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Culpepper meets Tina Tuesday, June 1, 2004 • read strip Viewing 72 comments:

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, straw, ezcmac, VandenBos, Lolsworth, zcross00, karljw, symbolsoup, 1000Hz, riotdejaneiro, mikeronomicon, Thorfinn, Hipjiverobot, DiamondMonster, DeimosRising, Carpetbag, Catachresis, siliconslick, mercuri0us, trisha, barfighting, iloveyoucupcake, regrepnsnefpoh, mtrott, Koremora, TheLoneliestMonkey, gtc, Sargasm, SoManyWhales, atticusonline, HolyQ, Baryonyx, Carrot, mira, newspaperdrone, aHatOfPig, Scorpion13, regrepsnefpoh, Afkpuz, Tragic_Johnson, FinnS, Herr_Modin, sncether, eRiUukFJk, Audhumla, heatbag, holly_golightly, DeathwishJones, morbo, afvbs)

A comment left by catachresis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, Carpetbag, salvagebar, rowboat, Connellingus, slalvation)

A comment left by epicurus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by goocifer, rowboat, Connellingus, Taidje_Khan)

I am so confused about all of the quotation marks you have used here.

They are supposed to automatically convey the voice of that guy in the movie trailers god dammit.

Don't worry, guy with Sealab avatar. It's so clearly the voice of Don LaFontaine.

Hahahaha that is absolutely fantastic. You got it down perfectly. I wish to make it real.

I've always wondered what will happen when that guy dies.

Umm... he died a month or so back?

Heh, whatever.


Asherdan clearly understands the comic at a level that we could never hope to reach. I commend him on his insight and wisdom. The comment threads would not be complete without his douchebaggery.

I kind of regret being a dick (a 5-chubby dick) here, because asherdan has all sorts of retarded internet backlash on him right now

5-chubby dick is an interesting term

would fit right into the Book of Revelations.

5-chubby dick: when your hard-on is so exemplary as to merit five of them (in quality, not quantity).

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, symbolsoup, Overmedicated, Thorfinn, FeralChicken, Moraiat, hikikomori, Koremora, atticusonline, Carrot, Scorpion13, eRiUukFJk, Audhumla, stormagnet, SPECTRE, cjfoster, afvbs, SotiCoto)

And I almost regret riding on your coattails. But remember! Whatever 'erdan may say or do, his past misdeeds are forever graven into the ASSETBAR.

chubbied for 'erdan. Incisive and subtle.

Like an incision. By a doctor.

A subtle doctor.

A subtle, incisive doctor. Who makes incisions .

This is starting to sound like Dr. McNinja's work.

Now I'm regretting having already made a Dr. Who reference on one of your comments because it's so much more appropriate here.

Seriously awesome avatar/comment synergy...

Rays face in panel 5 is the best.

Onstad is the master of the mid-comic cutaway punchline.

I'm still not exactly sure WHY Ray's face looks like that. Has he noticed the reader, intruding on his personal area? Does he just like to make faces when he's alone? Or is he just having a hard time... Getting things moving?

good question! maybe ray doesn't like being the comic strip version of a cutaway.

That's the face you make when you're drinkin' and stinkin'

this comment owns!!!

I've decided that he's either noticed the reader, or just got a good whiff of what came out of his hind end.

"Yeah man, we doin' this! YEAHHHHH!"

Don't know man, that doesn't look like the Sidesaddle to me...

I always thought he was burping. 'Cuz he just took a swig from that bottle. I thas the rhythm of swigging and burping, you know, like in real life.

Silent panel, breaking the 4th wall? I think G-d just acknowledged 'Erdan's existence.

I really dig uncle culpepper. This one is another of my favourites.

do you drink on the can now that you've seen this strip?

I have always drunk on the can.

I once peed into an empty in the bathroom while drinking. Do I get some sort of medal? For the record, I set the empty on top of a totally useable toilet.

I am not proud of this, but I would like that medal.

Epicurus, pissing into an empty, calling me faggot. He cannot see me.

It's like we went to the same high school or something.

Chubby for the candor. I admire it. The ratio of people who have done this to people who will admit to doing this is not insignificant.

I once peed into a wastepaper basket in a friend's bathroom (I was drunk). The reason for this dickishness was that the wastepaper basket was designed to look like a panda and I didn't like the way it was staring at me .

A person who has been drunk knows exactly what you mean. A person who has never been drunk is now less likely to ever drink.

Man, I had forgotten about this, but I once had an hour-long conversation with a chair, while extremely drunk of course. The conversation turned into an argument, which culminated in me kicking the chair over angrily before walking inside to pass out.

I have sober-pissed into a trash can before.

Strip gains a full point for panel 5.

Hadn't Ray and Tina been broken up forever by this strip? I guess maybe they got back together.

Situation: A dude and a lady. Dude says, "French me." She does. They get mad-rutty. Mad-rutty! Her Dolce and Gabbanas lie on the floor.

A year later. Two. Her Dolce and Gabbanas are long forgotten by the dude, as is the lady. The lady calls. She wants her Dolce and Gabbanas back.

What woman can resist a southern gentleman's compliments?

Look at Ray all breaking the fourth wall, the man don't give a damn when he is on the John.

Panel five never ceases to crack me the hell up.

"Madame, I am prepared to be the only gentleman to gaze upon your secret junk"

Where does Ray put his thong when he's on the crapper?

A-Around his ankles...?

Yeah that's what I figured.

five'd simply because ray drinks and then has that amazing look on his face in panel 5

fourth wall breaking in the fifth panel for the win

4th wall!

This is Ray's life. Good to the last drop.

I will be forever haunted by Ray looking directly at me with that expression while drinking on the toilet.

Ray on the toilet and the alt text about Uncle Culpepper "pulling up to the bumper" are two reasons why this strip is unforgettable, if not always for the most sanity-preserving reasons.

HAHA! Ray, Ray, Ray! Haha

From OhNoRobot:
[[Ray is on the toilet, drinking a beer and daring you, the reader, to challenge him for his actions.]]

man that needs to be chubbified.

panel 5

If panel five isn't on a t-shirt or something, it needs to be. Perhaps preceded by panel four. I'd buy it.

Hell, I'd wear it to church.

when I was...old enough to know better, my father found me peeing into a trash can in the garage...he took me inside and spanked me soundly for a minute, trying his hardest not to let his giggles burst forth in outright guffaws...it was clear that he did not want me to do that anymore but was incredibly amused...it's uncanny how Onstad can get SO MUCH into, "I'm...I'm Tina, who's this?" ... it's ON, and you know it Then, not Later

When I was about 12 and babysitting my younger siblings, I assisted my 7 y/o brother in drawing angry eyes, one apiece, on his butt-cheeks, and then he showed our mom when she got home. She had this face that said "sweet jesus that is one of the funniest things I have ever seen but these kids need to learn a valuable lesson about not drawing on the asses of those 5-7 years younger than them" and we all couldn't understand why she was mad, and the best she could come up with was "those markers are very expensive". They were not.

im suspicious of uncle culpepper. would a southern gentlemen like pizza and jello shooters?

also, tina is a dumb hoochie.