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...Boned? Tuesday, February 26, 2002 • read strip Viewing 48 comments:

A comment left by socks was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Homepie, apocowarg, riotnrrd)

A comment left by socks was marked as spam and excluded. socks: What a douche. (reported by NYU, Magb, Arcibi)

Ray is not prejudiced his boning is for everyone.

Pat however, Is. Especially his own relatives. Oh the hilarity!

Yeah, is this the only time we ever hear about his sister?

Somehow, the "TO BE CONTINUED" completely makes this strip.

the last panel stands pretty well on its own

The cocked eyebrow in the last panel makes the strip. It's the little things...

Arrgh I never read the strips closely enoguh. I always miss something that a comment calls my attention to.

Or the way he sticks his arm out when he says it in the last panel. Hilarious.

Roast Beef just stands there silently listening to the conversation.

I agree. It's definitely the eyebrow that pushes this strip into extraordinary territory.

i try to work this into conversations whenever a brother in law comes up...i got about the same reaction

this would be 5/5 if it was simply the last panel


"It was real mellow, dig." Man, somebody fast-forward me to intolerable asshole vegan era Pat!


Why is Reginald whispering "...Boned?" to Beartato?! Oh dear.

More importantly, why is Beartato so excited about it?

HAHAHAHA. They are so delighted by the concept. I can see Nedroid doing something like this, especially given his love of Achewood.

what a sick sense of humour ray.

Whenever I try to explain achewood to a friend, I describe this comic. Badly.

A comment left by tinhand was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by recognizer, twentyfivepast, mighty_pit, mattylite)

Alt text: ". . . boned?"

Fucking classic. Jesus. It's like it isn't even funny anymore because that's how funny it is. As in, this strip is literally so funny I forgot to laugh.


And you can just hear everybody everywhere all gasping in shock and looking at Ray.

Plus, a new handy expression for every day life!
Them: Have you seen my car keys?
You: You mean the car keys that I... boned?

I think this is why Pat got so angry.


I was going to qualify and clarify, but fuck it. It was dumb to post that.

Yes Ray, THAT new husband.

Pat hates bone talk

Man, I hate it when that I bone new husbands.

I find it interesting that Onstad originally had all three cats talking like small-time jazz artists.

This one would transition to television with hilarious effectiveness, imagine all camera zooming in on Ray with perfect comedic timing all gasping in the background, then it freezes and deep-voiced announcer goes " To be continued... "

I love this, the first strip i read, i just had to read em all up to this point, to get te characters, been addicted ever since

Man, pat's character is way different currently than it is in this strip.

"real mellow, dig?" WHAT!

Yeah, you look at Pat today and you don't exactly get "Beatnik", you know?

While reading through the comments, I kept thinking of the actual strip and laughing all over again.

Hahaha I just did it again.

Yeah, it was pretty funny. I also laughed.

A comment left by sheriff_mittens was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by daidai, mystkmanat, littlefatdog)

Oh, dude, you got lamed. How does that make you feel? How does that make you feel, sheriff mittens?

Probably like shit dude. God. You have to ask.

I liked this comment better back when I didn't know that sheriff mittens was the person's actual username instead of just a weird little term of derision you made up.

Whenever I try to get my friends into Achewood, this is the strip I show them. It rarely works.

I think the position of Ray's head in panel three really adds a touch of dramatic flair.

Pat talks like a beatnik. Never thought I'd say this, but I prefer my Pat curmudgeonly.

For some reason, when I recalled this strip having not read it in years, the object of Ray's errant boning was declared to be someone's keys or something.
"Hey uh Ray have you seen my [car?] keys"
"You mean the car keys that I... Boned?"

This was a comment somebody above made.

Ofuck, you're absolutely right. I must have read el_cameroni's comment shortly after reading the comic for the first time; clearly, it made an impression on me.

Salut, el_cameroni!

Salut, Rhadamanthus!

This is the best use of an ellipsis I've ever seen