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The Mad Dash of The Boffin Tuesday, April 22, 2008 • read strip Viewing 371 comments:

A comment left by moissanite was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, kenthegod, Hatticus, cyberia, storableprawn)

Seems to add credence to Ray's suspicions of dotage, I think.

Cornelius was probably so excited to get in touch with Mr. Teal that he overlooked the dignity of correspondence while seated at an escritoire.


A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by waddie, clembot, kforkarl)

A comment left by synnah was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sneeeeeeeeeeeze, lawbot, waddie)


Oh my god, a million chubbies for you.

what's bad is that you think any that does is XML derived.

any language that does is derived from SGML, which is basically XML. That includes HTML, ColdFusion, etc.


A comment left by greymantledwolf was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by 7th_shot, logic, ghoti, MrFlunchy, DerSquirrel)


Ateempting to get this in high on the cue -- the next strip began the "handsface" movement, second only to the Rennaizaince, ahem, Renaissance in importance to modern culture, and the reason you are seeing so many faces in all the previous threads. Enjoy! And get a hand-to-face shot up soon, my drooggs.

Shit, it's not very high up at all.

Chubby simply because the word 'Crunk' features in your avatar.

Cornelius is well-versed in the customs of the colonials.

Remember who used to rule India!

Cornelius would've done a MUCH better job with India than we did.

at the end his "taps" are but a whisper...


give me a kiss

A comment left by catgrl131 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by DaPooka, banjothepony, straw, madnes, ifergott, riotdejaneiro, pmoney187, superunknown, MilesDonovan, NeoNaoNeo, capnb0b, lamelliform, scrumpton, Girdag, rascaldom, _cheesekayke, shades, aHatOfPig, nutmeg, sncether, achilleselbow, scraggg, Doc_Rostov, littlefatdog, synapse, Panserbjorne, rjt210)

yeah thanks for resisting that urge buddy

A comment left by catgrl131 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, madnes, eatmorekix, gussiejives, greatwhite, lux, littlefatdog, kforkarl)

A comment left by catgrl131 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, madnes, plummet, eatmorekix, greatwhite, lux, littlefatdog, Panserbjorne)

Why would you post after your bedtime?

Why would you be so arrogant?

doc, please please ALWAYS be stern when using that avatar.

There are specialist websites for that kind of thing.

You really blew it this time!

What a rotten application of oneself!

ha. look at what happened when i viewed your comment!!


That's about as First as you can get.

To be honest, it is actually lucky for you that you weren't first, because then you would get lamed by everyone , at least this way it will get buried before too long. There was never going to be a happy ending for this post.


thank you so much for being that guy

damn thank you so much

What makes this The Best is that it looks like both Roast Beef and achilles' avatar are yelling at catgrl, Roast Beef being more focused because he is looking directly at her, achilles' rage less so because of his allwhite eyes, betraying the maddening that occurs within.

NO i can't believe you changed your avatar JUST when i figured out what it was from! i think brad neely is our generation's shakespeare but i somehow missed movie talk part 2 until today

A comment left by halfdirt was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, straw, Pox, pmoney187, Spoon, Overmedicated, gladi8orrex, FineMusk, mcowgill, NeoNaoNeo, Hatticus, flazisismuss, grayestnova, sassacrass, Kleptonis, prius_chaser, catgrl131, SatelliteTV, HolyQ, d3athcann0n, SupposedCat, idsyen, aHatOfPig, logic, Ihmgard, earendil, snooky, Combustache, littlefatdog, perhapsmaybe, theargentinian, SPECTRE, kittydragon)

A comment left by orvel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, thumbfinger, eatmorekix, Panserbjorne, Satyr)

awesome. any chance you'll resist the urge to write about it?

A comment left by jrpigman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by scrumpton, _cheesekayke, stop, abreez_e, verplanck, lux, iidebaser, Satyr)


I tried and failed to capitalicize "shutup."

....You may all use "capitalicize" as a regular word, if you wish.

Just repeat, "bracket instead of carat" a few times.

No. HTML PRIDE my brothers.

You must not be ashamed!

document.getElementById("asset").lastChild.nodeValue = "Rock on XML."

I understand the risks. I know I'll make an enemy of assetbar with this.

I regret nothing.

Ecept for those of us living in countries where (, {, [ and < are ALL called brackets (bracket, curly bracket, square bracket and angle bracket, respectively).

I've never really understood the term "curly bracket." It doesn't really curl, does it? It's more of a squiggly bracket or a wavy bracket or something.

Squiggly braces.

That's what I had when I was an awkward pre-teen with crooked teeth.

cornelius sitting indian style AND turning on his own flatmates... no. he may be a badass, but he is a loyal old dude.

Ray's positioning in shifting the computer away from Cornelius is kind of like a classy dance move.

