, fool. Take a Tums before you do.

That's either the Irish whiskey or the Mexican tamale sauce talking, I can't tell which.

<--- Irish/Italian


Could be the Italian vino or German bier or Norwegian grog or Dutch whatever Dutch people drink.


Spic-on-water = wetback.

Wo bist du, mein Irischen Kind?

Nicht schlecht. Ich hat eine Klasur heute gehabt...es war nicht besonders gut.

Ach, shieBe, that's wrong...

Ich studiere im Albany jetzt.

You guys really must shit yourselves watching the World Cup.

I give up, why?

In the U.S. '94 Cup, Mexico, Ireland, and Italy were all in the same group....if you'd been old enough to know what was going on then.
The 4th was Norway, and back then 3 out of 4 teams could advance, and guess what? Every team was 1-1-1.

All your danged (and Catholic at that) Old Countries went through on tiebreakers.

I seem to remember having some kind of masochist fit for a period when I was about 5...

I still prefer Lucia Dagen . Especially when celebrated in the slightly more modern variation where a hot blonde brings cinnamon rolls and blowjobs.

I'm beginning to sense that you think about sex a lot. My feelings on this asset are pro.

And now, though it is a long, long shot, I'm left wondering if I planted the Bastille Day seed in Onstad's mind the day before he released this one . I can dream. I can dream a pointless dream.

I'm going out for a beer or two, but St. Paddy's Day has certainly become a trade-off between finding a place with more charm than Bennigan's but that isn't packed with drunken idiots. Getting in early and out early makes for a better night as I get older.

fineoakstructure - nice Cornershop lyric in your mouseover. Did you do a double-take when Nike dug up that "Candyman" riff for their commercials this past winter? I know I did.

"Stout" majority lolol

And a Happy St. Paddy's to yez too.

yeah i actually didn't even think about it when i posted that.i have to work weeknights, so i had no choice but to be in front of a computer on a dry campus.
people showed up though, which was amazing.
i'm going to try to rustle this up again soon, but with better planning.

"Microwave two tin cups 'a whiskey" is a pretty Southern aphorism. Not the best I've heard, but pretty good. It fits these characters and situation very well, but it doesn't have the general usefulness of a saying like "standing out like a diamond in a goat's ass."

Darlene chases down Lyle before he gets on the plane to Drinkin' Island. Unfortunately instead of trying to stop him she only pushes him to expatriate from America and become a full-time citizen.

Lemmy lends a helping pint.

The tiger is probably not gay for the phone man.

The tiger's sexuality is challenged when backstage at a Motorhead concert.

It's not difficult to imagine Sigourney Weaver saying this on an episode of Planet Earth.

yeah, i can see it.

I've seen it.

how was ...it?


Small but perky.

why, my favorite kind!

You don't "run" a Libertarian reading room. The patrons won't stand for it.

Bait shop, sure.

The reading room runs itself, without any oversight and resulting in moribound class divergence.

It's not a "reading room", it's a "supply shop", aka a gun shop. Local authorities wouldn't let him run a bait-n-gun because they feared what's known as Wyoming Fishing, where you unload a Kalashnikov on a lake and hope you kill something.

It was a reading room in the initial version of the alt text, if I remember correctly. There was a '/' involved.

shoot, that alt-text changed in the twenty minutes it took me to read through all these dang old posts

Intersting. It still says bait shop/Libertarian reading room on the main page. Chris, I like the 'reading room' version better if you are dithering.

I concur.

damnet, why didn't i concur?

Oh. Well, in that case, scratch that first part.

Perhaps this situation is becasue of the fact that i've already celebrated St. Patrick's day (it's almost not St. Patrick's Day anymore where I' am) but I just don't see how seeing Wolcott once more time leads to seeing darlene two times.

I saw and decided to not to correct all of the typographical errors in the previous post except for 'once' instead of 'one'. That one is genuine.

It's because Wolcott was able to talk him down that time, so he didn't bust Darlene one in the chops.

The last time Lyle and Darlene hooked up, Fate had arranged that Wolcott wouldn't be around, but it seemed like he wouldn't be needed to keep things from flyin' off the rails.
Darlene was in a real good mood for once, and things seemed to be goin' great. Lyle and Darlene had tore off a good, fun drunk at the tavern, and were fixin' to go back to his apartment for more drinkin' and fun times.
Lyle was happy for the first time in months- it seemed that the bad times with Darlene were finally past. But, driving home, Darlene passed out cold in the front seat of his Baja, and proceeded to thoroughly soak the seat with piss.
Lyle didn't notice until they got home, and when he saw that, it was what finally tore it.

His eyes were opened.
He tucked Darlene's legs back in the car, shut the door, and drove her to a laundromat where he dragged her sloppy, passed-out-drunk ass into a seat. Then he drove over to the 'Glades and sat there in his Baja and cried and cried.

