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Pockets Full of Sand Friday, April 2, 2010 • read strip Viewing 268 comments:

The alt-text. That right there is touching.

Yes. Yes it is.

I was fully expecting this scene to involve Teodor throwing rocks at Philippe, trying to get him to run away ... As Philippe gives him confused looks, turns back several times and then finally runs off.

"Get out of here, Philippe, GO AWAY! I HATE YOU!"

[To himself:] I love you ...

This would be beyond the saddest thing. This would be TOO MUCH.

The saddest thing would be a repeat of the Super-Secret Ice Cream Shop.

How many more possible sex offenses need to be dodged and how many more animals need to die before the Otter learns not to get into cars alone? HOW MANY, PHILIPPE?

Philippe going to live with his nutty mother is a pretty sad thing in itself. The weird presents were kind of sweet, but anyone who sends Jack Chick pamphlets to a five year-old should not be allowed near children.

I wonder if Philippe's mother is an ardent and active Teabag-Partier.

I wonder also if Drew Weing's first guest strip will turn out to be horribly prophetic.

I'd want to ask "how much can a 'Teabag-Partier' corrupt a child," but after having in person seen many such bring their children to rallies and dress then up and have them hold signs, I already know most of the answer.

Of course, there have, surely, been parents making their children subjects of inadvertent political action since whenever; I don't doubt that. But, little tykes with tri-korn hats and signs saying "take your hands off my previously-unborn body" just doesn't make me like today's American political discourse.



There's a difference between educating one's children about politics and society and parading them around while pushing your own agenda. This kind of "exposure" seems more like waving genitalia in front of a kid and demanding they try to make sense of what they're seeing.

Don't matter which end of the spectrum you're on, a five year old has no business being plopped in the middle of any kind of political discourse.


Is 'Teabag-Partier' like a 'fuck buddy'?

It's a bit like a Poop Group Hooligan.

Wait, is that an iPad in panel 4?

no, its just a closeup of T's cellphone browser.

Yeah. T's with it enough to know what an iPad is, but is reasonable enough (or realizes he has trouble affording rent as it is) and would rather pay data charges on his phone.

Or maybe it's just O's compy. Who knows.

I'm really sorry to be so ignorant, but what for real is the original one of that? Was there some Lassy where that happened? The Yearling? I'm totally drawing a blank about this.

It happened in almost every movie made in the 1980s in which a cute but inexplicably unpopular child befriended an alien or wild animal. Eventually a man with a mustache or hat would decide that he wanted to kill or capture the alien or wild animal, and that meant that the kid would have to chase it away, leading to the most poignant theatrical meme ever dreamed up by a Jew in a Hawaiian shirt while talking on a huge cell phone in his convertible.

Thank you for the answer, I like it. But I still think that there's sort of a first one. Can people at least give me some early examples? Did that actually happen in the Yearling? Old Yeller?

Well, in both Old Yeller and The Yearling, the kid ends up shooting the beloved mammal, not chasing it away.

Also, yeah, I'm a little worried in general about this.

Man haven't we all been there? You're trying to act casual but in your mind there's only one thing, you just want them to come back again.

No. I'm usually happy to see them go. Life is complicated enough without having to care for people all the time.

Wait, I thought life was all about caring for people!

Doppelganger is just adopting a Wolverine from the X-Men cartoon worldview. You know, the "LOOK AT ME I DON'T CARE ABOUT PEOPLE, DON'T YOU WANT TO BREAK THROUGH MY HARD EXTERIOR TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT ME?" attitudes.

Since you lack a healing factor or fan appeal, no, I don't.

thank u for your opinion lexsenthur

I thought this was a little unfair, at first. Being pissy in the face of sadness isn't the most perfect of human traits, but it's hardly the loserchosys you describe here.

Then I read further down the page. Pssst... doppelganger... normal 25-year-old men do not refer to other comments as being the cause of their Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. that is not the way to be

Doppelganger is my favorite troll. I have my reasons.

There is only one troll for me: Dr. Manflesh. The original and the best. He stole my heart when I first read his status.