Inasfar as wearing just a thong while dancing can ever be considered classy.

as soon as i saw that panel i knew people couldn't help but comment on it.

Check out the trailing leg! Much style.

It looks to be a very nice lunge. Could be a martial arts thing.

Nah, more like a curling move. Somebody get him a broom!



Addendum: please give stuart the recognition he deserves! He makes images so the common man don't have to!

A comment left by halfdirt was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, pmoney187, grayestnova, Johnnyrocker)

No! No recognition for stuart after midnight! YOU'LL DOOM US ALL.
Incidentally, panel nine is one of my favourite panels of all time.

A comment left by halfdirt was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, straw, pmoney187, Overmedicated, gladi8orrex, grayestnova, chivalress, leatherpants, bigtom, ghoti, perhapsmaybe)

I don't know...they have an established thing of worrying that Cornelius has gone senile, regardless of his badassness. Remember Volvo of Despair?

Cornelius is as sharp as a knife. I dunno why ray keeps doubting him. They keep dissing him even after acknowledging that he is the baddest bear around. PS: I would have driven his kick ass Old School bus to the woods instead of his antique.

I think it's just Ray's general lack of respect for his elders. From what I can tell, Ray basically considers himself to be in his prime. Plus he has a huge fear of diabetes - a disease that largely affects the elderly. Maybe, despite all Connie's badassity and sharpness, he just figures that anyone older than a certain age is going to get all the negativity associated with being old. Senility included.

Just a spur-of-the-moment theory, though.

And Little Nephew disrespects Ray, the flayed bozacked brontosaurus of rhyme, for being older.

It's the circle of life, if The Lion King is to be believed.

Why you all snarky to the community, H-Dirt?

Maybe because he seems to be snarky about everything? I don't actually have a problem with honest opinions - which in my opnion get lamed unjustly all too much - but there's always some element of insult (not critique) with these posts that is directed personally to either the creator or the readers.

Your constant truckling of Achewood's well-established greatness amidst a perfectly valid critique for fear that the zealous, over-protective fans will lame you out of existance is almost as tragic as the Persian and Muslim-owned restaurants and markets I see in Los Angeles (and everywhere else, I would assume) which feel the need to hang HUGE American flags in their windows to ward off the fascist, right-wing 'patriots' from promptly molotoving their legal (and often delicious) businesses to the ground.

I rarely say this, but I think you're underestimating the good people of LA. I think those flags are there so they get a discount when they bribe the health department people to get an "A". All, or at least close to all, of the fascist right-wing patriots moved to Oregon or Texas or Nevada a long time ago.

Eastern Oregon is full of those bastards. Mostly because Eastern Oregon has a lot of sheep for them to *ahem* "Help over the fence."

Ray isn't normally self-conscious. I don't what you're basing it on, thinking he should be here. I'd say he's acting totally in character. He's telling it like it is...at least how he thinks it is. If he takes it too far, he might feel bad about it afterwards, but he'll say what he thinks as he thinks it. Of course he's wrong about Cornelius, but he watches out for his friends, and this is just another example of that.

And afterwards, if he does feel that he's somehow wronged Cornelious, Ray would be swift to rectify the situation, perhaps with a six hundo.

Ah, yes. You are entirely correct on that.

It's very easy actually. First, move your mouse over to an appropriate number, such as 1 or 2. Then, push down onto the left button with your index finger, taking care not to move the mouse as you do so. Congratulations! You have now rated the strip lower than 4 and used the rating system the way it was meant to be used.

Man, I don't know why I'm being such a dick today.

Wow. Wow. Dear software industry: MAKE THIS

A comment left by halfdirt was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, Overmedicated, gussiejives)

Indeed. I, however, shot it squarely, thus making it unavailable by the time Epicurus was using computers for business purposes. You're all welcome.

A comment left by alreadyinuse was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, prius_chaser, techiebabe, nutmeg, Panserbjorne, pquinn87)



Don't start with Alf, Reagan votin' O'Reilly watchin' asshole if you ask me....

okay, I might have overstepped... I don't remember Family Ties per se... I just know it gave that Alex kid Parkinsons, so it can't have been that great.

No. We do not talk like this.


I... couldn't tell if you were being serious or not. You have a penchant for acting dense, so I will assume that was supposed to be a joke.

A comment left by halfdirt was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, grayestnova, bigtom, _cheesekayke, Jeet, techiebabe, shounenhero, SPECTRE)

How come you assume that this story arc is over? It's a pretty big installment, and it doesn't say "fin" at the end...you're kind of going off half-assed with all this anger.

A comment left by alreadyinuse was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, lawbot, _cheesekayke, FablesandBlues, sharpdresseddan, iceofboston, augeno13, nutmeg, bixschmix, RabbiDPanda)


Wow, so this is special: I've never met a cartoon character for real before. How's Lois?