Sorry to be a dick about facts, but it is clearly established that Gainesville is no where near the 'Glades. Lyle would have to drive a solid 5 hours at 80 mph to get to the Everglades. This I actually know from personal experience...having lived in Gainesville. Again sorry about my dickishness.

a 5-plus hour drive seems appropriate, given lyle's Circumstances

You go straight to the Everglades right now and sit in the corner, Mister.

Maybe he IS secretly a faggot. And maybe that IS why he never pays the bill.

Is that last panel as cryptic to anyone else as it is to me? Is he implying Wolcott gave bad advice and he stopped talking to him? Either way I liked this one.

Because he "saw" Wolcott one more time? I really don't get the last panel.

I'm scouring the chat now to get everyone's insight. So far, the best suggestion I have seen is that Lyle catches Darlene with Wolcott once.

Oh, no, wait, I think I got it. This event happened a couple more times. Once, Wolcott was there to give the same advice, since Lyle forgot it the first time. For that second time, however, Wolcott was not around to give his sage advice, and Lyle, being the "less-than-sage" man we know and love, completely flipped his shit and severed all ties with the girl.

Correct. I wanna chubby. Meaning I did... well, you get it anyway.

I had to read it a couple more times for the last panels to make sense. Lyle is saying that Wolcott gave him bad advice, the advice cost him Darlene, so he only saw Wolcott once more after that. Probably to shove a middle finger in Wolcott's face and maybe knock him off his regular barstool.

I think it's hard to see, because most of the people here think Wolcott's advice is pretty sage. I'd much rather let a woman who is three shots past crazy sleep it off than chase after her to have an argument over whether I was getting with the guy from the phone company. But if you want to stay with a jealous girl like Darlene, you have to chase after her and participate in the crazy, as pointless as it may be. If you just stay on the barstool, it's as good as telling her you don't care. Maybe you won't be there for her the next time she's puking behind the merch tent at the Priest show.

See the second-to-last panel. Teodor says it sounds like sage advice, but we all know how well Teodor does with the ladies. Then Lyle says he was lazy . He knows he should have gone after her. He goes right from that to saying he only saw her twice more. So Lyle's refusal to participate in the crazy was the cause of the break-up, not the crzy itself. See Teodor's surprise in the last panel that the sage advice didn't help hold things together. And then Lyle replies to Teodor's surprise by saying he only saw Walcott once more. That's his way of saying, "It was shit advice, you putz!" but Lyle is too melancholy to get aggro on Teodor.

Correct. I wanna cum.

Well then cum, already.

And stop using your other account to chubby yourself. It's embarrassing.

You got your cum on my chubby!

You got your chubby in my cum!

Two great tastes that go great together.

Gay orgy

%u201CI see everything,%u201D he cried, %u201Ceverything that there is.
Why does each thing on the earth war against each other thing?
Why does each small thing in the world have to fight against the world itself?
Why does a fly have to fight the whole universe?
Why does a dandelion have to fight the whole universe?
For the same reason that I had to be alone
in the dreadful Council of the Days.
So that each thing that obeys law may have the glory
and isolation
of the anarchist.
So that each man fighting for order
may be as brave and good a man as the dynamiter.
So that the real lie of Satan
may be flung back in the face of this blasphemer,
so that by tears and torture we may earn the right
to say to this man,
%u2018You lie!%u2019
No agonies can be too great
to buy the right to say to this accuser,
%u2018We also have suffered.%u2019"

I remember everything!
I remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday.
I was barely seventeen and I once killed a boy with a Fender guitar
I don't remember if it was a Telecaster or a Stratocaster,
but I do remember that it had a heart of chrome and a voice like a horny angel!
I don't remember if it was a Telecaster or a Stratocaster,
but I do remember that it wasn't at all easy.
It required the perfect combination of the correct power chords,
and the precise angle from which to strike.
The guitar bled for a week afterward and the blood was - ooh -
dark and rich like wild berries.
The blood of the guitar was Chuck Berry red.
The guitar bled for about a week afterward but it rung out beautifully,
and I was able to play notes that I had never even heard before.
So, I took my guitar and I smashed it against the wall,
I smashed it against the floor,
I smashed it against the body of a varsity cheerleader,
I smashed it against the hood of a car,
I smashed it against a 1981 Harley Davidson.
The Harley howled in pain.
The guitar howled in heat.
And I ran up the stairs to my parents' bedroom.
Mommy and Daddy were sleeping in the moonlight.
Slowly I opened the door, creeping in the shadows,
right up to the foot of their bed.
I raised the guitar high above my head,
and just as I was about to bring the guitar crashing down upon the centre of the bed,
my father woke up screaming:
"Stop! Wait a minute! Stop it boy! What do you think you're doing?
That's no way to treat an expensive musical instrument!"
And I said "God dammit Daddy! You know I love you,
but you've got a hell of a lot to learn about rock and roll!"