Sometimes, I look up at the moon, and wonder if somewhere, somehow, Dr. Manflesh is desiring anal play immediately.

imagine that sung as a duet by linda ronstadt and peabo bryson. then try not to get choked up.

"Somewhere Out There (There's a Troll for Me)"

if caring about only yourself is such a messy way of life, its better that you dont involve anyone else.

Q: what do you get when you cross a clusterfuck with a trainwreck?
A: either a cluster-wreck or a trainfuck.

You could just find a stronger person to parasitize. Then you don't have to take care of yourself or others.

I'm pretty bummed that no one else turned out to share the sentiment.

Agreed. You know that Cornelius is up every morning at 4:30 eating Welsh Rarebit. And Lyle's bedtime is 7 AM.

Yes, a very cursory farewell. No party?

kill the welsh warebit1!!! kill the waebit!!!!

Would you like to shoot him now, or wait 'til you get home?

I demand that you shoot me now!

Onstad truly is a master of his craft.


Thank You.

Damned if a leave like that ain't keep you a certain kind of company as well.

When Téodor says "Goodbye" he really means "stay".

If he spoke my language he could say Aavjo (/avjo), meaning do return. That's the standard way of saying goodbye, not used during occasions of bereavement, as you don't want people to visit again for something similar.

what language is that? portuguese?

In Bengali it's "Dekha hobe," literally, "there will be seeing [again]."

In Wales it's 'Don't go walking in these woods alone at night'

For the first time ever, my avatar alone is 100% appropriate. :(

Crying eagle agrees, this is the saddest thing.

Why is its face wet?

Because... of a problem...

Man, a call back to Teodor's birthday presents...hella poignant, man

Philippe leaving is basically the same thing as 9/11

except quite a few less people will die as a result of Philippe leaving, but the sadness will still be the same :(

A comment left by ratacattt was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by possums, srmeowmeow, bbf, nice-on-water, quaga, thebaddoctor, Baronne, LexSenthur, Lohninck, nickb285)

Fuck you. Sincerely, America.

Also, it's = its. Sincerely, Third Grade Punctuation.

A comment left by ratacattt was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by bbf, sprkfv39, nice-on-water, thebaddoctor, Baronne, Lohninck, HistoryAndMetal)

The America that I...

.. boned ?

C'mon! 10 chubs? And I set you up for it!
/wah wah cry cry face


Oh shelbydavis! Will things ever turn out right for you? I'm giving you a chubby. It's all I have, but widow's mite etcetera etcetera.

If you have a chubby, you never know what a widow might etcetera etcetera.

To be fair, though, he is exhibiting *fantastic* avatar-comment synergy.

I realized that after I posted--although it doesn't hold a candle to the synergy he's rocking with the Higgs Boson line vv. The man has a newspaper suit and he knows how to use it.

But if it's repeated, then it probably wasn't a typo. Every apostrophy belongs in its proper place...

A comment left by ratacattt was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ganonflcl, I_Love_Kate, HistoryAndMetal)

Substance like 'Your country deserved a major terrorist incident'?

If you add up the collective karma of a government and/or of it's people, the U.S. is not doing as well as some other countries.

I'm not sure I'd even call 9/11 "major." A couple a buildings got 'sploded, that's all. WWI & WWII were major. The death and destruction in Iraq these past few years - major. That tsunami in the pacific, the earthquake in Haiti -- all major. 9/11... 9/11 was like a lame-ass sparkler that fizzles out halfway through. It's not like the world didn't already know, before 9/11, that planes can crash. Indeed, the world already knew that terrorists wanted to crash planes like this on purpose. This is nothing new. Remember the Japanese in WWII? The Kamikaze pilots?

it's possible that people are more bothered that human beings died rather than that the buildings 'sploded, and that anyone died at all, rather than how many in comparison to any other time, these things not being a competition, or indeed working on a turn-based system.
the concept of collective karma is the concept of someone terrible.

ratacatt, you're a dick and I wish I could lame you.

well excuse me for caring about the sanctity of human life more than caring about your selfish feeeellllings!!! asshole!


who cares! who cares! everybody just shut up! shut up!

now you're getting to the crux of the biscuit

Well, fuck . And after I spend all that time listening to the album, too.

