+1 -2
What Teodor is typing is crazy impossible. I would do another culinary post explaining why, but you are not idiots (at least not a majority by volume), so it would be wasteful
What Teodor is typing is crazy impossible. I would do another culinary post explaining why, but you are not idiots (at least not a majority by volume), so it would be wasteful
+1 -2
Though I will say that unlike his previous menu, this looks fucking delicious
Though I will say that unlike his previous menu, this looks fucking delicious
+1 -2
Also, in case anyone is wondering, duxelle is the greyish-kinda-brownish mash of mushrooms that is one layer of a good beef Wellington.
Also, in case anyone is wondering, duxelle is the greyish-kinda-brownish mash of mushrooms that is one layer of a good beef Wellington.
+0 -0
I was just going to say "Yay, Teodor!" He has done well with this change of heart. Now, if only he is smart enough to subcontract most of the other work.
I was just going to say "Yay, Teodor!" He has done well with this change of heart. Now, if only he is smart enough to subcontract most of the other work.
+1 -2
Why, look who's eating all the real estate right off the bat
Why, look who's eating all the real estate right off the bat
+1 -0
+0 -0
A comment left by theirateturk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mnemonicdevice, thebarbarian, krispykorn, asobi, Shinkicka)
A comment left by theirateturk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mnemonicdevice, thebarbarian, krispykorn, asobi, Shinkicka)
+0 -0
Doesn't matter if he is Roy Brown, or even some nameless infantryman with a rifle.
Doesn't matter if he is Roy Brown, or even some nameless infantryman with a rifle.
+0 -0
Shhh, don't look now, but I might have my very own machine elf. It's too early to tell for sure, and you don't want to scare the little fella
Shhh, don't look now, but I might have my very own machine elf. It's too early to tell for sure, and you don't want to scare the little fella
+0 -0
I think you have two!
But if you've stolen d3athcann0n when he was just starting to latch onto me, I will not be amused.
I think you have two!
But if you've stolen d3athcann0n when he was just starting to latch onto me, I will not be amused.
+0 -0
I think that guy was in my RuneScape guild.
(Note: I am not really in a RuneScape guild).
I think that guy was in my RuneScape guild.
(Note: I am not really in a RuneScape guild).
+0 -0
Molly ain't takin' no more shit from Mom, nosiree.
Molly ain't takin' no more shit from Mom, nosiree.
+1 -0
Oh, I think she might still take it. It is interesting, how much a girl will take from her mother.
But, the longer the girl waits to explode, the bigger the explosion.
Oh, I think she might still take it. It is interesting, how much a girl will take from her mother.
But, the longer the girl waits to explode, the bigger the explosion.
+1 -0
that is some serious raw anger in that panel though
that is some serious raw anger in that panel though
+6 -0
Perhaps Molly's still upset about her dashed dreams of more than ten children. She'll get over it in time.
Perhaps Molly's still upset about her dashed dreams of more than ten children. She'll get over it in time.
+0 -0
The things that Mom says aren't even that inflammatory. I think that's just how she expresses her anxiety.
Molly, however, seems to be in the "shut up and be quiet, things will work out" camp.
The things that Mom says aren't even that inflammatory. I think that's just how she expresses her anxiety.
Molly, however, seems to be in the "shut up and be quiet, things will work out" camp.
+19 -1
It might be kind of inflammatory to be told that your happiness and familial approval rely not on your personality but on your ability to produce babies that aren't female. I'm just sayin', is all.
It might be kind of inflammatory to be told that your happiness and familial approval rely not on your personality but on your ability to produce babies that aren't female. I'm just sayin', is all.
+0 -0
Allllllll about the ladybits.
Allllllll about the ladybits.
+5 -0
That is some crazy, feminist shit you are talking, loneal.
That is some crazy, feminist shit you are talking, loneal.
+0 -0
A comment left by c_dizzle was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by igotnostrings, HolyQ, Crater12, Perilon, I_Love_Kate)
A comment left by c_dizzle was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by igotnostrings, HolyQ, Crater12, Perilon, I_Love_Kate)
+0 -0
I think that is the joke?
I think that is the joke?
+0 -0
Loneal is just out there. Way ahead of her time.
Loneal is just out there. Way ahead of her time.
+69 -0
You can mock and carp all you like young lady, but when barley mulch needs treading, or bog bramble needs cutting, or a corrupt Anglican bishop lays claim to the lower paddock, then you'll be glad of fifteen sturdy sons.
You can mock and carp all you like young lady, but when barley mulch needs treading, or bog bramble needs cutting, or a corrupt Anglican bishop lays claim to the lower paddock, then you'll be glad of fifteen sturdy sons.
+8 -0
My word, I can see the thumbs tucked into your suspenders.
My word, I can see the thumbs tucked into your suspenders.
+1 -0
It's so vivid .
It's so vivid .
+1 -1
Pouting, disapproving mouth half-hidden in an enormous, brambly beard
Pipe all drooping out of the corner
This man can recite the first seven books of the Bible from memory, but none of that pagan King James horesehit
Pouting, disapproving mouth half-hidden in an enormous, brambly beard
Pipe all drooping out of the corner
This man can recite the first seven books of the Bible from memory, but none of that pagan King James horesehit
+7 -0
"Horeseshit" is Welsh horseshit. It's like normal horseshit but more frowny.
"Horeseshit" is Welsh horseshit. It's like normal horseshit but more frowny.
+5 -0
Welsh Horseshit:
You are behind her as she brushes a horses mane. She does a :(
Welsh Horseshit:
You are behind her as she brushes a horses mane. She does a :(
+1 -0
Laugh and look in the horses' oatbag, exclaiming, "whoa, what have you been eating there, big fella?"
Laugh and look in the horses' oatbag, exclaiming, "whoa, what have you been eating there, big fella?"
+0 -0
I can smell the cured tobacco burning inside of a hollowed-out corncob pipe and the tang of moonshine on his breath already.
I can smell the cured tobacco burning inside of a hollowed-out corncob pipe and the tang of moonshine on his breath already.
+0 -0
I'm going to wedge another reply in here because Erinye asked me quite politely on the last strip to get a comment next to Mr. Norman here. There you go, Erinye, your own personal Fry and Laurie reunion.
I'm going to wedge another reply in here because Erinye asked me quite politely on the last strip to get a comment next to Mr. Norman here. There you go, Erinye, your own personal Fry and Laurie reunion.
+0 -0
As is the popular pastime, I will blame BBCode for putting my reply way down here instead of, you know, actually next to SpinyNorman's.
As is the popular pastime, I will blame BBCode for putting my reply way down here instead of, you know, actually next to SpinyNorman's.
+2 -0
It's okay. I got you.
It's okay. I got you.
+1 -0
Ah, the memories. Makes me want to break into a rousing rendition of Too Long Johnny. Unfortunately, I can't sing.
Please just imagine that the name of the song is in italics. I don't want to tempt assetbar.
Ah, the memories. Makes me want to break into a rousing rendition of Too Long Johnny. Unfortunately, I can't sing.
Please just imagine that the name of the song is in italics. I don't want to tempt assetbar.
+0 -0
How polite
How polite
+0 -0
Imagine Philippe's simple, childlike joy pervading this comment.
Imagine Philippe's simple, childlike joy pervading this comment.
+2 -0
+0 -0
You have created a quite compelling thing. Sturdy stuff.
You have created a quite compelling thing. Sturdy stuff.
+0 -0
He's Lonis-ing!
He's Lonis-ing!
+4 -0
She's also implying that Molly being a girl was a mistake. The trout must not have been big enough.
She's also implying that Molly being a girl was a mistake. The trout must not have been big enough.
+3 -0
also, the fact that Molly's mother consider's daughters something to be avoided (to the extent of killing a fine trout and not looking away), and is telling this to Molly, her daughter, might be a bit inflammatory. Analogous to saying "I always wished you were a boy" to your daughter on her wedding day.
also, the fact that Molly's mother consider's daughters something to be avoided (to the extent of killing a fine trout and not looking away), and is telling this to Molly, her daughter, might be a bit inflammatory. Analogous to saying "I always wished you were a boy" to your daughter on her wedding day.
+0 -0
Nowadays all you need is a good(?) doctor.
Nowadays all you need is a good(?) doctor.
+0 -0
Let's not get into wrecked junk again.
Let's not get into wrecked junk again.
+0 -0
Not exactly the "things will be quiet" camp, but definitely the "shut up and be quiet." I mean hell, just look at her: she's faking her whole life, she doesn't want to do that. Her parents force things upon her and she doesn't want to do them, so I figure that's where this is going to end up. And, on a side note, does all this imply that her parents never knew she was dead? Or maybe they didn't care, her being a girl?
Not exactly the "things will be quiet" camp, but definitely the "shut up and be quiet." I mean hell, just look at her: she's faking her whole life, she doesn't want to do that. Her parents force things upon her and she doesn't want to do them, so I figure that's where this is going to end up. And, on a side note, does all this imply that her parents never knew she was dead? Or maybe they didn't care, her being a girl?
+6 -0
You must staaare at the trout as you take the life. You must watch for the soul to leave its eyes. Then, you will have a boy.
You must staaare at the trout as you take the life. You must watch for the soul to leave its eyes. Then, you will have a boy.
+8 -0
For twin boys, you will have to crush it within your bare hands and then eat the lifeless eyeballs. One to nourish each childe.
For twin boys, you will have to crush it within your bare hands and then eat the lifeless eyeballs. One to nourish each childe.
+7 -0
Since Molly is the only girl in that massive brood, that shit must work.
Since Molly is the only girl in that massive brood, that shit must work.
+1 -0
its true. my mum once killed a fish
its true. my mum once killed a fish
+3 -0
+1 -0
Err, KNEW one, even. Dammit. Delivery failed, and I can't even blame Assetbar..
or can I.
Is sooo bad.
Err, KNEW one, even. Dammit. Delivery failed, and I can't even blame Assetbar..
or can I.
Is sooo bad.
+1 -0
Or should you say, he once knew you?
Or should you say, he once knew you?
+0 -0
I got a friend called Erik who sports some tremendous Norwegian Wood.
I got a friend called Erik who sports some tremendous Norwegian Wood.
+0 -0
Wasn't it good?
Wasn't it good?
+0 -0
In the biblical sense?
In the biblical sense?
+0 -1
Yes, but how many of that brood appear to be Great Outdoor Fight material? Excepting Taffy, of course. He's a pure resentful psychopath.
Yes, but how many of that brood appear to be Great Outdoor Fight material? Excepting Taffy, of course. He's a pure resentful psychopath.
+1 -0
And I'm pretty sure that Dewey could reduce Sound and Motion to his component chakras.
And I'm pretty sure that Dewey could reduce Sound and Motion to his component chakras.
+0 -0
I'm pretty sure I could reduce Sound and Motion to his component chakras, and I'm just a fat dude from Ohio.
I'm pretty sure I could reduce Sound and Motion to his component chakras, and I'm just a fat dude from Ohio.
+0 -0
I don't know if I want to know what mother did to the fish when Taffy was in the womb.
I don't know if I want to know what mother did to the fish when Taffy was in the womb.
+0 -0
A comment left by spinynorman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by chagment, mortshire, Latterman)
A comment left by spinynorman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by chagment, mortshire, Latterman)
+5 -1
But then again, what did you expect naming your son Garrett?
But then again, what did you expect naming your son Garrett?
+1 -1
+0 -0
i know a Garrett. he's probably one of the coolest guys i've ever almost been related to.
...and that's a neat concept!
(this usage does not work.)
i know a Garrett. he's probably one of the coolest guys i've ever almost been related to.
...and that's a neat concept!
(this usage does not work.)
+1 -0
try what i did. only $10k up front.
try what i did. only $10k up front.
+0 -0
Honestly, it sounds like a recipe for trannies.
Honestly, it sounds like a recipe for trannies.
+7 -0
Killing a trout with your bare hands while staring into its eyes is pretty much the manliest thing you can do. The more ferocity with which it is done, the manlier and more badass your child will be.
Ramses' mother did this with a shark while he was in the womb. Cornelius' mother just killed a normal chat, but instead of merely looking it in the eyes, she had a full conversation with it, sharing stories and discussing fine literature, until finally the trout turned to her and said "I think it's time now. Raise the boy well."
Killing a trout with your bare hands while staring into its eyes is pretty much the manliest thing you can do. The more ferocity with which it is done, the manlier and more badass your child will be.
Ramses' mother did this with a shark while he was in the womb. Cornelius' mother just killed a normal chat, but instead of merely looking it in the eyes, she had a full conversation with it, sharing stories and discussing fine literature, until finally the trout turned to her and said "I think it's time now. Raise the boy well."
+0 -0
Chat? I don't know how that happened. Cornelius' mother killed a trout.
Chat? I don't know how that happened. Cornelius' mother killed a trout.
+1 -0
Whenever Cornelius' mum gets on IRC, the conversation just dies instantly.
