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Mopey Téodor Tuesday, February 5, 2008 • read strip Viewing 637 comments:

A comment left by rumblefish was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sneeeeeeeeeeeze, kylank, riotnrrd)

A comment left by harold was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Anderian, griggs_although, giantants)

A comment left by sock_puppet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by americanadiano, straw, Pascal, tekende, Spoon, StoatLad, Thorfinn, puadxe, Vondicus, kylank, rockstarsatemy, lordatog, capnb0b, gothfae, wae, jake11, oozienelson, odei, snidedk, mailbean, atypicaloracle, dullard, Koremora, TheLoneliestMonkey, robbingdog, farqussus, NDCaesar, milkpants, SkiddyFisk, TSRTS13, Ctrl_Z, DrSkradley, cjk98, jaypage, ketamind, SpinyNorman, LaserBlade, davidadam, SaintEntreri, shortside40, lateadopter, Tragic_Johnson, clembot, mendenbar, alejandroadam, smilebuddha, Boredom_Man, prowle4763, scraggg, AtlanticCity, Merkin579, goopotato, MacFall, motts, Mastronaut, cuneocapo, biff, opalleye, nickb285, morbo)

Bad timing, dude. Our hearts were just broken when Ray had to drop out of the race. Don't remind us. Normally I would say "there comes a time" - but this is not the case. There is never a time for real life politics on Achewood.

Is that an old female?


Oh i get it. I was going to make fun of you because the account was obviously created yesterday to make fun of someone else's sock puppet account. But that wasn't the joke, was it? There's something cleverer going on here, right?
(i'm not going to state it because that gets lames from Acheworld, but if you don't get it you're not following politics closely enough right now.)

it's about politics?

I thought he was talking about how nearly every troll on here is an "old, female".

That is very interesting.

I mean, since in the tales pretty much every troll is male.

Or that his [Obama] main opponent is an old female?

I was thinking more that it's ironic because old females almost always support clinton.

i have one word for this string of comments.


until ann coulter endorsed her, they did. now...no one's sure what's happening.

You can make fun of me if you want. I mean, come on, this is the internet.

A comment left by luckyg was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by CatJumpJohn, 7th_shot, smarve, Gompo, atticusonline)

I love that your username is sock_puppet. You're not even trying to pretend you're a real user.

He's all: "Dammit! Where am I supposed to get another twenty bucks?"

Like Dracula, he doesn't have much money this week.

See, while I enjoy strips where Beef is happy, my mind cannot help but conjure up the image of a five year old and his french fry and and what happens with too much happiness in this strip. We've been here before, I know, but I worry. I need my lamp.

Unfortunately (for me and a lot of other people) those lamps cost a damn sight more than twenty bucks.

A comment left by kenyot was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sneeeeeeeeeeeze, phthoggos, chemuswitch)


He's just mopey.


A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by conversekid, Thorfinn, kylank, dismas, edd36, SchnappM, UgliestSong, LORD_HUMUNGUS, barfighting, Sleaw, explodingbat, hawaiian_robot, mr_fahrenheit, ford, fociP, clintisiceman, I_Love_Kate, Appers)

A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Gompo, riotnrrd, radishes, rachel, Wulvaine, hawaiian_robot, Dybrar, motts)

As of now, the chubby/lame ratios on these two comments are 2/7, 7/2. Just thought I should record that for posterity. Please preserve the balance, everyone, and have a lovely week.

They are now four to seven, seven to four. Fascinating.

4/8 - 8/4. Synergy anyone?

4/9, 9/4. It's like that post has powers , man.

5/9, 9/5. Someday, someone's going to run out of chubbies or lames. That someone is going to pay.

7 months later - 6/12, 12/6. AMAZING.

Are you reading through the archives for the trillionth time as well? I think this is my 5th time this year already. ><

I'm pretty much random comic-ing. Sometimes I'll follow for a few strips. Sometimes I won't.

I'm starting over (again) today. The strip just never gets old for me, I notice something new every time.

I mean there's COMMENTS that I know by heart now!


Well that didn't work.


Is that what you buy when you've spent all your money on abortions?

Better, but still not great. You want to use an image tag, not a url tag. This is easy going as photobucket gives you the tag and everything. Observe:


those are WEDGES!

Correction: those are kinda hot.

I have to slightly agree that they're kinda hot, despite their obvious skankiness and grossness. But then, my wife is 6'2", with myself 5'9", so there's not many instances of heels in my life.

The Tiniest Husband , by Dr. Skradley.

