If you appreciate Achewood, please support Chris Onstad (shop; gallery art.)
The Writer. Monday, October 29, 2007 • read strip Viewing 278 comments:


Yes, he is genetically classified as "The Jeffty Otter."

Are there really only 10 of us who know Ellison? Or does everyone just know Ellison so well that it's a "meh" joke?

A comment left by drskradley was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mcowgill, erbe, Njury, EndOfTheWorld)

Ass. [url=https://m.assetbar.com/achewood/uuagdK6jT ]Philippe[/url]

SHIT! Philippe

If we have to throw down, Assetbar, we fuckin' will.

you straight up tell that asset bar

You've got friends who will step in and back you up on this.

I'm not sayin' who they are, but BBCode has crossed me in the past too.

I think AssetBar wants to taste the fuckin' curb.

you all had better watch out

you dis my code you fluff my node

you know somethin' Assetbar?


Yes. Fuck you, assetbar. Also, a chubby. I'm not sure how that works....

I'm pretty sure that fucking AssetBar would require a chubby, or a reasonable facsimile thereof.

"su means never having to say you're sorry"

Well, my reasonable facsimile thereof has gotten me this far...

munch a curb.

shut up curbmunch

maybe its a choad, not a node

html - 2, drskradley - 0

sorry doggie

It's kind of worrying to know that someone's keeping score...

chubby for using 'Ass.' as a cuss word on its own

html - 1, drskradley - 0

Philippe not only stays FIVE forever... but curiously retains his innocence and naivety over the course of forever too... which logically, given what he puts up with on a daily basis, defies possibility in a most amusing way.

You just know that his subconscious is storing it all up though just to give him newer and more creative nightmares.

Ooooohh shiiittt!

Comment left by towl ignored.

he doesn't already know he's fantastic?!

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Otter

YES THANK YOU that is the first thing i thought when i read this

they pump him with chemicals to make him that way

I always thought that this strip was more about cornelius reflecting on his life than about phillipe.

Oh my God, how did I never see it before! Chubby for you, my friend.

Is possibly most basic of idea.

Had to do it.


The link https://i35.tinypic.com/9upvyb.jpg

Who's going to tell Phillipe that Snoop Dogg isn't the only one who smokes drugs? I call not it.

Not the Beach Boys not the Beach Boys dogg no !

I don't want to be the one who explains about Freddy Mercury. (For those of you who have not been raising a stepson since he was five -- now 11 -- Queen is the #1 classic rock band among pre-teen boys nowadays. No, I have no idea why. But they all know the lyrics to "Fat Bottomed Girls". And "Bohemian Rhapsody".)




Umm, it is, but rest assured Snoop Dogg doesn't do "carwash" with The Underage.

Try Jimmy Page.

Coincidentally The 'Jimmy Page' is another naked game but can onnly be played in libraries

I hope more people get this because it is hilarious

I gave it a chubby, without knowing exactly what the game is. But I have an imagination.

Pete Townshend might be up for a game of carwash. His car is filthy .


Pete Townshend is a registered sex offender for accessing child pornography on the internet.

It stems from a meritless accusation, but still it would be hard to imagine him playing carwash in the shower.


Library of Congress

A comment left by coldfrog was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by troutman, retinarow, Darthemed)

The trespasses of R. Kelly are timeless.

Sometimes an imaginary carwash is just an imaginary carwash.

And sometimes it is Snoop Dogg's penis and testicles draping across your face like a wet plastic curtain while you shuttle underneath him.


A skeleton!

Fuck dude. Fuck. I read this and actually twitched away from the damn computer screen. I flinched as if physically abused. You are awful.


Don't even think about putting the Cure on that list Philippe.


Soooooooo not Goth.

Or that fucking Oasis.

I dunno, those Oasis boys seem to dig their showers . (Assetbar, please let me not have messed up my BBCode this time. Love, tellumo.)

It is silly to shower with the Cure, Philippe.

I can't help but feel that Cornelius is projecting his own life's story onto Philippe. Maybe I'm just looking for greater expositions.