Gaaah... spent, spent. What's happening to me...?

As someone who spent his childhood checking under the car for carbombs, I do not endorse this sentiment. Even when the carbombs in question were sometimes paid for by Americans. No. I lame it.

too soon? not a good post?

Sir, if you are not truly saddened by the millions of losses caused directly or indirectly by the terrorist attacks in the year of 2001 in the month of 9 on the day of 11 of our Lord Jesus W. Christ, well then...

... you better run
... cause these colors

typos, however, are quite patriotic.

Jesus... W.?

I do think you can put two and two together there, honestly.

right right... I'm just... not sure what purpose this sarcasm serves... what are you trying to say?

Jesus H. Christ and George W. Bush... well, you know the trifecta, I'm sure. It's actually a QUADfecta, and well. The fourth piece should be obvious.

Just a thought, a conspiracy, but hey, theezcolorzdontrun34 has had some good ideas and I'm not one to tell him he's wrong.

Tridefecta, if you ask some people.



as opposed to like a thousand black people dying every day in Africa, that's just straight bullshit no one should concern themselves with

Whatever, Bono fixed Darfur.

we is all peeps togetheh dont matta the color of our skins we teh same people deep down don matter form where we was born.

thas all ima say

is balck womens more intelligent than balck dogs? (balck male dogs)

So, idiotic actions of a government justify the murder of innocents? Among the thousands killed on 9/11, I'm fairly certain at least a couple were anti-war. Not to mention that 9/11 gave the Bush administration a pretense and a favorable political climate for war in Iraq. Bush would have been a useless one-termer if not for 9/11. So not only were the attacks directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people--all of whom had differing political opinions, some of whom certainly did not support certain actions of the US government in the past--but it also indirectly led to every death of a civilian or soldier in Iraq or Afghanistan since those wars started. Which in turn led to people like you (odd that you refer to Americans as "ethnocentric [and] jingoistic" but have no problem classifying one of the least homogeneous nations on Earth as one big happy evil third world invading family) using those wars as "evidence" that it's not such a bad thing that innocent people got murdered to advance someone's political or religious agenda.

I don't know where you're from, and I don't particularly care--no government is innocent of heinous decisions. America's just happen to be some of the more visible. But what I am curious about is how you can possibly think that mass murder is justified because the victims lived in the same place as some people who supported some things you don't like. I'm also curious as to how you can think yourself morally superior to an American with the "nuke 'em all" mentality when your thought process is exactly the same.

I appreciate your reasoned reply. Sure, killing people isn't a good thing. I'm against capital punishment, although I think that if I had to choose, I'd shoot Sarah Palin in the head if it would save a dog or cat's life. (I believe that Sarah Palin is less human than the average dog or cat.) Sarah Palin is the kind of person who, when you look at his or her myspace or facebook page, and you start looking at his or her friends, you start to wonder "are these people human?" I dunno if you've ever had that experience before. Really, I don't think it's possible for a person to imagine what these creatures are really like until you put on the camo paint and get the camera with the long-range lens and the binoculars and you carefully and quietly observe them in their natural habitat for a good period of time. Some Republican American in a zoo cage is just not the same thing as one of these beasts out in the wild.

There is a segment of America that is pretty damn jingoistic and ethnocentric... This segment is totally on a par with the crazy extremist suicide bombing jihadists. Extremist Muslims and extremist American Christians... They're all the same.

In so far as America is jingoistic and ethnocentric, 9/11 was a pretty great thing. These people get all worked up about 9/11 for the wrong reasons. 9/11 pisses these people off because it trips their sense of ethnocentrism and jingoism. I can imagine no worse insult to the dead of 9/11 as the inane rambling and ranting of a patriotic American. It is the ignorance of these people at which the violence of 9/11 was directed. Certainly, violence doesn't and can't magically fix a people's ignorance. Bearing witness to 9/11 isn't going to magically serve as a substitute for the education and human awareness that so many Americans lack. But still, one has to wonder if in some corners of the American psyche, the violence of 9/11 didn't on some level give the ignorant some pause to think, if it didn't open them up to some level of awareness (to the meager extent to which they are capable of it anyway) of the outside world, and the wants and needs of a humanity that is tired of America fucking with it?

