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Only liberals like The Cure Wednesday, March 10, 2004 • read strip Viewing 77 comments:

Only liberals like the Cure.

It's true

A comment left by apocowarg was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by patkun, implode, fakead, goocifer, mercuri0us, scrumpton, trisha, Sweetlips, yomimono, perhapsmaybe, Footbullet, kestral)

I read that comic too!

I'm glad someone is speaking up against people just quoting previous comics (Ray Smuckles: He Gets Things Done was brilliant in the orignal strip, not so much when repeated 30,000 times)

I try to keep this kind of thing to a minimum and in retrospect this quote was forced into the thread awkwardly. I would delete it if I could.

Wow, I must've felt really bad about about calling you out, as apparently I gave you a chubby (in a non-gay way, not that there's anything wrong with that) 6 months ago.

Sorry again for lashing out dude.

There's no need to apologize for expressing an opinion that has a good deal of merit in a polite fashion.

This place is the best place to internet with other people.

apocowarg got lameded for quoting achewood, but up there katal got chubbed up the wazzoo for quoting the title of this very achewood strip. Assetbar is a harsh and fickle mistress.

I think it depends on the context. Quoting a comic in an unexpected but funny way can be good. Saying "...boned?" is funny once or twice is okay but quickly becomes tedious.

Exactly .

Yeah, some Achewood-quoting I've seen around here is beyond inspired.

Just to be clear, it's still funny if we fit a good quote in where it's an actual response and not just triggered by a word like a Google ad, right?

Too true...

Though in my particular case, sometimes I like to quote things out of context just to wind people up, cos I'm a bit of a cunt like that.
I try to keep it to a minimum these days, mind you.

Thing is though... things round here are so patterned that you can mostly tell how things are going to be reacted to before you post them... so winding folks up is... quite easy. ^_^

all i read: "I'm a bit of a cunt"

All soticoto comments are basically that, rephrased.

With five words, you exposed much stupidness. Thank you. Few can say as much.

A comment left by tekende was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by InfiniteJest, instantkarma, mercuri0us, Semiquaver, Wulvaine, achilleselbow, Doc_Rostov, stormagnet, morbo)

Why the hell did I find it necessary to post this five months ago?

Because posting it four months ago would have been terrible .

Incidentally the lames were for hating this country and also for hating the world and poor people and animals.

So if I say I'm not a liberal, 8 (right now) people immediately jump to the conclusion that I'm a hateful person who hates " the world and poor people and animals"? Interesting, considering I never said here what I actually am.

Oh shit dude, you hate those things, I'm going to lame you so hard.

But not really, animals can get on my nerves too.

calm down dude. sarcasm is possible on the big bad cyberwub.

Wow. GOP haters round here much?

Or Cure haters?

Or both?

I am actually genuinely curious why people hear "not liberal" and assume "oh noez republican."

We don't even freakin HAVE republicans over here in Britain. We gots Tories instead.

What would my father say?!?

Any strip ripping on the cure is 5 to me.

They're such a silly band

It is silly to like The Cure

I'm a silly, silly bastard.

It is impossible to like the Cure. It is possible to hate yourself.

Luckily you don't have to like the cure if you're a liberal. It's like a square is always a rectangle but a rectangle isn't necessarily a square deal.

[IMGS OFF]Sorry for the MS Paint shittiness. My computer is antediluvian.

Heh. More like [IMGS OFF]

Improved to reflect new census data!

Possibly the only exchange to have improved due to [IMGS OFF]

Except everything posted by AIU or Manflesh, of course.

A comment left by aaron_haynes was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by radarjammer, uberbee, I_Love_Kate)

Also in music.


Ringo Starr is the longest-running joke in music.

If it weren't for Ringo Starr and his five-note range I would have nothing to sing on karaoke night.


I'd take three hundred bucks to be someone's vice president.

with that kind of money, you could definitely step on half an instrument.

The way Ray throws Téodor's "I can't hear you, I got bubbles popping all around me" excuse back at him is brilliant.

It would appear that popping bubbles is a constant interference to conversations between Ray and Teodor.

Listen to you, Mr. Learning Head.

I think this is the first look into Ray's political affiliation.

Go back one strip. It's Lazarus' politics. I get the feeling Ray doesn't vote.

Ah, I didn't notice that. You're probably right.

"you dope" doesn't seem like strong enough language for Achewood.

It just happened to be the perfect word for Ray at the time.

A comment left by meepmeep was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by incredibledeath, Overmedicated, NigelChaos)

now i'm no expert, but near as i can tell this is pretty indicative of what they've done to us:

my god

How do you get hair like that, I mean does it just happen that way


This is best comment.

I think the dude has a tanker truck of Aqua Net in his concert rider.

Hairspray upside-down every day for twenty years. Your life will change.

Backcombing. Don't ask me how I know. Let's just say I'm a little... silly.


My hair actually does happen pretty much that way if I wash it and do not condition or brush it, it is a worrying thing.

I have done this to my hair. I mean, sort of. The thing is, Robert Smith actually has very little hair to speak of, it is mostly plugs at this point, which is a large part of why it looks so horrible in that picture.

Anyway my point is that it is a difficult thing to do to your hair. It would take me anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour each time I did it.

This is so... yes .

Shoe money tonight.

You are Chris Crocker, and I claim my five pounds.

Now I'm upset that my username isn't "Mister Learning-Head".

You can't mess with Lovecats. Even if Robert Smith is a fat goth.

Damn T knows his way around the amendments! Stone cold quoting of the top of his head!

In this time through the archives, I just realized, Ray is getting Theodore back in the second panel for his comment from an earlier strip. The one where Ray asks Theodore to be the VP.

why is lazarus conservative and supporting stem cell research

Wow, Ray plays on some lush greens compared to T. And Ray is so casual about the conversation, it's like he's prepared for it, while T has to stop his game to talk to Ray.

The whole world is a game to Ray, and everyone but him is merely a player.

Bravo sir. For noticing the turf inequality pictured therein.

He paid Teodor the maximum amount one can withdraw from an ATM on a whim.