Cornelius is hella remembering his life as a precocious genius boy who grew up to be, well Cornelius. But Phillipe will not go on to "greater expositions." He will always be Five.

I think Philippe asks this question fairly often, and Cornelius is kind of tired here.

EXACTLY what I was thinking and why I love this strip. It gives a glimpse into Mr. Bear's past.

Names for Cornelius' college band people. Let's do this.

My suggestion:

So Many Whales


What am I talking about, My Bear wasn't in some stupid experimental guitar rock band with sparse lyrics and heavy doses of distortion.

Cornelius' college band was the Achewood Varsity String Quartet.

Again, it strikes me that I am wrong, Mr Bear plays brass, not strings.

What about his childhood drum?

Everyone has a childhood drum. It is in our mothers' attics.

I dunno, it always occurred to me that Cornelius would have gone to one of those schools back East. I've heart there's a good one in Connecticut, I think it was called Master? Or Corbin? Or Medeco? Or maybe Kryptonite? It was a kind of lock, I remember that much . . .

I spy with my little eye the skulls and bones of yesteryear.

YOUR bear???!?!

(ridiculing typos is hilarious!)

Maybe a real band - Or, The Whale

15/23 time wasn't as controversial as Cornelius had hoped. Most reviewers just assumed that the 15/23 section of Heliogabalus: A Tone Poem was 15/16 played a little slow, despite the clear tempo instruction in the title: "XV. Of Manticores and Kings (Andante con moto)."

The showering together bit was more noteworthy. It got them a full page in the University of Bristol student paper and a sidebar in the NME in 1976.

funny you should mention that - i played in a band that actually did shower together and played in incredibly idiotic time signatures..... we all ended up feeling just a little more scared of each other, especially of the bassist...

That lame must have come from a bassist.

I guess it probably goes without saying that there's probably a bit of Onstad bio here, too. Panel 7 seems telling.

I think you got the joke!

Oh, you ! You got me!

Well, if you don't know where you're going and/or can't sleep at night, there are medicines you can take to deal with the symptoms of being "got."

My post was mostly a response to moraiat, though.


Philippe's parents will despise some plants he will eat.

An interesting dichotomy there, as it comes two panels (and significant life markers, apparently) after the time when he is preoccupying himself with conspicuously eating only the most popular things. An older Philippe, it would seem, is progressively more and more shallow.

philippe is not eating plants that his parents despise BECAUSE his parents despise them, he is just eating plants that his parents happen to despise.

see also: drugs.

A comment left by madnes was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by robotman, lateadopter, retinarow)

I was taking it from the strip that at least part of the reason he was getting punked on the peyote was a rebellion thing. It was reading between the lines. Perhaps unwarranted, granted.

Every time I think peyote, I think of John Safran and his attempts at it. Great stuff. Shame for all non-Australians to have missed out on the series.

They're airing it on Sundance channel here in the States.

The only shame for me is those two lames, as I am luckily Antipodean.

it's all good man, i forgive you

Or less reliant on the opinions of others as to what items he should eat.
On the whole I think the "eating the most popular items" observations sums up life until 5th grade pretty well. Something I've noticed about little kids: one of the earliest identifiers of cool has to do with food. My littlest brother wouldn't eat anything that his friend Benny wouldn't eat, for example.

But, it seems, more willing to swallow the unpopular.

I'm sorry, Doctor, my mouse slipped onto the lame button. I duly await the car of pain.

I can't shake the feeling that bathing with The Beach Boys would be totally awesome.

Until Brian decides to fill the bathtub with sand.

Actually, that is when it gets wonderful.

Until the drain gets blocked - and then who's laughing? Not your landlord, that's for sure.

Brian again, probably.

Paging Dr. Landy!