Likewise, the violence against Israel certainly has been a dead end for many generations, and it would be in Palestine's best interest to have move past it long ago. But were it not for the violence, would there even be an alternative to move towards?

Anyway, saying that 9/11 was a good thing is merely a form of rhetorical violence against the jingoism and ethnocentrism of America. As Martha Steward would say, "It's a good thing!"

Oh, goodness. You're a doll for trying, but I'm not going to read this. Sorry. I hope you had a nice Easter.

I'm not reading it either. Not that I don't care about Corporate Amerika taking over everything -- I've been fighting that since I began to crawl. But it's too much typing for this little board.

Hatstand_McQ says it all. V-chub.

There's a segment of most countries that is jingoistic and ethnocentric. I studied in England for a few months a little while back; I went to Northampton for a Stiff Little Fingers show (which fucking rocked, by the way), and waiting for the coach on the way back I had an older English man tell me that "if you're not white, get the fuck out of my country!" I didn't take it as representative of the English population though; I assumed he was just some BNP asshole and moved on. I'm not a fan of the kinds of Americans who kill abortion doctors, but to act as though they represent the majority of Americans is just as ignorant as assuming that Osama bin Ladin represents the majority of Muslims.

9/11 doesn't piss people off (well, at least most people) because it "trips their sense of ethnocentrism and jingoism." It pisses people off because it's mass murder by religious fanatics. Sure, the fact that the victims were from similar backgrounds makes it hit closer to home, but that's not ethnocentrism--that's simply identifying with the dead. The same way that British citizens identified with victims of the Tube bombings, or Spanish citizens identified with victims of the rail bombings there. And the violence of 9/11 was not directed at the people who make a difference. I'm less outraged about the attack on the Pentagon, because it's a legitimate military target (although using a civilian airliner as a missile is wrong)--I may disagree with their motivations, and consider them an enemy, but it's not the same as deliberately targeting civilians, the overwhelming majority of whom have absolutely no bearing on economic or foreign policy. And I find it ridiculous that you think that a normally jingoistic, ethnocentric American would suddenly have their eyes opened by 9/11. The people who actually need their eyes opened are the same ones who are going to assume that 9/11 happened because "they hate freedom/Jesus/Amurika." The ones who are examining the causes are the ones who were thinking critically in the first place.

You may think that saying 9/11 was a good thing is an effective form of discourse, but in reality all it does is make those who actually need to be brought into the debate tune you out, and make the rest of us (who already think critically) assume that you support mass murder by religious fanatics, so long as said fanatics represent an entity that's not a superpower. It makes you sound ridiculous and reactionary, and at least as small-minded as the (minority of) Americans who want to turn the Middle East into radioactive glass.

No I don't believe that the violence of 9/11 will suddenly open people's eyes, but I do believe that it will start at least a few ignorant people down a path of introspection. It's a start, is all. It creates opportunity.

Likewise, maybe somewhere in my violent rhetoric, a few people like you (although apparently not you) might get started down an introspective path where they question just what is, if not ethnocentrism, a failure to identify with victims of violence when such failure correlates with the victim's country of residence being different from one's own country of residence.

If mass murder by religious fanatics really pissed off most Americans the way you seem to think it does, then the U.S. wouldn't show almost ZERO interest in most instances thereof. No, most Americans only care about Americans. That is racism and ethnocentrism. If you want to spin it differently, by all means, give it a try.

Wait, you mean people tend to care more about an event when it occurs in their own country or to people who seem familiar? HOLY SHIT RACISM OH NOES. Please, explain to me how identification with a particular group, and increased empathy for other members of that group, is "racism." I suppose that means Britain is equally racist for using more newspaper space on domestic tragedies than foreign ones? Likewise Spain, Germany, Russia, and for that matter every other country in the world?

