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Old home movies Friday, December 28, 2001 • read strip Viewing 35 comments:

Lie Bot's prediction proving correct!

A comment left by mandatorylovr was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by MrMojoRisin, reverendsam, rowboat)


I could not agree more. JESUS! Onstad is the mad-crazy-nuts-OCD! HUGS!

Continuity of the Gods.

Like fine wines, this strip has only gotten better with the passing of April, 2005. And Teodor.

Onstad for President.

Onstad for God!

Oh just wow . I so did not realise that. This new-fangled "Ache World" thing is quite revelatory.

Lie Bot lies about being Lie Bot sometimes.

I guess Onstad put that in his Outlook calendar, or something. "Note to self: Teodor has near death experience on 4/28/05".

Well, he did say he had a post-it saying 'NOTE TO SELF: DRAW RAY'S NIPPLES' on his monitor at one stage.

how WOULD teodor know?
has anyone really determined if lie bot is who he says he is?
someone probably already has.

Well, we know Lie Bot isn't Uncle Culpepper.

I think Lie Bot is the Devil, because he mixes his lies with the truth.

So Lie Bot's Flux Capacitor was real???

What else would it be, not the Flux Capacitor?

That was totally my 20th birthday.

What better way to celebrate your birthday than by watching a beloved cartoon character (almost) die?

Téodor's usually so with-it. It really speaks to Lie Bot's power that he basically gets him every time. When he starts to lose it, he just rebounds and nails him again.

lie bot sort of looks like he's exposing himself

There's no "sort of" or "looks like" about it, my friend.

only instead of himself, it's Teodor's mom.

Man, that is such a weird mental image. How is a stuffed animal born, anyway?

when a mommy stuffed animal and a daddy stuffed animal love each other... do you need it spelled out?

Lie Bot even has elaborate videos of his lies. That's awesome.

No, Lie Bot has videos.

He then lies about the videos.

man I don't wanna know why Lie Bot has videos of ladies giving birth to babies with armpit hair

Lie Bot has remote access to internet video, big whoop...
I challenge a reader to find a similar video and post it here...
*cringes to self at thought of seeing such filth*
...on second thought...

the one i boned?

This was the first strip in which I noticed Lie Bot's shoes. Excellent.

He got them from Michael J. Fox.

was teodor born at build-a-bear workshop?

April 28th, whoa. That's my birthday.

So...what WAS he watching?