As someone who attempts to write, I can say that the realization in panel 6 is the worst realization you can have, ever.

when people ask you what you do, you tell them "I attempt to write"?

as for nothing new here. ACHEWOOD THE MOVIE (a screenplay by fillercrowley)

Here's what critics are saying about ACHEWOOD THE MOVIE: "It boggles the mind how such a rich vein of creative ore could be so badly mined" -Anthony Lane
"The experience was one akin to being tied down while your father is beaten before your eyes" -Roger Ebert
"Another hit for newcomer 'fillercrowley'! This kid's going places!" -David Manning
"That was the shittiest movie I've ever seen. Who the fuck wrote that?" -fillercrowley's mom

A comment left by ishbario was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, robotman, Darthemed)

Why? All you have to do is keep reading until panel 7!

Panel 7 didn't actually make Cornelius a good writer. It just means that the planet is filled with bad readers.

It is a pretty bad realization. It's even worse when you realize that everything was old hat back in biblical times, too.
9 What is it that hath been? the same thing that shall be. What is it that hath been done? the same that shall be done. 10 Nothing under the sun is new, neither is any man able to say: Behold this is new: for it hath already gone before in the ages that were before us. Ecclesiastes 1:9-10

Ecclesiastes is excellent at being awesome.

Ecclesiastes is the Roast Beef of the Bible.

Whatever dogg it is all just a thing anyway

this is awesome

yeah, nothing under the sun is new, and everything else has already been written about by drskradley on this page.

A chubby because it's true.

And by that, I obviously mean that I've run out of chubbies.

Ecclesiastes was obviously written before SCIENCE was invented.

Screw you, postmodernists! FUCK you!

(this is upwards of the second time I have made this reference. lame on me)

The book referenced in panel 6 would have to have been written before May 8, 1886. I found this out by going to the coca-cola website, which is intensely shitty. Why do major corporations all have ugly, confusing, useless websites?

The webmasters for those things hate corporations (don't all webmasters?) so they slyly make the site reflect the true nature of the company: ugly confusing and useless.

I saw it on 20/20.

"The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" could probably just sneak in under the wire.

Because Congress hasn't yet implemented my proposal that possession of Flash require a background check and waiting period. :-(

Maybe the Bible? The "nothing new under the sun" phrase originates in Ecclesiastes 1:9.

Past panel 5, this is my life. Especially the band showering part. I agree with Phillipe's list wholeheartedly.

'There is nothing new left to be written'

Surely Philippe's fantasy bathing list has just totally proved Cornellius wrong.

It's a paradox.

A comment left by serf was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by randombeing, EM2, DrSkradley, troutman, Wulvaine)

did you just call philippe "phil"?
for shame >:(

It wouldn't be the first time he has Experimented .

He didn't know there was `shrooms in that trail mix! I call Shenanigans on that one!

15/23rd time? Has anything anywhere ever been performed in 15/23? I have to hear this.

I think Pink Floyd came closest. ;) Bet Phillipe wouldn't shower with them!

Hey, listen to a band like Behold... The Arctopus or The Dillinger Escape Plan. Tech/Math Metal really does play in time signatures like that. But not even continuously. In shifting meter. Believe it.

See also: broken rhythms.

A shower with Dillinger Escape Plan would be terrifying.

A shower with phillipe, by Dillinger Escape Plan:


(The words in Parenthesis are guitar parts)

It seems Madnes was correct.

(The words in Parenthesis are words.)

(The words outside of Parenthesis are yelled through the guitar pickups.)

The drum parts cannot be represented with sounds or words.

The bass part is just a man yelling cusses at a plant attached to a machine that amplifies fear signals.

a transducer, if you will, definately chubby-worthy

I am so happy with the place this went to.

King Crimson did that too. Bill Buford said it was the only gig where he got to play 17/16.

A shower with King Crimson would come with an honorary doctorate.

Led Zeppelin had a song called The Crunge, I think, that was in 9/8 or some such time. That's not 15/23, but it was bizarre.

A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Flaaron, troutman, Wulvaine)

I'm not positive, but I don't think even Harry Partch ever divided the whole note into twenty-three parts. That would be hell of difficulties.

That is the task they give to drummers who think they are important.

See the first minute of: https://youtube.com/watch?v=LnO9w_r2URQ

Chubbies for Harry Partch.