Dr. S Kradley?

Dr S. "K-Rad" Ley?

Nice to see Nodding Ash back, Doc.

Odd as it may seem, I am so used to having nodding Ash as Dr. Skradley's avatar, that I was beginning to picture the good Dr. in a perpetual nodding movement and with the facial features of Bruce "Jesus Christ" Campbell.
I do this, because I am from... the Internet!
Anyway, good to have Ash back, Doc.
Rock over TCp/IP, Rock on XML

those shoes are dogshit meganasty but skanky is a little off the mark.

i mean i can picture a spinster style aunt using those as her church shoes not as her picking up tail at the circle K shoes.

No way, man. Those shoes are so very hipster girl in black three quarter length tights, striped cardigan, huge brown leather "vintage" purse, long faux-60's hair and Edie Sedgewick eyeliner. Just looking at them, I can hear indie dancepop playing in the background.

I see where you are coming from most definitely, but the shoes are part of the ensemble due to their irony value, because they ARE so kitschy aunt.

i speak as an authority:
i listen to magnetic fields and have a modmod haircut

I think they have more of a mod-kitsch value than a kitschy aunt value. They are au courant because they are old, not because they look like they belong to an old person.

I dunno. Maybe I think this because my spinster aunt bought all her shoes at Wal-Mart and they were all flats. When was the last time you saw a spinster in three inch heels?

Better explanation: I overuse the term "skanky". It means whatever I want it to mean, it would seem. This undermines the very essence of linguistic conversation, I know.

I use "creepy" the same way.

Approximately three hours after receiving my most recent paycheck.

He is coming in his avatar.

Apparently two people think it is lame to have a tall wife.

Double-correction: those are pumps. Pumps are never hot.

Just using the link I was given.

Dang, you're right! A chubby, friend.

I think they're more like this, but purple.

or perhaps,


you need to meet some different hookers, my friend

Old ladies engaging in a hooker-debate. I can't think of a higher calling for the internet.

But wouldn't old hookers engaging in a hooker-debate contain more authenticity?

Heh. Speaking of which, that is sort of an old hooker foot. Pedicure, anyone?

EEEEW! Why did you have to go and call my attention to that, man? Why come?

Oh I don't think it's hooker shoes beef and molly are talking about. Easy Spirits are definitely not hooker shoes. Take a gander, p_mac https://www.easyspirit.com/

And who you calling old, spiny?

old, Female
Member Status:
Strips Viewed: 1051

No status, no class.

There's your reason, baby.

Don't call me baby.

I never got such complaints about baby-calling when Ash was all nodding unstoppably in my corner. If I still had my Ash avatar, you'd be begging me to. A shame. Pickles on a parade, for sure.

It was funny when Ash said it.

Pickles on parade indeed. For both of you, mind.

Oh man! It's great on that website how they always refer to the leopardskin color option as "natural."

I like these better

Shoes before hoes!

Kicks before chicks! (I've given out enough chubbies apparently but I'm chubbying you in my heart.)

I believe THESE are the ultimate in meganasty shoes

Dammit, where were you yesterday before I used up all my jing? Is she about 4'9" and that's why she's in those purple platform heels? I bet so, but here I am, unable to summon chubby for you.

I don't blame you after seeing those.

Wow. That was hilarious.


Managed to and out my last one to this monument of whorish glory.

err *hand out

why does it take him three panels to decide that he should leave?

He had to find out what Dracula wanted.

Three panels is considered a correct amount of time to wait for certainty. Three panels is how long it takes to transition from "Oh my that is awkward" to "Dear god I am sickened"

Teodor has never exactly been an ass magnet. It probably took him a while to realize what sex sounds like, even if it is some sort of bizarre fusion of turn-of-the-century literature and blaxploitation jive.

You know, it's weird that Roast Beef is the only cat who is getting him some bitta bitta action these days. Ray has only been seen to sport the fuck-crown about twice, maybe - Cornelius's love interests are all dead, one by natural causes the other by despair and bus - Lyle is a "hole man" and I really would prefer if his mercenary-like romancing of recent transgenders did not count - and while Todd is the Steve Irwin of gonorrhea, he is not the captain of his soul nor the chief petty officer of his libido.

Way to go, Roast Beef. Dump more loads in Molly than a mother of three on laundry day. Only, you know, more romantic-like.

Great summation of the sexual status of each of the main characters.


I'd use that in normal sexual conduct if I didn't think it'd be somehow misconstrued.

Chub for the avatar

Damn you, spinynorman, you have a hell of a way with words.

