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Marijuana Phone Booth Wednesday, April 14, 2004 • read strip Viewing 50 comments:

Resolved: That wearing a suit of paper causes manifestos in previously manifesto-free persons. Will the party arguing in the affirmative address the assembly?

It ain't the suit it's the fingernail schnapps.


It's perfect...their even facing each other.


"It's been over a year and it's never seen closure."

One year later, no continuation on the llama battle

Bleat counterbleat.

i say, let 'em chat .

but...what does this mean ?

Does anyone wish as much as I do that Marx was drunk on Fingernail Schnapps wearing a newspaper suit on a Berlin sidewalk when he wrote his manifesto?

He wasn't?

Nope, it was in Brussels.

Okay people seriously, how is this not one of the highest rated strips. Potato power. Come on.



Did the potato as power source appear first in Goats or Achewood? Anyone?

It is a genuine Thing. Why does there have to be any kind of link between the two mentions?

Gave it a 5, dude. Potato power!

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fallow_fields, butts, NeoNaoNeo, Mangtastic, sex_bicycle, The_Dude, goro, Semiquaver, atticusonline, Vee, aHatOfPig, stormagnet, pquinn87, rateoforange)

good lord, why are you here?

oh so that's how those pamphlets are made

probably dr. bronner's too

dr. bronner's is some grade-a crazy

His graphics looks like they belong in the Principia Discordia. PLANT YOUR SEEDS PEOPLE.

In parks. On lots. Public flower beds. In remote places. At City Hall. Wherever. Whenever. Or start a plantation in your closet (but read up on it first for that). For casual planting, its best to soak them in water for a day and plant in a bunch of about 5, about half an inch deep. Don't worry much about the weather, they know when the weather is wrong and will try to wait for nature. Don't soak them if its wintertime. Seeds are a very hearty life form and strongly desire to grow and flourish. But some of them need people's help to get started. Plant your seeds.

I was thinking just this. Perhaps this manifesto is a parody of Discordianism?

I suspect that it is a parody of that which discordianism is parodying, since attempting to parody discordianism would be like trying to make out with the inside of your small intestine.

Chubbied for the horrorscape that simile made of my mind.


don't they know tin foil is the only way of stopping alien abduction? Tin foil powered by potatoes for preference.

That is incredible. Thank you for much amusement!

the cat solves humanity's problems while wearing a newspaper tuxedo.

Ray Smuckles....He gets things done. While wearing a newspaper tuxedo.


When achewood gets really bizarre I often feel it needs to be accompanied by an accordion. Tom Waits style. Yes, there, I said it.

people sure make an exorbitant amount of references to tom waits in acheworld.

say, that reminds me of this tom waits song with an accordion in it

He's a weird motherfucker who sings about weird people. Achewood, like its Hell or Heaven counterparts, is Kind of a Weird Place.

There's a guy who brings a typewriter into the coffeeshop what I normally frequent, and he taps away at it for about 2hrs at a time.

I don't know if he's partial to old technology, or if he's making a statement about the laptop generation, but I'm convinced that I hate him. And his family.

That's a shame because typewriters are rad as hell.

a chubby for the inclusion of his family.

Oh dang it how did this even happen? I wasn't even trying to post anything. That's 2 mistakes on this page. Shit, dude.


Man, he nails the style of those certain kinds of crazy people like that. I mean dead-on, what with all the capitalization and underlining and weird jumps in syntax and all that. Sweet. Crazy people are hilarious.

I love the way he looks with his bare ass sitting on the ground. The tie part is so cool too, what a great suit.

do you know this guy? i've met A GUY, SIMILAR


Is... does he want to make a vaporizer? Is that the blueprint?

I think this would work!

Oh I get it - the potato is powering a grow lamp that creates the molecule necessary for Angelic Communion.