This would require the division of the whole note into twenty-three parts. I'm pretty sure even Partch never tried this. Anybody?

deja vu

15/23 time does not exist, as there is no 23rd note.

There's a complicated musical reason for all this, but i have to eat.

PS, if you think 9/8 is crazy, try playing in 1 1/2/8

The 23 denominator is essentially impossible, irrelevant, or trivial. Our ability to organize rhythm in our head is limited to sets of 2 and 3. You can span a set of irregulars over those, but once you break out of them, the rhythm becomes irrelevant to all listeners. If a composer has written in a */23 time signature, or any signature not conforming to */2^n, they are either joking or have delusions as to how people are going to interpret it (including performers).

chubby for explaining what i couldn't while on a culinary adventure.

Chubby for the phrase culinary adventure .

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a Zappa piece in 15/23. His rhythms are out of this world.

Sigh. I can't look at all these posts about */23 time anymore. I don't even know.


No wayt dude, that stuff really is all CHING CHONG WING WONG

Philippe has always wondered if he is fantastic or not.

Philippe has always wondered whether he is fantastic. No matter how many mothers and talking shoes tell you that you are a special boy, until you hear it from the mouth of Cornelius Bear there is a lingering doubt.
But when Cornelius Bear tells a five year old otter that he is fantastic, that otter can take it as the goddamn gospel truth. Because Cornelius Bear is not afraid to tell it like it is, and if it is not like he tells it, then he will make it so.

He's just that badass.

Also I think every day for Van Halen must be a Rad Day.


I prefer your wording, if it matters

After Friday's strip, I read your comment as "YOUR CUNT NINJA POSTING" the first time around.

That would be equally applicable, I would think.

I really never imagined Philippe as a writer. Huh.

He's more of a hardboiled journalist.

I would like to know what kind of car washes Philippe has experienced.

At the same time, I don't want to know, ever.

I'm really on the fence as to whether or not I even want to be privy of what a carwash is .

I remember the time I showered with Peter Gabriel. It all started when I wandered lonely as a cloud, Till I came upon this dirty street. I'd never seen a stranger crowd; Slubberdegullions on squeaky feet, Continually pacing, With nonchalant embracing, Each orifice disgracing And one facing me moves to say "hellay".
His skin's all covered in slimy lumps. With lips that slide across each chin. His twisted limbs like rubber stumps Are waved in welcome say 'Please join in.'
And I thought: "My grip must be flipping, Cos his handshake keeps slipping, My hopes keep on dipping
And his lips keep on smiling all the time.

And then Mr Gabriel spoke to me, and he said: "We, like you, have tasted love. Don't be alarmed at what you see, You yourself are just the same As what you see in me."

And I replied, in a state of shock: "Me, like you? like that!"

In short, I am not eager to shower with that ugly motherfucker again anytime soon

I don't know if this is from anywhere, or what. You, my friend, deserve a chubby. Here it comes.

Lamb Lies Down On Broadway

CRAZY concept album. CRAZY.

Did Genesis ever use 15/23rd time?

Hmmm... maybe somewhere in Supper's Ready, If I had to guess.

The part Apocalypse in 9/8 is in 9/8 (shocking!) and there's a 4/4 keys solo over that so in complex meter that works out to... damn something ridiculous. The bars only begin at the same time every... 9? I think That's right...

I just remembered the opening lyrics are an homage to Wordsworth... so it's from there too.

Well he'll need a shower after all that diggin' in the dirt to find the places we got hurt.
I told ya I told ya I told ya I told ya.

Don't delay--dock the dick.

"rat-tle off/ what-ever you like/ and sell / it by/ the pound"

catchy, no?

The alt text implies the Sammy Hagar incarnation of Van Halen.

But really, wouldn't David Lee Roth be more fun?

You can't have both of them at the same time without Gary Cherone showing up too. And we know nobody wants that.

David Lee Roth smokes drugs, therefore is in the same category as Snoop, so it's Hagar or nothing dawg

Onstad has amazing timing. I've been on a huge Peter Gabriel bender for the past week or so, and just the other day I was wondering if Achewood had ever made a reference to him. Crazy...