Oh are we doing things?

The thousandth and tenth day of the human totem pole.
The morning was distemper grey,
Of the thousandth and tenth day of the human totem pole.
The man at the bottom was smiling.
He had just finished his breakfast smiling.
It hadn't rained or manured for over two hours.
The man at the top was starving.
The pole was a horrible looking thing
With all of those eyes and ears
And waving hands for balance.
There was no way to get a copter in close
So everybody was starving together.
The man at the top had long ago given up
But didn't have nerve enough to climb down.
At night the pole would talk to itself and the chatter wasn't too good.
Obviously the pole didn't like itself, it wanted to walk!
It was the summer and it was hot
And balance wouldn't permit skinning to undergarments.
It was an integrated pole, it was taking on an reddish brown cast.
Exercise on the pole was isometric,
Kind of a flex and then balance
Then the highest would roll together,
The ears wiggle, hands balance.
There was a gurgling and googling heard
A tenth of the way up the pole.
Approaching was a small child
With Statue of Liberty doll.


but wozzeck, you seem like one of those guys who found it difficult and left it untried

"Wait. Do I need to take a shit? I feel like maybe I need to take a shit now... Hmmmm..."

This was my initial interpretation as well, but I still don't entirely understand why he saw Darlene twice. I think that's the main issue of contention.

Wolcott needs to remind himself not only where he is, but also where he will be, which is here at the Beeter-Bub.

Hella existential.

I don't think Wolcott is stupid, just taking things easy.

You call it existential, I call it drinking in Florida. We didn't need a book about a pond to understand. Its hot now, so let's drink. It'll be hot tomorrow, so we'll drink then.

It was hot yesterday, let's make up for it by drinking doubly today.

I think you'd be laughed out of the Beeter-Bub if you said you were drinking doubly today.

my kudos to lyle. he's handling this situation very well. it looks like he used to be slow to anger. maybe darlene's leaving him changed his personality for the worse. or for the better. now he's more entertaining.


i would have expected Wolcott to run a medicine show, but i am not disappointed

A good strip. Not as stiff and phoned-in as they can be as of late.

Lyle's story is surprisingly real feeling; it is a thing that please me. He's a man who has seen things.

Does Tacodor think that you have to cross your arms to ask insightful questions?

He tries so hard at everything ...

oh no Onstad said faggot. Worst strip evar : (

Drunk Darlene said "faggot".

Shh don't let on

The sip Lyle takes in the last panel is the painful sip of memories.

Word up. I desire ejaculation.

i came.

I wanted to cum
But my belt was on too tight
I jizzed in my pants

once I ate a grape and I


Bruce Willis was dead and


i jizzed in a girl a year and a half ago.

she just showed up on my doorstep with a toddler, demanding half of my weekly paycheck or she'll pursue litigation.

end of story. the moral is that women are clear, like a horrible toy with no color in the plastic. If they talk, it is the sound of glass breaking and birds burning in a shoebox.

but did you introduce her to achewood? did she give you awkward head in an airport bathroom?

I just chubbied you, but for the record, it was accidental. It was right beside the 'misogynist' button, which is what I was aiming for.

hmmmm deficient eyesight and lack of manual coordination ... legend has it that these symptoms are caused by an overindulgence in a certain euphoria-inducing activity.

i am talking, of course, about banging your mom.

Your own fault man. There is one place on a woman you should not jizz and plenty of places that are completely OK and all kinds of fun. You choose the wrong one.

Let this be a lesson to all.

Belgand taught me a lesson and


you should write books for general consumption or such as in sex education classes

I have compiled a helpful chart that should assist with determining this in the future.


If you have any further questions or are uncertain in future endeavors please confine your jizz interactions to women who like to take it in the can.

kneecaps and armpits, hot damn!!!!!

lemme at em

It is a fine thing to spill your seed upon a young girls belly... but some of these other suggestions only confuse me.

Breasts, thighs, mouth, and (not pictured) can (inside or out, your choice!) are confusing? I thought they were considered more or less standard places to spill one's seed . Keep in mind, however, that these are merely suggestions. I wanted to use shading to indicate which areas were acceptable and which were not, but I'm working with MS Paint here because, frankly, anything better is well above my level of artistic competence.

I kind of regret that I did not provide a note indicating that the dusty ground is not an appropriate place for one's seed .

that was very gross;
stereo is one sick fuck.
who hasn't been there?

If I'm being frank
I'm parodying a song
I have not been there.

Wolcott's a pimp. i wanna know his life story.

Girl, ain't you never been lobsterslapped before?

Oh god dammit

Nope. You're not getting out of this one. You have to lobsterslap desert_donkey now. G'head.

