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Writing to Leon Sumbitches Thursday, March 8, 2007 • read strip Viewing 46 comments:

leon sumbitches may be the single most attractive name in Mombasa

"lay on some bitches"



it took 8 months but that chubby was worth every day

Holy crap I'm getting it too now.

we all on the slow train.

and i am the conductor.

So you got it first of those who did not get it immediately?

This could quite possibly be a verse of "gravity train"

changing your avatar completely ruins mine dammit.

At first I thought Ray meant this seriously.

I thought the beauty of this e-mail was that it totally highlighted Ray as the kind of character who could just as easily be totally serious about laying down some overheard capital to start up Mombasa Munchies Christian Burrito Eatery (patent pending).

Which is to say, I kind of agree...?

I love "I suggest this." He is so proud of his letter.

heh, yeah. it makes me reconsider everytime I've spoken aloud to my own e-mail typings. "This is a good sentence." "I am very modest."

I was unaware of it at the time but once whilst writing in an exam I said aloud "That's a damn fine place to put the comma. I am so good at commas.". I only found out after the exam when the people sitting either side of me both told me about.
I was only saved from expulsion by England's stupid teach to student ration which meant the exam hall was the size of a hanger and monitored by three people. One of whom was chain smoking outside for half the time.

Many people talk about their desire to use Achewood quotes in everyday conversation, but I want to use THIS quote.

It is a noble aspiration.

It was a good comma, placed well by a man.

I'm always annoyed when people say this, but I truly feel this is the case and will risk becoming what I hate. This will NEVER have enough chubbies.

yep "i suggest this" made the strip for me.

Fived solely on the basis of "I suggest this". I can concieve of no better reason to award a five.

"I am not a sleepy man"

so i will be awake.

double explanation!

gold !

Once again, vanishing eyebrows make Ray an enigmatic fellow whose intentions cannot be easily read.

I always forget about this arc and it makes me happy upon remembering it.
In Christ,

My first Achewood! I think I found it by poking around on the links on Jeff Rowland's Overcompensating. I think I read the whole archives at work over the next two or three days.

I think I came here via Overcompensating as well.

Then again, I'd never heard of Penny Arcade until i picked up a reference via XKCD.

This wasn't my first Achewood strip, but I'd read just enough to know that Ray has scads of cash, is extremely optimistic and will back any half-formed business plan.

Thus, I wasn't sure if Ray in this strip was genuinely going into business with Leon, really setting up accounts in Mombassa and all.

It becomes clear very quickly of course, but at the time I was concerned that ray would get 419'd

oh man. i hope he is scamming the scammer


OMG Ray is scambaiting !

Looks like he might've even picked up a trick or two from the undisputed master of the art.

I just spent 4 hours on that website when I should have been working...

i am all sorts of excited for that website.

thank you for giving me something to do today.

I really like the "Of course." which seems to have no relation to the sentence preceding or following it.

If you desire burritos California is indeed the ideal. Because seriously, good luck getting a proper greasy, chunky, foil- or wax-paper-wrapped portable 1-2 pound burrito anywhere east of Arizona.

I must disagree, good otterpops. I live in the Denver area (right off of East Colfax, specifically) and within a mile there are at least ninety-eight places where I may find the same thing. The only problem here, is the pervasiveness of the heresy that is the "smothered burrito".

daaaang, east Colfax is totally the next place for mexican food. but the original Chipotle near DU on Evans is the one-stop-shop. a chubby for locality.

I have just used this exact strip text (replacing Mombasa with Taiwan) to do this very thing for my own amusement. Thanks, Achewood!

This was three weeks ago. I'm curious to hear of your progress.

this was 3 months ago. i'm wondering what happened.

Nothing happened. I was incredibly disappointed not to receive a reply. I am sorry, Assetbar.

forget those guys. not very good scammers.

This maneuver Ray is pulling is technically called a "Reverse Ethiopian". He seems to have a pretty good handle on it, which is surprising given his general lack of computer savvy. Like remember the mountain and the motorcycle?

Hahaha.. The day after reading this I got one of those dang emails. My guy was HIV positive and from Europe. He needs $2500 Euro a month.

I sent him a copy of this.

I wish I could be as familiar with the way cash seems and behaves. Cash is a mystery to me.

Ray Smuckles: He is not a Sleepy Man

Ray Smuckles is hella getting things done in this strip