A comment left by philosophe was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, robotman, loneal)

I wonder when I'll realize that I'm fantastic? Sigh. It's all because I never went to college... damn you, world!

Yes Phillipe, Peter Gabriel is a very serious man. He's also been Digging In The Dirt, so a shower would be on the cards.

And riding with Anne's father out in the boat, riding the water, riding the waves on the sea.

Oh my god I totally referenced that too. I don't know if that makes us like twins or something or maybe just people who both have VH1.

Why would you let Sammy Hagar in on a Van Halen shower? That's just wrong.

yes hagar sucks. roth all the way.

for some reason panel two just makes me think about dunkeraoos

That reason is because Dunkaroos are cool.

Oh man. Dunkaroos. Those things were fantastic. Do they still make them?

I decided to look it up and not be a lazy dummy. According to wikipedia:
"While most people believe that Dunk-a-Roos are no longer produced, this is false, and they can still be found in places such as Sam's Club. They are still very popular in Canada."

You know what else is awesome in Canada? You can still get the old school Nacho Cheese Doritos there; not that "Nacho Cheesier" crap they permanently switched to in the US 4 or 5 years back.

GOD I miss those Doritos.

well, they did break it back down to 'cool' ranch and nacho 'cheese' here again, didn't they? straight blue or red bags...my favorite, though? the newer buffalo ranch.


Yeah, the names went back to normal after a while, as you'd expect, but it's still the same "Nacho Cheesier" chip. They tried to make it "extreme" and spicier or something, now they just ain't that good. It's not that they're too spicy for me or something, they just don't taste right.

I am an old man complaining about how Doritos used to better back in the old days oh hot holy hell

That's not so bad. My friends and I were actually taken in by their whole 'mystery flavour' thing. And we bought some.

...we spent hours discussing what flavour it was. I think we ended up deciding it was honey mustard and after that it seemed SO OPBVIOUS.

No no no, the mystery flavor was clearly, obviously, 100% no-doubt-about-it... McDonald's cheeseburger.

It tasted exactly like a McDonald's cheeseburger. I could taste the ketchup and everything.

my vote was bacon cheeseburger on that x-13 mystery flavor variant.

GOD is that obvious!


Am I the only one who thinks "Totally cool" sounds really wierd coming from phillip?

A lapse of reason on Onstad's part. Philippe would never say "totally cool." I refuse to believe he said it in this cartoon.

Philippe, no imagination games in the shower!

I don't know. Maybe I'm off the mark, but I get the feeling that the story of Philippe growing up is actually the story of Onstad growing up. He always struck me as more of a writer, what with his way with words and such.

True, but I also connect that with each character being an extreme portrait of one aspect of Onstad's personality, So I think really the answer is both...?

So is Onstad Cornelius Bear? I always assumed he was Roast Beef.

Onstad is the monkey.

I think he's Roast Beef on a bad day, Ray on a rad day, and Teodor on a mod day. And he aspires to be Cornelius Bear someday.


Panels 4-7 are basically just in one fuzzy little ear and out the other.

If Jim Morrison were still alive, he'd turn 64 this year.

Everybody would turn some number this year, if we're counting dead people. Have some standards, dead folk don't get birthdays :)

Albert Einstein would be 129 this year.

Pharaoh Ramses II would be 3,310 this year.

And he would kick Adrien Veidt's ass for using his name.

holy crap same for T.S. Eliot! What a year.

OK, again with less brevity--I've always pictured Cornelius to be in his mid-sixties to early seventies, making him and Morrison contemporaries. They've probably picked peyote buttons off the same cactus.

"Why, hello there, little bear."
"And a good evening to you, noble musician who erroneously believes that he is hallucinating. Might you be willing to trade some of that fine Hawai'ian herb for these bottles of water? It just occurred to me that I am stuffed with synthetic fibers, and do not need to hydrate."

Will you still meet me, will you still greet me, when I'm 64? And buy my CD at Pequod's?

If Jim Morrison were still alive, he'd be dead.

