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Guest artist: James Kochalka Monday, March 24, 2003 • read strip Viewing 49 comments:

Kochalka and Achewood together is one radical fantasy.

A momentary diversion on the sleigh ride to heck.

For anyone who doesn't know, the guest artist here - james kochalka - posts his daily diary strips at [url]www.americanelf.com.[/url] His most recent one is free, but the rest are available in print or in his pay archive. It's very different from Achewood, but fantastic stuff.

See, why can't you be that helpful normally?

Try this.
If that doesn't work, I'm going to look like such an ass.

"I do not know you.
But you , I know you, I never forget a face, Mr...CHECKOV.



Ray? I'm not going to argue with you, Ray!

Someone animated this one a while back.


This is my brain on that cartoon: EEEEP! Happy sushine friendship time! Life is good.

The dude's name or the linked video?

Oh awesome that is so radical even though I don't even like this strip!

Thank you sir.

That is pretty freaking adorable.

That was so cool! So cool! I really think that that was cool.

so what are you saying?

...I forget.

For whatever reason I keep remembering Ray as yelling "Hug the shit out of 'em, Phillipe!" I dunno, it just rolls off the brain better.

Perhaps it's because that's something that actually can be done to someone, whereas hugging the fuck out of someone is sort of metaphysical.

Unless the target of the hug has a very specific fetish.

It's more of a sex concept

a concept .

Have you heard of Hug Style ?

This strip deserves a Nobel peace prize.


The love child of two great artists. Could have been horribly deformed, or the harbinger of a superior race. I propose it was the latter.

And that's the first and last time I will ever propose any superior race.

I'm really not trying to be snarky but is there like, an aspect of this guy's comics i'm just not getting ? they seem pleasant and i appreciate the style, but are they supposed to be funny or just sort of a 'slice of life' kind of a thing?

i dont mean achewood, I mean this kochalka fellow and his comics on the above mentioned site.

I think they are more 'slice of life' type of things, I've never really found any of them 'haha hilarious I want a shirt of that funny' but they are interesting, like reading a stranger's blog, I think.

I hell of want some AmericanElf shirts, he has some totally awesome ones.

Standing in the rain smoking a cigartte. Sharing.

I think the aspect you may be missing is that they are AWESOME.

A comment left by tekende was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ppccd, GMM, tripleG, theplaidknight)

You must not have a soul, tekende.


I dunno. I just don't like it. It slightly annoys me.

I would hazard a guess it's the contamination of the word "Fuck" used in conjunction with what Phillippe would do or does. I understand it might be something that Ray would say, but at the same time, probably not. Doesn't feel in keeping with the characters, the feel of the art in the strip. Almost a bit of a cop-out as far as final panels go. That's the feeling I get anyway.

I'm not keen. It's a rude interruption to a terrific story arc. I don't think this guest adds anything to Achewood.

It never bothered me, because Ray is pretty much just talking to himself - Phillipe is long gone, and Téodor probably can't hear him either.

It's like wishing your friend godspeed after they have already driven off, while you finish your cigarette under the porch light.

the worst comment

posted on the ugliest computer

WHY... is this not rated any higher... ;;

Operation: Iraqui huggery. Now that's how wars should be fought.

That sounds too much like Iraqui Buggery now that I think about it. This is yet another reason why I will never get to work for the Pentagon. Aside from the fact that they are twats. You know the ubiquitous they I speak of. Oh yes, you do.

Obligatory 'my first Achewood' comment. Still one of my favorites.

Oh crap, I'm gonna get shunned because my first Achewood wasn't technically a real Achewood strip, aren't I?

2 years later, and no reply. Yes, I daresay you are.

this is the best guest strip by the way

almost the best achewood

First of all, Kochalka is RAD.


T: "Open the bomb bay doors, Ray"
R: "I'm sorry, Teodor, I'm afraid I can't do that"