Chubby for the super saiyan emoticon. All hail emoticon. Ecksdee.





Oh, terrible!

Imagine 'Good to have you back' was spoken in nervous apprehension. He tried to out his senility, Mr. Bear was getting all riled up, Ray backs off.

A comment left by alreadyinuse was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, lawbot, orvel, leatherpants, _cheesekayke, FablesandBlues, vodkavonstroheim, augeno13, Panserbjorne, SPECTRE)

Either the arc is over or its not. If it isn't, plot development. If it is, the stereotype of which you speak wouldn't be enduring if people didn't find it interesting.

Are you forgetting that Mr. Bear is talking to a computerized bird? This is not a "neat" resolution at all. In fact, if it is a resolution (which I doubt), that is troubling for the future of Cornelius. Ray%u2019s worry is shared by me. Cornelius does not easily get sucked into the machinery of others: as you note he is %u201Cunflappable,%u201D cool enough to win the title of baddest dude around. But this arc has shown him as anything but that. It was easy for him to sink into committing a crime, become friends with a bird on a laptop made in England, and plot the death of Lyle. How remarkably un-Cornelius-like.

As a character, Cornelius does feature many %u201Cgentlemanly%u201D tropes but it is where he diverges that I find fantastic characterization. 1) He is a stuffed bear. 2) He writes trashy (but brilliant) romance novels and used to do closed-captioning for the spice channel. 3) He is definitely not afraid of the police after drinking tequila. (this may be unfair since it was so early in the sequence. Nevertheless, it is his divergence, the unexpected that makes him great.

In any case, grow up.

Hear, hear

I think that's the point of this arc... it's a stereotypical "parlor mystery" as Connie says in the last panel of yesterday's strip.

It keeps him entertained amidst the pedestrian drudgery of the internet. Connie would be too sagacious for AssetBar.

Wait... maybe he DOES need "activities"...

Jesus, calm the fuck down. It's just a commonly used phrase of the English language. No need to cry about it.


oNSadts iz a se11_outrz! thz proovz he has been jumed teh shark 4 yeaars!1

You're... doing it wrong .

Coming from you, that's rich.

A comment left by cromar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, divot, erincandy, Doc_Rostov)

Jumped the shark? Outlandish?

* Ahem




Yeah man, Achewood is never weird!

It's pretty clear to me that Ray is just fucking with Cornelius. But then, I'm but a humble engineer with no expertise in textual analysis or deconstruction or whatever it is you are doing to this poor comic strip.

Unless that's an ironic link to the wiki entry for jumping the shark, you're the worst thing on the internet right this second.


Thanks for this.

Yay Fonzie! Still shark-jumping after all these years. Unless that isn't Henry Winkler up there. But man, it needs to be him in that picture.

It's him. It's from "Arrested Development." He played the family's inept attorney, Barry Zuckercorn. This scene was good, but I'll always prefer the scene in the bathroom in the first season where he combs his hair and then does the "Fozzy" look in the mirror, admiring himself.

I do believe 'Fozzy' was a stuffed bear from Muppet Babies.

Oh DAMN . I was so focused on spelling Zuckercorn correctly I fucked that up.

Fozzy was a stuffed bear from just the Muppets, as well. Saying Muppet Babies almost seems unnecessary.

Haha I know him from Muppet Babies. No harm done. But the scene you're referring to in the bathroom mirror is pretty brilliant - as is just about any other part of Arrested Development.

It is disturbing that Nice Pete watches Muppet Babies

Really? You know Fozzy not from the Muppet Show or the Muppet Movie or the Great Muppet Caper...but from Muppet Babies?

Don't get me wrong, I liked that show as a kid...but the live-action Muppets are classic!

Hell yes Muppet Babies.

Don't you imagine Nice Pete saying that? In a calm whisper, with a quiet southern accent, you know, just before pulling out a knife and going straight for the neck


This arc really has been brutal.

I like it.


Favorite part: *SHIFT!* "What is your decision?"

as soon as i saw that panel i knew people couldn't help but comment on it.

Mr. Teal, I too have said nuisances in dire need of disposal.

And what is with Mr. Teal always wanting to kill people? Killing people is totally not British. British cops don't even have guns.

Killing people is totally British. They kill each other over sports and iPods.

In my nice, upper-working-to-middle-class village, one teenage boy stabbed another teenage boy to death because the second had spat at the first's sister.

Argh I can see myself getting called a pansy who can't take a joke for this, but all this talk about how there is never any kind of violence in Britain is starting to get to me because it is a big, big problem over here. Not as much as it is across the pond, sure, but it's not like it's not an issue.

Okay shutting up.

If you were a superhero, I imagine you'd be UK Girl or something of the sort, Union Jack cape and all.

