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Philippe is missing! Monday, April 17, 2006 • read strip Viewing 74 comments:

what makes this is beef's ringtone

what is that from ?

It's 'Institutionalized' by Suicidal Tendencies.

That song is so goddamn hard to play on Guitar Hero...the tempo change...so hard.

I think that's mainly so hard because Guitar Hero is about time-matching what the guitarist did originally, and ST's original guitarist was either so trashed or so inept while recording (and the pacing therefore wandered so much) that I doubt even he could ever recreate the exact pacing of the studio track.

Please note that this observation in no way diminishes my absolute love for that song and album ("I saw your mommy...": classic!). Skate punk was FAR removed from any concerns about whether your guitarist was Yngwie fucking Malmsteen or something, and that was definitely a good thing...

Cross-over thrash for the win.


I just downloaded this song, and started looking for this strip. Just as I found it this part of the song came up.

(I'd say it's a lot like Weird Al's Albuquerque except told by your manic depressive pothead buddy)

and about 20 years earlier

and a third the length.

and good

This song pretty much defined our generation.

soundtrack for the strip.

Wow. Talk about a song that should never be made into a music video. That was laughable.

word it balances out the Beatles.

Beef's crotch is hella outraged about global apartheid.

emeril is a wise man.

This one strip adds great depth to his character. He draws on keen insight and his network of trashspotters & collectors in tracking Philippe, and yet he's hook-in-mouth credulous about one of the plumb looniest of conspiracy theories. It's like he has no filter for his ability to link facts and events and draw connections.

Er, as has been pointed out previously, below. Must read through the thread before acting like I'm soo smart.

That is why the tears they do come but they are not that often.

> emeril is a wise man


I want to know how he knows Zell and Cory...

Trashspotters and "collectors" will occassionally cross paths.

like a really cool adrien(sp?) monk....

A comment left by deimosrising was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kenthegod, craigola, tttt2)

A comment left by geesycreesy was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, mygoodfriend, ih8jonmayr, gbeaton, Dwilow, Shinkicka)

But if you've noticed, songs from Sgt. Peppers make up a large part of the "soundtrack" to many strips.

Onstad has helped revitalize the Beatles for me by using their songs so weirdly out of context. Now, whenever something completely horrible and panicky is happening, I start wailing "Lovely Rita;" whenever I have to take a disgusting dead rat out of a trap, I hum "When I'm Sixty-Four." A new lease on life!

I'm very fond of Emeril. this strip is one good reason why. Another is at the end of GOF, when he asks how the tenmen were.

This strip is what made me love Emeril. The last panel, espesh.

I've only just noticed what an obvious mother figure for Philippe Téodor is...I guess Mr Bear is kind of like his stern father, and Ray and Roast Beef are his two crazy old uncles...

I must say the moon landings weren't faked. But the car blaring "Lovely Rita, Meter Maid" is awesome. Is the tape stuck in the car?

Not that I'm saying that Onstad believes the moon landin's were faked, of course, or that he has built a rocket to the moon to get some alone-time.

This is rare for beign a long strip that has gold in pretty much every panel

Is Sgt. Pepper's stuck in Beef's player? Every time he's in it there's some song playing from that album.

I'm sorry, I can't think of a single reason one would need to desire to unstuck it.

...Maybe you found your copy of Rubber Soul, instead?

Or Revolver, even?

(It's the best one)

Guy Ritchie film? Heh, if you insist.

Oh you

Everyone has a friend like Emeril. Unbelievably intelligent and practical, friendly, understanding, and also believes something completely fucking crazy.

Snopes and Skeptic.com helped me prevent myself from becoming THAT friend.

I'm still that friend. But that's okay, because Lyle and Emeril are good company to be in.

I was thinking the same thing. The mixture of brilliance and craziness is in those folks is itself frustrating, because one never knows whether the next topic of conversation will be intriguing or batshit insane.

"I was looking up meditation on the internet last night!" :)
"Let's talk about string theory!" :)
"9/11 was an inside job." :(

That would imply that string theory isn't completely fucking crazy or batshit insane.

xkcd is, in my opinion, probably the second most intelligent comic out there. Of course, rankings can be silly. xkcd could be most physics and engineering type intelligent, Achewood would be most intelligent culturally.
Monroe talks about this here .
Sometimes, being really intelligent just means you're really good at contorting logic to the view that you want to believe.

Achewood for culture, xkcd for science, cat and girl for humanities ... if these three comics crossed over the sheer coolness just might destroy the internet as we know it.

Is it wrong to want to see this, even if it would mean the end of the Internet as we know it?

Girly wins for pure chaos.

And to be fair, Bunny : The Book of Random... wins for really obscure references.

roffle ecks dee

That's my step-dad, except for the friendly and understanding part.

I love how Emeril believes the moon landings were faked even though Beef has been to the moon. So its not like it's impossible, just that certain moon landings were faked.

Just the first one. It was important to fake getting there first, in order to stick it to the Russians.

Because an ancient Sumerian tablet states that whoever touches the moon first, wins.

He probably doesn't have anymore eight track tapes. I had four eight-tracks in my old AMC Concorde, and that was it for audio entertainment ... the radio didn't work.

Whenever someone gets a phonecall and I tell them to "Tell that guy he sucks!" They just say "Oh, and Riaz says you suck."

It gets awkward.

It's not your fault. They're not even trying to work that in.

It's only on this read through that I begin to distinguish between TV chef Emeril and garbagespotter Emeril.

hearing the intro to lovely rita while driving can be a very magical thing, but given the situation, its a bit too magical

hey, second Sgt. Pepper's reference in Achewood history. Makes me smile.

If there were a rating higher than 5, this strip would get it, if only for squeezing Suicidal Tendencies and Beatles references into the same strip

How appropriate that RB would have Suicidal Tendencies ringtone

Emeril is a bit of the genius.

"All that I know is I see two missing things and not one."

This line made me fall in love with the character known as Emeril.

I still assume they are talking about the generously eyebrowed chef. Until the mullet shows up.

I feel a little guilty, because the strip is so dark, but I just spit all over my screen.

The choice combination of a Galaxie and "Lovely Rita" =explosion of saliva.
When I was Phillipe's age, my mom drove a Galaxie. I threw up in it many times.

You likely drank too much Pepsi.

I just noticed that emeril's speech is punctuated like Beef's.

Sorry if this is obvious to anyone.

Good eye!

all I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me. JUST ONE PEPSI.

Paul is dead.

Interesting. I'll bet Emeril has a few choice words on that as well.

I bet Lyle is pissed that Roast Beef didn't tell Teodor that he sucks.

Panel 8 is the best thing ever to read aloud not written by Shakespeare.

A dude given to conspiacies is likely to pick up on these things.

Best driving song ever. For reals.