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Todd's Taxes Thursday, February 27, 2003 • read strip Viewing 39 comments:

I love when Beef gets those big spacey vertical eye slits.

I love Beef so much just for the fact that filing early is dope to him.

Hello? Is it meeeee you're lookin' fooooor?

Classic, total classic. My uncle was once audited; they did in fact know that he lied.

Dide he run smack in his van?

I like that Todd is a convicted felon and drug dealer, but somehow feels compelled to file his taxes.

Don't forget he also is a squirrel

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by CatJumpJohn, worldbelow, farqussus)

Squirrels in the Underground have to pay taxes like everyone else, it seems.

There's also evidence of a squirrel police force from the 'awesome' ticket that was left on Todd's van. Their funding must come from somewhere.

police dont give you tickets for awesomeness.

Th-th-that's what they get ya for! Capone, Costello, all b-b-busted for tax evasion! YOU GOTTA HELP ME BEEF!

classic beef.

Todd is visually shaken by Beef's warning. This is one of my favorite strips thanks to the last two panels.

He should be. I'm an auditor, and I do have special lie-detecting vision. You get it on your first day in a special ceremony. You feel all warm and fuzzy until you get your W-2 and see that now you have to pay more in taxes due to this special "non-monetary compensation".

Dude, when beef gets those slitty eyeballs he speaks truth. There's a reason his first name's cassandra, dig?

hella classical references up ins

He is usually believed, though, isn't he?

heck yeah we can get around the fact that you are a dealer

I probably should have been audited about three times by now, but it hasn't happened yet.

A comment left by huber was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by xiaomimi, patiently56, dj)

Man I miss Todd being drawn like this. I guess it's harder to show expression though.

Last panel = 5/5.

Todd's visiting Beef because he doesn't want to risk another lethal injection.

A comment left by paco was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ezcmac, scrumpton, Jopon, D-pad, Carrot, rodneystubbs, Darthemed)

you ok man?

First Achewood I ever read--never could stop
Something about Todd's sincere mortal terror in the last panel

and something about the way Todd says, "Real respectable like," has forever given him a Joe Pesci kinda voice in my mind that automatically includes some variation on "fuck" every thoid fuckn woid

Or Adam Sandler in Billy Madison


in Achewood: The Movie, Todd will be played by John Leguizamo.

oh fucking yes!

I bet you could make a decent movie with John Leguizamo playing every single role. Like the Nutty Professor, but good.

Shit you're so right

This gets a 5 for the first panel alone.

I'm trying to figure out how to give it a 6 for the second panel

Beef thinks filin' early is dope. I never met someone who filed early and lived in a pool shack.

todd is such a fukken badass.

and i love how beef gets the shakes in the last panel.

Beef is leaning forward. To emphasise his point. Please stop making Ween fans look stupid.

They just...


Can't you . . . SEE?

Oh, wow. Beef looks INTENSE in the last panel.