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Rustmouth and Silent Bird Thursday, December 21, 2006 • read strip Viewing 35 comments:

The philosophical depth of this story is astounding.

Ray's transitioning in the last panel gets me every time...

this is the saddest paradox

All one eyebrow in the 'finishing a sad story, and following it with a deep, meaningful philosophical question' position, and the other in the 'let's talk us some effing BUSINESS' position.

yeah I can't sleep at night for the suffering of people I can't help either


The alt text was what made me give this a 5.

"Due to his bad luck, Rustmouth died wealthy and well-regarded."

Only Onstad could make the precursor to indie cred feel like humanity's universal goal.

"Died at 106" - granpa
"Won the Great Outdoor Fight" - pa
Ray's DNA is golden.

cept for da betes


im wilford brimley, you may recognize me from such movies as cocoon and cocoon: the return.

"Welcome to Retardation, A Celebration. I'm Wilford Brimley. Now, let's dispell some rumors. One, retards don't rule the night. They don't rule it. Nobody does. Two, they may not be as strong as apes, but don't look them in the eye. It might make them go into berserker mode. They'll come at you like a whirling dervish of fists and elbows. And you may be saying 'No, no, no', but all they hear is 'Who wants cake?' and trust me, they all do. They all want cake."

Is this the source of Ray's unlimited wealth?

I think he's still making it big off of those hit records from the time he sold his soul to Satan.
Wonder if that expired when he went to hell and left?

He also sold an ancient porno daguerreotype for six hundred million dollars.

Also his momma was so loaded the only store she knew was Neiman Marcus. And he always had the most kickass treats at baseball.

Boy had it easier, has it getting easier, except for the bald spot.

and near brushes with diabetes

dude no way you know he kept that thing.

No, he sold it.

106? That cat must have been dust by the time he finally kicked it.

I never knew the police had the autonomy to re-name streets.

The little things that Chris sneaks into the dialogue like this, things that are not really possible but that people would say and believe, are golden.

This police naming a street is one example, other ones include "had to send her to the doctor to be killed".

Considering they are cats, that one could be accurate.

Subject = character in story told to Philippe by Lie Bot.

Species completely indeterminate. Feline nature not implied.

Thank you firesign, please go back to charting a course for the Kessel run while I check the photon torpedoes.

This was a Police Street. By police, for police. They can name them whatever they want.

Today's Blogs

Onstad: Happy New Year 2007.

"You think I care if a car is upside down? Watch me buy a bagel, from your upside-down car."

Panel 6:Another example of getting things done

This whole story is very Amadeus and Salieri.

basically. but it didn't take three hours to tell the story.

or maybe it DID.

If it does not involve a train then it is not the blues.

God damn that hits my Dragonball Z nerve.

Damn Onstad you sure as hell can spin a yarn.