Cornelius is amazing. I wish he showed up more often.

I want to read his autobiography.

If Onstad were to ever write a book, this would be it.

"Yo, Dre, the fuck was in that sack we smoked up last night? Cause I'm in the shower this morning, and I'm seein' motherfuckin', baby otters runnin' all between my legs and shit."

Snoop would not have to call Dre, he would have been there to witness it.

Dre and Snoop live, bathe, eat and sleep together. They are hip-hop's Laurel and Hardy.

"I ain't movin' this piano up no motherfuckin flight-a-stairs!"
"This another fine muthafuckin mess yo ass's gotten me in !"

I laughed so hard there that I actually gave myself an asthma attack. I regret that I have but one chubby to give.

Sorry, you're too far down; out of chubbies.

not a problem norrin, i'll give em one for ya.

Peter Gabriel is the obvious choice. He will not let Philippe get yelled at.

Is panel 6 supposed to be a bible refrence?

i tell ya, i love taking trips out to the southern California desert and eating plants my parents despise all the while realizing that i am indeed fantastic.

and philippe, it is good to wonder whether or not you will one day take trips out to the southern California desert and eat plants your parents despise all the while realizing that you are indeed fantastic.

Cornelius Bear, you are a kind soul, helping philippe to wonder whether or not he will one day take trips out to the southern California desert and eat plants his parents despise all the while realizing that he is indeed fantastic.

and if i don't get marked spamwhore, i don't know what else i can do to get it.

Panel nine wins.

It takes the desert plants for Philippe to realize he is FANTASTIC!

I love phillipe's look in panel 4...I always wondered!


Roomba Cinema just got weirder!!

Roomba Maker Unveils Military Robot

Let's keep Lyle and Nice Pete out of this one, shall we?

At first I was like "oh lame some guy posted an onion story and acted like it was real that's not original [i] thats what the onion is for[\i]. Then I looked it up and it turned out to be [url=https://www.newstarget.com/021301.html]true[\url]. Excellent find. However next time use a "not the onion" news source, it'll have more credibility.


This is the thread in which Assetbar fucks with everyone. No matter who you are.

When you oversleep and arrive at work half an hour late, and they don't have the kind of ramen you want in the vending machine, and every person you contact is a complete and utter moron, making you wish that maybe just this once, violence could be the answer...

Achewood is there.

Chris Onstad is like the Tom Joad of Stanford grad school dropouts who choose to live in the South Bay

Ahhh, Mr. Bear. . . ever classic and regal. All sitting in his wing back chair, all sipping on some wine and reading some amazing work of literature.

Phillipe totally misunderstands "experimental band"

you do not take showers with other bands.

1. The Beach Boys.

No reason is necessary.

If guest strips are to be beleived, The Beach Boys are Phillipes favorite band.

Philippe has always suspected that he was fantastic but he is too fantastic to take it for granted and humbly waited for confirmation from a trusted senior source before proceeding.

You know, for an Eternal Five Year Old, Phillipe sure is skilled in the written word.

That's just the point, most 5 year olds don't have years of experience!

Oh goodness.

I do not even understand how 15/23 time would work. Yes, 15 beats in a bar, that part is obvious (and syncopated!)

But I can't conceive of notes having a 23rd value. 2=half. 4=quarter. 8=eighth. 16, 32 . . . and so on in kind (how hypercaffeinated would a song in 4/64 be? I have a new project). What temporal value would 23rd notes have? Some unholy fraction, I guess.

I suppose 15/23 is a time signature math-minded people can fathom. It'd result in the kind of unpleasant mathrock that has the less mathematically inclined (i.e. me) curled into a fetal ball in the corner, frothing as our brains overheat and shut down, vainly trying to deal with 23rd notes.

Incidentally, should older-Phillipe ever reveal himself as being of the homosexual persuasion, his list from this strip is frigging exhibit A, regardless of what other 'we always knew' hints came before it.

(Math major who knows just enough about music to be dangerous here, so please bear with me.)

