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Handicap Access Friday, September 2, 2005 • read strip Viewing 120 comments:

oh man the last panel just makes it for me

Yeah, it looks like Beef is concerned that Ray is ruining the message with his tomfoolery.

yeah, but two martinis while on rollerblades? Makes a handicapped man feel something special.

hell of aggro skating there, mister ray

The dude has icky moves.

Ray is even willing to risk joining the ranks of the handicapped by drinking two martinis while on rollerblades. The man has commitment .

Ray certainly is both flexible and athletic for a dude with diabetes and a gut that almost functions as a skirt.

Also, check out beef just quietly pointing at the ramp. He's like the world's worst Vanna White.

wow I almost never noticed him in that panel. So much better

I like how Ray is jumping the computer from the opposite side of the ramp, as if using the ramp would be below him.

Actually, there does seem to be something behind the computers, so maybe he set up a ramp at the last minute?

I think you're on to something there. Nice spot.

I really love the second panel. The composition of the frame is amazing, and Ray always manages to keep his drink in tact! Tha dogg's got skillz.

it is good to have drinks that speak diplomatically

Something about this one is very Bloom County. I could picture Milo in place of Ray and Binkley in place of Beef.

They are so excited.

It probably says bad things about me that this strip probably made me laugh the hardest of any of them. Probably.

A comment left by dotacreepy was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Norsef, riotdejaneiro, chivalress, Talbain)

I read this "word" out loud several times, and I have absolutely no idea what the hell you're trying to convey.

As did I, all rolling the two Rs and everything. I... is this even in a language?

The fact that it's followed by a winking smiley face makes it kind of disturbing to me, too. Like it's a suggestion that I do lewd acts on the internet.

Oh god time to go away now.

llamcranxplo XD

It is like Czech. Czech is what happens when the alphabet decides enough is enough and says "Screw you, man! FUCK you!"

Was this worth posting six months after the fact? Pravd%u011Bpodobn%u011B.

Shit, that really is a pretty weird language.

I bet that it's "probably".

mauitbyea ;)

as a handicapped man myself, this strip also made me laugh.

on an unrelated note, his "braille" font looks more like morse code.

That'd be because it is.
Though given that there are only 11 letters there, I doubt you're dealing with an actual translation in any sense of the word.

A comment left by overmedicated was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, tttt2, ohmygooses, the_dingle)

I think that's Morse Code.

Damn, I supose that makes me even more retarded.

Welcome. We have ramps.


It's like we care or something!

unfortunately the morse code "-.. -.- .. - - ... --- .-.. - -.- -.- .. ..." translates to nothing more than "DKITTSOLTKKIS" (cross-checked from two different sites).

thanks to https://www.onlineconversion.com/morse_code.htm

A comment left by dotacreepy was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, sharksarecoming, wittyname, fosters, erributtz, Vweep, zaratustra, Endquote, JonMW, nutmeg, cailetshadow, nathanielperson, Mastronaut)

Yet that along with the meaningless semaphore is one of the best parts. I think Onstad meant it to be an ironic joke. It makes the whole handicap-accessible theme all the more fantastic.

I was hoping it would tranlate to "prribaalkeuy"

ddidenaaiahftu, dhyit? ;)

If Ambrose Bierce ever stumbles out of a Mexican time-rift and learns Internet, I wager that this will be his favorite Achewood.

I love the unspoken assumption that Ambrose Bierce would automatically discover Achewood were he exposed to the Internet.

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by TonyHighwind, Vweep, Thirteen20WRX, yingkaixing)

Achewood would draw Ambrose Beirce, as a Romantic to opium or self-pity. *firm nod*

A comment left by mrobin604 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kylank, fell, Lacrimus, scion, luasn, larkin, tehloki, Nictusempra)

since assetbar discards plusses i guess you should have written more As huh


where's that danged guy with the screaming-phillipe avatar when you need him

Man I love that second panel so hard . if i'm ever in a wheelchair i want it tattooed on my face, or engraved on my grave stone.

A comment left by scramblesthedog was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, straw, divot, kylank)

No, the blind people's jokes are invisible. The morse code is for recovering ham radio operators. And the semaphore is for, I dunno, pirates maybe.

semaphore is for coast guard retirees

ADA Compliance Certificate on File With Property Manager

This is probably my favorite strip.

If that strip had four more panels, Ray would have managed three martinis at once.

Does that wheelchair have a ball and chain attached to it?

Oh, wait, I get it now. Symbolism .

Hey are you from Owatonna? Love the avatar.

Man, you and I have both been like, "I recognize that building," but we meant two completely different buildings because it's so damn blurry. DAMN IT MRCOOL1122 I DEMAND SATISFACTION

The morse code is nonsense and the Semaphore is the letter K... sort of.

To be fair, the easiest way to do any sort of signing or braille or Morse code or what have you is to just make shit up. If I was deaf and someone was signing the president's speech I'd be all, "Fuck the budget and the economy, Mr. President, I'm DEAF!"