It's good to know that you are such an enlightened citizen of the world that you feel just as affected by the murder of some guy in the Congo as you would by the murder of your next door neighbor. Perhaps you're just more evolved than us, and I suppose in that case you're justified in masturbating to your own self-righteousness with a smug smile on your face. Most people, however, empathize more closely with people they know, or people who know people they know, etc. That's not racism, that's normal human behavior. If you want to spin it differently, by all means, give it a try.

'just some guy in the congo'

just some guy...

gettin' killed

Would someone please tell me how on earth this part of the thread defied Godwin's law for this long? I expect better from everyone here.

Whatever, Hitler .

Freedom isn't freeeeee.... yeah there's a hefty feuhhhkin faeee......

Can anyone spell that better?

look, dogg, he isnt the troll who is worth wasting your righteous indignation on. save it for gladi8orrex.

To avoid the onset of righteous indignation from gladi8orrex, read him for art's sake/not for content. He doesn't seem to troll in verse. He can, in fact, be quite artful.

naw, dude, i dont really take gladi overly serious. i just like talking shit on the 'tubes.

saying that you don't place the same nationalist significance on the event as a lot of people seem to - reasonable.

saying you don't care at all that some people died - getting too involved in the backlash there. you can disagree with the silly things people take away from the incident, but trivializing the deaths of a couple hundred people mostly suggests you're fighting those silly things waaay off-target.

like, yeah, I don't think that "EVERYTHING CHANGED ON 9/11" either, but I still think it sucks that people died. it always sucks when people die like that. they sure as hell didn't know that they were gonna be used as soapboxes after the fact, so I figure they still deserve some respect, y'know?

We don't know this for sure, yet.

your avatar always makes me smile.

The only avatar that could ever be more appropriate is mine...

Geese circle their pond
Spring sun, early morning rain-
Philippe has gone home

Did you just get a Peter, Paul and Mary reference?
Chubby for you.

Dear God, not intentionally. It's...it's just what was happening....

dont be a bitch. own your post, dogg.

I am owning it, dogg.
There were geese flying back to their pond
a few blocks away-
it had just rained cats & dogs-
good coffee-
Philippe closing one door, opening another-
it was a haiku morning.
The end. No moral. No Peter Paul & Mary.

With a dollar in my hand,
And an aching in my heart...

this is good

Damn dude don't stop painting that picture.

that is a lie.

Do we think this is going to end up in some sort of Thelma and Louise type situation - all driving in the desert, getting off with Brad Pitt, then Steve and the otter look each other in the eye, and assert their ultimate independence?

I think that's probably how it's going to go down, yes. Except instead of an implied death Phillipe and Steve will make it all the way to Mexico via magical realism. No lessons will be learned.

The end! No moral.

It would be interesting if Onstad actually followed through and wrote Phillipe out of Achewood. That would give one cause to respect the gravitas of future plot arcs.

before i read this post, i had heard or read less than 5 wrong opinions.

Of course, it would make no practical difference. It's not like he'd be killing Philippe off, and it's not like characters in this comic -stay- dead anyway... All that would happen is Philippe wouldn't appear in any of the comics for a while.

The air is too much;
when my windows are down
and there's never enough;
as i begin to drown
but surface again and i find
the happy air, there to remind.
that it's always there.
there when you need it.

I sometimes get lonely n do dumb stuff like radnom chatrooms, pcki fights. dat sorta fing. it aint easy find sum1 get woo'd wit pomes, i said dis b4 but like i get discouraged suntines i put alotta work n2 it jus' to pick up chix n like, i may aswell chissle my abs instead. not dat i aint hit the weights too its just.

sorry 4 ramble. m jus sentimental l8ly thx 4 read ma pomes errybody.g ood hap n adience

np bro.


impressive, dogg. f'real.

Oh Jebus, it's kind of shocking to be up at an hour that you see 8 comments on Assetbar. That right there is a special kind of Zen, not to mention the sadness of Philippe leaving. That makes today a very strange day.

I am glad to see they weren't half-hearted about sending Phillipe across the country. Those are some serious in-transit security measures

There goes a special boy.


Avatar/Message synergy FTW.


woah. its like a hall of mirrors!

My icon is all blurry. I am inadequate.

This is so unsettling.