Whenever Cornelius' mum gets on IRC, the conversation just dies instantly.
+1 -0
Maybe you were thinking "char," which is related to the trout (both belong to the genus savelinus )
For scientific purposes i have includedthis loovely illustration[IMGS OFF]
This is not to be confused with charchar, who is not related to the trout despite her deceptive killing of chat.
Maybe you were thinking "char," which is related to the trout (both belong to the genus savelinus )
For scientific purposes i have includedthis loovely illustration[IMGS OFF]
This is not to be confused with charchar, who is not related to the trout despite her deceptive killing of chat.
+0 -0
For dumbass purposes I have omitted a space and mis-spelling of "lovely."
Good day to you, gentlemen and ladies of the internet!
For dumbass purposes I have omitted a space and mis-spelling of "lovely."
Good day to you, gentlemen and ladies of the internet!
+0 -0
It is a good fish, but it doesn't look up to much. I think there would be not much worth in its killing; if you produced a boy, he would be sickly at best.
It is a good fish, but it doesn't look up to much. I think there would be not much worth in its killing; if you produced a boy, he would be sickly at best.
+1 -0
Beef will need the Police Officer Uniform to identify his body and the Fire Fighters uniform to tidy up the remainder of Molly's Wrath.
Beef will need the Police Officer Uniform to identify his body and the Fire Fighters uniform to tidy up the remainder of Molly's Wrath.
+0 -0
Identify his body... as a corpse. Damn. Maybe the police Know him?
Identify his body... as a corpse. Damn. Maybe the police Know him?
+0 -0
+0 -0
If nothing, my comments are spectacular failures. Excellent. I've acheived something today.
If nothing, my comments are spectacular failures. Excellent. I've acheived something today.
+6 -0
It would be really badass to get married in SWAT gear. You'd have to swing the black visor up with before you kissed and move the truncheon out of the way when you dipped her.
It would be really badass to get married in SWAT gear. You'd have to swing the black visor up with before you kissed and move the truncheon out of the way when you dipped her.
+3 -0
Guests never stay late 'cause of the tear gas.
Guests never stay late 'cause of the tear gas.
+0 -0
Groomsmen oddly enthusiastic about dressing up.
Groomsmen oddly enthusiastic about dressing up.
+4 -0
"I promised myself I wouldn't cry-- oh, wait."
"I promised myself I wouldn't cry-- oh, wait."
+0 -0
Where is the slow braised octopus? The Gyro lamb? The Feta? No Greek food, no Greek wedding, dissapointed octafish. Uncle George and Aunt Nina would understand these things.
Do you think Molly's mother has a sense of shame and dissapointment for having had a girl? Should she have killed more fish?
Where is the slow braised octopus? The Gyro lamb? The Feta? No Greek food, no Greek wedding, dissapointed octafish. Uncle George and Aunt Nina would understand these things.
Do you think Molly's mother has a sense of shame and dissapointment for having had a girl? Should she have killed more fish?
+0 -0
That is what happens when you get lazy with age.
That is what happens when you get lazy with age.
+1 -0
She looked away as the light left the fish's eyes, in her advanced age.
She looked away as the light left the fish's eyes, in her advanced age.
+1 -0
You need at least one girl, to help with the cooking. It is like the luxury child. Had Ramses or Molly's father succeeded in purchasing the Kitchen-Aid with dough-hook attachment, there would be no need to waste a mating opportunity on a girl, but alas that avenue is closed forever.
You need at least one girl, to help with the cooking. It is like the luxury child. Had Ramses or Molly's father succeeded in purchasing the Kitchen-Aid with dough-hook attachment, there would be no need to waste a mating opportunity on a girl, but alas that avenue is closed forever.
+18 -0
Alas, Roast Beef's kin cannot be present to bemoan such things, given the cruel hand Fate and recklessness hath dealt them.
Alas, Roast Beef's kin cannot be present to bemoan such things, given the cruel hand Fate and recklessness hath dealt them.
+1 -0
I suppose, well done with your accuracy with the selecting tool? or how did you do it so sharply?
I suppose, well done with your accuracy with the selecting tool? or how did you do it so sharply?
+0 -0
A comment left by yearsinhotclaws was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Geigerdog, jaspermeer, d3athcann0n, mira, lux, Fcannon, jhaela, Tashara, soupkaty)
A comment left by yearsinhotclaws was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Geigerdog, jaspermeer, d3athcann0n, mira, lux, Fcannon, jhaela, Tashara, soupkaty)
+1 -0
Even I hate animated emoticons XD
Even I hate animated emoticons XD
+2 -2
+0 -0
Shit, man, we have those?
Shit, man, we have those?
+0 -0
hell no we don't.
people just link them.
hell no we don't.
people just link them.
+0 -0
A comment left by yearsinhotclaws was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by thebarbarian, charchar, cpnglxynchos)
A comment left by yearsinhotclaws was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by thebarbarian, charchar, cpnglxynchos)
+0 -0
are they going sledding after? Is that the idea?
are they going sledding after? Is that the idea?
+0 -0
Hahaha 7:06:30am made this comic for me
Hahaha 7:06:30am made this comic for me
+0 -0
Yes, the timing of the release of this comic pleased me too. Was withing the last two hrs of my checking it.
Yes, the timing of the release of this comic pleased me too. Was withing the last two hrs of my checking it.
+0 -0
Wha... um. What?
Wha... um. What?
+1 -0
There was an episode of [i]Digimon[i] where a prophecy was fulfilled in which the great demon Myotismon appeared to reign destruction on mankind, and would arrive 66 minutes after 6 PM.
There was an episode of [i]Digimon[i] where a prophecy was fulfilled in which the great demon Myotismon appeared to reign destruction on mankind, and would arrive 66 minutes after 6 PM.
+0 -0
aw 666it.
aw 666it.
+0 -0
I'm going to use that, how is it pronounced?
I'm going to use that, how is it pronounced?
+1 -0
You just pronounce it any old way you want to and the Devil will gangrape your soul.
You just pronounce it any old way you want to and the Devil will gangrape your soul.
+4 -1
Gan-grape sounds like a Snapple flavor.
Gan-grape sounds like a Snapple flavor.
+0 -0
or dead, mortified skin tissue that tastes like Snapple
or dead, mortified skin tissue that tastes like Snapple
+1 -0
Gan-grape is wonderful, but to my mind, nothing is better than a nice, tall Gran-gape. Now that's good pussy.
Gan-grape is wonderful, but to my mind, nothing is better than a nice, tall Gran-gape. Now that's good pussy.
+0 -0
That's not me, I'm a soloist. I think you meant to attribute that one to gangrape-ape. He's so crazy
That's not me, I'm a soloist. I think you meant to attribute that one to gangrape-ape. He's so crazy
+11 -1
You know, I get Teodor. He feels like he's Robert Frost writing obituaries for people who had Botox-related deaths.
But even the most talented occasionally need to take it down another notch! when certain Circumstances surround the happenings.
You know, I get Teodor. He feels like he's Robert Frost writing obituaries for people who had Botox-related deaths.
But even the most talented occasionally need to take it down another notch! when certain Circumstances surround the happenings.
+0 -0
Bam! Take it down a notch. I love it!
Bam! Take it down a notch. I love it!
+1 -0
The ubiquitous "Bam!" doesn't quite seem like the effective catch-sound for taking it down. "Plop"? "Plonk"?
The ubiquitous "Bam!" doesn't quite seem like the effective catch-sound for taking it down. "Plop"? "Plonk"?
+2 -0
+6 -0
+0 -0
+0 -0
You're all wrong, "Bam!" is perfect.
You're all wrong, "Bam!" is perfect.
+2 -0
+0 -0
+1 -0
Fssss. Like air coming out of a tire and reducing the pressure, or like an acid neutralizing a base (generally an exothermic reaction).
Fssss. Like air coming out of a tire and reducing the pressure, or like an acid neutralizing a base (generally an exothermic reaction).
+0 -0
+0 -0
It's been driving me nuts why I would get a lame for this comment. Did I offend the son of a tenured obituary writer?
It's been driving me nuts why I would get a lame for this comment. Did I offend the son of a tenured obituary writer?
+0 -0
i think the lame-giver-outer was just trying to do things in the frostian sense, and take the road less traveled by?
okay, okay, but look, i majored in literature. these things aren't up to me. i have to think it, you have to read it.
i think the lame-giver-outer was just trying to do things in the frostian sense, and take the road less traveled by?
okay, okay, but look, i majored in literature. these things aren't up to me. i have to think it, you have to read it.
+0 -0
You're a regular Dennis Miller.
And calling someone a regular Dennis Miller makes you a regular Dennis Miller. :((((((
You're a regular Dennis Miller.
And calling someone a regular Dennis Miller makes you a regular Dennis Miller. :((((((
+0 -0
That's freaking me out. I just heard Heaven and Hell for the first time earlier today after I picked up the Live @ Leeds CD to preview all those songs from it coming in that Rock Band Who pack. Weird coincidence.
That's freaking me out. I just heard Heaven and Hell for the first time earlier today after I picked up the Live @ Leeds CD to preview all those songs from it coming in that Rock Band Who pack. Weird coincidence.
+0 -0
It's good to see one of John Entwistle's songs getting major props.
It's good to see one of John Entwistle's songs getting major props.
+0 -0
I just got the 1995 reissue of Leeds (my dad had the short albeit still amazing 1990 CD issue with only 6 songs), and this is a nice little coincidence for me too. Now that I think about it, it's the perfect song for any catered event. Weddings, christenings, funerals ESPECIALLY. It's basically a eulogy. "On top of the sky is the place where you go if you've done nothing wrong IF YOU'VE DONE NOTHING WRO-HA-HONG. And down in the ground is the place where you go if you've been a bad boy IF YOU'VE BEEN A BAD BO-OY. Why can't we have eternal life and never die?" ::mourners throw dirt into grave::
I just got the 1995 reissue of Leeds (my dad had the short albeit still amazing 1990 CD issue with only 6 songs), and this is a nice little coincidence for me too. Now that I think about it, it's the perfect song for any catered event. Weddings, christenings, funerals ESPECIALLY. It's basically a eulogy. "On top of the sky is the place where you go if you've done nothing wrong IF YOU'VE DONE NOTHING WRO-HA-HONG. And down in the ground is the place where you go if you've been a bad boy IF YOU'VE BEEN A BAD BO-OY. Why can't we have eternal life and never die?" ::mourners throw dirt into grave::
+1 -0
Given the times given on his schedule, one would assume, T is listening on his personal iPod, and that the song is not being played at the reception or something, which says weird things about Teodor. I think only a crazy person could willingly listen to "Heaven and Hell" more than 5 times in a row.
Given the times given on his schedule, one would assume, T is listening on his personal iPod, and that the song is not being played at the reception or something, which says weird things about Teodor. I think only a crazy person could willingly listen to "Heaven and Hell" more than 5 times in a row.
+0 -0
Agreed, I think the only song from Live at Leeds that I could listen to for 8 hours would be "Sparks." That jam is amazing.
Agreed, I think the only song from Live at Leeds that I could listen to for 8 hours would be "Sparks." That jam is amazing.
+0 -0
Well I wouldn't mind it on for 8 hours on my wedding day, personal or otherwise. Actually, I want "Semi-Multicolored Caucasian" by Captain Beefheart played at my wedding. For 8 hours of course. The DJ will be all "here's a nice slow dance number" and I'll be like "NO" and throw my champagne glass at him.
Well I wouldn't mind it on for 8 hours on my wedding day, personal or otherwise. Actually, I want "Semi-Multicolored Caucasian" by Captain Beefheart played at my wedding. For 8 hours of course. The DJ will be all "here's a nice slow dance number" and I'll be like "NO" and throw my champagne glass at him.
+1 -0
I am new-ish and admit confusion about the Aibos.
I am new-ish and admit confusion about the Aibos.
+2 -0
Ray has a few to spare: https://achewood.com/index.php?date=11212002
please, bbcode
Ray has a few to spare: https://achewood.com/index.php?date=11212002
please, bbcode
+1 -0
Alas, while I quadruple checked my BBCode, nerdinexile uprooted me. Bravo.
Alas, while I quadruple checked my BBCode, nerdinexile uprooted me. Bravo.
+1 -0
I prefer to just ask politely. It works most of the time.
I prefer to just ask politely. It works most of the time.
+1 -0
Ray figures it's one thing to get married in front of family...but if Beef can make his vows in front of 33 unblinking Aibo's (Aiboes?Aibos?), this marriage will stand for eternity.
Ray figures it's one thing to get married in front of family...but if Beef can make his vows in front of 33 unblinking Aibo's (Aiboes?Aibos?), this marriage will stand for eternity.
+0 -0
The Aibos look like they're about to pull a sled.
The Aibos look like they're about to pull a sled.
+0 -0
Maybe Beef is finally going to use that head-mounted internet connection to mind-control the Aibos into border patrol of the church...