I think it's more the letter "O" https://www.winterbourne.freeuk.com/semaphore.gif

Second panel and last panel are so awesome my eyes caught fire

This is a type of silly strip that just bursts with fun energy and nonchalance and it is very awesome.

i agree that this may be the funniest single strip ever. Ray in panel 4 is tattoo worthy

Roast Beef points to the ramp in panel 3.

This was the first strip I ever viewed which was a very strange introduction to the world of Achewood. Since then it's become the strip that pops into my head the most often. Especially panel 2. Also I love at the end how they (or just Ray) moved in another ramp to the right which is even more superfluous than the first one.

This strip would definitely be a strange introduction, but I'm not suprised that you got through a strange first impression to find genius by your brilliant Arrested Development avatar. A chubby to you sir, for being a fan of two of the greatest things ever.

I have the second panel cropped and ready for internet use. I try to post it whenever I can.


I want this as a t-shirt. So bad. DAAAMN.

now THIS is some icon/post synergy.

Reminds me of a motorcycle flying over a mountain.

At first, I scrolled past too quickly and it looked like mario was jumping over the wheelchair.
And then I noticed that Ray is doing something kinda similar, leading way out with one foot.

DAAAAAAAMN! Ray just jumped that computer with two, count 'em TWO, martinis in hand!

Ray is one rude dude!

This is honestly pretty much my favorate strip he has ever written, it completely embodies achewood style chaos and confusion

Is your avatar the helix Nebula known as the eye of god?

In this strip, Ray skates the dreams of the children who have no one to speak for them.

I was thrown off by Ray dropping the N bomb on panel one. Then all I could think was "Wait...is Ray black?"

he's a CAT.

Hmm. I was about to write about how cats still haven't experienced a history of slavery, degradation, segregation and discrimination, so it's still not Kosher.
But then I thought of this Tim Kreider strip, and this picture , and thought, when was the last time you saw a cat drinking from the same water fountain as a white person?

Holy shit. That person put a cat in a cat costume.

Yes! YES!!!

After hours of scouring, I finally found this strip! I feel like I've accomplished something today! Hooray and huzzah!

Fuck, FUCK that was gold. It was worth searching for.

These two comments somehow feel like your brain is hooked up to the internet... that your posts are involuntary sometimes.

I read it as "after hours of showering", which goes well with your avatar.

I confess to using "It's like I care or something!" in personal and business email.

This is the only strip in all of Achewood where a character uses the word "nigga."

It's used extremely well.


Find the other strip that uses a "nigger" variant. You're not allowed to use the search function.

I [url=https://m.assetbar.com/achewood/uua8q7vK0]founds[/u] it! I AM THE WINNER.

And now, I am disqualified for bungling BBcode!

But seriously guys.

In addition, in the following two links, a Klansman uses it in relation to an entertainer, and Philippe blogs about using the word.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this also counts:

Two martinis, a pair of rollerblades, and a snazzy tux. Ray lives the good life.

Today's Blogs

Roast Beef: Might get on down to Nicaragua.
Onstad: Whoops! "Facto."

I would like a recipe for opening a can of cherries.

It will be in Parade Magazine this weekend.

Smuckles Delight (serves one):

1 can of cherries
1 pair of hands
1 can opener


1. Open can.

3. Profit!

For the love of god WHAT IS STEP 2???? I must know

You already said it. Step 2: ????

I did not know at the time of my post above that this whole thing was a South Park reference and is still a "meme".

I know this now.

I would never have applied a chubby to the comment above, had I ever scrolled down far enough to know that I was rewarding memery.

I didn't actually know it was from South Park. In my life, it's just a thing people say sometimes.

they do have braille fonts. Instead of converting the information to text it converts it to data readable by an actuator positioned on a wheel. By turning the wheel past the actuator, various bumps on the wheel's surfaced are raised to form the braille letter. Simply by placing one's fingers on this wheel and turning it a website can be read. Wow.

The ramp, of course, is totally useless, since the computer could acutally stay on the friggin' floor!

That's the joke, I think.

There's a tradition here on Assetbar of stating the obvious. So next time, save the "I think."

That's the joke.

I just love how the motion lines imply he made the jump from BEHIND the computer, an unassisted jump.

My favorite thing about the ramp is that there's no space between the ramp edge and the computer for the wheelchair to go, so the poor handicapped guy would just roll right back down again.

in this strip, Ray does several things handicapped people can not do.

hell yes.

like having fun

Rollerblades, but no deadly mishap. Odd.

In my humble opinion, this is the best Achewood strip. It doesn't get better than this. It doesn't .

I love ham

dang what is going on?

I found no invisible jokes.

In this strip, I imagine the soundtrack played to be that of an early keyboard's demo. The sound played at the second panel is what the keyboard calls "high hat", even though it in actuality bears no resemblance to that.

That last panel is the deaf man's version of "Hey! Our jive-asshole cartoonist couldn't think of an ending to this pointless strip! Looks like it's time to hit the road."


this is top 10 achewood. my feelings on this strip are pro.

The fact that there are rollerblades in this comic concerns me. Is someone going to die? Onward through the archive I go.