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Motel Hangover Tuesday, January 28, 2003 • read strip Viewing 19 comments:

I love the hangover face ray does, in this and also in the post L.I.N.C.O.L.N. debacle. I often make this face.

You mean post Goth debacle. This is post L.I.N.C.O.L.N.

A comment left by ford was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, king_of_pwns, antecen)

Ahh, the luxury of skipping a day. I get that feeling every morning when my alarm clock goes off. Then I have to get up anyway.

Roast Beef is still sporting a most L.I.N.C.O.L.N. beard.

The prose is foreshadowing!

since it rhymes most people would call that poetry but you know whatever

I would pay good money to get my hands on the contents of that notebook.

I think Onstad should write and sell this notebook in the bookstore. I would buy a copy.

stank and potatoes

I myself have had to skip a day or two. Happens to the best of us.

What in the dogg

This is the very essence of the Morning After.

oh man ray look like he is in his death throes

I love Ray's frozen death-hangover posture.

I'm going to have to start saying "what in the dogg" now.

Ray looks as dead as a dried up bug on a window sill. Classic.

If all the frames in this were blank but it still had the last one intact, I would still give it five Beefs.

PHAT. i never saw this one.

makes me think of the Sublime song.. i ain't gettin' outta bed today. so poignant.