Is that a Somalian lobster slap, or a North Somalian lobster slap? There's a significant difference.

It's the one where daidai and desert_donkey cum. That's the one.

A full day of not-internetting, and I come home, and thew comments aren't yellow. They should be yellow. I saw the thread before, and the comments from 20 minutes ago are yellow, but not the ones from six hours ago. What does this mean?

My family is stalking me.

The first 2 times you view a new strip, the comments are not yellow. From the 3rd time on, it's fine.

Maybe . . .

That's... not true. Unless it's just true for whatever browser you use. I always get yellow comments from my second visit on.

I'm inclined to agree with you, as that has always been my perception on how things work around here, but I'm not sure. The yellow comments that appear the second time may have been posted between the first time you visited and the second.

It is true. I discovered this a while back and now whenever a new strip is posted I referesh the page before reading the comments.

that is such a good idea.

I hear jaundice is a condition that makes you see things in yellow.

Jaundice! Are you crappin?

If you're a hume' an' you like 2 b finger'd lemme hear ya say "whaaat?"

WHAAAAAT play ma anus lik a fiddle bebe

A comment left by gertrude was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by gladi8orrex, Stonecrab, techiebabe, cpnglxynchos, Doc_Rostov)

A comment left by gertrude was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Stonecrab, techiebabe, cpnglxynchos, Doc_Rostov)

A comment left by gertrude was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by gladi8orrex, vheissu, Stonecrab, techiebabe, cpnglxynchos)

Please go die in a fire as soon as is convenient.






seriously. i can't even translate this.

maybe you aren't doing it right? maybe?

You my frien' spell o-so bad. You should b' nbarrassed 4 yourselb


It's funny because glad has bad spelling.


Chubbied for originality.

(there was no chubby)


I don't know why that made me laugh but hey.

falseprophet? Is it you?

falseprophet likes anal play?


I read the most awesome Beatles slash fiction yesterday. I just ran across it on the Gopher protocol . . .really fascinating how much time was spent on it. Very nuanced. They had all died and the afterlife was explained to them, and apparently when you die you become a vampire. But it was so elegantly done.


cleared that up then.

I'll be back later then

Hmm, you know what, i'm still a bit confused as to whether or not you like things up your butt. If only there were...oh, i dunno...some sort of...graphic indicator? As to whether or not you are homosexual? Hmm?

Heh... Seriously, you guys. Just bookmark it.


This really really should have stopped being funny.


But I want to know about Gator and the woodworking shop!

We all do, but perhaps we are not yet ready to learn such secrets.

This cannot end without an attempt to find her, perhaps a trip to hogtown.

While waiting for tonight's promised non-Lyle episode, I will remark simply that I fell down a flight of stairs over the weekend and hit my head on the bare concrete floor. It was like a Bugs Bunny cartoon: I saw points of white light like stars, and a bump appeared on my head the diameter of a quarter. If I had turned around I might have seen a huge bunny with a wooden mallet. My body still hurts from this.

Liam Neeson's wife fell down and hit her head in the snow on the bunny slopes, and is now presumed braindead.
Go figure.

She's dead now you prick.

The occipital lobe (which is the furthest back part of the brain) is where the visual system is. When you hit it, you do see stars!

i was once punched in the temple at a concert as i was exiting the mosh pit, either by accident or purposefully. i saw green and purple stars.

then i got pulled out and given a free bottle of water and given permission for re-entry. (it was Denver's Marquis Theater, a no-readmittance-under-21 kinda place.)

did you got to the hospital?
it's actually really bad to see stars.
plz don't have a concussion.


My daughter had like 5 or 6 concussions her senior year of H.S. She was a stud soccer player, got stomped in the head once, ran into a post another time; and was in 2 or 3 wrecks that year(that we knew about)

She's pretty much settled down to being an at-home mom these days.

you...might want to get that checked out...? Srsly!

Wolcott's wiser than an immortal cowboy who's spent the last hundred years working at a hospice in the Libary of Congress

Congress, eh? Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.


It's funny because Congress is screwing us over!
. . .
Or something.

Sexual congress, fool.

i like sje's interpretation better.



Motion passes .


"Harrumph, harrumph, harrumph, harrumph,..."

"I didn't get a Harrumph outta THAT GUY!"


Give the Governor a "Harrumph!"


Give the Governor a "Harrumph!"

darn it.

Watch yer ass

seriously my first bbcode fail in a really long time. i was so on a roll...


i skate for the children, who have no voice to speak for them.

For the honorable Judge Peter North?

the questionable judges .

My name is Judge.

Wow... Sounds like you could use some %u201Ctricyclene.%u201D

Tetracycline should not be administered due to allergies.



I meant more along the lines of he was reading a lot since the LOC has hella books. And as we all know, watching someone die makes a dogg change inside; I wonder if Ray's mom knows what that's like