Scan and identify the enemy...Showbiz!
(all sitting around their USB hubs, charging and catching meat frisbees in their minds)
Maybe Beef is finally going to use that head-mounted internet connection to mind-control the Aibos into border patrol of the church...
Scan and identify the enemy...Showbiz!
(all sitting around their USB hubs, charging and catching meat frisbees in their minds)
+6 -0
"Everyone, please rise for a moment of silence for our beloved friend and loyal AIBO, Doctor Kisses, who could not be here today."
"Everyone, please rise for a moment of silence for our beloved friend and loyal AIBO, Doctor Kisses, who could not be here today."
+6 -0
Within seconds, Beef gets all self-conscious about his breathing.
Within seconds, Beef gets all self-conscious about his breathing.
+0 -0
+0 -0
Well, aibo is a Japanese word, so probably the plural would just be "Aibo"
Well, aibo is a Japanese word, so probably the plural would just be "Aibo"
+0 -0
We all live in a Pokeyman world.
We all live in a Pokeyman world.
+0 -0
Damnit if you don't get a chubby for not being a raving lunatic.
Damnit if you don't get a chubby for not being a raving lunatic.
+0 -0
A comment left by asobi was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Absurdist, jaspermeer, perhapsmaybe)
A comment left by asobi was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Absurdist, jaspermeer, perhapsmaybe)
+0 -0
what was it like?
what was it like?
+4 -1
I think he said it felt like being God.
I think he said it felt like being God.
+0 -0
+0 -0
Congree, by the way.
Congree, by the way.
+0 -0
Thank you, that was the answer I came here for. However I am somehow still confused. Is congree the specific name for fat that accumulates around the belly? If so, why do you have a bowl of it?
Thank you, that was the answer I came here for. However I am somehow still confused. Is congree the specific name for fat that accumulates around the belly? If so, why do you have a bowl of it?
+1 -0
Rice dish sorta like rice porridge.
Rice dish sorta like rice porridge.
+0 -2
are you trying to be the next gladi8orex?
are you trying to be the next gladi8orex?
+0 -0
it sounds pretty delicious but unfortunately, i'm pretty sure it;s impossible to make a vegetarian version without putting it all in "quotation marks."
I will die without experiencing firsthand the majesty of Taiwanese comfort food.
it sounds pretty delicious but unfortunately, i'm pretty sure it;s impossible to make a vegetarian version without putting it all in "quotation marks."
I will die without experiencing firsthand the majesty of Taiwanese comfort food.
+0 -0
Looks more like chicken stock.
Looks more like chicken stock.
+0 -0
+3 -0
My mother killed an entire school
My mother killed an entire school
+11 -0
Here are some of their fins
Here are some of their fins
+0 -0
Those poor children.
Those poor children.
+1 -0
Just because some kid opened a window.
Just because some kid opened a window.
+0 -0
I just wish I knew how she did it.
Actually, no I don't.
I just wish I knew how she did it.
Actually, no I don't.
+0 -0
chub for Real Ultimate Power - what about the time that guy dropped a spoon in a diner? That was brutal.
chub for Real Ultimate Power - what about the time that guy dropped a spoon in a diner? That was brutal.
+8 -0
Volgidanian Drinking Song:
Drink, drink, drink
Drink all your beer
Don't puke on my friends
Don't puke on your friends!
Volgidanian Drinking Song:
Drink, drink, drink
Drink all your beer
Don't puke on my friends
Don't puke on your friends!
+26 -0
Traditional Norman Drinking Song
Hey guys I'm drunk
No seriously, I'm drunk
I have been drinking beer
Look into my eyes and say these are not
the eyes of a drunk man
Completely full of beer
What time is it
Was that a dog
Traditional Norman Drinking Song
Hey guys I'm drunk
No seriously, I'm drunk
I have been drinking beer
Look into my eyes and say these are not
the eyes of a drunk man
Completely full of beer
What time is it
Was that a dog
+1 -0
'Look into my eyes and say these are not
the eyes of the drunk man
Completely full of beer'
Is the singer of this song claiming that he has drunk so much beer that even his eyes are full of beer (beer meniscus right up at the top above the iris and all)? I find that a very nice concept.
'Look into my eyes and say these are not
the eyes of the drunk man
Completely full of beer'
Is the singer of this song claiming that he has drunk so much beer that even his eyes are full of beer (beer meniscus right up at the top above the iris and all)? I find that a very nice concept.
+1 -0
Naw, "completely full of beer" is simply a thing to be shouted when one is full of beer to emphasize exactly how full of beer you actually are.
(Answer: completely)
Naw, "completely full of beer" is simply a thing to be shouted when one is full of beer to emphasize exactly how full of beer you actually are.
(Answer: completely)
+0 -0
And the phrase MUST be followed by a preposterously loud and alacritous eructation for maximum emphasis. Otherwise people will think you're only, you know, plump with beer or some such nonsense.
And the phrase MUST be followed by a preposterously loud and alacritous eructation for maximum emphasis. Otherwise people will think you're only, you know, plump with beer or some such nonsense.
+0 -0
Other options are erratically saying, "I'm not drunk you're drunk" to people who have previously been completely silent on the subject, or ending every sentence with a slurred "Did you know that?"
Other options are erratically saying, "I'm not drunk you're drunk" to people who have previously been completely silent on the subject, or ending every sentence with a slurred "Did you know that?"
+2 -0
Yes, there is a common misapprehension that being completely full of beer leads to adventures and the performance of the sexual act. More commonly it leads to being a bit of a wanker in company.
Yes, there is a common misapprehension that being completely full of beer leads to adventures and the performance of the sexual act. More commonly it leads to being a bit of a wanker in company.
+0 -0
Chubby for "Was that a dog" making me laugh outloud at work, which is a place where laughing outloud is not to be expected.
Chubby for "Was that a dog" making me laugh outloud at work, which is a place where laughing outloud is not to be expected.
+0 -0
agreed, that was my favorite part.
agreed, that was my favorite part.
+2 -0
Look into my eye, then tell me
That I'm full of beer
...are you full of beer?
I'm so
I'm so
un-full of beer
I'm so
dis-full of beer...
thank you paul westerberg and possibly also the rest of the replacements
Look into my eye, then tell me
That I'm full of beer
...are you full of beer?
I'm so
I'm so
un-full of beer
I'm so
dis-full of beer...
thank you paul westerberg and possibly also the rest of the replacements
+1 -0
Aw damn...when I read the first line I thought you might be referencing "Look Into My Eyez" by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, which would have been the second odd but amazing reference you made on assetbar in recent memory.
Aw damn...when I read the first line I thought you might be referencing "Look Into My Eyez" by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, which would have been the second odd but amazing reference you made on assetbar in recent memory.
+0 -0
You young folk and your hip-hoppers.
Though my knowledge of rap is woefully lacking, I remember being rather impressed by Bone Thugs' "Eternal", which samples music from one of my favorite Genesis games.
You young folk and your hip-hoppers.
Though my knowledge of rap is woefully lacking, I remember being rather impressed by Bone Thugs' "Eternal", which samples music from one of my favorite Genesis games.
+3 -0
"Shoot Spitballs At Phil Collins' Earlobe While He Is Singing Back Up For Peter Gabriel" is my favorite Genesis game.
"Shoot Spitballs At Phil Collins' Earlobe While He Is Singing Back Up For Peter Gabriel" is my favorite Genesis game.
+3 -0
"Tempt Adam Into Taking a Bite of The Apple and Create Original Sin" is my favourite Genesis game.
"Tempt Adam Into Taking a Bite of The Apple and Create Original Sin" is my favourite Genesis game.
+1 -0
I inevitably end up offering him sex if he'll bite the apple and question his heterosexuality if he doesn't.
I inevitably end up offering him sex if he'll bite the apple and question his heterosexuality if he doesn't.
+0 -0
+28 -0
+0 -0
Excellent use of the word "fuzoku."
Excellent use of the word "fuzoku."
+0 -0
+1 -0
Something I said got included in an edwell post, I am honoured. I love the fact that "Shooting Spitballs at Phill Collins" still can't beat "Ecco the Dolphin" for the worst Genesis game top spot.
Something I said got included in an edwell post, I am honoured. I love the fact that "Shooting Spitballs at Phill Collins" still can't beat "Ecco the Dolphin" for the worst Genesis game top spot.
+0 -0
I can only hope a little Norman Conquest comes after the Norman Drinking Song.
Norman Conquest?
Am I right, ladies?
I can only hope a little Norman Conquest comes after the Norman Drinking Song.
Norman Conquest?
Am I right, ladies?
+0 -0
https://files.filefront.com/Norman Drinking Song 3mp3/;10931452;/fileinfo.html
https://files.filefront.com/Norman Drinking Song 3mp3/;10931452;/fileinfo.html
+5 -0
Or try this, the link that actually works.
Or try this, the link that actually works.
+0 -0
Haha, that sounds like a pretty hardcore and trippy medieval chant. Good job.
Haha, that sounds like a pretty hardcore and trippy medieval chant. Good job.
+0 -0
Haha! I had a chubby left!
Haha! I had a chubby left!
+0 -0
the last three lines are hilarious to me and my mother.
a real chubby and false one from a mother who appreciates this.
the last three lines are hilarious to me and my mother.
a real chubby and false one from a mother who appreciates this.
+0 -1
I was going to say "A mother's chubbies are always very real." But then I realized that was actually quite a horrible thing to say.
I was going to say "A mother's chubbies are always very real." But then I realized that was actually quite a horrible thing to say.
+0 -0
Points for saying it anyway.
Points for saying it anyway.
+0 -0
there's no hard feelings but for my mother's honor, i must now Lame you.
there's no hard feelings but for my mother's honor, i must now Lame you.
+7 -1
Teodor needs more bottom-of-mom's-purse rose flavored hard candy and Kraft Dinner with hot dogs cut up in it to really make Beef's immediate family feel comfortable.
Teodor needs more bottom-of-mom's-purse rose flavored hard candy and Kraft Dinner with hot dogs cut up in it to really make Beef's immediate family feel comfortable.
+1 -0
Chubby for bottom-of-mom's-purse candy. That brought back hell of memories. Also the mac and cheese with cut-up hot dogs. . . . . Am I from Circumstances?
Chubby for bottom-of-mom's-purse candy. That brought back hell of memories. Also the mac and cheese with cut-up hot dogs. . . . . Am I from Circumstances?
+0 -0
than baby we all from Circumstances
My mac and cheese had torn up slices of lunch meat in it, and I'd rather eat a heapin' helpin' of that at a wedding than a petri dish of congee with a mint sprig on top.
than baby we all from Circumstances
My mac and cheese had torn up slices of lunch meat in it, and I'd rather eat a heapin' helpin' of that at a wedding than a petri dish of congee with a mint sprig on top.
+0 -0
Man how is Macaroni and Pennies circumstances it is a fairly well rounded and easy to consume dish for them little ones.
If you got the entire thing straight out of a can however, other story perhaps.
Man how is Macaroni and Pennies circumstances it is a fairly well rounded and easy to consume dish for them little ones.
If you got the entire thing straight out of a can however, other story perhaps.
+0 -0
Congee is not really the fanciest of foods. It was basically invented by a Chinaman who wanted to boil rice but could only afford about twenty grains, so he filled up the rest of the pot with water and hoped that they would swell significantly.
Congee is not really the fanciest of foods. It was basically invented by a Chinaman who wanted to boil rice but could only afford about twenty grains, so he filled up the rest of the pot with water and hoped that they would swell significantly.
+1 -0
Sounds like congee thinks it's better than me. Well I got news for congee!
Sounds like congee thinks it's better than me. Well I got news for congee!
+0 -0
...because you're better than dirt!!
(well, except that fancy store-bought dirt. That stuff's loaded with nutrients)
...because you're better than dirt!!
(well, except that fancy store-bought dirt. That stuff's loaded with nutrients)
+0 -0
i... i can't compete with that stuff.
i... i can't compete with that stuff.
+3 -0
If you ate them when you were four, no. If you ate them for prom, probably.
If you ate them when you were four, no. If you ate them for prom, probably.
+2 -1
If eating mac and cheese with cut-up hot dogs means you are from Circumstances, than I don't want to not be from Circumstances...
If eating mac and cheese with cut-up hot dogs means you are from Circumstances, than I don't want to not be from Circumstances...
+4 -0
Is Ray still in traffic? Dream Ray and the Penis Teodor Check are the only signs of him since four strips ago, and that check could have been sent before. I hope Ray doesn't miss Beef's wedding.
Is Ray still in traffic? Dream Ray and the Penis Teodor Check are the only signs of him since four strips ago, and that check could have been sent before. I hope Ray doesn't miss Beef's wedding.
+2 -0
shoulda taken Airwolf.
shoulda taken Airwolf.
+0 -0
Four days of traffic just to get to the airport and back is a lot of traffic.
