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Téodor's dream Thursday, January 17, 2002 • read strip Viewing 56 comments:

Ray has to fly to get his back medicine.

This is America. There's no universal health insurance here; we all have to fly to get our back medicine, metaphorically.

Also, he is a Cat.

I have to fly to get my "back medicine" from Canada, metaphorically.

Ray should always wear a cape

He can carry it off. Other people though...

Beef can rock it .

Don't wear a cape!

I bet with that avatar you sit around all day just waiting for someone to mention capes.

Ray's back medicine is champagne and two ladies in a hot tub.

That is medicine for a whole world of things

Yeah except for champagne-and-lady-o-phobia

That's a legitimate cure for phobias - sudden, massive exposure. There was a case of phobia in England once. This one lady was terrified of, guess what, semen. She couldn't stand the thought of it, the sight of it, and it wound up really inhibiting her sex life. So, naturally, they had to get a bathtub, and...

Wait. Wait, this was actually just a really, really filthy story from a Jo Brand routine on QI . Nevermind.

The fact that, due to your avatar, I always picture you as being Stephen Fry wasn't at all aided by the fact that you're referring to occurences in the quiz show which Mr. Fry himself is well known as the host of!

Sentence structure good? Well, anyway, my point was conveyed. You are Stephen Fry. Right?

Ha, yeah. I really was taking it a bit far there.

I am not Stephen Fry, but I am tall, over-pronunciate, and probably use a very asinine vocabulary.

...Yeah, the word is "Pronounce".

So you're telling the truth on one count, at least.

Mmm, no, I think over-pronunciate is okay there. Pronunciate implies more attention to diction than pronounce does. Then again, I do it because I have a speech impediment, not because I have a stick up my ass that has a stick up its ass. Hooray stuttering.

The handful of people I know with a stutter just close their eyes, raise their eyebrows and pucker for a kiss whenever they say a word starting with w.
I like your way.

The people I know just stutter.

I always figured Ray's back medicine was weed, but maybe he takes both remedies as, uh, a "holistic therapy."

Sugar or plain? sugar or PLAIN?

POMMES oder BROT ? ?

How can you tell?

Ray's back medicine is the bubble butt.

When baby got back, Ray's medicine is strong

Ketel One helps us fly whenever we want to.

Ray's back medicine is a line of coke done off of two women in a convertable.

Never really saw Ray as the coke-doing type. We know Beef's done it so I guess it's possible!

Never! If Ray started doing coke, next thing you know it's a bandana and a needle full of Hi-Five!

if this van's a rockin, Ray's doin' coke to Dokken.

I sure wish Ray wouldn't do all those cocaines.

oliver twist what?

THat's what i was thinking.

Me too. I feel like it's so obvious it HAS to mean something.

The only similar example that comes to mind is the episode of The Simpsons where Mr. Burns was shot, and Lisa appeared in a dream saying "Better. Look! Burns suit."

It's like sounds that don't mean their words!

I- I don't get it :(.

A comment left by alejandroadam was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by FuckYou, twentyfivepast, Thorfinn)

Ray! Don't wear a cape!

Ray's catchcry is "I...AM... RUUUUUUUUUUUDE!"

He'd walk, but his back hurts.

Teodor has many tortured dreams

It's funny to see how Teodor hero-worshipped Ray early on. I wonder if he knew Ray was a multi-billionaire?
Also, alt text: Is this the end? Will we ever see Ray again? Yes and no.
This is the sort of stuff that makes early Achewood interesting... was Onstad really going to make Ray a one-arc character?

I believe Ray doesn't become a multi-billionaire until "Ass in Your Pants."

What it actually says is "No, and Yes." The "no" refers to the question "Is this the end?" and the "yes" refers to whether we will see Ray again.

It reminds me of the way he seemed kind of in love with Circus Penis when he met him. This is a facet of Teodor.

It's like he got to use the hero-worship as a metaphor, giving us insight into the mind of the terminally-uncool kid who just knows his brief (sorry, "thong") encounter with the "cool crowd" is doomed to come crashing down.

..and why the fuck do flying superheroes have to crouch before they fly?? If you have the freakin' power to fly, couldn't you just take off ?? Or does the power of sustained flight not begin until you spring yourself a couple inches off the ground?!?

flying is just the longest jump ever.

I think it comes from the fact that when Superman was originally created he couldn't fly, he just jumped really far; but the writers kept having him change direction in mid air so much that they decided to just let him fly instead. So flight evolved from jumping and kept the crouch from habit?

I won't say this is the first great Achewood strip... but it's close.

it is certainly ushering in the future tomfoolery that is achewood character self-esteem issues and hang ups

It's not the first great Achewood, but it's the first REALLY great Achewood.

If I was having this dream, I wouldn't be rollin around and fussin . . . I'd be damn happy about having a cat like Ray grace my dream with his presence! I only wish that in the last panel, his head was turned to give us a wink . . .

I don't get the back medicine thing. Otherwise this strip would be a 5.

this doesn't surprise me.

I love this strip, so very much

I have dreams like this

It is interesting to have dreams about cats wearing capes and thongs.

Teodor dreams angrily.