So a piece in 15/23 would have fifteen twenty-third notes per measure. Fine. Now to measure out, er, measures, we need to be able to divide the whole note into twenty-three parts. If there were any numbers between 1 and 23 that we could divide 23 between, we could take them and use them as note lengths. (That is, if you have a piece in 6/8, you need six eighth notes per measure, but you can use half or quarter notes to fill that allotment as well.) Unfortunately, 23 is prime, so the smallest "th" we can have for notes (the amount by which you divide a whole note) is 23. So we'd need to invent a 1/23d note, a 2/23d note, a 3/23d note . . . a 22/23d note, and I suppose we could use the whole note as itself. I suppose you could program a computer to do it or maybe learn such a piece by rote, but writing it would be naaaaaasty.

Yay, it is difficulty for the sake of difficulty! I always suspected it was.

Thanks very much for explaining this in a such a way a common non-math dude can understand it. I remember prime numbers from school times! Maybe you should get a show. Tellumo the Math Friend?

Incidentally, 6/8 is mah favourite. So good and lively. Like 3/4's exciting sister who'll take you out drinking (3/4, meanwhile, is a classy lady)

Having a conversation about non-standard time signatures on a webcomic forum is the kind of willfully geekish endeavour I am proud to endorse. Chubbies to you both.

My fave? 7/8. Not a classy lady by any stretch of the imagination but she'll show you a good time, if you can keep up.

Cornelius Bear: 1
King Solomon: Also 1

right now, achewood is my only reason for living. i wish that weren't a joke.

i mean, i wish that were a joke ... i even managed to fuck [i]that[i/] up.

You should kill yourself

But not really.


Philippe grows up to develop some very odd, homoerotic, shower fetishes.

It's all because he got a hold of Lyle's pictures .

Cornelius' brandy glass adds to his utter refinement.

I knew all along that he would turn out gay such as to take showers with dudes.

Oh wait, this isn't a strip about Pat. This isn't a strip about Pat at all.

this is definitely a dank comic, as Mr. Bear's off the cuff analysis is genius
But it didn't make me laugh out loud, and I am caught between my love of brilliance and wit and my sad, sad desire for more cake fetishes and todd head explosions

In panel 4, Mr. Bear is looking into the Past.

Panel 4: Are they discussing the peyote cactus?

That is exactly the conclusion I came to

To Philippe's credit, Peter Gabriel is very serious.

Also Snoop Dogg has smoked a good deal of heated-up marijuana.

car wash is snoop dog stands with his legs open and phillipe walks through them and is tickled as the water from snoop dogg's legs drip down upon him

Clearly you have never been through one of those carwashes where the big rubbery straps fly around and slap your wet, soapy car all over.

And now I've made myself sad :(

oh dear.
big rubbery... get out of my head!! i have to clean the inside of my brain!!!!

What book might that be? I'm thinking The Complete Works of William Shakespeare .

Bit small, no?

This got me down. My dreams are crushed.

I still say Philippe will become a Soul Reaper.

Does anyone suspect that this may have been an altered recollection of Mr. bear's life?

This is totally Connie's own life story!

Uh...so I'm not going to read all the comments to see if this has been said yet, but...

Is Cornelius in actuality describing his own life? And if so, does this mean that he played in a band that played in 15/23rd time? And . . . was that band Genesis?

15/23rd timing? The first number (15) is representing the number of notes or beats in a bar, and the second number (23) is representing the value, or length, of each of these notes. There isn't technically such a thing as a 23rd of a whole note, hence timing signatures always end in 1 or an even number. Yeah?

That being said, I think if anybody managed to play 23rd notes it would be Tool, for sure. Fuck Genesis!

Mr. Bear speaks truth in panel number 6.

I feel as if I should make a graph for how many times certain topics are mentioned in this bevy of comments.

Oh shiiiiiiiit! Peter Gabriel FTW!

i choose taking a shower with Prince.......hes dreeeaammmmyyy

I am all for the exposition of Cornelius Bear, but do NOT alt-text your awful preference of Hagar-era Van Halen. Makes me want to slap you. Slap you in the MOUTH.