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Wednesday Repeat: November 15, 2002 Wednesday, June 4, 2003 • read strip Viewing 14 comments:

It was all a repeat...OR WAS IT?

A comment left by achewoodzno1fan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, Vladimir, amandulence, jawsh, I_Love_Kate)

A comment left by achewoodzno1fan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, Vladimir, jawsh, I_Love_Kate)

... you don't. See the text box at the top of the comments? Type something in there and hit "Post".

he left out the furious weiner

If you slow it down and look carefully, it's in the ladle.

And if you play it backwards, you can hear a prayer to Charles Barkley.

Such a perfect distillation of the 80's school of big-budget video making (Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie, etc.)

This is the sort of video Meatloaf would do as well.

hat video set my soul ablaze

i pitched this idea to timbaland in 1997

Fun fact: as of May 12, 2008, the original incarnation of this strip is rated 4.7 (662 voters), while this "rerun" is languishing at a mere 4.1 (388 voters). Someone more pathetic than me can use this information to calculate just how much the Achewood userbase dislikes repeated strips or whatever.

The Achewood userbase dislikes repeated strips to a degree of approximately 0.6 points, or precisely "three-fifths," if you will.

Didn't ZZ Top do this exact vid?