+1 -0
Great hats
Great hats
+0 -0
I imagine Teodor's as one of those green transluscently-billed bankers' hats.
I imagine Teodor's as one of those green transluscently-billed bankers' hats.
+0 -0
A tampon receipt in a deck of cards? Obviously Lyle's doing.
(For some reason.)
A tampon receipt in a deck of cards? Obviously Lyle's doing.
(For some reason.)
+6 -0
I'd like to know who bought tampons in the first place. The hell?
I'd like to know who bought tampons in the first place. The hell?
+1 -0
Mrs. Onstad?
Mrs. Onstad?
+0 -0
Yeah, exactly my thought!
Yeah, exactly my thought!
+6 -1
The first laugh out loud strip of Achewood for this reader.
The first laugh out loud strip of Achewood for this reader.
+1 -0
Phillipe's hat..
Phillipe's hat..
+1 -0
Someone has been letting Phillpe watch Limp Bizkit DVDs.
Someone has been letting Phillpe watch Limp Bizkit DVDs.
+0 -0
A comment left by qatipay was marked as spam and excluded. qatipay: What a douche. (reported by Lacrimus, mira, Arcibi)
A comment left by qatipay was marked as spam and excluded. qatipay: What a douche. (reported by Lacrimus, mira, Arcibi)
+12 -1
Foreshadowing: Lyle not only man douches, he man tampons.
Foreshadowing: Lyle not only man douches, he man tampons.
+0 -0
The fact that no females have as yet been introduced clearly supports this.
The fact that no females have as yet been introduced clearly supports this.
+8 -0
A portmanteau for you:
A portmanteau for you:
+0 -1
Let's play word nerd! Make a Spoonerism out of 'man tampon.'
(Answer: tan mampom. You lose 5 cool points if you knew that one.)
Let's play word nerd! Make a Spoonerism out of 'man tampon.'
(Answer: tan mampom. You lose 5 cool points if you knew that one.)
+6 -0
Philippe should have bluffed.
Philippe should have bluffed.
+3 -0
Cornelius will not lie to a child.
Cornelius will not lie to a child.
+0 -0
Phillipe's hat.
Phillipe's hat.
+1 -0
b-boy hat! b-boy hat!!
b-boy hat! b-boy hat!!
+6 -0
+3 -0
"This might be the worst hand ever" I love that line
"This might be the worst hand ever" I love that line
+0 -0
He was only in the hand because he was hoping for the draw.
He was only in the hand because he was hoping for the draw.
+4 -0
Philippe folds. He is so depressed that he is omitting his periods, all Roast Beef style.
Philippe folds. He is so depressed that he is omitting his periods, all Roast Beef style.
+20 -1
haha you said periods
haha you said periods
+0 -1
Isn't that Ben Folds' brother?
Isn't that Ben Folds' brother?
+0 -0
This might have been my first favorite strip. One I laughed about whenever I thought about it. Even now, coming back to rate it. Phillipe does not need tampons, also.
This might have been my first favorite strip. One I laughed about whenever I thought about it. Even now, coming back to rate it. Phillipe does not need tampons, also.
+1 -0
Is mostly a thing of chicks.
Is mostly a thing of chicks.
+8 -1
too bad phillippe couldn't get a couple more tampon receipts to fill out his hand a little
too bad phillippe couldn't get a couple more tampon receipts to fill out his hand a little
+0 -0
onstad ever still use that ol NES font anymore?
onstad ever still use that ol NES font anymore?
+1 -0
The text isn't even centered!
The text isn't even centered!
+0 -0
the otter makes a wise decision.
the otter makes a wise decision.
+0 -0
Cheer up, Philippe, a backwards cap more than makes up for a bad poker hand.
Cheer up, Philippe, a backwards cap more than makes up for a bad poker hand.
+0 -0
I've just realised what a fantastic punchline 'I fold' is. And it comes after Cornelius' already-fantastic punchline.
I've just realised what a fantastic punchline 'I fold' is. And it comes after Cornelius' already-fantastic punchline.
+0 -0
It's not just the phrase, it's the combination of the phrase, the lack of punctuation, and the intensely disappointed look on the face of the five year old stuffed otter.
It's not just the phrase, it's the combination of the phrase, the lack of punctuation, and the intensely disappointed look on the face of the five year old stuffed otter.
+0 -0
You never fold with that hand!
You never fold with that hand!
