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Halloween Wednesday, October 31, 2001 • read strip Viewing 51 comments:

If i was trick or treating and an alive stuffed otter opened the door, I'd hug it.

A comment left by spectre was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, ShemmJacc, reburn, I_Love_Kate)

A comment left by overmedicated was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, rowboat, SaulBellow, memehaver)

All things considered, it's amazing/awesome/scary that this hasn't gotten a single fricking lame. That's not an invitation to boardsquatters, by the way.

It couldn't last forever.

Neither can democracy.

System of government rated 3,256,560 Chubbies and 1,172,532 Lames (marked as spam 352 times)

System of government by Democracy was marked as spam too many times an excluded. Democracy: what a douche.

just after i clicked the post button i noticed the typo. apologies.

with that avatar you shouldnt be apologetic at all my friend.

Jeez I was kind of an arse when I was 16 huh.

Me too, man.

Of course nowadays I smoke weed everyday so I have become mellow to the extreme

Phillipe rocks! He can hand out Halloween candy at my place this year!

I don't know, I think the "trick or treat" thign was there just to point out that it was Halloween, but I always assumed Philippe went out to talk to the person in the otter costume.

I don't see why this was lammed, other than the typo. It is an interesting alternative explanation.

i hope that wasn't a damaging experience for philippe.

He may need to dip his arm in the toilet to recover

curious ole philippe

Curious old Philippe, hmm? Curious old Philippe, hmm.

A good example of how essential subtle shading of dialogue is to achewood's humor. "Alive stuffed animal", though awkward and grammatically questionable, is much funnier than "living stuffed animal", or "stuffed animal that's come to life". The caps and lack of puncuation lend a nice quality, too.

You took the words right outta my mouth.

No ? allows you to read it as a strong affirmative declaration instead of a question, like someone was really impressed by the extent to which Philippe was an alive stuffed animal. Is that an alive stuffed animal? HOLY CHRIST IS THAT AN ALIVE STUFFED ANIMAL

I agree.

As an aside, a couple weeks ago my dogg remarked that his cousin's new puppy was like an "alive teddy bear," and I was reminded of this strip.

Your use of the word "dogg" was confusing in this context.

The dynamic of them actually being stuffed animals interacting in a human world is kind of lost later in the strip.

Mentioning it every six strips would be redundant.

The use of eyebrows takes a step forward in this strip.

It is a question without a mark

speaking of "mark," the lack of punctuation from the trick or treater in the last panel had me cracking up.

just wanted to share that with the adoring public.

Yeah, why is it that incorrect or missing punctuation can be so funny sometimes?

I don't....know; man?

One of the best off-panel pieces of dialog ever. Honestly. "Holy Christ, is that an Alive stuffed animal." Onestad, hats off to you yet again.

I think you got lamed for spelling Onstad wrong.


1 stad? coming right up, sir.

philippe's gonna get us busted!

I bet they give out candy that they made themselves. The kind that your parents won't let you eat, so you hide it and eat it when you're in bed. The BEST kind.

I don't recall ever having someone sing "Trick or Treat" to me.

It's kind of a sing-song.

True. I got it screamed at me a few times. I don't remember Halloween being a volume contest when I was a kid, but then I'm an old man of 22.

I like how phillipe has gotten more innocent as time has gone on.

This is what got me hooked. Specifically the last panel.

Five for the last panel alone.

Amen, raw five for that line.

The ghost, the soldier and the otter went to the riverside to trade tall tales and throw parcels of quince at one another.

In the first panel, Phillipe has spotted Solid Snake trying to infiltrate the house.

In the second panel he used his Octocamo to disguise himself as a quaver.

Ew, that felt dirty.

And this is the strip that made me join.

This is, as far as I can tell, the first and one of the ONLY times the issue of the characters interacting with non-Onstad humans is addressed.

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