I notice your username and mine have a lot in common.

yes they do indeed.

Makes me want to create a sock-puppet by the name of "Mrs. Thing", "Mrs. Entity", or "Dino Vercotti".

or Mrs. Premise and Mrs. Conclusion. and don't forget Mrs. Ratbag.

And Phillipe, well...no one has told him of vaginal intercourse, so I guess he's out.

(And yeah, more importantly, he is Five.)

Well, he did strip and do something with Circus Peanut back in the heady days of early Achewood, but if Kinsey is anything to go by this is just simple game play and nothing to worry about.

Circus Peanut is a mix between Ultra Peanut and Circus Penis, I'm guessing. I'd hope his illicit antics were with the former rather than the latter.

Sweet God, how did I not notice that mistake


Oh, wait, actually a "Circus Peanut" is a completely real thing. I guess that makes sense? A little?

Only if Phillipe staged a sexual antic with a bag of peanut-shaped marshmallows at some point.

I could see that happening, but only after Phillipe became confused.

Circus Peanut...Circus Peanut...?

Genetic experiments?


Oh dear lord, that is the single creepiest thing I have ever seen in my life, and I must chubby the hell out of it in hopes that it will be satisfied and not approach, leaving me crying in the corner.

Very few things make me laugh out loud, and I just fell out of my goddamn chair. Chubby for you, sir.

Dang. It's too bad that this comment section also contains The Little Comment That Could (odei's "What?")and everyone's splooged their chubbies away, because that...that is both as beautiful and terrible as the Morn.

Yeah, I'm aware I missed the breaker wave of chubbies for this strip, but I was really only motivated by the joy of Photoshop on this one.

see, this is what I mean. You put some thought and effort into your post and only get half as many chubbdoggs as I do. Where's the logic in that?


At this point in the game, the chubs are irrelevant. We have transcended them. Respect becomes currency

Ehhhh, the old Doctor's back!


Holy christ, the only anagram of "Circus Peanut" is "cut price anus" !

I got to call Ray. He would want to know.

While that would be awesome you are ignoring: A Spruce Tunic, Accuser Input, Carnies Cutup, Truancies Cup, and Unripe Cactus among many, many others.

Cause cunt rip probably being even worse and necessitating the use of a cut price anus for further congress.

Are you...are you the Davinci Code?

No. I do not cause your brain to leak out of the side of your head. At least, not due to my overall terribleness and wholesale rip-off of others' crazy ideas.

The DaVinci Code was done much better when it was the comic "Rex Mundi".

A comment left by spectre was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by divot, phthoggos, gimluck, n00b)

100th chub.

I would have stuck around for a little bit but I am creepy.

That's a hell of a way to combat seasonal affective disorder.



Will this do?


*cannot breathe for laughing*

Way to be THAT GUY. Hell of histrionics ensue!

Oh my gosh!

oh come on people I'm not even trying anymore.

A picture says a thousand words, and when that picture is of Phillipe screaming, those words are invariably all witty ones.

What can we say, cheap thrills.

You guys are funny!

" Dracula don't got much money this week ...?!"

Sounds like a fantasy that Roast Beef can count on...

God... I'm so sorry... {rubs eyes, pours another drink}

Note that Roast Beef's text is discernible from Molly's by its smaller font size, along with the usual lack of punctuation.

...damn, you know, the man even shouts in a mumble

Roast Beef's text was fairly discernable from Molly's by the words that made up the text but I guess if you want to focus on the typeset that that is good as well

Add Dracula to the very large list of things I won't be able to discuss without laughing to myself...

A comment left by shades was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, straw, tekende, jlaw, aziz, apocowarg, possums, FattyBeaver, dangelder, pmoney187, Dezufnocosem, Overmedicated, Thorfinn, Jesler729, kylank, Deusoma, EM2, capnb0b, SchnappM, Toast, mg7810, cuntpills69, n00b, StagnantDisplay, Qeramah, rowboat, odei, songbirdspectre, cuddlefish, solobuttons, mortshire, Girdag, Romulus05, barfighting, catgrl131, Sargasm, DougTheHead, TSRTS13, Baryonyx, luckypyjamas, Axhoola, shinsengumi14, aHatOfPig, newwavepony, Abrahamdrinkin, Setzkin, Fcannon, HurfusDurfus, -0_0-, thelonious, Zem, Tragic_Johnson, nutmeg, Wulvaine, rodneystubbs, billypooter, kenyot, MrPoopytime, sneakymarco, joebot, mrblank91, alejandroadam, misterkoss, yingkaixing, clintisiceman, grombly, colorlessness, DrSAd, jleo, perogies, alchemicnirvana, Quartzblade)

A comment left by odei was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sneeeeeeeeeeeze, Moolah, shades)


This is the ultimate reply.

