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Téodor in the warehouse Wednesday, December 21, 2005 • read strip Viewing 66 comments:

Teodor is always curiously passive-aggressive.

And Onstad is curiously evil in his dealings with the animals.
"I'll make you some clothes out of garbage" is sublime.

The threat of being picked up is weirdly creepy too. It sort of made sense with the cats, but now it's edging towards dom territory. Brrr

A comment left by mr_wilson was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sirhan_duran, divot, littlecat, the_voice, riotdejaneiro, atom, sean1058, sevenarts, GMM, snitchy, rascaldom, dullard, TheLoneliestMonkey, NDCaesar, Endquote, brzbee, JonMW, LordPretzel, behka, ravindra108, lateadopter, clembot, Doc_Rostov, ford, clintisiceman, stoned_lightning, DerSquirrel, whymog, Mastronaut, Milo)

Uh, read the comic from the day before this one maybe? The one it follows immediately after?

he's going back to bed

T has really slimmed down over the course of the strip. Sadly, it now gives a quicker line-of-sight to his thunder.

He took up Parkour dude.

How *is* a cranberry hung?

Like a horse.

A sea horse.

We would have also accepted "A horsefly."

Small, white, and bitter.

You mean like a horse...radish?

You mean like a horse...chubby?

No. Nothing like that at all. Quite the opposite.

The horseradish I... boned?

What are the boxes in the last panel labeled S and CK for? I cannot stop thinking about it.

CK would be for the cookbook. S could be shirts? You'd think he'd have more shirts than that though.

Stickers, perhaps.

Small. As in the shirt size.

I'm not too cool with the idea that my book order may have been packed by a naked T�odor.

You should be. From the sound of it, he didn't get his dong on your book. Both would take too long to find.

just raises the value man that's celebrity dong that got dragged over the cover of your books

A comment left by ferdinand was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sirhan_duran, nighttoad, fancypants, godfatherofsouls, ghoti, Boredom_Man, Mastronaut)

your mom is nearly impenetrable.


How many people went back after this and chubbied both this comment and nutmeg's before it? Just because?

And you get chubbied for pointing it out.


Just reminding you that I don't hate you.
We cool?

Epic win. That might be the best "your mom" riposte I've ever seen.

Said the man who doesn't capitalize....

I like how Onstad refers to his penchant for picking up misbehaving characters. Seems like he's a pretty sour character at 5:30 AM. But then, who isn't?

Is panel 2 the only time we ever see Teodor's teeth?


60teeth never lets us down in tooth related matters. He's clearly an expert. An afficianado.


oh jeez.... i laughed even harder at this one.... can't wait to use the phrase 'you're hung like a cranberry and it bothers me'

The sheer surreality of Teodor's life makes me smile time and time again.

T's penchant for nudity is the small bit of out of character characterisation that makes him realer than most people I meet during the day.

this is his "little" way

ah hahahaha

Chris Onstad is annoyed with small-hung guys.

Aren't you?

Well, yeah.

But for completely different reasons, I'd imagine.

Man, I have no idea why I'm chubbying this but I am.

... because you're a grow-er not a show-er?

That's just alt-text. We can't say what Chris Onstad thinks about small-hung guys, canonically.

So when someone is rocking a nasty-ass bike short in skin-hardening-cold Portland weather and he thinks being hung small makes him invisible, and with that goddamn strobing "I belong in traffic" light where it is he just can't fucking look at anything else, and it wouldn't even be so bad if he weren't just chubby enough to push it against the seat so it wobbles with every stroke, almost hypnotic, and Onstad can't even formulate a gag about Teodor obsessing over dick about it because the dick is just so small it wouldn't even do that thing small dicks are supposed to do with the prostate, all it does is sit there and pulsate and make everyone us all look cheap, don't front like you know what his feeling about that asset are.

Today's Blogs

Philippe: Franky attacked Lyle!

Any time Onstad interacts with the charachters, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

Chris is being a bit of a dick. I am a fairly small hung guy! It's not our fault!

If it makes you feel any better, admitting that took huge balls. Have a chubby.

Oh, awesome. Little dick, enormous balls. Just what every girl wants.

Oh wow, I'm the Worst Person in the World. Someone really should invent a pun checker. Have another chubby, with my sincerest apologies.

Man, and you got a degree in Comedy?

Alright, you got me. My training allowed me to see that reaction from miles away. I replied that way in the hopes that he would respond the way he did, then I would make what sounded like a sincere apology and rake in hundreds of sympathy chubbies, Muahahahaha! And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids. Although upon closer inspection, I got exactly one chubby, so that appears to have been the Worst Plan in the World.

That, and "I'm going to get bitchy when you want to just take a couple of minutes to get dressed because nobody cares if bears are naked" followed immediately by "I'm going to get bitchy because I care that you're naked".

A bit of a dick? Chris is being a jerk in this strip.

(But to be fair, who among us has never been a jerk?)

chris onstad has four toes


Chubby for hilarity!

I didn't think this comment was that great, but it had seven chubbies when I read it, and that just seemed wrong.

Sixteen! Thirty two! My god, someone call the Air Force!

No one cares that a bear is naked.
I love that for some reason.

It's just science.

I dont know if there ever was a science to do with no bear peppers.
I dont know very much at all and I dont know that to be sure.

I think most guys are hung like a cranberry at 6 degrees. And Teodor has wicked sack for not wearing a Starbucks cup. That on top of forced pantlessness is just asking for getting pushed on the head randomly in the future.

I wish the last panel said 'depressed' instead.

It bugs him. Hell, it bugs *me*.

Teodor has problems when it comes to convincing guys to let him wear pants.