It's hard to imagine Ray missing Beef's wedding though. These strips are depressing sometimes, but I think that in the end the wedding has to go right for Beef. It would just be way too sad if it didn't.
I can imagine Ray coming late, though. Maybe bursting in right at "speak now, or forever hold your peace" but not having any objections.
Four days of traffic just to get to the airport and back is a lot of traffic.
It's hard to imagine Ray missing Beef's wedding though. These strips are depressing sometimes, but I think that in the end the wedding has to go right for Beef. It would just be way too sad if it didn't.
I can imagine Ray coming late, though. Maybe bursting in right at "speak now, or forever hold your peace" but not having any objections.
+0 -0
Ok, Beef, I know you and your family are generally of low circumstances, but iceberg lettuce? Dogg, that barely even qualifies as edible, let alone wedding-class fare. Heck, I think I might even prefer a blue fescue salad with a light malathion dressing to iceberg with ranch. And I seem to recall you not digging dishes involving the indiscriminate addition of tortilla chips.
Also, I approve of T's attempted application of thermodynamics to cookery, but alas, I do not recall enough physics to confirm his calculations. Any help here?
Ok, Beef, I know you and your family are generally of low circumstances, but iceberg lettuce? Dogg, that barely even qualifies as edible, let alone wedding-class fare. Heck, I think I might even prefer a blue fescue salad with a light malathion dressing to iceberg with ranch. And I seem to recall you not digging dishes involving the indiscriminate addition of tortilla chips.
Also, I approve of T's attempted application of thermodynamics to cookery, but alas, I do not recall enough physics to confirm his calculations. Any help here?
+0 -0
I know enough thermodynamics to realize that BTUs, lbs, and quarts are obsolete measurements.
Convert to metric, then calculate. I know beef could write a script for green bean water temp preparation.
<---- American
I know enough thermodynamics to realize that BTUs, lbs, and quarts are obsolete measurements.
Convert to metric, then calculate. I know beef could write a script for green bean water temp preparation.
<---- American
+17 -0
Having looked up BTU's it seems that there is method to Teodors madness, apparently american heating systems often use BTU/hour as a measure of power, so imperial units are actually easier to use in this case. A BTU is simply the energy to heat 1 lb of water by 1 degree farenheit. Teodor's calculations are correct, and it will take about 17 minutes to boil the water.
Having looked up BTU's it seems that there is method to Teodors madness, apparently american heating systems often use BTU/hour as a measure of power, so imperial units are actually easier to use in this case. A BTU is simply the energy to heat 1 lb of water by 1 degree farenheit. Teodor's calculations are correct, and it will take about 17 minutes to boil the water.
+5 -0
You killingered the shit out of those numbers.
You killingered the shit out of those numbers.
+0 -0
Aw shit. Mad hella chubbies if I could.
Aw shit. Mad hella chubbies if I could.
+0 -0
Applied math is totally cool, guys
Applied math is totally cool, guys
+0 -0
what about newton's law of cooling
what about newton's law of cooling
+0 -0
Tell us about Newton's Law of Cooling!
Tell us about Newton's Law of Cooling!
+0 -0
Beef wrote this menu for the people attending the wedding, and likely wouldn't give a stuff what you would prefer.
Beef wrote this menu for the people attending the wedding, and likely wouldn't give a stuff what you would prefer.
+0 -0
You take that back about iceberg lettuce! I would sit in Vietnamese restaurants weeping at naked spring rolls and stuffed pancakes with out iceberg lettuce. I want my crispy green crunch with hot-mint and nuoc mam cham dammit!
You take that back about iceberg lettuce! I would sit in Vietnamese restaurants weeping at naked spring rolls and stuffed pancakes with out iceberg lettuce. I want my crispy green crunch with hot-mint and nuoc mam cham dammit!
+0 -0
oh lord i could eat my own foot if it were slathered in ranch
oh lord i could eat my own foot if it were slathered in ranch
+0 -0
You and I should get to know each other... I have a large quantity of ranch right here
You and I should get to know each other... I have a large quantity of ranch right here
+0 -0
It would be weird for you having a footless self-cannibal crawling around, though. this can only end in tears
It would be weird for you having a footless self-cannibal crawling around, though. this can only end in tears
+0 -0
That was weird: I tried to create an account ("NEX") and it gave me a funky 403 error and so I clicked back and it told me the name already existed. So I created an account named "NIX" instead but now I see in the list of new accounts up top that it really did create "NEX." So what do I do with two accounts? It seems like a waste.
That was weird: I tried to create an account ("NEX") and it gave me a funky 403 error and so I clicked back and it told me the name already existed. So I created an account named "NIX" instead but now I see in the list of new accounts up top that it really did create "NEX." So what do I do with two accounts? It seems like a waste.
+0 -0
Clearly, follow loneal around laming everything she posts.
Clearly, follow loneal around laming everything she posts.
+1 -1
I'm gonna need more than one machine elf if I'm ever going to battle achilleselbow a la Pokemon.
I'm gonna need more than one machine elf if I'm ever going to battle achilleselbow a la Pokemon.
+2 -0
Yeah, you're probably going to need a whole army of them to beat his tricked out level 700 Douchebaggachu.
Yeah, you're probably going to need a whole army of them to beat his tricked out level 700 Douchebaggachu.
+0 -0
I had to go on Wikipedia to see what they look like:
I had to go on Wikipedia to see what they look like:
+0 -0
Okay, it needs to be bigger, and I fail.
Okay, it needs to be bigger, and I fail.
+0 -1
These things look like Yukkuris.
These things look like Yukkuris.
+1 -0
Never mind.
Never mind.
+0 -0
Which, in turn, look like every other cute female anime character?
Which, in turn, look like every other cute female anime character?
+0 -0
I don't know if anime douche bags are female.
I don't know if anime douche bags are female.
+0 -0
Given the nature of their use, I would assume so
Given the nature of their use, I would assume so
+0 -0
Douchebaggachu only exists in the hearts and minds of those who use assetbar, so it is up to us to determine whether they are female and what their weaknesses and strengths are (is that correct? I've never played Pokemon.)
Douchebaggachu only exists in the hearts and minds of those who use assetbar, so it is up to us to determine whether they are female and what their weaknesses and strengths are (is that correct? I've never played Pokemon.)
+2 -0
2'11" tall, 37 lbs.
Weakness: Electric (-30)
Strength: Fire ((plus) 20)
Douchebaggu are an uncommon Water-type pokemon found only in dumpsters behind the PokeCenter and (on Saturday afternoons) in American Eagle in Blackthorn City. They are naturally bold. Best caught with a Lure Ball. Douchebaggu are especially powerful when taught Ice Beam.
2'11" tall, 37 lbs.
Weakness: Electric (-30)
Strength: Fire ((plus) 20)
Douchebaggu are an uncommon Water-type pokemon found only in dumpsters behind the PokeCenter and (on Saturday afternoons) in American Eagle in Blackthorn City. They are naturally bold. Best caught with a Lure Ball. Douchebaggu are especially powerful when taught Ice Beam.
+0 -0
Well done! See, that's the way to show willing and rally the troops!
Well done! See, that's the way to show willing and rally the troops!
+0 -0
Very nice, though I would have added that they are an evolved form of squirtle.
Very nice, though I would have added that they are an evolved form of squirtle.
+0 -0
Beef's reasoning is extremely excellent. I think that if everyone could have at least one suit tailored for them, subsidised by the relevant body, then ultimately costs would be lower AND people would be more content, more confident and more capable. Good work, Beef.
Beef's reasoning is extremely excellent. I think that if everyone could have at least one suit tailored for them, subsidised by the relevant body, then ultimately costs would be lower AND people would be more content, more confident and more capable. Good work, Beef.
+0 -0
I'm pretty sure at this point he's just pitching a fit about everything for the hell of it. Stop bitching, put on your fucking cummerbund and get it over and done with, dude.
I'm pretty sure at this point he's just pitching a fit about everything for the hell of it. Stop bitching, put on your fucking cummerbund and get it over and done with, dude.
+6 -1
The first panel of this strip in a perfect universe.
The first panel of this strip in a perfect universe.
+1 -0
This feller here don't like words ...
This feller here don't like words ...
+0 -1
Appreciating judicious diction does not an antipathetic phraseologist make. Brevity can be appreciated without hating the words themselves, sir.
(Really, I actually know him. He loves words.)
Appreciating judicious diction does not an antipathetic phraseologist make. Brevity can be appreciated without hating the words themselves, sir.
(Really, I actually know him. He loves words.)
+29 -0
Oh, and before anyone has the urge...
Oh, and before anyone has the urge...
+1 -1
Rostov, you've outdone yourself. For a full two seconds I thought I had left myself logged in on a computer from another dimension with some sinister doppleganger bandying about, playing the sweet music of one flute of Pan while thrusting another instrument into some soft thrush's wet thicket, tossing my name about as one ruining the face of a whore, providing my wife with pleasure she'd believed to be caused by me as in some fantastic dramatic work of antiquity.
Bravo, doc_rostov. Bravo.
Rostov, you've outdone yourself. For a full two seconds I thought I had left myself logged in on a computer from another dimension with some sinister doppleganger bandying about, playing the sweet music of one flute of Pan while thrusting another instrument into some soft thrush's wet thicket, tossing my name about as one ruining the face of a whore, providing my wife with pleasure she'd believed to be caused by me as in some fantastic dramatic work of antiquity.
Bravo, doc_rostov. Bravo.
+3 -0
+6 -1
*~* Black America's feelings on this asset are: SEE SUGGESTED REVISIONS *~*
*~* Black America's feelings on this asset are: SEE SUGGESTED REVISIONS *~*
+1 -0
Possibly the only context in which the phrase "Insert Al Sharpton" is permissible.
Possibly the only context in which the phrase "Insert Al Sharpton" is permissible.
+15 -0
+0 -0
I just laughed for about thirty seconds straight. Well played.
I just laughed for about thirty seconds straight. Well played.
+0 -0
V chub for you
That is wonderful
V chub for you
That is wonderful
+0 -1
Love the thesaurus. APPRECIATE it. Feel its power course through your veins like ichor of knowledge.
Love the thesaurus. APPRECIATE it. Feel its power course through your veins like ichor of knowledge.
+0 -0
i had to sacrifice a fresh young Maltese virgin female to appease Assetbar into letting my bbcode work, by the way
i had to sacrifice a fresh young Maltese virgin female to appease Assetbar into letting my bbcode work, by the way
+0 -0
And those are getting pricey these days.
And those are getting pricey these days.
+0 -0
you can get by if you go through the wholesale market.
you can get by if you go through the wholesale market.
+1 -0
These cufflinks aren't your friends?
C'mon I know some of you read that in Ben Gibbard's voice.
These cufflinks aren't your friends?
C'mon I know some of you read that in Ben Gibbard's voice.
+0 -0
Man everything Emeril says is in Ben Gibbard's voice. Just like how everything Roast Beef says is in Snoop Dogg's voice. And everything Ray says is in Lil Jon's voice.
Man everything Emeril says is in Ben Gibbard's voice. Just like how everything Roast Beef says is in Snoop Dogg's voice. And everything Ray says is in Lil Jon's voice.
+3 -0
If ovaries could speak, they would sound like Ben Gibbard.
If ovaries could speak, they would sound like Ben Gibbard.
+0 -0
Is that... Wite-out?
Is that... Wite-out?
+5 -1
In an alternative universe, Beef accidentally goes to the wrong shop - Penisula. They too sell police and firefighter uniforms, but they tend to be more revealing and are made of fabrics that shine far too much and fail fire safety laws.
In an alternative universe, Beef accidentally goes to the wrong shop - Penisula. They too sell police and firefighter uniforms, but they tend to be more revealing and are made of fabrics that shine far too much and fail fire safety laws.
+1 -1
retardo's achewood fan-fiction?
retardo's achewood fan-fiction?
+0 -0
+0 -0
And their friend, a construction worker!
And their friend, a construction worker!
+0 -0
This strip is a five.
My feelings on this strip are: Pro.
It is probably the best strip in a long time.
This strip is a five.
My feelings on this strip are: Pro.
It is probably the best strip in a long time.
+2 -0
If you want a girl you tell the fish it's fat but that you are only saying so because you're it's friend.
If you want a girl you tell the fish it's fat but that you are only saying so because you're it's friend.
+3 -0
It's a fish.
It's a fish.
It's a fishhhh.
It's a fish.
It's a fish.
It's a fishhhh.
+0 -0
Man, look at that fine fish.
Man, look at that fine fish.
+0 -0
I forgot that this comic actually references a fish. Please do not try to read into my emoticon fish. It is 5 am, and I am feeling very tired and aquatic.
I forgot that this comic actually references a fish. Please do not try to read into my emoticon fish. It is 5 am, and I am feeling very tired and aquatic.
+0 -0
It's okay. Its cute little eyes make me pleased. You did good.
