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Guest strip by Drew Weing Friday, January 2, 2004 • read strip Viewing 56 comments:

A comment left by zefiel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by DorianGray, regrepnsnefpoh, regrepsnefpoh)

Phillipe peed in the driveway when there are perfectly good bushes right there. That's stone cold bad.

could be vomit

Original, intentional, or marinara?

Oh my god, that is the perfect thing to say ever!!


I'm sorry, but I don't understand what's genius. Philippe is always surrounded by porn and alcohol and irresponsible adults, but somehow he turns bad by going for a walk?
Is that the punchline?

All I know is that, in retrospect, that neighborhood is fucking awesome.

It's a goof on a recurring series of Family Circus strips.

Drew Weing is a great illustrator.

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Sakana, atticusonline, yingkaixing)

while that comment is spot on, i must question your motives for liking the drew weing strips.

Best guest strip I think

Except for the mythical jerkcity one.


So not Achewood, but damn that is a good comic.

agreed on both counts.

DiSaGrEeMeNt BoX

Ray's nipples and bellybutton look like a face.

Kinda creepy.

I like how he went out of his way to check out that oil stain

that is puke, not an oil stain.

Good call. I guess I subconsciously tried to make up something "in character" for Philippe (going out of his way to look at a random oil stain) in this otherwise sinfully non-canon guest strip.

I'm pretty sure that in the Family Circus comics this one makes fun of, an oil stain in a driveway is one of the stops Billy once made. So the visual similarity may be on purpose.

I was under the impression it was pee! Could be puke though.

Could be either-- all I'm convinced of is that it is from inside Philippe.

Could be both.

Phillip spent $10 for an hour in the hotel so he could watch Happy Days.

it appears he may have killed someone as well

That was my favorite part. Let's high-five!

Lucky Strikes shout-out!

Do you think its rad to be addicted to nicotine aaron_haynes

Oh my god , yes.

A comment left by padijun was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sharksarecoming, rowboat, STUART)

What is it with guest artists and robbing poor Philipe of his childlike innocence? He is five, people!

it couldn't have been a fiver. it must have been a fiftyer at least.

He stopped at the video poker place and turned the five into more. Also, he may or may not have killed someone and taken their money.

Man, the hell Ray ever knows what he pulls out of his dang wallet. It could have been a C-spot, for all we know.

It was probably a six-hundo. That's Ray's preferred denomination.

The Onstad household sure is in a bad neighborhood in this strip.

Mr Weing probably forgot to draw in the railroad tracks along the street in front of the house.

It is imperative that Phillipe goes under the murder scene barricade.

He was there before it was.

If this is the surface, I'd hate to see what the underground looks like.

phillipe shows wicked sack in the last panel

Philippe has hella sass to get a lot of services that are usually provided to consenting adults, like liquor, nudes, and Lucky Strikes.

looks like phillipe bought some drugs between the liquor store and video poker spot

He walked out of the hotel and right around another damsel. No refractory period for this intrepid tot!

I gotta wonder how Philippe did all that stuff with just a fiver. I mean he kills that one guy (presumably) and maybe got some dough off him, but before that? Philippe has no way of getting money, ever!

I was gonna ask how he got all that for five dollars, but then I saw the video poker.


I think "ABC Liquor" appears again later as the liquor store next to Uncle George's Greek restaurant after the GOF.

I guess my biggest problem with the guest strips is that half of them try to make Philippe into a douchebag. CAUSE HE SO INNOCENT

it's just kinda stupid

I was just about to make a comment like this. It really irritates me too. Why do they all seem to want to corrupt him so much? Is it not enough that the rest of the cast are alcoholics, drug addicts, sociopathic murderers, or depressives? Philippe has to be screwed-up too?

"wah wah wah wah wah" -you saps

"a dick" -in your mouth

i disagree with your message but i approve of your method of delivery