+0 -1
Phillipe can always bring the roflcopter out
Phillipe can always bring the roflcopter out
+0 -0
This may be my most quoted Achewood strip ever.
This may be my most quoted Achewood strip ever.
+2 -0
Phillipe knows to fold with this hand. He knows that is what to do.
Phillipe knows to fold with this hand. He knows that is what to do.
+0 -0
Chubby for sounding like the alt text.
Chubby for sounding like the alt text.
+0 -0
The expression on Philippe's face in the fourth panel totally sells this strip.
The expression on Philippe's face in the fourth panel totally sells this strip.
+1 -0
THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING AT / SAFEWAY / BAKERSFIELD #3908 / 1 RST TRKEY...@$1.29/LB / 1 CHRISTN BROS...$10.99 / 1 NO-DOZ..........$6.99 / SUBT: $28.95 / TAX: @8.25% $2.89 / PAY: $31.34
THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING AT / SAFEWAY / BAKERSFIELD #3908 / 1 RST TRKEY...@$1.29/LB / 1 CHRISTN BROS...$10.99 / 1 NO-DOZ..........$6.99 / SUBT: $28.95 / TAX: @8.25% $2.89 / PAY: $31.34
+0 -0
Looks like someone was training for the Great Outdoor Fight.
Looks like someone was training for the Great Outdoor Fight.
+0 -0
Phillipe is so crest-fallen when told that receipts make bad poker hands
Phillipe is so crest-fallen when told that receipts make bad poker hands
+0 -0
Aw, Phillipe.
Don't give up.
Aw, Phillipe.
Don't give up.
+1 -0
My friend's older brother used to have Magic: The Gathering patterned playing cards, so when you'd show him your hand of mountains and goblins, he'd show you his straight flush. Classic.
My friend's older brother used to have Magic: The Gathering patterned playing cards, so when you'd show him your hand of mountains and goblins, he'd show you his straight flush. Classic.
+0 -1
Chuck Norris could win with that hand. He once won a game of poker with only a 2 of spades, an 8 of clubs, a green 6 card from Uno, his driver's license, and a Get Out Of Jail Free card from Monopoly.
Chuck Norris could win with that hand. He once won a game of poker with only a 2 of spades, an 8 of clubs, a green 6 card from Uno, his driver's license, and a Get Out Of Jail Free card from Monopoly.
+0 -0
He won with that hand, because his opponent had a two and a receipt for a box of tampons.
He won with that hand, because his opponent had a two and a receipt for a box of tampons.
+1 -0
I was wondering where that went.
I was wondering where that went.
+0 -0
actually i think this is the best hand ever
actually i think this is the best hand ever
+0 -0
Wait a minute, who would even have a receipt for a box of tampons in this household? I am now curious.
Wait a minute, who would even have a receipt for a box of tampons in this household? I am now curious.
+0 -0
Even in these early days of the strip, the guys were rooming at Onstad's place. There is a Mrs. Onstad.
Even in these early days of the strip, the guys were rooming at Onstad's place. There is a Mrs. Onstad.
+0 -0
Still just Mr. Bear, though. Phillipe is so far the only character whose development really didn't change much.
Still just Mr. Bear, though. Phillipe is so far the only character whose development really didn't change much.
+0 -0
well, Lie-Bot and Lyle haven't changed much either.
well, Lie-Bot and Lyle haven't changed much either.
+0 -0
I disagree. Lyle seems to be in a position of relative authority at first (offering rewards like cigarettes and a toy catalogue), and is rather polite, inquiring after Cornelius's mother, and is (apparently) never drunk. A far cry from the modern Lyle.
I disagree. Lyle seems to be in a position of relative authority at first (offering rewards like cigarettes and a toy catalogue), and is rather polite, inquiring after Cornelius's mother, and is (apparently) never drunk. A far cry from the modern Lyle.
A comment left by mira was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Aristagoras, tttt2, Panserbjorne)
This is what happens when you let Lie Bot teach a 5 year old otter how to cheat at poker. That's my theory, anyway.
I have a feeling that it is actually Cornelius and Teodor that are doing the cheating...
that box of tampons is a royal flush.
I think they are actually for stopping the royal flush
avatar comment symmetry everybody! looky!
I wish I could acheive that, but I am not for the chopping off of peoples' heads, personally .
Yeah something is fucked and busted up when this comment has chubbies in only two digits.
You can see the receipt along the bottom edge of frame 3. It is clearly not a card.