Oh god, he's actually gone...

This is all Ray's fault. If he hadn't motivated Philippe, then...then...

I'm sorry, I'm just lashing blindly out...

out lashingly blind

I'd like to think that AIU's trolling lowered Onstad's trust in the world enough to allow that ankle GPS idea to percolate in his mind.

Yes, we all like to think we have an impact on the world.

my dreams have meaning. everyone else dreams of having some sort of faggity impact on the world.

Is there some kind of support group I can attend to turn my dreams straight again? They keep getting all sentimental and also sometimes they try to do other girls' dreams

You can hang out in my dreams. I was at a family reunion in a dream last night; I was on security detail, wearing a ski mask and carrying an automatic shotgun as my relatives picnicked.

In my dreams my brother and I usually just yell at each other as he backs my car into the garage, even though this only happened half a time in real life. I wonder if there's a support group for that.

Does he back your car into the car-hole in the garage, or does he back it into the structure itself? There are support groups for one but not the other.

Oh goodness. We probably shouldn't have a thread about dreams, but what the hell.
I have had zombie nightmares five nights out of the last seven. That's a lot of zombie nightmares isn't it?

were you fellating dead penises?

He means specifically only in relation to your post. Please.

I dreamt Berlusconi was raising ducks in my garage. Same atmosphere as yours I think.

Oh man, I pick to hang out in your dreams for sure.

Onstad, April Fool's was yesterday.

Where's Prince?

Because this is truly what it sounds like, when doves cry.

worst joke from ugliest comedian

OK, the phone conversation doesn't mean anything to me. I know what those words mean, but when you do them like that, I don't.

Maybe I'm tired.

Just go to sleep. It'll all be OK when you wake up.

Will it ever be ok again?

It's not going to be okay this time.

Perfect avatar/comment synergy right there.

His anus is bleeding.


For the love of God and all that is holy!

Anus's are not supposed to bleed?


knowing is half the battle.

Free health care is the other!


the 3rd half? turning everything not-america into a fucking parking lot.

hell yea

Obamerica is here to stay
gonna blow the bad guys away

This can't be happening...this can't be happening...this can't be happening...la la la la la...I'm not listening...

What, no Téodor wang shots this time?

hard to rock a cranberry-sized chub given the gravity of the situation

No amount of negative emotion can offset the cruel force of the Morning Wood. I, sadly, know this for a fact.

it is indeed a sad thing to have morning wood, yet not have an interested lady with morning dew in proximity.

I put on my robe and wizard hat.

Yes, it's always important to practice safe sex.

You haven't had enough Very Unfortunate Circumstances in your life yet, I warrant.

It's a scientific fact: visibly chilled water vapor exhalations make pre-dawn goodbyes at least 40% more poignant.

Geez, it sounds like Teodore is having Philippe kidnapped.

It's a Farewell Friday :'(

This story arc gives me the sads.

A comment left by doppelganger was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, edana, Scorpio_nadir, Jorus, diplomat76, cpnglxynchos, usversusthem, HistoryAndMetal)

don't be a dick to a doc_rostov ever

Wait I thought Assetbar was where we made a game out of being dicks to each other

Only a jackass like you would think something that stupid. Fuck off.

2 points

Eat dicks, fagface!

am i doing it right

Snikt snikt, bub.

suck shit you got AIDS

Doesn't matter how good you look, once you get AIDS you're done

Its Good Friday. Phillipe is returning home by virtue of the sins of others. He'll be back by Sunday.

I have to admit that the Phillipe/Jesus parallel is one that I had considered. He is utterly innocent. A weekend with his mom will probably be a hellish experience.

Here's hoping that this is just an Easter thing.

Is... is Teodor Judas ?

I'd guess Ray? he's the one that betrayed.

It goes without saying Cornelius is Pilate.

Teodor is Peter.

No mommy please not the buckle!

non-canonical; apocryphal, even.

Nah, man. Onstad was originally going for an April Fools' Day release for this strip. You know how he is.

Don't be sad, peeps, Philippe (I don't care how it's spelled) is going home in a very discrete way, so the next strip will have him with his mother, and somehow or other he will rejoin the fellers, do not dispair.