All pilotin the John Bull Gundam, gainin strength whenever she eats brain and kidney pie and losin it whenever she realizes her grandfather was an imperialist...


Oh man. Someone broke out Photoshop in my honor. Rad.

I was liking that picture until I realized I'm back in emoticon Hell.

Yeah it's all shaking each others hands and doffing caps here in Brixton.

Who's the bespandexed fellow next to cpn america? Heraldry man?

seriously though, was there a captain britain or soemthing?

Yup, that's Captain Britain !

It is indeed Captain Britain. He was actually important in some Marvel Comics story lines.

He is a living instruction manual entitled "What Not to Wear for a Superhero Costume."

Yup - the gent on the left is Captain Britain himself. Of course, now he looks like this:

It is sad that I know this.

And even sadder that I didn't refresh this page to see all the people who beat me to this...my apologies for the late spew.

Alan Moore? Oh, I'm so confused by this image. It compels and repulses by equal measure.

This handsome gentleman is called the Guardian , but he may as well be called Captain Canada.


Wow, I had no idea there were so many nationalist superheores. I imagine Captain Britain must ahve a tougher time, theres less of an entrenched national identity this side of the pond (for better or worse). does Ireland have one perchance?

Anyway cheers for answering the query, and alering me to the existance of captain canada!

I need to see an Irish one!




A chubby for you.

I was hopin Shamrock would make an appearance in this thread.


One Irish superhero coming right up...


Shane MacGowan--The Super Pogue

He is...a Man You Don't Meet Every Day.

Actually he was born in London, speaks with a cockney accent.

This.... saddens me. (seriously as an anglo-irish guy it does, he shouldnt be on the same level as the rest of us shmucks!)

Apparently here is a Captain Germany a.k.a. Vormund and a Captain Spain among others ...

No Cap'n Eire, though.

Wow. Apparently the Columbian superhero is named "Highnote". After the mountains, I'm sure.

theres less of an entrenched national identity this side of the pond


Aye, when you ask people no-one can come up with a coherent response, few people know all the words to the (quite frankly tedious and irrelevant) national anthem, people more willingly describe themselves as "English", "scottish", "Welsh", "Northern Irish", "A Northerner", "A Southerner". Plus when people attempt to describe "Britishness" they find it extremely difficult, especially now in a consumer driven globalised world.

Additionally the colour of our buses and phone boxes,the fact some of us occaisionally eat roasted meat on a sunday and the fact we play sports played (Arguably with a lot more skill) by loads of other countries dont make up a national character or identity.

sad but true.

So folks there have nationalist sentiments a-plenty. It's unity that may be lacking. That makes more sense to me.


Just to clear things up for anyone who doesn't know, the fleur de lys is that three-pointed thing that appears on the Quebec flag. Apparently we have provincial heroes as well. I only hope Ontario Lass is as hot.

I'm guessing the name comes from: "O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!" That's probably something that is well known if you read comic books.

I don't read comic books.

Also, he can't be Captain Canada, because any true hocky fan knows that this is Captain Canada:

You know what? I'm just not typing any more today. If I have one more fucking typo on this page...


I'll help:


Hai guyz


"And look who else is back, eh?"

Classic stuff.

Why... Why do these male comic book characters have such completely horrible outfits for the hiding of the undercarriage? To the point where they shade it out. You know those two girls beside his legs are both reeling in horror at that which none of the readers can see!!

Brixton? Don't they have guns there?

Waa waa waa waaaaaaaaaa

Please tell me that was the Grange Hill noise.

It could be?

A comment left by shades was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, eatmorekix, odei, snidedk, loneal)

A comment left by heccibiggs was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by snidedk, shades, Satyr)

You kind of played into that one, Hecci. I've heard that much can be said for the moral high-road.

Eh, whatever. Note that my response is really not based on just this one comment of hers.

P.S. Like the new avatar, but I miss the Darkplace... Wait, was that your avatar? Suddenly I'm filled with doubt.

Argh actually I don't think it was yours. Was it? Arrgghhh noooo everything is terrible.

i_love_kate apparently used to have a still from "losing my religion". Fry lacking the Delta brainwave is superior (animated futurama icons FTW!!1). I think overmedicated has a darkplace one..?
ps. you have come out on top in this minor assetsquabble as you are an established poster, but beware of general trading of insults as it tends to end with everyone being lame.
(what am I? your mother?)

yeah, that came out more dickish than I had hoped. My feelings are pro!


Ohhh it's overmedicated, that's right. Sorry, i_love_kate. Sorry for not remembering what you used to look like. I got confused because I know you're British and 17-year-old male too and I know your avatar used to have dark colouring... never mind. Sorry dogg.