It's okay. Its cute little eyes make me pleased. You did good.
+0 -0
Which of those dishes involve artichokes? Ray's mom loves them artichokes.
Failing that, maybe Teodor could whip her up a quick rib-eye. Rib-eye, as we know, is the most nutritious cut of steak.
Which of those dishes involve artichokes? Ray's mom loves them artichokes.
Failing that, maybe Teodor could whip her up a quick rib-eye. Rib-eye, as we know, is the most nutritious cut of steak.
+1 -0
Please note that Hguleb is not a Tinker, but a Tinkerer: it's all in the detail.
Please note that Hguleb is not a Tinker, but a Tinkerer: it's all in the detail.
+0 -1
I was about to ask what happened to the Aibos
I was about to ask what happened to the Aibos
+0 -0
Now you can ask, what are they doing?
Now you can ask, what are they doing?
+0 -0
Vlad holding his nose while singing the line "If you can stand her smell."
Vlad holding his nose while singing the line "If you can stand her smell."
+1 -0
Vlad probably sings that at funerals, too.
Vlad probably sings that at funerals, too.
+2 -0
+0 -1
Huh. Whaddya know.
Huh. Whaddya know.
+0 -0
A comment left by dangelder was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by clever-nickname, krispykorn, SpinyNorman, techiebabe)
A comment left by dangelder was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by clever-nickname, krispykorn, SpinyNorman, techiebabe)
+0 -0
Happens alot, I hear.
Happens alot, I hear.
+1 -0
Rarebit is the most delicious food ever made, I swear to god.
Rarebit is the most delicious food ever made, I swear to god.
+0 -0
+0 -0
On top of the sky
is a place where you go
if you've done
Nothing wrong
if you've done nothing wrong
And down in the ground
is a place where you go
if you've been a bad boy
if you've been a bad boy
Why can't we have eteranl life
And never die?
And never die?
On top of the sky
is a place where you go
if you've done
Nothing wrong
if you've done nothing wrong
And down in the ground
is a place where you go
if you've been a bad boy
if you've been a bad boy
Why can't we have eteranl life
And never die?
And never die?
+0 -0
Call me an idiot, but what the heck are Ray's robo-dogs doing in the last panel?
Call me an idiot, but what the heck are Ray's robo-dogs doing in the last panel?
+3 -0
I anticipate a robo-dogsled ringbearer Phillippe.
I anticipate a robo-dogsled ringbearer Phillippe.
+0 -0
whoa, that would be infinitely excellent. my eyes got huge after I read that.
whoa, that would be infinitely excellent. my eyes got huge after I read that.
+3 -2
They are charging up, as they must from time to time.
They are charging up, as they must from time to time.
+0 -0
A comment left by nex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by clever-nickname, Lacrimus, prius_chaser, jaspermeer, morbo)
A comment left by nex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by clever-nickname, Lacrimus, prius_chaser, jaspermeer, morbo)
+0 -0
I thought they were just stubborn traditionalists. I don't blame them, heaven was so much better before those darned horseless carriages started speeding around all over the place.
I thought they were just stubborn traditionalists. I don't blame them, heaven was so much better before those darned horseless carriages started speeding around all over the place.
+0 -0
A comment left by quiggy was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by falseprophet, quaga, loneal, HolyQ, usversusthem, echidnaboy)
A comment left by quiggy was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by falseprophet, quaga, loneal, HolyQ, usversusthem, echidnaboy)
+0 -0
A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, GMM, quaga, sharpdresseddan, techiebabe, tropicana, tellumo)
A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, GMM, quaga, sharpdresseddan, techiebabe, tropicana, tellumo)
+0 -0
I don't think that gladi8orrex should be muzzled like this, but I don't think that he shouldn't be lamed for this either. Ergo, Assetbar needs a friendly lame function, for when you are laming someone not to silence them, but merely to express, affectionately, that they and/or their post is lame. In absence of such a function, I do consider laming gladi8orrex to be overkill... this is putting him on a par with other far more douchy characters, if you know whom I mean...
I also don't think that panhandling should be allowed on assetbar. Don't get me wrong I've got nothing against gladi8orrex personally, but if you start giving spare chuppies to one guy, then pretty soon you attract other less savory panhandlers and before you know it you have to constantly be looking down when you walk to avoid stepping on syringes.
I don't think that gladi8orrex should be muzzled like this, but I don't think that he shouldn't be lamed for this either. Ergo, Assetbar needs a friendly lame function, for when you are laming someone not to silence them, but merely to express, affectionately, that they and/or their post is lame. In absence of such a function, I do consider laming gladi8orrex to be overkill... this is putting him on a par with other far more douchy characters, if you know whom I mean...
I also don't think that panhandling should be allowed on assetbar. Don't get me wrong I've got nothing against gladi8orrex personally, but if you start giving spare chuppies to one guy, then pretty soon you attract other less savory panhandlers and before you know it you have to constantly be looking down when you walk to avoid stepping on syringes.
+0 -0
A comment left by achilleselbow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Lacrimus, GMM, prism, tellumo)
A comment left by achilleselbow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Lacrimus, GMM, prism, tellumo)
+2 -0
is that a slam on QC? I googled "QC comic" and came up with questionablecontent.net... the comic doesn't live up to the hype of it's name, but it's still funny... I think it was better because I was reading the strips in reverse order, even.
you must really have some basic thing against it, huh? Well to each her own taste. You probably like bubblegum flavoured KY? Oh wait, that's me, isn't it...
is that a slam on QC? I googled "QC comic" and came up with questionablecontent.net... the comic doesn't live up to the hype of it's name, but it's still funny... I think it was better because I was reading the strips in reverse order, even.
you must really have some basic thing against it, huh? Well to each her own taste. You probably like bubblegum flavoured KY? Oh wait, that's me, isn't it...
+0 -0
so when you blow bubbles, you can really blow bubbles !
so when you blow bubbles, you can really blow bubbles !
+0 -1
That sounds like a QC punchline.
That sounds like a QC punchline.
+1 -0
I started from the first one and I am up to # 91 of QC. Yeah, it is a little simplistic and juvenile in how it has this ongoing theme of Martin lusting after Faye and Faye flirting with Martin. And now I jumped over to #500 and read a few from there, and it is a little melodramatic. And yeah, the punchlines are often grade-B sitcom-quality material.
That said, it is what you see it to be, achilleselbow. There is an outline of the characters being developed, and there is an outline of some story being developed with those characters. You've got to use your imagination and fill in the outline. Try to focus on what's good about it and what you like about it, and chalk the sometimes overly kitchy or melodramatic moments up to irony. If your imagination focuses on what you perceive to be shortcomings of the comic, is that the author's responsibility, or is it also yours? Storytelling is an art, and so is listening.
I don't mean to condescend. I'm just advancing the idea that the line between liking and disliking a comic or a person can be a thin line, and to some extent, to a really large extent, you create the experience that you have.
I started from the first one and I am up to # 91 of QC. Yeah, it is a little simplistic and juvenile in how it has this ongoing theme of Martin lusting after Faye and Faye flirting with Martin. And now I jumped over to #500 and read a few from there, and it is a little melodramatic. And yeah, the punchlines are often grade-B sitcom-quality material.
That said, it is what you see it to be, achilleselbow. There is an outline of the characters being developed, and there is an outline of some story being developed with those characters. You've got to use your imagination and fill in the outline. Try to focus on what's good about it and what you like about it, and chalk the sometimes overly kitchy or melodramatic moments up to irony. If your imagination focuses on what you perceive to be shortcomings of the comic, is that the author's responsibility, or is it also yours? Storytelling is an art, and so is listening.
I don't mean to condescend. I'm just advancing the idea that the line between liking and disliking a comic or a person can be a thin line, and to some extent, to a really large extent, you create the experience that you have.
+0 -0
To be fair, he doesn't really start hitting his stride until 400 or 500.
To be fair, he doesn't really start hitting his stride until 400 or 500.
+0 -0
You, sir, are beginning to sound like a QC sympathiser!
(PS I personally do dislike QC. In fact, the only reason I like Bigger than Cheeses is for the occasional slams on QC.)
You, sir, are beginning to sound like a QC sympathiser!
(PS I personally do dislike QC. In fact, the only reason I like Bigger than Cheeses is for the occasional slams on QC.)
+0 -0
man, i've never heard of this QC before, so i went to questionablecontent.com to see what the deal was. needless to say, i don't know why everyone is so upset about a portal to adult resources and information.
man, i've never heard of this QC before, so i went to questionablecontent.com to see what the deal was. needless to say, i don't know why everyone is so upset about a portal to adult resources and information.
+1 -1
My feelings on QC are... Pro.
I will now sandbag in preparation for the outrageously gigantic lame storm.
My feelings on QC are... Pro.
I will now sandbag in preparation for the outrageously gigantic lame storm.
+0 -0
Anyone who likes QC want to show me a strip where it isn't godawful?
Anyone who likes QC want to show me a strip where it isn't godawful?
+0 -0
oh, they're virtually all godawful. You gotta look past that. Like reading a book. A book is just black ink on white paper, which is not very entertaining. That is my analogy.
I would guess that most people wouldn't like QC because QC presents situations set in specific culture settings with which the reader is familiar, but the situation and the dialogue play out in a way that is non-sensical and innane and stilted in these cultural contexts. I don't have a problem with this, because I suspend disbelief in this regard when I read QC. Also, I am much less fluent in these cultural contexts than most of you probably are.
I think it would help QC with a lot of readers if there was a lot less in QC that was familiar and evocative of the cultural contexts to which QC's story does not conform.
oh, they're virtually all godawful. You gotta look past that. Like reading a book. A book is just black ink on white paper, which is not very entertaining. That is my analogy.
I would guess that most people wouldn't like QC because QC presents situations set in specific culture settings with which the reader is familiar, but the situation and the dialogue play out in a way that is non-sensical and innane and stilted in these cultural contexts. I don't have a problem with this, because I suspend disbelief in this regard when I read QC. Also, I am much less fluent in these cultural contexts than most of you probably are.
I think it would help QC with a lot of readers if there was a lot less in QC that was familiar and evocative of the cultural contexts to which QC's story does not conform.
+9 -0
Look, I'm gonna get lamed if I get into this again, so I'm just gonna give you this bit of advice. You said you've only read 90 of them so far. At this point you probably still get a couple of chuckles and enjoy the indie rock references, plus you're wondering what's gonna happen with Faye and Marten. So you keep reading.
But sometime, maybe 100 strips later, you will be in the middle of a strip when you will suddenly hear a noise. Perhaps it will be a dog barking, or someone dropping their keys, or even just the wind. In any case, it will be enough to snap you out of your engrossed state for just a second. And in that second, you will chance to look at the strip and see it as a completely foreign object and you will say to yourself: "What is this? Why am I reading this? I haven't laughed at it in months. All of these characters are completely flat and two-dimensional, not to mention annoying as hell - why do I care what happens to them? They'll either just make out with each other or make out with someone else! What...what have I been doing with my life?"
Then a choir of angels will sing, and you will slowly walk out your front door, where the entire town will be gathered to applaud you, and your father will be there smiling emphatically as a tear of joy drips from his eye. "We knew you could do it, son," he'll say. "We believed in you."
Look, I'm gonna get lamed if I get into this again, so I'm just gonna give you this bit of advice. You said you've only read 90 of them so far. At this point you probably still get a couple of chuckles and enjoy the indie rock references, plus you're wondering what's gonna happen with Faye and Marten. So you keep reading.
But sometime, maybe 100 strips later, you will be in the middle of a strip when you will suddenly hear a noise. Perhaps it will be a dog barking, or someone dropping their keys, or even just the wind. In any case, it will be enough to snap you out of your engrossed state for just a second. And in that second, you will chance to look at the strip and see it as a completely foreign object and you will say to yourself: "What is this? Why am I reading this? I haven't laughed at it in months. All of these characters are completely flat and two-dimensional, not to mention annoying as hell - why do I care what happens to them? They'll either just make out with each other or make out with someone else! What...what have I been doing with my life?"
Then a choir of angels will sing, and you will slowly walk out your front door, where the entire town will be gathered to applaud you, and your father will be there smiling emphatically as a tear of joy drips from his eye. "We knew you could do it, son," he'll say. "We believed in you."
+0 -0
+0 -0
I thought maybe this post was a mistake or typo or something, until I realized that:
looks kinda like a guy with a pointy nose, screaming. I have determined this to be The Best Response to a webcomic fight.
I thought maybe this post was a mistake or typo or something, until I realized that:
looks kinda like a guy with a pointy nose, screaming. I have determined this to be The Best Response to a webcomic fight.
+1 -0
His anger is so potent, his horror so vivid that he has lost his eyes.
His anger is so potent, his horror so vivid that he has lost his eyes.
+0 -0
I was involved in this exact scene about 2 months ago. Not quite so melodramatic though... just stopped reading it and moved on. Your knee-jerk reactions to it are no better than the comics poorly considered punchlines.