Even Teodor's pudgy naked body can't get a smile out of me today.

Liebot, what is the saddest thing?

Oh, Philippe, Philippe, Philippe...

... Phillipe?


Nooooooooooo! Noooooooooooo!

Imagine this, spoken by Tom Waits at a concert.

You'll discover you need not imagine anything else, ever.

WHOAV hivemind

In my head Tom Waits is repeating those words...its appropriate...very appropriate.

This Onstad is good at writing. He knows that true sadness is best expressed through soberly attended to practicalities. Alt text was too much for me.

That other Onstad sucks at writing though.

Vchub, tofu_fighting. Vchub.

Awesome: I can now read Dinosaur Comics and Achewood at the same time: https://www.qwantz.com/index.php?comic=1189&butiwouldratherbereading=achewood

OH. MY. GOD. Is this what the Higgs Boson is like?

what are the dots on teodor's bed? is he sleeping on a bare mattress?

why doesn't teodor go with him?

why is only teodor involved in planning/executing phillipe's departure?

is it wise to source an animal transport expert from a site named "Yelp"?

did onstad silhouette the last few panels because he wanted to finish quickly?

where can I get an alarm clock that has an 'A' instead of a red dot (or lack thereof) to indicate AM?

so many questions unanswered...

I once had a heath kit alarm clock. Some guy in France gave it to me.

Is a heath alarm kit that kind that makes tea and a has a little light for reading at bedtime? Because those are awesome. If I am completely off-track, nevermind and carry on.

Nevermind, I am thinking of a teasmade.

It wakes you up when your peat is ready for burning.

I have often slept on a bare matress. This is because daytime-me goes "Dirty sheets! Disgusting. Time to stick these in the machine then reward myself with a nice little trip down the pub." Then drunken-evening-me goes "Fuggin no sheets on the bed. Fuggit. Time for sleep."

That reminds me of my freshman year roommate. He would come in late, literally soaked in beer, strip off and lie naked on his bed. Often he was not alone. The second half of the year, his bed had no sheets. Which was not surprising; at that point, he would go through the pile in his closet every day to find his least smelly shirt.

When the year was over and he took off, I cleaned the room to avoid a cleaning fee. Down behind his bed, stuffed between the radiator and the bedframe, I found a hard, brown, crinkly, round-ish object, about eight inches around. Have you ever had a really good, old, cave-aged cheese? Kind of that color, not nearly as dense, but just as rough and similarly hard to the touch. Closer inspection revealed it to be tightly wadded cloth with a long tear down the middle--his missing sheet, semi-petrified with sweat, alcohol, semen, and long exposure to steam heat.

I don't know what's worst here. That I touched that thing; that he got so much action while being such a pig; or that he went on to found a non-profit that finds people jobs, feeds and houses the homeless, and shoots rainbows out its ass, so now he's a humanitarian of some renown.

Shit, I guess it's that I would be annoyed by the last one.

i wonder how jesus smelled after 2 nites in the cave

with his nose.

oh shiiiiiiiiit !

I don't trust alarm clocks. Power goes out, you're fucked. I use my cell phone!

batt powered alarm clock better

cell phone is all java and shit. the same fools that make assetbar make cell phone shit

The silence of a power outage usually wakes me up anyway. I'm kinda used to the hum of my computer.

1a & 1b: yes, that looks to be the case.
2: why should he?
3: because it was his idea; no one else knows
4: it's wise to source anything from Yelp
5: no
6: Ebay Platinum Reserve

He loves that little otter Philippe.

Why...why is this happening? I haven't posted on the discussion threads in a long time, but I have to say now that I just can't believe this. I'm glad to see this is depressing to other people, too.

Tomorrow: Lyle pukes on a football and makes it go three feet!

Also, chicken!

For those who, like me, didn't know about this:

Fun times.

Bah, never mind, someone posted it already.

And some pockets full of sand fall in the sea... eventually?

This is also what I thought too, as well.

As noted below , it is from Lightfoot (not Hendrix).