In response to your p.s., I agree, and again I apologise. Not to shades. Just to everyone who had to witness the whole ordeal. She just sort of attacks me all the time, and every other comment of hers that I've read has managed to piss me off, and I was getting bored of being passive.

I'll try not to do it again...

(P.S. I'm an established poster? Fly. )

Quite alright. Just don't let it happen again.

Now I know you're English, your name sounds to me like a Cornish or Welsh village. Do you live in Heccibiggs?

No, no. I live in Greater London, it's about a six/seven hour drive to Cornwall. "heccibiggs" is just a nickname my friend gave me, reversing the inital letters of my first and last name. Funsies.

Rubbish. You live in Heccibiggs. Just outside Cwmdauddwr. I see you.

No, no, that's me you're talking about. Heccibiggs is hella chill.

Hey Stinky, I thought you were dead?

Shakespeare dispatched King Hamlet with poison in the ear, and dwelt no longer on it. If Mr Teal is out of character, it is because he has a gauche fixation on the non-U preparation that distracts him from the U act. The average Briton will kill a stranger after a brief conversation at least once in his lifetime, and the last words of those stranger shall be 'Too right, guv.' The next of kin figure it out for themselves. There is no funeral; there may be, for a time, symbolic mourning for Lady Diana. They refer to this as 'happy slapping'; you may have heard of it.

The british police don't have guns because they can't be trusted not to succumb to their natural british instincts and kill everything,

See, that makes sense to me.

Brazillian electrician? Al Quaeda operative? same difference!

Brazilian electrician....Blanka?

Nah this Brazillian lad called De Menezes the cockney police iced because he was of the wrong skin hue at the wrong time, a totally messed up business

Sure, play the wink-a-day smuglad now, but you'll be singing a different tune when you find out who's really threatening civilization.

And it'll be too late, because you'll only be able to read at night by turning a mirror towards Belo Horizonte.

The 'War Nerd' on traditional British violence:

Oh man I thought I was the only one here that reads The Exile. Chubby for bitter Russian satire.

Y'know, I think it would be really interesting if Connie actually was insane.

Come to think of it, Mr. Teal shows no signs of ageing at all in any of these stories!

I've enjoyed these strips separately, but together, purely on a plot basis, I feel this arc has been less than rock solid.

I like Mr. Teal's exclamation point in the last panel.

Also: the ellipses between the taps that match the typed text.

RE: alt text:

Corni should probably think about hiding his own trumpet again.

Isn't 'hiding one's trumpet' a euphemism?

No, you hide your trumpet so Lyle can't play it with his cock. (See: THE GREAT OUTDOOR FIGHT.)

I got that reference. This was the one I was making, though.

Mr Teal is a murderous little son of a bitch sociopath. Cornelius should email him to Nice Pete, they'd be hell of compatible.

Are you crazy? Nice Pete don't want no computer-graphics bird telling him who and what to murder. It would unleash some kind of horrific fury...

I have a feeling Nice Pete's the sort of guy who really likes honey, though.

although he's definitely partial to good country sugar.

Yes. Which is exactly why this should happen.

This feels like a retcon. If the conclusion that virtually all of us came to (that all three assistants were the same person) was wrong, then why did he share all three of their names?

I've been trying to avoid saying this, but it must be said - all in all, this is a pretty piss poor story arc. "Fetching Cornelius" was a gem, but it doesn't justify the obscene amount of strips this arc has taken up.

As per yesterday's discussion, feel free to lame me, but I'd sincerely like to know if anyone can argue that today's strip was any good in any conceivable way.

Panel 9 is great, man. We've established this.

Yes. Ray's awesome lunge is the good thing about this strip. But yeah... it doesn't really have any other facets of goodness. We'll see what goes down this week I guess.

I've actually been loving this arc, and I'd probably cite most of what's happened so far as my favorite Achewood since (the obvious choice) The Great Outdoor Fight.

This strip just seemed like a way to drag the story along. Instead of running with The_Boffin direction, we're back to plotting with Mr. Teal. Who I am getting tired of at this point.

I'll hold any final judgment for when the story finishes, of course.

I always reserve my judgement of entire arcs until I read them at least a second time well after they're finished. Some of my favorite arcs now are ones that I found tedious to read day by day when they first came out (Lonis Edison, Cartilage Head, the Great Outdoor Fight).

I doubt this one will change much on repeated readings, though. I've mostly found it rather boring and maybe a little too dry...as I have most of Onstad's recent forays into Anglophilia, unique though they often are. It's all seemed a little too forced.

Run with me here:

Keith and Mr. Teal are indeed creations of The Boffin, but when conceiving this plan, he did not see the need to take them with him. They remained on the Shrovis, while the Boffin escaped.