I was involved in this exact scene about 2 months ago. Not quite so melodramatic though... just stopped reading it and moved on. Your knee-jerk reactions to it are no better than the comics poorly considered punchlines.
+0 -0
I think you're taking my knee-jerk reactions to it too seriously. I was going to type "YouTube users" but at the last second changed it to "QC readers" just because the first would have been too boring, and because at this point I'm kind of self-parodying the fact that hating QC has sort of become my Thing, so I feel the need to inflate my mild disgust with it into an all-encompassing hatred.
I think you're taking my knee-jerk reactions to it too seriously. I was going to type "YouTube users" but at the last second changed it to "QC readers" just because the first would have been too boring, and because at this point I'm kind of self-parodying the fact that hating QC has sort of become my Thing, so I feel the need to inflate my mild disgust with it into an all-encompassing hatred.
+0 -0
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
+0 -0
This context is pleasing to me, I will imagine cartoonish steam coming out of your ears and will try my best to bait you where I can.
This context is pleasing to me, I will imagine cartoonish steam coming out of your ears and will try my best to bait you where I can.
+0 -0
I read a couple, and found the indie rock references to be extremely irritating.
I read a couple, and found the indie rock references to be extremely irritating.
+0 -0
hee hee yeah I don't know jack about indie rock, so I mentally insert [blah blah] in place of those references... I imagine if I did follow or know about indie rock, those references might get annoying.
I am up to comic # 240 of QC so far today, and it's basically 200 some strips that are all part of the SAME ARC... I'm starting to loose my mind... yet I keep reading... I like it... it just takes a certain amount of self-control to uh, suspend disbelief... you gotta consider QC from an abstract vantage point... very abstract... Does the author intend it this way? maybe not... I don't know...
hee hee yeah I don't know jack about indie rock, so I mentally insert [blah blah] in place of those references... I imagine if I did follow or know about indie rock, those references might get annoying.
I am up to comic # 240 of QC so far today, and it's basically 200 some strips that are all part of the SAME ARC... I'm starting to loose my mind... yet I keep reading... I like it... it just takes a certain amount of self-control to uh, suspend disbelief... you gotta consider QC from an abstract vantage point... very abstract... Does the author intend it this way? maybe not... I don't know...
+0 -0
Not just applaud.. it'll be the "Slow Clap" as the camera pans out and the credits begin to roll.
Not just applaud.. it'll be the "Slow Clap" as the camera pans out and the credits begin to roll.
+0 -0
Tried to find both the Wet Hot American Summer and Angels in the Outfield versions of this to no avail.
(this is your best avatar yet)
Tried to find both the Wet Hot American Summer and Angels in the Outfield versions of this to no avail.
(this is your best avatar yet)
+0 -0
Please. Enjoy what you enjoy, man. It's really not that bad of a comic.
Please. Enjoy what you enjoy, man. It's really not that bad of a comic.
+0 -0
Heh heh heh...
Heh heh heh...
+2 -1
Us QC readers are not braindead imbeciles you know. Pretentious douches, often, but not idiots.
Us QC readers are not braindead imbeciles you know. Pretentious douches, often, but not idiots.
+0 -1
+0 -0
You have the greatest avatar of all time, Krispykorn. It makes me happy.
You have the greatest avatar of all time, Krispykorn. It makes me happy.
+1 -0
rex/English phrases
voldmer : Vlad[imir]
popo : Police
lol(1) : funny
lol(2) : good
lol(3) : goodbye
momma [name] : [name]'s mother
moley : Molly
chuppies, chubbz : Chubbies
rex/English phrases
voldmer : Vlad[imir]
popo : Police
lol(1) : funny
lol(2) : good
lol(3) : goodbye
momma [name] : [name]'s mother
moley : Molly
chuppies, chubbz : Chubbies
+0 -0
I think this is the first glad comment I ever tried to chubby.
I didn't have any chubbys tho, sry glad.
I think this is the first glad comment I ever tried to chubby.
I didn't have any chubbys tho, sry glad.
+2 -0
I think that it is more likely that Molly, after becoming interested in computers in heaven, decided to keep better track of the happenings down on the old green Earth. Her family however, being of a simpler culture, did not continue to watch over the changing times, thus their (for lack of a better term on my tongue) culture shock. Also, I think that Ray is just charging all of his Aibos on a power-strip.
I think that it is more likely that Molly, after becoming interested in computers in heaven, decided to keep better track of the happenings down on the old green Earth. Her family however, being of a simpler culture, did not continue to watch over the changing times, thus their (for lack of a better term on my tongue) culture shock. Also, I think that Ray is just charging all of his Aibos on a power-strip.
+1 -0
I think ray is charging the Aibos, if only to enhance their "culture shock"
I think ray is charging the Aibos, if only to enhance their "culture shock"
+0 -0
I'm scared. What if Achewood ends?
I'm scared. What if Achewood ends?
+0 -0
if Achewood ends....
many if not all of us will be in some state of Achewood-withdrawal.
Some more severe than others...
but I guess in the end we'll recover and lead....
normal-ish lives.
if Achewood ends....
many if not all of us will be in some state of Achewood-withdrawal.
Some more severe than others...
but I guess in the end we'll recover and lead....
normal-ish lives.
+0 -0
Well I guess the possibility of Achewood ending would all depend on the comic's thesis as a whole. The funny thing is... I just finished a course on identifying story thesises and I can't do that for Achewood. Considering Beef wasn't brought in for a while, I wouldn't guess Achewood's thesis was "Beef overcame his rough life history and got married", but over time it's become clear that Beef is Onstad's favorite character. So... the story of Achewood could go either way here. I hope it doesn't end...
Well I guess the possibility of Achewood ending would all depend on the comic's thesis as a whole. The funny thing is... I just finished a course on identifying story thesises and I can't do that for Achewood. Considering Beef wasn't brought in for a while, I wouldn't guess Achewood's thesis was "Beef overcame his rough life history and got married", but over time it's become clear that Beef is Onstad's favorite character. So... the story of Achewood could go either way here. I hope it doesn't end...
+0 -0
Funny your course didn't include the plural. Or maybe it did and you're having fun with "thesises." There, I came up with two theses.
Funny your course didn't include the plural. Or maybe it did and you're having fun with "thesises." There, I came up with two theses.
+0 -0
Thesises? Theses?
One devalued diploma.
Child is left behind.
Thesises? Theses?
One devalued diploma.
Child is left behind.
+1 -0
I don't think there is any indication it'll happen anytime soon. The new Achewood Premium Fanflow such 'n' such would be an odd thing to add to a comic you had no intention of continuing past this arc.
Someday it'll be over, festivals end as festivals must and all that, but not in the foreseeable future, really.
at least that is what I've been screaming at my monitor ever since I read your comment :___(
I don't think there is any indication it'll happen anytime soon. The new Achewood Premium Fanflow such 'n' such would be an odd thing to add to a comic you had no intention of continuing past this arc.
Someday it'll be over, festivals end as festivals must and all that, but not in the foreseeable future, really.
at least that is what I've been screaming at my monitor ever since I read your comment :___(
+1 -0
A funnier thing that might happen is if philippe isn't the ring barer at the wedding, and in fact, is never seen or mentioned again.
A funnier thing that might happen is if philippe isn't the ring barer at the wedding, and in fact, is never seen or mentioned again.
+0 -0
As much as I love Philippe, that would be hilarious.
As much as I love Philippe, that would be hilarious.
+0 -0
I never bare my ring in public.
I never bare my ring in public.
+0 -0
Why is no one talking about this premium content? I want to talk about it but no one is talking about it on this entire goddamn page (or at least a search for the word premium finds only your comment)
I personally won't be signing up at the moment, not because I'm some huffy asshole but because I have no job and therefore the fee is too great for me to pay. Any other opinions?
Why is no one talking about this premium content? I want to talk about it but no one is talking about it on this entire goddamn page (or at least a search for the word premium finds only your comment)
I personally won't be signing up at the moment, not because I'm some huffy asshole but because I have no job and therefore the fee is too great for me to pay. Any other opinions?
+1 -0
In the short term it'll pull in some cash but in the longer term, I think offering the content for free would create more good will, which would translate into more cash. I don't mean good will in the sense of people feeling kindly about getting content for free, I mean in the sense of building brand value and reaching more of a market.
It'd be nice to be able to test drive the premium content.
It'd also be nice if you could get a free premium account if you referred a few non-premium accounts. For as long as those non-premium accounts remain active, your premium account is free.
After a browser has read, say, 50 strips in the archive, the server should say "fuck you, you need to sign up a free non-premium account if you want to read more from the archive." That would be a non-premium account. It would give you the ability to surf the entire archive.
but yeah it's a catch-22... Onstead has to pay the bills... but no matter what content he sets aside as 'premium,' he is shooting himself in the foot in the long run... restricted access content brings in revenue but does not contribute as effectively towards building up a fan base.
In the short term it'll pull in some cash but in the longer term, I think offering the content for free would create more good will, which would translate into more cash. I don't mean good will in the sense of people feeling kindly about getting content for free, I mean in the sense of building brand value and reaching more of a market.
It'd be nice to be able to test drive the premium content.
It'd also be nice if you could get a free premium account if you referred a few non-premium accounts. For as long as those non-premium accounts remain active, your premium account is free.
After a browser has read, say, 50 strips in the archive, the server should say "fuck you, you need to sign up a free non-premium account if you want to read more from the archive." That would be a non-premium account. It would give you the ability to surf the entire archive.
but yeah it's a catch-22... Onstead has to pay the bills... but no matter what content he sets aside as 'premium,' he is shooting himself in the foot in the long run... restricted access content brings in revenue but does not contribute as effectively towards building up a fan base.
+0 -0
Well, if you want a free sample of it, go to twitter.com/achewood. He practiced for a while and left that up for all to see
Well, if you want a free sample of it, go to twitter.com/achewood. He practiced for a while and left that up for all to see
+0 -0
I did not know this was here. Thank you.
I did not know this was here. Thank you.
+0 -0
If Achewood ended before it's time, I would guess that at least a couple of the enterprising fans would get together and continue the strip in some similar fashion and style as has been so far displayed by Onstead.
There might even come to be competing 'versions' of Achewood, including versions authored by such devoted fans as Gladi8orrex and Dr. Manflesh...
More to the point, however, is the question of if Achewood is simply The Great American Comic Strip-Novel, or, if it is something more ... if it is perhaps the ushering in of a new genre in litterary art? If the case is the former, then Achewood lives and dies by the hand of Onstead. If, however, the case is the latter, then the future portends more expression in this genre, with Achewood it's self representing a mere toe-hold in the vast possibility that lies ahead in this genre.
If Achewood ended before it's time, I would guess that at least a couple of the enterprising fans would get together and continue the strip in some similar fashion and style as has been so far displayed by Onstead.
There might even come to be competing 'versions' of Achewood, including versions authored by such devoted fans as Gladi8orrex and Dr. Manflesh...
More to the point, however, is the question of if Achewood is simply The Great American Comic Strip-Novel, or, if it is something more ... if it is perhaps the ushering in of a new genre in litterary art? If the case is the former, then Achewood lives and dies by the hand of Onstead. If, however, the case is the latter, then the future portends more expression in this genre, with Achewood it's self representing a mere toe-hold in the vast possibility that lies ahead in this genre.
+0 -0
If Rostov and Edwell workedtogether on one, I'd pay to support it. I occasionally throw a little cash to the non-perverted arts. They are the only ones on here that have any track record of creating something funnier than the strip with any regularity.
If Rostov and Edwell workedtogether on one, I'd pay to support it. I occasionally throw a little cash to the non-perverted arts. They are the only ones on here that have any track record of creating something funnier than the strip with any regularity.
+1 -0
I would read Fachewood.
I would read Fachewood.
+0 -0
Oh come on, what about my Beef/Showbiz slash picture? I spent a good 3 minutes on that!
Oh come on, what about my Beef/Showbiz slash picture? I spent a good 3 minutes on that!
+15 -0
+0 -0
I fuckin' love the phrase "to finish up." Good work Hamscout!
I fuckin' love the phrase "to finish up." Good work Hamscout!
+0 -0
hamscout: Oh so I'm not included in the list of funny assetbar posters? My posts aren't funny enough for you, hedonismbot? Well how 'bout this fucking funny? Asshole.
hamscout: Oh so I'm not included in the list of funny assetbar posters? My posts aren't funny enough for you, hedonismbot? Well how 'bout this fucking funny? Asshole.
+0 -0
Dang! I have no more chubbies to give!
Dang! I have no more chubbies to give!
+1 -0
Oh, man you what just occurred to me? What might happen when Ramses and Sondra see each other at the weeding-[i]what will happen?[i]
Oh, man you what just occurred to me? What might happen when Ramses and Sondra see each other at the weeding-[i]what will happen?[i]
+0 -0
+0 -0
My brother, I cannot procees that possible Beef and Ray as brothers side-story! I expected this would be uttered someday, BUT NOT BY YOU!!!