Dude, they can share the stage now they're dead

There was a special boy whose heart was a frown
Because eBay shipped him to a far away town

But then a sight he'd never seen made him jump and say
Look a golden winged 1979 AMC Eagle is passing my way!

an it didn't really have to stop....

Wait a second. This is for real.

You can't know that don't pretend you know that.

I love you, Phillippe. I love you forever.

I'm just going to hang back and see what happens; I'm not going to get too worked up over this. Sorry, guys.

I think we should profit from this by running a betting ring. People can put money on what they think will happen:

Philippe goes to live with his mom. He is out of the strip forever

Philippe goes to live with his mom. He is mostly gone but we still see him occasionally.

Philippe goes to live with his mom but hates it and soon comes back to Achewood.

Or something else.

after a while in a desperate act of rebellion Phillippe is gets some goth walkabout shoes that scream in pain with every step he takes

and his mom is so pissed she pisses on the shoes

and the shoes go mad and run Phillippe into the meat grinder when mom isn't looking

and she grinds up Phillippe into deer saussage

the end no moral

Achewood, by Michael Haneke

Ray seduces Philippe's mom, ships her to California (Achewood is still on the west coast, right?) and introduces her to binge drinking.

ooof. if yes, Ray wouldnt want Philippe to call him "dad".

Or something else.

Continuity takes its usual trip out the window, and Philippe is back at some point with little or no explanation.

erry1 can be cre8ive. jus' a muscle needs exercise teh key is to jus do it n not cares wat otheh peeps fink. y u fink arts people do weird stuff like stand out in the park and scream loudly then wave they arms around n stand on they head. not cuz they craze is jus' to remove inhibitions, to not cares wat sum1 will tink cuz ib ur apprehensive itll show n ur work.

so jus keep get to work is basically it ib u like pretty stuff theres nothin better than 2 b jus like "oh yeah. i can write my own goddamn pomes ". like masterbation but ebtter

p,.s. i ben talkn 2 myself mor n mor. talk 2 self aint new but nah is gettn mor n mor conversational n less lik a monologue. mor lik im talking with myself rather then to myself . not worried jus sayin

I take alot of your creative advice serious, but it's precisely the fact that writin' my own pomes is like masturbation that keep me from writing them. I'll agree with you, though, it is better.

I take alot of your creative advice serious, but it's precisely the fact that writin' my own pomes is like masturbation that keep me from writing them. I'll agree with you, though, it is better.

Thanks for the advice I think I'll try to make a poem

In the lines running through my head
There is one thing that I dread
Putting words onto a page
Drives me into incandescent rage
Seems to be how I'm made
Fuck this poem
and that guy
Who made
Me write it
Wait he didn't make me write it

gladi, you are like the Andy Kaufman of people without a life

A re-percolating convenience tank? Who needs E85 ethanol or Hydrogen when you can make your own fuel? The American term for petrol has never seemed more apt.

Stopless, stop-free. Discreet and discrete.

Please tell me someone else misread that.

i misread it as "slop-free" which i also thought was pretty funny


any chicks on here ever insert stuff into your uterus?

Man, you got any idea how difficult that is? Not to mention dangerous.

the cervix is like those one way valves the put in a sewage line?

Your ignorance is baffling.

May your baffles ignore ants.

The cervix is a really tight little doughnut, and has a mucus plug, except when there's ovulation going on and those little swimming guys have to get up there. It's amazing.

Are we back in the Pre-Achewood Era (2001-2002) paradigm of the characters actually being animals? Is Steve, like, a dude?

Well now they can finally read that damned drum machine manual :<

In the early mornin' rain with a dollar in my hand
And an aching in my heart, and my pockets full of sand
I'm a long way from home, and I miss my loved one so
In the early mornin' rain with no place to go.

-- Early Morning Rain , Gordon Lightfoot.

I can only think of this:

Holy shitballs. Philippe will never stand on it again.

is teodore sharing a last cigerette with lil phillipe or is that their breath you can see in the brisk morning?

Now which kid will Todd say his cocaine ideas near?

All this talk and no mention of the AMC Eagle? The original American badass AWD car deserves mention. For shame...

No, Philippe! Too soon!