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Pat is Completely out of the closet Monday, August 14, 2006 • read strip Viewing 75 comments:

How the hell can Spongebath play basketball?

Humorously, is the only answer.

Maybe with the scooter he uses for tai-chi?

The brain!

Perhaps Spongebath doesn't move around at all, and Beef is not nearly as sweaty as Teodor because he was guarding Spongebath.

This comment is really pretty insightful and deserves more chubbies.

I'd hit it.

The real Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would have you hung for expressing such a sentiment.

He probably wouldn't allow him to rent a car or teach school, either.

Or, seeing as Spongebath is on a rascal and exerts little physical movement, I believe he was moving around the most. Perhaps some aftermarket parts would get it to such speed and maneuverability that Teodor would have to step up his game and end up in his current state?

Spongebath is a fucking animal on the court. The dude is raw.

Well he's technically an animal no matter where he is.

As are we all, friend. As are we all.

Perhaps he murderballs it?

From chiblains to murderball. Spinynorman, I think I may love you.

Well, your like of Yeungling recommends well. I've never had it, I think they only recently began importing it to Texas, which is where I'm at...

Seen it. Great flick.

Lots of people in wheel-chairs play basketball.

With a roomba vac under each foot.

Pat is still a long way off from his magical realism self. Will we ever see him recklessly wield a rope of sausages in assless chaps? Probably if Rod Huggins has anything to say about it.

Yeah. "E-mail me if you ever feel like doing something besides enjoying yourself" How damn Pat is that?

Pat is still a dick

well i guess i know i'll never be emailing pat!

Does anyone ever feel like doing something besides enjoying themselves? Think about it, now.

Holy crap, Epicurus, that's profound. Anyone who says that they aren't thinking of enjoying themselves is lying.

Considering your namesake , it's not surprising you'd post something like that. :-)

Congratulations Tellumo, you are my...
equation of the week!

haha word!

Enjoy it, Epicurus. This is the month you shine.

A comment left by slalvation was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, HolyQ, Audhumla)

I often feel more like [i]enjoying another[i], but enjoying myself is something I basically always feel like doing.

Fuck you, BBcode. Fuck you TO HELL!

Teodor sweats like a sponge in a microwave oven.

He is like me. I hate the dude-sweats.

Likewise. It is a problem in wrestling and a blessing for making whale music.

At least it should make you harder to hold down in wrestling.

And sex.

if you have to be "held down" i think there is another word for it.


At least it's not runnin'.

ray has a great 'waiting stance'. very similiar to the time the gang went to germany and ray forgot his key in the room and ended up standin outside the fast food joint all day.

Ooh, good call. I knew I recognized that pose from somewhere. Thanks Behka!

I dig Ray's pose in panel 2: the leaning on one arm which is behind his back, the upward pointing eyebrows, the sheepish expression, sucking soda through a straw which is slightly off-center. Onstad conveys so much through seemingly insignificant details like posture.

Ray looks like a little kid outside his parents' room, listening in on an argument he was not meant to overhear.

They were out of there so fast when Pat opened the door.

Alt Text: And, from the chrysalis, emerged...the caterpillar. [SFX - the sharp, short bleat of a cornet]

And just like the rest of his life, Pat totally asses up being gay.

asses up being gay? did you really say that?

Yes, that is a thing that I said.

First strip I ever saw.

Kind of a confusing introduction to Achewood.

Teodor is completely out of shape.

Oh. God. This is exactly why I can't feel all that total Pride brotherhood shit with every other queer in the world. The dreary ones. The ones who talk about faith and how you can be 'Queer in Christ. The boring child-rearing suburban lesboes. The corporate tarts. And Pat.



Yeah, but there's a balance, you know. I can't stand the Pats of this world, but pride parades bother me just as much, because I crave being able to marry and have a family and live in a regular neighborhood and send my kids to school without being looked down on. It's not a bad thing to want to be liked and accepted by most people. People talk about politically-aware gays like they've somehow sold out to the mainstream, but we really just want to live our lives in peace.

Coming at homosexuality from Pat's self-righteous perspective is swinging way too far in the other direction, and it is totally assholish. I do acknowledge it.

Can gays really not rent cars in Alabama? Seriously, this intrigues me.

A car rental is a sacred promise endorsed by our Lord and the Visa corporation, not to be sullied by your faggotrocious abomination behavior.

Also you probably can't rent a Prius in Alabama either.

Of course they can't. Have you SEEN the rental cars in Alabama; not a single little two seater jeep available. It's an infringement, I tells yer!

Such an interesting moment, the space in-between frames where Pat almost, almost, lets go of being a cynical bastard, and then decides to keep holding on.

from an asshole to a chrysalis to an asshole

Is there some Oriental graphic for this?

come on pat you weren't ever gonna teach school in texas

So if screaming is "new fag" is Pat implying that he's "Oldfag"?

To Pat, being gay is not simply about entering a world where the only activity that exists is tasting people's hogs.

It's so like Pat that the first thing he does after coming out as gay is to complain about other gay people.

Did anyone else imagine Pat suddenly developing a lisp?

Absolutely not. That would be so new fag.


HUGE slam on new fag out of nowhere!

Pat is and has a gay dick.

When Ray needs to wait somewhere he likes to lean against a wall and have a soda. What's with that?

Sodas are good things to have and sitting on the floor is uncomfortable.

A comment left by desert_donkey was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, philophobe, mashisoyo, chomskyftw, Cracklewater)

ahahaha this is great

looking at some of this guy's other comments i'm pretty sure this one was made completely earnestly with no self-awareness at all

Pat is always a dick even when he is not repressing himself. On a side note I love the word anyhaps

And for a second there, i almost thought maybe Pat wasn't going to be a dick anymore.

And from the chrysalis, emerged...the dick.

Pat is pumped to discover all these new ways to be a dick.