My brother, I cannot procees that possible Beef and Ray as brothers side-story! I expected this would be uttered someday, BUT NOT BY YOU!!!
+0 -0
You know Ramses and Sondra are Ray's parents, right?
You know Ramses and Sondra are Ray's parents, right?
+0 -0
Yes. In the morning I realized that Assetbar is not my place to be at 3am
Yes. In the morning I realized that Assetbar is not my place to be at 3am
+0 -0
I feel loke in this case, a wedding dirge would be more appropriate.
I feel loke in this case, a wedding dirge would be more appropriate.
+0 -0
like. I feel like...
like. I feel like...
+0 -0
oh the anticipation!
oh the anticipation!
+0 -0
A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by falseprophet, GMM, SaulBellow, quaga, BlueLoggy, techiebabe, rachel, soupkaty, tellumo)
A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by falseprophet, GMM, SaulBellow, quaga, BlueLoggy, techiebabe, rachel, soupkaty, tellumo)
+0 -0
Fuck you man. This was kind of a bit of an event I was looking forward too, and here you've short shrifted me. Im going to go eat a turkey leg and look at other garbage.
Fuck you man. This was kind of a bit of an event I was looking forward too, and here you've short shrifted me. Im going to go eat a turkey leg and look at other garbage.
+0 -2
I'm really annoyed with the idea of fanflow, and equally annoyed that this arc has been a vessel used to plug it.
I'm really annoyed with the idea of fanflow, and equally annoyed that this arc has been a vessel used to plug it.
+0 -0
annoyed why? Because it costs money? Hey buddy - this arc costs money to make. Pencils and paper and electricity for the computer and money for the web hosting and gas for the car and groceries for dinner. Do you want Onstead to pay you money to read this arc instead?
annoyed why? Because it costs money? Hey buddy - this arc costs money to make. Pencils and paper and electricity for the computer and money for the web hosting and gas for the car and groceries for dinner. Do you want Onstead to pay you money to read this arc instead?
+6 -0
+0 -1
Ooh, transparency! Ray is currently wearing a canary yellow jacket.
Ooh, transparency! Ray is currently wearing a canary yellow jacket.
+0 -0
Remind me again, who wears a green jacket?
Remind me again, who wears a green jacket?
+0 -0
Ray does, because I just gave him the third chubby for the default wiiiiiin...
Ray all ballin' out his constituents after winning the Masters...
Ray does, because I just gave him the third chubby for the default wiiiiiin...
Ray all ballin' out his constituents after winning the Masters...
+0 -0
That would be AWESOME.
That would be AWESOME.
+0 -0
You know the site says the whole wedding will still be in the free comic, right? Grow up and pay for something if you want it son, Achewood isn't baiting and switching here. It's offering *extra.*
You know the site says the whole wedding will still be in the free comic, right? Grow up and pay for something if you want it son, Achewood isn't baiting and switching here. It's offering *extra.*
+4 -0
Yes, I do realize that. It simply doesn't sit right with me; the timing feels gimmicky.
I always forget how controversial it is to have opinions beyond "[Oh my god one of the characters totally said this at some point and it applies to our present banter, ha ha!]"
"[I see what you did and raise you another quote modified in kind to complement the current pattern of conversation.]"
Yes, I do realize that. It simply doesn't sit right with me; the timing feels gimmicky.
I always forget how controversial it is to have opinions beyond "[Oh my god one of the characters totally said this at some point and it applies to our present banter, ha ha!]"
"[I see what you did and raise you another quote modified in kind to complement the current pattern of conversation.]"
+0 -0
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
+0 -0
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
+1 -0
I agree with quantum. This is all gimmicky and you've just got Onstad's balls too firmly placed over your eyes to see it. Maybe it's cool that we can get inside info or whatever from the characters' eyes. Or maybe it was cool when, I don't know, blogs covered this.
Now I'm not going to stop reading achewood by any long shot. It's still my favorite comic, and I still really like this story arc. I just think it's a HUGE departure from Onstad's normal work to do this; he's always had a premium section to be sure, but never one that was this gimmicky.
But I also understand what business is, and understand that he has a kid to raise. So good for him for interpreting and using the market to his advantage; bad to him for building up a story arc and then making us either a)pay or b)wait for it.
I agree with quantum. This is all gimmicky and you've just got Onstad's balls too firmly placed over your eyes to see it. Maybe it's cool that we can get inside info or whatever from the characters' eyes. Or maybe it was cool when, I don't know, blogs covered this.
Now I'm not going to stop reading achewood by any long shot. It's still my favorite comic, and I still really like this story arc. I just think it's a HUGE departure from Onstad's normal work to do this; he's always had a premium section to be sure, but never one that was this gimmicky.
But I also understand what business is, and understand that he has a kid to raise. So good for him for interpreting and using the market to his advantage; bad to him for building up a story arc and then making us either a)pay or b)wait for it.
+1 -1
No, I think it's the other way around; you've got your own balls firmly placed over your eyes.
You're assuming Onstead planned this gimmic - hey, he's busy, maybe the shit just came together at this time like this. And how else do you expect it to work... the premium content is gonna be all the shit that's already run in the free comic, rehashed? That would not sell well. No, it's got to be the other way around. Furthermore, he said the free comic will cover the wedding, but from a different perspective. So I mean, you're gonna get your wedding, but you're not gonna get the premium content, even if you wait for it.
I would guess that Onstead put a lot of time and effort into the premium stuff because he wants people who pay for it to get their money's worth. He doesn't wanna be ripping people off. How much did you pay for the blogs and the free comic so far? Did he ever promise to continue those efforts forever, in return for whatever you were donating, if anything?
I'd have to say that in a world of corporate giants, Onstead is, so far, as non-gimmicky and non-commercial as you can get, while still collecting a stipend for your work.
You're gonna quit reading the comic because you disagree with his business tactics? Shit man, what is he, Shell oil Inc? Union Carbide? You avoid Shell gas stations too, I take it? You are being like Pat, focusing in on specific manic tendcies of emotions that you have about something like you have blinders on. You don't have to like it, but you should accept that sometimes you just can't control the entire world around you, and fooling yourself into believing that boycotting something will make a positive difference probably does more harm than good.
No, I think it's the other way around; you've got your own balls firmly placed over your eyes.
You're assuming Onstead planned this gimmic - hey, he's busy, maybe the shit just came together at this time like this. And how else do you expect it to work... the premium content is gonna be all the shit that's already run in the free comic, rehashed? That would not sell well. No, it's got to be the other way around. Furthermore, he said the free comic will cover the wedding, but from a different perspective. So I mean, you're gonna get your wedding, but you're not gonna get the premium content, even if you wait for it.
I would guess that Onstead put a lot of time and effort into the premium stuff because he wants people who pay for it to get their money's worth. He doesn't wanna be ripping people off. How much did you pay for the blogs and the free comic so far? Did he ever promise to continue those efforts forever, in return for whatever you were donating, if anything?
I'd have to say that in a world of corporate giants, Onstead is, so far, as non-gimmicky and non-commercial as you can get, while still collecting a stipend for your work.
You're gonna quit reading the comic because you disagree with his business tactics? Shit man, what is he, Shell oil Inc? Union Carbide? You avoid Shell gas stations too, I take it? You are being like Pat, focusing in on specific manic tendcies of emotions that you have about something like you have blinders on. You don't have to like it, but you should accept that sometimes you just can't control the entire world around you, and fooling yourself into believing that boycotting something will make a positive difference probably does more harm than good.
+2 -0
Did you even read my comment?
1)I said I was not going to stop reading the comic.
2)I "SURPRISE" presented both sides of the argument, saying that I could see it both ways.
Look, I know you just OMG<3LUV Achewood and Chris Onstand. I too am a large fan of this thing here. But you are too busy trying to get chubbies by saying things that I didn't even say, trying to be the defender of some sort of faux honor that isn't even there. I believe you would shoot a baby.
Did you even read my comment?
1)I said I was not going to stop reading the comic.
2)I "SURPRISE" presented both sides of the argument, saying that I could see it both ways.
Look, I know you just OMG<3LUV Achewood and Chris Onstand. I too am a large fan of this thing here. But you are too busy trying to get chubbies by saying things that I didn't even say, trying to be the defender of some sort of faux honor that isn't even there. I believe you would shoot a baby.
+2 -0
Furthermore, if I could get my balls over my eyes, I would draw dots on them and pretend I had huge bug eyes.
Internet argument over.
Furthermore, if I could get my balls over my eyes, I would draw dots on them and pretend I had huge bug eyes.
Internet argument over.
+0 -0
This looks like a job for Edwell.
This looks like a job for Edwell.
+1 -1
Edwell only uses his powers for good. You know this.
Edwell only uses his powers for good. You know this.
+0 -0
Man, can not one person out of a hundred on this Earth manage to spell "Onstad" correctly?
Man, can not one person out of a hundred on this Earth manage to spell "Onstad" correctly?
+2 -2
get onsteands balls out yo mouf proffesor dicksuck. you achewood fanatics are such fashist hivemind lmao I beleve u woud prolly shots a babby
get onsteands balls out yo mouf proffesor dicksuck. you achewood fanatics are such fashist hivemind lmao I beleve u woud prolly shots a babby
+0 -0
By the way, I believe it's called Arabian Goggles.
By the way, I believe it's called Arabian Goggles.
+0 -0
I thought it might have had something to do with that; I imagine it'd look much like a Tuskan Raider, you know?
I thought it might have had something to do with that; I imagine it'd look much like a Tuskan Raider, you know?
+2 -0
HOLY CRAP DUDE. Look what I just found on Best of Craigslist.
PAT LIVES! (...in the Bay Area, no less)
HOLY CRAP DUDE. Look what I just found on Best of Craigslist.
PAT LIVES! (...in the Bay Area, no less)
+1 -0
"This is not to sound discriminating, but, if you speak either French, Urdu, or Afrikaans, I kindly request that you not speak them in my vicinity as the cadences used in these languages are grating to the ears and nerves, for me."
"I have fresh produce delivered from an undisclosed location to my home every Wednesday afternoon. Please do not purchase fruits or vegetables and bring them home. You can request any that you desire and I will add them to my order queue. (I am fastidious about potential-GM produce and pesticide usage - I will not tolerate either!) Also, if you insist on preparing red meat dishes in the home, do cook the meat thoroughly. IT MUST SIZZLE."
So, I'm a bit confused. Some of it sounded like a real ad, but that last part had to be a deliberate Achewood reference, right?
"This is not to sound discriminating, but, if you speak either French, Urdu, or Afrikaans, I kindly request that you not speak them in my vicinity as the cadences used in these languages are grating to the ears and nerves, for me."
"I have fresh produce delivered from an undisclosed location to my home every Wednesday afternoon. Please do not purchase fruits or vegetables and bring them home. You can request any that you desire and I will add them to my order queue. (I am fastidious about potential-GM produce and pesticide usage - I will not tolerate either!) Also, if you insist on preparing red meat dishes in the home, do cook the meat thoroughly. IT MUST SIZZLE."
So, I'm a bit confused. Some of it sounded like a real ad, but that last part had to be a deliberate Achewood reference, right?
+0 -0
Yeah, I just revisited the page and noticed that. The " IT MUST SIZZLE " is pretty much a dead giveaway... wonder who the merry prankster was. :)
Yeah, I just revisited the page and noticed that. The " IT MUST SIZZLE " is pretty much a dead giveaway... wonder who the merry prankster was. :)
+0 -0
...Oh, and a gratuitous chubby for listing Murder by Death among the favorite bands in your profile. My best friend's the cellist.
...Oh, and a gratuitous chubby for listing Murder by Death among the favorite bands in your profile. My best friend's the cellist.
+0 -0
In that case, your best friend is insanely beautiful and I want to have her babies.
In that case, your best friend is insanely beautiful and I want to have her babies.
+5 -0
I on the other hand just want her to make out with Regina Spektor on my dick.
I on the other hand just want her to make out with Regina Spektor on my dick.
+0 -0
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
+0 -0
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
+0 -0
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
+0 -0
I'd just like to thank you guys for mentioning this band so that i could look them up, they are a good band.
I'd just like to thank you guys for mentioning this band so that i could look them up, they are a good band.
+0 -0
Also I haven't been participating in this nonsense so far but FUCK THE DOUCHE THAT PUT SO MUCH SPACE BETWEEN MY POST AND THE DISCUSSION HE SHOULD BE SHOT
Also I haven't been participating in this nonsense so far but FUCK THE DOUCHE THAT PUT SO MUCH SPACE BETWEEN MY POST AND THE DISCUSSION HE SHOULD BE SHOT
+1 -0
Man, falesprophet, you got no class. Confusion, don't listen to him. I love your friend in a completely classy and elegant way. Her beauty is ethereal. It brooks no mortal defilement.