Might as well.

i feel like this arc has contradicted itself a bit, but this particular direction is strong. mr. teal is slowly poisoning cornelius's mind against lyle. WHAT WILL GO DOWN? WHERE HAS ALL THE TRUST GONE? FIND OUT TOMORROW (unless Onstad is discouraged.... don't you want to see your favorite achewood characters go at it, though? finally nail their grievances to the door? or to their roomate's heads? COME ON THIS WOULD BE THE BEST ARC EVER ADMIT ADMIT)

I think the arc is probably finished now. At least, I hope so. I thought it was pretty funny, but I think this would be a good ending. Cornelius still has his computer, and they engage in some funtime plotting but nothing comes of it. And now, the next arc will be about that Russian they left in the woods who is still alive .

Cornelius and Mr. Teal in a van, fighting over ketchup packets...

I concur. I concurrently consider your retroactive continuity corroboration conclusive.

Hold on a sec, Mr. Teal says that the Boffin write-locked the diskette behind him. But the diskette shown in Cornelius in the Cooler , April 11, is clearly not write-protected! More lies? More games? Circles within circles that we cannot hope to comprehend!

(Hey, kids. Back in the 80s we had to write-protect diskettes by sticking tape over a hole in the side and write-enable disks using a hole-puncher. It was pretty much stone knives and bearskins.)

Later on there was a little you could move back and forth to make it writable or not. Awesome.

Um...a little tab, is what I meant to say. Lord knows what other nouns your sick minds were inserting in there.

you mean the write-protect clit?

Mr. Teal still holds a grudge from the Reservoir Dogs casting call.

"Steve Buscemi, mark this day, for you shall rue it! Rue it I say! While i sup golden honey and share stories with Quentin, you will be relegated to the status of common dustman or barrow boy!"

"You shall be forced to star in the lackluster indie drama Interview !"

Mr Teal is a chilling character. I fear for the housemates. Especially with that little musical chirp in the last panel.

Exactly. You just know that's a minor-key chirp, key signature or no.

It's in the saddest of all keys: D minor.

Ray shortens Cornelius's name.

Cornelius lengthens Ray's name.

This is a recipe.


Both your and proofman's posts made me giggle aloud. V-chubs all around! Love Assetbar, even if we have to endure catgrrl's "First" post and others like it.

*catgrl *proof_man

also misspelled my own name: *sux

aww, first posts are funny when they aren't the first ones, though.

Hey! In my defense, it was roughly 4:32 AM. In case you've never been up that late, most things seem like good ideas when you're that tired. It's not my fault I could not resist the siren call of ebay. I was browsing for hours on end. DO YOU HEAR ME!? HOURS. ON. END. When it is that late/early, one actually considers bidding on a man's left Nipple .

P.S. You are so goddamn lucky you corrected yourself. So. Goddamn. Lucky.

I so would and tell him to get a piecing to be a bastard.

What is so wrong with nipple piercings?

I'm not scared of anyone who calls themself 'catgrl'.

On another note, the "Beef and Molly" wedding cake in Onstads blog is wicked cool!

It was cool, but he used the word germane, and this was all I could think of.

A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, tekende, jrpigman, invidious, synnah, cyberia, Ihmgard, Backdraft, I_Love_Kate)

A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, tekende, Comrade_Tom, I_Love_Kate)


Puce, is that you?

Man, you had us all fooled for a while, but you went a little overboard here. Congratulations, job well done.

I love that guy. Hysterical.

The belated punctuation was a stroke of genius.

Right now I am really interested in how that computer works. That's a very convincing AI it's running, or Connie's really easy to take in(which I highly doubt, given that he is a Dude of Means and winner of the Badass Games)

The thing between Mr Teal and The Publican? That's pretty much how it went down between Micrsoft Bob(TM) and Mr. Clippy.

And BTW, I TOLD y'all that Beef didn't have anything to do with this.

What is your DECISION!

On the subject of just how evil Nr. Teal is, just look at his avatar. Its just so...heartless!

Wow, nice one, "Mr. Teal", ugh

only a british computer would have a floppy drive

I bet if you peel the "Made in Britain" sticker off the Shrovis, it says "Hecho en Mexico"


You have made me feel of low mind. Chubby.

Wow. You ingrateful fucking people.

We should be kissing his feet for his fine efforts.

You know in the old country, we were taught as young children that there's no shame in supplicating yourself when you respect someone.

On behalf of Assetbar, the administration, and all of the stockholders, please accept this as a symbol of our apology and respect.

Ungrateful is the adjective, whereas ingrate is the noun used to refer to a person who is ungrateful. You're welcome.

if I had more chubbies, this earns one. My feelings on this asset are: PRO!

thx m8 we gotta watch out for each other :):)

no one got this?

Y'know, in the context of Barton Fink, this is a joke. But, in the context of Assetbar, it's just... nothing.


