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More Mane Men Tuesday, December 21, 2004 • read strip Viewing 23 comments:

really solid storyline

yeah man this is the best

A comment left by cuddlefish was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by StagnantDisplay, king_of_pwns, novacaine, SurelySmack)

hey, what's up, cuddlefish. listen, it is 2 years later and i want to know: are you still "known to" be that annoying guy who goes on about manes now and then.

hands above the window sill boys!



We got maaaanes.

I love how they both just sink behind the sill. Funny bastard friends, rehearsin the funnies...

If it was anyone but Mr. Bear, I'd think he'd just dropped a sizable amount of acid, and Ray and Beef had given him The Fear.

This is actually a pretty good look for Beef. Picture him with this hair at Smoke's next Open-Mic poetry night.

ohhhh shiiiiiiit

I love the reaction of Cornelius' ears in the third panel. That's basically my favorite thing for a cartoon animal's ears to do. Reminds me of Arthur when he realized what kind of cat Nice Pete was.

That little stunt totally bogarted the CC. Spice Channel subscribers are all up in arms.

What was he focusing on? Crucial plot details are missing.

The woman's china doll collection, prominently displayed near a window so as to be visible from where the car was parked.

They were totally first going to disappear all gradually.

Those last four panels are just bliss and delight

What the HELL Beefs eyes in the last panel WHAT the HELL.

Talk about yer milk-fogs. Taffy's got nothing on Beef.

Jesus Christ it's Ray & Beef GET IN THE CAR

Beef really looks like a feline Ted Kaczynski with that thing on.

Excellent Ellipses Placement

Yes. I imagine that in the last panel, Ray is still speaking in whatever goofy tone/accent he used to introduce the gag.

The 'SSSIP' at the end makes it for me.