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Piss Shiver Friday, November 26, 2004 • read strip Viewing 87 comments:

oh i'm sorry let me just come in here anyway

the doctor cold sees through Ray's lies.

He just looks at you, and he knows you lied .

The doctor's bathroom intrusion is far more impolite than the floor piss.

Doc Andretti saw through that lie basically immediately

Does! Not! Excuse! Bathroom! Impropriety!

For some reason the single line that made me laugh the hardest in this was 'Newspaper?'

Hired goons?


Chubby for the reference!

Ray need's to work on his cover-stories - keep it simple dogg.

I'm surprised this scenario wasn't used when Ray started his porn business.

Pizza... Oh, I'm sorry, the door was unlocked.

Say... did you just pee all over the floor in here? I like that.

You can imagine where it goes from there.

He fixes the cable?

Don't be fatuous, spinynorman.

I think it was "facetious." I think.

Could be. I'll watch out for that next time I watch the movie.


Wham. Imdb confirms. I done got tole.

(P.S., I was really hoping for "he delivers the pizza?" to make the reference but also be relevant to i_love_kate's post but hey you went the other way and that is cool too

I guess)

chubby for your avatar

Sorry mr Lolrus. Your bucket is in another castle.

how come I never thought about wearing disguises and using other peoples washrooms! damn..

Thats what im missing! When I blame fictional people for my problems i should say that there was a newspaper article on them.

Let's call on God to help the man.

It's great that Ray can just lie off the cuff like that. He doesn't even hesitate to feed the doctor a huge heap of bullshit.

Jesus, Ray must have some wicked piss shiver

I bet he was thinking about other things..Like reciting the Playboy Advisor only hours after the edition posted.

...or getting mad rutty with the hot nurse he saw in the hall.

Man, can a guy take a piss without Dr. Andretti coming in and writing a prescription?

I love it when Ray lies. Nothing is better than the Moviephone Defense though...

Side effects of zyrelax include headache, nausea, and eating nachos for every meal.

Hey that was his BIRTHDAY, asshole!

I have a CD by a punk band called the Piss Shivers. Before reading this strip, that's the only time I've seen that term used in print.

HEY YOU! Twotonturkey! Where are you from? Do you know where that band was from? I'm good friends with some guys who were in a band with that name in the 90's. They were never big (I don't even think they ever played outside my city), so I'm very curious as to whether or not you're talking about this band or another with the same name. If you're ever back this way, let me know.

I live in Detroit, I got their CD in the used bin at a record store I went to all the time, based on the name alone. Used CDs have a weird way of getting around.

In 4 to 6 months rowboat will reply.

Well I wonder...

me too. I mean I know some guys too. Tell me! Tell me now!!!

It's a bad feeling when you've done something so awful you require medication.

Am I the only guy here who believes Ray? Will the disguised piss shiverer ever turn up again?

Uh he kinda said he was the one that did it in the first panel. So yeah I think you might be the only one.

Ray is very believable.

This was a five by the end of the first panel

This is one of the funniest strips in comic history. Ray's lies are magnificient!

I like how the doctor uses "piss shiver" as if it were a medical term.

It's as official as [url=https://flowcushion.com/flow/restless-leg-syndrome.htm'jiggly legs'.[/url]


'jiggly legs'.

And "wide stance."

whenever i get caught fucking up, i'm going to ask people to join me in prayer. they'd instantly forget whatever it was i was doing and run like fuck. brilliant

It's like this one comes with two alt-texts.

A comment left by stuart was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, professorhazard, woodenteeth)

Whoa, are there any other strips with a side comment?? DAMMIT now I have to look through the entire archive again with my head tilted slightly.

Doc Andretti takes no bullshit.

Do not take that hand, Doc Andretti. Do not take the unwashed hand of a man with a piss-shiver.

Actually, his hand was just holding his thong down. He let his pisstrument fly wherever it may.

That's how I do it at least.

I think you work in my building. I've always wanted to tell you how much I loathe your freestyling.

One time, someone got mad at someone else for pissing all over the seat of one of the regular style toilets. They were so mad that they printed out a saign saying "Stop peeing on the seat, Lift and Aim!", So I did. I should have signed my name first, as the sign was in no condition to be written upon afterwards.

Fuck, I lamed when I meant to chubby. Apologies.

That is the behaviour of a psychopath .

If not for continuity issues, i could totally peg Doc Andretti as Lyle's illegal doctor. How else do you explain him grafting robot dog parts into beef while still wearing that archaic forehead mirror.

Hell of inconsistent.

Also, Zyrelax seems as Black-market as "Screw you, Hemmorhoid! FUCK you!"

Lordy do I love the comedy! :)

Ray is telling it how it is, and how it is ain't nobody's picnic.

that same exact panel of doc andretti walkin' in on ray pissin' is in one of the strips where ray discovers he is on the verge of diabetes

Nice catch

piss shiver!!! ...?

I have no idea how to vocalise that amalgamation of punctuation. But the attempt just cost me four of my minutes. Thank you, c dizzle.

Ray is just about the only guy who can casually greet a guy while grabbing his wang.

piss shiver can't possibly be a real thing, it is clearly a fake thing

Post-micturition convulsion syndrome , also known as piss shivers , pee shivers , peegasm or whiz willies , is a phenomenon in which one feels a shiver running down the spine following urination. The shiver can produce a brief twitch, which is a form of myoclonus.

To date, despite years of discussion and theorizing, there is no agreed-on explanation of the phenomenon and no medical research into it. However, it has been mentioned occasionally in columns, and in one Internet poll, where about 83% of males and 58% of females reported experiencing it.

- Wikipedia

If I stare at your avatar for more than 3 seconds, I swear to god the tentacles start to move.

This strip perfectly embodies Ray's character. It also continues the running joke that he'd rather tell crazy lies than admit to any weakness on his part.

The asterisk says "this a male-only phenomenon." but I hear this happens in womens restrooms as well. Ladies?

One sees the aftermath and is baffled by it. Are they standing up due to hygiene concerns, perhaps?

I have heard of chicks who do that, especially if *OH NO!* the stall is all out of those wanky little seat covers.

They should be shot on sight.

Thursday Blogs

Teodor: I'm allergic to brandy; lost hat
Lyle: I experienced a minor setback.

The hat belongs to the person until the person dies... At which point his corpse becomes the property of the hat.

Today, I am a genius.

Ray is concerned with his pepper touching the rim. But not with the Doc seeing his junk. He is a cat of complex priorities.

Zyrelax goes wonderful with a few Ketel One martinis, Ray m'boy

Dr. Andretti is so hardcore he even brings his clipboard with him to the john. If only all medical professionals were so dedicated, I would still have a peep.

You ladies don't got any excuse.

Neither do the guys. If you haven't learnt to go potty by now, sit the fuck down

Best. Comic. Ever.

Guess who just realized there was a side-comment, it was me guys, I just realize it.

I've probably read this arc six times... but only now do I realize that "critical but stable" makes no sense. It's just medical-sounding, oxymoronic gibberish.
And it makes the strip work so much better.

piss shivers shouldn't be calmed. They're pleasurable beyond belief

The guy with the mustache visits our office a few times a month. I'll see if I can't get a 'scrip for Zyrelax to leave on the sink for him.