Have I missed something? When did Ray move into the Cornelius/Teodor house? Doesn't he still have the mansion?

Connie is going to bait his trap for Lyle with his trumpet.

Mr. Teal seems so happy at the prospect of going through scenarios to kill Lyle.

He may not appear that way, but Mr. Teal is really quite the vindictive little bird.

I think Lyle would be pretty hard to kill. Like Rasputin-hard, given that he's basically pickled. And fictional.

Wow, this strip has been up for 10 hrs and hasn't even reached 150 comments yet. That's a rarity these days.

(Sorry, Maximus...didn't mean this to be a reply to your comment.)

Damn me and a friend were talking about the whole Rasputin thing, was it because he was mega-hard or that his assasins were just mega incompetent?

The russian aristocracy couldnt win world war one, thats easy compared to shooting some sex crazed holy man from the steppes!

He was poisoned, shot four times, and then when he was trying to fight to his feet, he was beaten unconscious and ultimately tossed into an icy river where he died not from gunshot wounds, blunt trauma, or even drowning, but from hypothermia. According to the autopsy, he should have been killed by the poison alone, so I think conspirator incompetence is pretty much ruled out.

He was pretty much a badass. Supposedly he had a healing effect on that hemophiliac Romanov kid through hypnosis, and also led a lot of religious orgies which presumably altered the state of the participants' minds. Maybe he could, like, enter a trance state or something? That could somehow slow the harmful effects of poison or beatings or not breathing due to being immersed in water?

That doesn't make any sense, but his penis is on display in a penis museum, and it is ginormous . Maybe he just had magical penis powers.

There is much debate over whether or not that museum does in fact have Rasputin's penis. There is a good chance that it is just a brilliant hoax.

What? No! My life is a lie! That thing'd better be real. I talk about it all the time, coz I have a shirt with Rasputin on it, and what else are you going to talk about when someone comments on your Rasputin shirt?

(The shirt is a shirt from a record store called Rasputin Music. It is not like I was like, "Oh sweet! Rasputin shirt! I can't believe they finally put my personal hero on something I can wear!"


Is it in San Fransisco? I think I've been to that record store and it's amazing.

Yeah! It's in a few places in the Bay Area, but San Francisco has the biggest one. Actually, maybe Berkeley does. I don't know. I don't know anything anymore.

Like when Sotheby's auctioned off "Napoleon' Penis". That was a hoax, although the hoax wasn't perpetrated by Sotheby's -- they just fell for it.

Well given my last post and yours, this thread hit the low road in record time

We will get to Scotland second.

Plus dipping your junk in vinegar is eerily reminiscent of Achilles mom dipping her son into the fire.

Of course that would just make his man-parts invulnerable, I guess.

Achilles' mum dipped him into the river Styx.

Depends on the version you read. I read the D'Aulaire's version (IMHO the greatest kids book ever) as a kid and for a long time I thought that any other variants that I came upon (Bulfinch, etc.) were blasphemy.

...Touché. Have a chubby for me acting without consulting my sources.

The rasputin penis was actually a sea cucumber, it was sold to a ladies drinking society in paris (yes yes, i know) and they allowed some sort of dick scientist to do a dna test on it, and found out that it wasnt a human penis.

so it was either a hoax, or he had a sea cucumber for a dick. believe what you will, I think he deserves some respect for being such an awfull politician he made the fucking ROMANOVS look compentent!

Unless I see references, I am still going to believe in Rasputin's magical penis powers.

References? this is the interwebs, academic respectability is out and home improvement slash-fiction is in!

More power! *grunt grunt*

I still maintain belief in Rasputin's magical penis. And it is possible he was a vampire or some other kind of mythical beast. A warlock? An alien? The world may never know!

CHORUS -- Cor-neeel-yus, don't dooo it, don't mu-ti-late the tiger

I despise lawbot, so it pains me very much to do this.


My first NO ... I finally feel like I really belong here at assetbar.. this is such a touching moment.


No, i mean it; It's impossible to poison Lyle; it would be like killing Rasputin: the poison, the shooting and stabbing; him all clawing at the underside of the ice...

great minds...

Man, you are rocking some serious gif action these days. You are just busting those things out.

I'm going to be honest in that I don't want Lyle dead. Not "It's impossible to kill him," but "Lyle is awesome."

I'm somewhat confused by this strip, but here's what I think happened. Cornelius understood perfectly that both Mr. Teal and the Publican were inventions of The Boffin, but remained appreciative of Roast Beef's efforts to amuse him through computational interactive fiction.

He's just kind of playing along with Mr. Teal in this strip. The "Heavens" in the first panel seems a bit patronising to me, but in an affably-intended way.

That's what I thought. He knows what Teal's game is and is just playing along until the next adventure comes along.