Man, falesprophet, you got no class. Confusion, don't listen to him. I love your friend in a completely classy and elegant way. Her beauty is ethereal. It brooks no mortal defilement.
+1 -0
WAITAMINUTE! There was a real-time wedding? Who knew about this? I've only hit the site ten times in the past two days. Was it a secret? How was it done? Jesus.
I know, it'll be told through the comic, but still, I'm wondering what this was.
WAITAMINUTE! There was a real-time wedding? Who knew about this? I've only hit the site ten times in the past two days. Was it a secret? How was it done? Jesus.
I know, it'll be told through the comic, but still, I'm wondering what this was.
+0 -0
Through fanflow, apparently.
Through fanflow, apparently.
+9 -0
Yeah, if the guy wants to make money off his strip, that's fine. But the thing about these web-comics these days is that the main bit is free. Onstad gave us the choicest story arc of the whole damn strip's lifetime, and even gave us a day it's happpening on, then pulled this. If he wants to sell books, I'll buy em. If he wants to sell cookbooks, I'll buy em. Even asking for patronage like a 17th century painting-broad, fine. But keep the main story lines where they have always been.
Yeah, if the guy wants to make money off his strip, that's fine. But the thing about these web-comics these days is that the main bit is free. Onstad gave us the choicest story arc of the whole damn strip's lifetime, and even gave us a day it's happpening on, then pulled this. If he wants to sell books, I'll buy em. If he wants to sell cookbooks, I'll buy em. Even asking for patronage like a 17th century painting-broad, fine. But keep the main story lines where they have always been.
+0 -0
Cheers for putting it much more eloquently than I.
Cheers for putting it much more eloquently than I.
+1 -0
Yeah i felt better about this whole thing when it was just the option to optionally donate by buying shirts and such rather than the feeling that I have to donate in order to enjoy the comic anymore. I'm already paying for your premium sunday strip archive and buying your zines and Jesus stop finding ways to nickel and dime me with new media Onstad
Yeah i felt better about this whole thing when it was just the option to optionally donate by buying shirts and such rather than the feeling that I have to donate in order to enjoy the comic anymore. I'm already paying for your premium sunday strip archive and buying your zines and Jesus stop finding ways to nickel and dime me with new media Onstad
+0 -0
I was actually trying to find the subscriber page for the premium sunday strips, but then I wound up at fanflow and he was all "hey there you look like you're new in town do you want to see what's in the trunk of my car?"
I was actually trying to find the subscriber page for the premium sunday strips, but then I wound up at fanflow and he was all "hey there you look like you're new in town do you want to see what's in the trunk of my car?"
+0 -0
I don't get the fuss. It says on the splash page that non-subscribers will get to see the wedding play out in the comic. Being mad about Onstad not posting comics on Saturday seems...petty.
I don't get the fuss. It says on the splash page that non-subscribers will get to see the wedding play out in the comic. Being mad about Onstad not posting comics on Saturday seems...petty.
+0 -0
It seems to indicate that it'll be different content, though. I don't see the big deal, if I want to spend a little bit to see more than what I get for free, I'll do it. If I don't think it's worth it, I'll enjoy the free stuff all the same.
Just like cable, or 'Special Edition' DVDs.
It seems to indicate that it'll be different content, though. I don't see the big deal, if I want to spend a little bit to see more than what I get for free, I'll do it. If I don't think it's worth it, I'll enjoy the free stuff all the same.
Just like cable, or 'Special Edition' DVDs.
+0 -0
You'd be right, but one of the problem is is that the "Wedding Invitations" strip said that it'd be on the fifth of July, and to my knowledge Onstad never gave any warning that it would only be available on that date for people who would pay for it. Hence why people expected him to post it on the fifth, regardless of whether it was a weekend or not.
You'd be right, but one of the problem is is that the "Wedding Invitations" strip said that it'd be on the fifth of July, and to my knowledge Onstad never gave any warning that it would only be available on that date for people who would pay for it. Hence why people expected him to post it on the fifth, regardless of whether it was a weekend or not.
+0 -0
Were people expecting a strip on a Saturday? That would be an Achewood first, I think.
Were people expecting a strip on a Saturday? That would be an Achewood first, I think.
+0 -0
It would've been a first, yes, but it's a special occasion.
It would've been a first, yes, but it's a special occasion.
+0 -0
Using this arc as a way to plug a new form of information dispersal is disappointing to me. Yes, I realize the man has to make money, but I can disagree with this method all the same.
Even with the original subscriber's only content (which I actually purchased a few months ago) holds the premise that it gives you a bit more of a background and context to the strip.
This whole ordeal has been an "Oh, snap! Were you expecting a comment? No dice, but you can get more information about the daily lives of characters if you pay for it!"
I'm not saying it's not an affective business maneuver, I'll even concede that it is a prudent one, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
And I don't, but I share this opinion with full understanding that it is 6 kinds of irrelevant.
Using this arc as a way to plug a new form of information dispersal is disappointing to me. Yes, I realize the man has to make money, but I can disagree with this method all the same.
Even with the original subscriber's only content (which I actually purchased a few months ago) holds the premise that it gives you a bit more of a background and context to the strip.
This whole ordeal has been an "Oh, snap! Were you expecting a comment? No dice, but you can get more information about the daily lives of characters if you pay for it!"
I'm not saying it's not an affective business maneuver, I'll even concede that it is a prudent one, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
And I don't, but I share this opinion with full understanding that it is 6 kinds of irrelevant.
+0 -0
comic, rather.
comic, rather.
+0 -0
It would have been nice if the comic happened on the day of the wedding. It seems like he delayed the regular comic to get people to subscribe, or was too busy to get out the daily. Roast Beef got married on a Saturday, the day of most car-crashes, so I think Onstad can write up a comic.
It would have been nice if the comic happened on the day of the wedding. It seems like he delayed the regular comic to get people to subscribe, or was too busy to get out the daily. Roast Beef got married on a Saturday, the day of most car-crashes, so I think Onstad can write up a comic.
+0 -0
Of course I bought the $3.40 feed, I love this strip more than God's baby. I would give Cornelius a spongebath and corn hole Spongebob, if either one of them were into those things. It just cheapens it to have to, though.
Of course I bought the $3.40 feed, I love this strip more than God's baby. I would give Cornelius a spongebath and corn hole Spongebob, if either one of them were into those things. It just cheapens it to have to, though.
+0 -0
You got Spongebath's name wrong, so you have to... buy me a subscription to that $3.40 thing.
You got Spongebath's name wrong, so you have to... buy me a subscription to that $3.40 thing.
+0 -0
Walking from a bar to another bar earlier it hit me: Ray Smiles and Chuckles is a lot like Richard Branson. Start a record label? Sure, why not - who cares if you don't know the difference between net and gross (seriously, Richard admits as much)? Start an airline? To hell with the bean counters, let's do it! Shit, he even started his own brand of vodka up - probably owns an Airwolf an all. They get things done is the point.
Okay, sorry to jump in the middle of the thing you have going but I had to get it down before brushing my teeth.
Walking from a bar to another bar earlier it hit me: Ray Smiles and Chuckles is a lot like Richard Branson. Start a record label? Sure, why not - who cares if you don't know the difference between net and gross (seriously, Richard admits as much)? Start an airline? To hell with the bean counters, let's do it! Shit, he even started his own brand of vodka up - probably owns an Airwolf an all. They get things done is the point.
Okay, sorry to jump in the middle of the thing you have going but I had to get it down before brushing my teeth.
+0 -0
"Ray Smiles and Chuckles" is an excellent way to think of "Ray Smuckles"
"Ray Smiles and Chuckles" is an excellent way to think of "Ray Smuckles"
+0 -0
Is your avatar a HYPTNO-Obama? if so thats awesome.
Is your avatar a HYPTNO-Obama? if so thats awesome.
+0 -0
I suppose that should be HYPTNO-bama, man I really dropped that ball on that one.
I suppose that should be HYPTNO-bama, man I really dropped that ball on that one.
+0 -0
hate to be That Guy: HYPNO-bama.
hate to be That Guy: HYPNO-bama.
+0 -2
I love ham
I love ham
+0 -0
Comment left by a1readyindouche ignored.
Comment left by a1readyindouche ignored.
+0 -0
Roast Beef doesn't give a
about socially coventional wedding attire
Roast Beef doesn't give a
about socially coventional wedding attire
+0 -0
The HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM just put this one over the top. Ray is taking this wedding serious.
So, epic battle between Ray's Aibos and Molly's brothers. Who prevails?
The HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM just put this one over the top. Ray is taking this wedding serious.
So, epic battle between Ray's Aibos and Molly's brothers. Who prevails?
A comment left by theirateturk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, Contrasoma, Norsef, beansdooma, Haydi, monstermovie, mnemonicdevice, daidai, gladi8orrex, Luke_Johnson, JTTuba, sean1058, kylank, dizneedave, aargh, radarjammer, Qeramah, LordHumungus, odaya, whoper, Courtland, Latterman, RitardoMontabum, businesstime, Conn, SkiddyFisk, MortisInvictus, hellaurie, DougTheHead, IrishGuy, Firehawk, d3athcann0n, the_doz, Prine, Troy_Convers, tripleG, luckypyjamas, Magreaux_Dogg, cjk98, aHatOfPig, Magb, Afkpuz, freelancelove, Tragic_Johnson, empy, El_Geeko, Tashara, sleepyhead, hardelicious, Madoushi, billygoatbiker, Footbullet, tellumo, morbo)
And already has a lame
Nuked within 10 minutes. Well played, guys.
I have been in emeril's position enough times to have learnt my lesson but still have not. (i wear his expression about half the time)
All pants are a prison. Kilts, kaftans, and uh, evening gowns are so much more liberating.
For true liberation, only the pantsless approach can tbe used.
However, only the bold of heart and mighty of...limb...should attempt this when attending a wedding.
Please preserve my feelings and pretend that the word "be" is spelled with a t in the beginning.
Why pretend? I just imagined Mollys father was speaking.
A comment left by hardelicious was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Marcus_Brody, lux, charchar)
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
Dress shirt, black socks, no pants: the best look in the world.
I couldn't help but read that to the tune of Rancid's Time Bomb.
Dress shirt, black socks, no pants, Cadillac!
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
Comment left by alreadyindouche ignored.
The boy's a timebomb
you make me want to look up that video!
Hell of chubby in a kilt. That is how all men would be without the moderating effects of woman kind.
A chubby in a kilt?
You shouldn't be allowed to say things like that.
A chubby in a kilt is nothing more than a tent.
The sarong or lungi is most agreeable in the summer heat.
My male relatives on my mom's side always rock a lungi in the house. They seem to like it.
Kilts! i never thought of that, ill be like fucking braveheart! i need to make some calls...
I must beg all of your pardons, but...
Man, who hasn't? I've stayed in size 36 pants for years despite a waistline which creeps ever outward. But I'm a size 36, dammit. Always have been, always will be! Now pass me that man-girdle.
36? God damn, you're fat .
(Says the guy whose 34 waistband is tightening... I need to get back in shape, I used to be a 32.)
maybe 'ju an me are amigos !
A comment left by theirateturk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by DrCatastrophe, nerdinexile, krispykorn, Magb, asobi, Shinkicka)
A comment left by dr_manflesh_desires_anal_play_immediately was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by beansdooma, ben, daidai, cunty, HamScout, JTTuba, blastradius, Squares, edd36, ummagumma, falseprophet, cmjhogan, Qeramah, Telescreen, The_Dude, bigtom, fairlylucid, Conn, SkiddyFisk, DougTheHead, brzbee, IrishGuy, Zebra, Firehawk, tarranon, gethen, D-pad, Vee, mrobin604, d3athcann0n, HaraDaya, thegrayhoodie, tasty_crayon, Ihmgard, mcjuicy, techiebabe, Fcannon, Afkpuz, freelancelove, kickstart, thechio, CEOKasen, clembot, charchar, Kybard, smilebuddha, NigelChaos, Doc_Rostov, goddam, brochicha, hardelicious, echidnaboy, peterjoel, Awko, Footbullet, morbo, kittydragon)
A comment left by howl was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, Qeramah, r_tenenbaum, Appers)
fuck you
Even once I saw what the game was, i continued scrolling down, just so I could lame the fuck outa you.
that's what i'm saying, man
about the kirlia, i mean
I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. One more time?
You....fuck you.
And fuck all fourteen people who chubbied it. I hope that you...get AIDS.
A comment left by phoenixultima was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by RedMad, mortshire, SaulBellow, lazarusloafer, trawser)
But if no one makes the first post then no one posts...and then we don't get to criticize each other...what the HELL, people? What the HELL.
And the pattern is: even if you put up a serious and funny first post, people will lame the shit outta you. Just don't post first. I got like 40 lames on this strip because I posted second (and third, fourth, fifth and sixth)