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Pat's Anger Tuesday, March 4, 2003 • read strip Viewing 93 comments:

A comment left by nsrdude was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tegebo, magnificentpoof, SotiCoto)

He is a robot, afterall. Maybe he's got kevlar linning under his case.

Pat is just a violent psychopath. Normal well adjusted people do not hold up subway.

Vlad is like "is this goink to take lonk?"

"is basic mistake to be makink, holdink up a robot..."

pat does not know that the bullets are hafink no effect on robots. Is classic mistake.

At first I thought this comment was about Beef. I was like "Not until the end! The END!"

(Inconsequential spoilers!)

The best part is that getting shot at doesn't at all rattle Vlad. He's still all smiles.

More 'all chins', I think.

i think that's just his lower lip.

Dude's face is made of metal. I think his eyebrows are the only part of his expression that ever changes.

Poor Roast Beef. Dude just wanted to get his sandwich on.

At least he got his smoke on one last time

turns out Phillipe is like a reverse-Jared story...he got huge on Subway. interesting.

Thanks to this plotline I have no idea if Subway is good for you or not.

I'll fill you in: it's not.

But it does taste GOOD

I don't think it's particularly un healthy, though.

There's definitely something weirdly addictive in it though, whenever I think of Subway my mouth starts to water.

And the cheese isn't even very good.

As a result of his experience, Phillipe is able to offer the best, most complete and accurate weight-loss advice there ever was.

If only he could only get Cornelius to work up "I just exercised and ate healthy" into a 200-page piece of motivational fluff, he could be richer than Ray for a few months.

A comment left by deimosrising was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by SSDDR, Connellingus, Darthemed)

A comment left by dropkickpikachu was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, NeoNaoNeo, SSDDR)


Except it requires knowledge of The O.C. which is why it's all lamed up.

not really... SNL's parody seems more well known than the its OC origins.

SNL's parody also makes no sense and isn't very funny if you have no knowledge of The O.C.

i have never watched the oc in my life, except that one five minute segment on youtube.


oh right no plus signs on assetbar...

plus 1

plus 2

When I saw you did it to the Cornelius strip, I came looking for this one. Thank you, sir.

I don't get it.

The song is "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heap. This was used in the finale episode of the OC's second season. A character gets shot and this song plays. Saturday Night Live did a hilarious digital short where several characters shoot each other repeatedly each time, starting off that song.

And I really liked that song before hearing about that skit. As funny as it is, I hate it when songs I like get ruined as such.

Then I am glad I have not seen those shows, as I really love that song.

it is so good to hear it.

I MUST FIND THIS SONG. I hate being out of the loop.

"Welcome to the loop! In the next room there is a jacket with your subscriber name on it, and here is your membership card, granting you full access to all of our finest facilities!"

Mention our password and get the secret T.G.I. Friday's menu!

I'm indifferent to your comment, but massive chubbies for the Officer Pup avatar.

... what?

Dude. Dude that is exactly what I was thinking. You captured the zeitgeist of me reading this comic.

Now that Subway is over here too, I know what 7 under 6 means. HOORAY

Like a gun is the best way to kill a robot.

Pat is a real DICK.


That avatar goes nicely with nearly everything you say.

The more I look at it, the more I wonder if that avatar pic does everything so melodramatic:

"My toast is burnt! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo........."

Xs for eyes lets you know he's dead.

Pat is SO TERRIBLE at shooting the right person

well it seems he is a pretty good shot
he is good at shooting whoever he shoots at any rate

"You've managed to kill just about everyone else, but like a poor marksman you keep, missing, the target!"

i've blown up more than any other invader!

you've blown up all the other invaders, Zim.



They're like oranges with Coppola

7 under 6 is the best excuse I have to eat a big sandwich every now and then.

Never talk Philippe into going anywhere, you will be shot by Pat.

I freaked right out the first time Beef got shot.

This strip should be celebrated as the first to ever have a Talking Heads reference in the alt text.

Good job I read through these comments before I pointed this out.

It's hard to imagine that nothing at all could be so exciting, could be so much fun.

i once hosted a party where everyone left at the same time.

it was everything my byrne said it would be.


Here's a nice video of that song.

I was always really confused as to where that female backing vocal was coming from. Well, I mean I realize a recorded voice is being piped in, but I guess I could just never figure out why they would do that.

But whatever. Great song, great film.

Ding Pow is my friend's last name.

Hey BEEF! You got SHOT AGAIN! Why?!

how come

That's gotta be one of the worst things for a five-year-old to see.

True-dat: Second-worst has to be parents making whoopee.

You *BITCH*!

I do love a strip that quotes Talking Heads in the alt-text.

Rollerskates are harbingers of death in Achewood.


So ironic...Roast Beef unwittingly ushered in his own demise in this one.

Onyxly though, he has Depression. He kinda wants to go.

Interesting theory. Like oranges in The Godfather.

Miss fat Phillipe.

He was the besssst.

When you go to Subway, you die.

Poor Beef.

And I love using "You BITCH" as a default insult. Short, sweet, satisfying.

Reason 9456 why achewood is awesome: There's so many crazy diets and such, including Jared's, but Philippe sums up the simple truth about how to lose weight in panel 2. A lesser comic would lampoon the diet industry head-on and wouldn't be funny. Achewood has a 5-year old otter say something subtle about it in panel 2 of the strip where a main character gets shot by a bullet that ricochets off a robot sandwich artist.

Pat turned and shot beef...he did not shoot Vlad...or even at Vlad. Is simple misunderstandink.

Oh shit you're right. He even has those lines that mean his head was turning. Reason 9456 will have to be amended.

Maybe make it Reason 9456.A

Ratified. Session adjourned.

Did Pat just shake his tic tac at Beef?


This is probably how Ill die.

Bitch is just not a term that heterosexual men use on its own. Son of a bitch, maybe. But "You BITCH" is definitely major foreshadowing.

I think the relationship between Phillippe and Roast Beef is the cutest thing in existence. I am not even kidding. It's like, Phillippe is one of the few things in life that doesn't make him depressed.


Five dollar

Five dollar foot long...


Is this the first time Roast Beef got shot?

No. He got shot that other time and had wireless internet in his spine. I think. UNLESS THAT WAS AFTER THIS and if you are reading this and I spoiled something then I am sorry.

Anyone wanna take a stab at why the subway sign is a mirror reversal in the last panel? Is that supposed to be the window above the sign or something? Subways around here don't have that...

That wall is a giant glass window; you can see it reversed because Roast Beef and Phillippe have just stepped into the Subway. If you stepped outside and looked up, it would look normal.

Exercising and eating healthy are rad ways to lose weight.

Also, I feel that Beef's smoking in this strip is: 1) one of the first times we've ever seen him do this in a long time, when, it would seem there were other much more "normal" times for Beef to be smoking (eg, at Haunches, on the road with Ray) and 2) (if it's true) His smoking acts as an interesting harbinger of death -- not at all dissimilar from Paul's holding-a-cigarette-out-of-step-eyes-closed-no-shoes appearance on the cover of the "Abbey Road" album. If you don't believe me, read the liner notes from "Rubber Soul".

Also, God, I hope this is true, because that makes Onstad a god of sequential art subtlety.