Current score is:
Teal: 1
Cornelius: 0

Lyle is one of my favorite character, and I have to join the chorus that thinks this arc is taking a turn for the worse. Or, as the British would say, "right lame!"


Right Lame... RT. LAME... MR. TEAL



Weekend Blogs (Saturday-Monday)

Onstad: For your consideration.

So have you caught up with the blogs?


I salute your efforts with this chubby!

Great job!


Congratulation? Only one? You cheap bastard!

lol cuz its not in plural lmao

Another chubby for you! Excellent work.

Well done! I am now out of chubbies.

I like this arc, but this is rather unexpected. I like the gag 'n all, but surprise-wise, this is like defeating Fontaine at the end of Bioshock, only to have Atlas crawl out of his body, give you a big handshake, and say, "Right showed that bastard, you did! E's been luggin' me around in 'is big ol' mutant body since you left Neptune's Bounty. Tell me, did you see Moira 'n Patrick to the surface?"

(What he doesn't know is that his wife and child exploded on a submarine.)

Plotting Lyle's murder is Cornelius' 'guess basket'

I think he would kill Lyle. He's done jail time. Besides Lyle will just come back to life. Probably wont even be pissed since there is free booze in heaven.

So you think Lyle is going to heaven? Why?

Ah, crap. Should have refreshed first.

You think Lyle is going to Heaven?

Considering Blister and Todd went to heaven, I don't see why not.

Todd went to hell, as did Ray and Roast Beef. Unless there was some other laterally opposite afterlife visit that I've forgotten about.

Oh crap, you're right. Nevermind. Though Beef did go to heaven as well. Still, Blister doesn't seem like the most stand-up guy, and Lyle is a complex and sensitive man (tiger) on the inside. The Achewood god doesn't care about our petty human notions of decorum that say it's wrong to go to the bathroom on someone's favorite children's book.

Roast Beef has been to both.

and to the moon. dude has achieved a lot for someone with crippling depression.


I guess you were right after all.


Happy Birthday Roast Beef

Happy birthday, dawg.

Happy belated beef

Aw Shiiiiiiit...The publican be playin it straight Jimmy Porter style with that trumpet ruckus.

no way that dude could off lyle!

If you remove all of the panels in which Teal and friends are talking, this was an okay arc. These paperclip characters just don't have any of the expressiveness of the rest of the anamorphic cast. They don't physically exist, so they don't make gestures or facial expressions. Even on the computer screen they never move or anything.

Another thing that doesn't help is that Teal only ever talks to Cornelius. It's like Teal is his Hobbes or something.

If these paperclip helper characters keep popping up, well, then it's like some sort of dinosaur comics mini-strip inside of the larger achewood strip. [url=https://qwantz.com/] Dinosaur comics is great, but just not nested inside of achewood strips.

I wish my actions would manifest themselves in verb form rather than a sound-effect. Each key would scream out "TAP TAP TAP" in different pitches as I type.

If Lyle gets killed off I totally call dibs on his hornet...

I was going to call dibs on one of his jobs, but then remembered there was a post involved. Or not, as the case may be.


You are a man who chooses his posts wisely. This deserves many a chubby.

I am sorry that this comment had to show up so far down the page... I feel it will not receive the chubbies it is due.

Sweet Jesus, but that's rich.

I am out of chubbies!


Hobbes is wearing Lyle's low frames. You are a genius.

I save my chubbies for this man's posts.

The comment had ten chubbies when I clicked "Chubby," and fourteen afterward. May your fortunes continue to be thus compounded.

oh wow.

Damnit, you straight up EARN your chubbies. Go shoot vodka. You earned that too.


I assume that your age, edwell, is the source of your humor's timeless quality.


Oh, man, amazing. Especially as this is almost a guest strip, it's pretty incredible that it's really good , AND being well-received. Props, dogg.

Providence granted me a final chubby, and I passed it on without hesitation.

Dammit out of chubbies!

Holy shit, how had I not seen this before today? Amazing!

Is the Achewood speech-bubble font a custom font or a default one?

I believe I read other people sayin' it was one of them ones you have to pay for.

I'm not sure which of your categories that falls in.

Great way to end the arc! Reunited with Mr. Teal and plotting the death of lyle.

Was anyone else glad that this storyline was finally over? I didn't think it was that funny and I was pretty much getting sick of it.

I agree. The funniest thing for me was the British computer and all its knobs and clasps. But I find I don't give a hoot about Corny or what happens to him. He's a dick.

I liked it well enough, but I sure as hell don't like what's happening to Cornelius.

happy birthday, roast beef

Connie's going crazy, and you can tell because he forgot beef's birthday--which is also why Ray has the sweet moves.

Even at 18 I need to do activities in order to keep my mind active, otherwise I will just lay in bed.

Hmm. I'd always imagined that Cornelius was cool with Lyle...