Effing win for the kitty cat.

I'm Raysdangnachos, and I approved this message.

chubbied for Bear and Kitten avatar.

also for excellence.

is there a record for chubbies for one comment? 63 chubbies in 3 hours should make odei eligible for some kind of internet award.

i've been watching this comment from work.. it gains 20-30 chubbies an hour, and the rate only increases with time. the comment is a force unstoppable.

don't you have a job or anything?

based on my experience, he looks to have cribbed the definition of "having a job," verbatim, from Webster's Dictionary.

i am not lying about being at work! just my job is a job provided by my university to help me pay for it. i make sure people don't steal these computers that are bolted in a computer lab. and nobody is ever here. so my "job" mostly involves watching the Samurai trilogy and panning through assetbar. a dude has got to pass the time!

That sounds a little like my job. I work for a government agency and as such spend most of my time doing whatever I want on the internet.




"That sounds a little like my job"

- It still doesn't sound much like a job!

It will be hard pressed to pass the animated Salma Hayek gif.

I think it can, I think it can...

It's the Little Comment That Could.

I'm pushing for it. As much as I like pictures of tits, this is a whole new Thing.


218. This may in fact be the record. Confirm or refute?

I really don't think I've seen higher. No, I'm not going to look.

I've seen two at 226(or possibly more). This may or may not be a failure of my mental muscle.


Good Tits : Currently 276.
Garfield's Eyes : Currently 262.

Looks like this one's petering out at around the 230 mark, but still an excellent showing.

Goddamn! It's still climbing! 247 as of 12:54 a.m. CST. I'd say it has a fairly credible chance at second in the very near future.

250 now! Come on, baby!

267! C'mon, one down, Good Tits to go!



*trumpet fanfare*

291 chubbs as of 5/24/09. Gotta be the highest rated photoshop on assetbar.

Inexplicably, there are three lames. Obviously one was from shades. As if giving a lame would be enough to make one feel OK about being the butt of arguably the most popular joke in the short but storied history of this little corner of the internet. But who were the others? I guess I could check, but I'll just let it go unanswered for now. Whoever you are - for shame.

Anybody have any guesses as to what the most chubbied text-only post might be? I mean, it's obviously something by spinynorman, but does anyone know which one?

These two animated gifs by rational have over 400 each. Salma Hayek's [https://m.assetbar.com/achewood/uua3WkQgf#comment_78]goood tiiits[/url] have nearly as many, of course. wuukiee's Quail Bible and kb's mega-nasty Garfield each have about 350[/url].

As for text-only comments, this one by catachresis must be the record, with 400 chubbies for five words.

Short , pithy comments near the top of the page on early-ish strips that get a lot of views seem to get the most. Some pretty innocuous appraisals of the strip do well, if they're near the top and sum up what the audience is thinking after reading the strip, as do eagle-eyed observations and helpful explanations .

Longer, clever comments can go down well too, though not always as well as they deserve .

spinynorman is obviously an AssetBar Hero, with over 10,000 chubbies, but for some reason his comments don't usually break 100 . Maybe it's because they're often anecdotal and only tangentially related to the strip. Or maybe he's just too damn clever for us.

Brought to you by the Chubby Research Institute (Too Much Free Time Department)

BBCode, you dog. You salt my tea.

I applaud your excellent research, sir. This is a fantastic appraisal.

I didn't look around too much because I've made way too many damn comments, but I'd be shocked if I ever broke the 40 chub mark in my career. Not knowing how to make gifs or work photoshop doesn't do me any favors. Making a lot of enemies and having a naturally dry sense of humor probably doesn't help much, either.

Shut assetbar down tbqh imo, this comment will never be topped.


My next post is inevitably anti-climatic.

Thanks for the chubbies, everyone, you've made me feel internet famous!


You have won Assetbar


I think I have enough chubbies for everyone...

So much better than Oasis...

My question is who gave it a lame?

Probably shades did?

Hmm, actually it was sneeeeeeeeeeeze. Whoever that is.

it always weirds me out when people figure that stuff out.

I'm sorry, it always seems wrong when you don't provide an exclamatory comment. Like, "Oh my gosh, how did you figure that stuff out?!!? It's really weird to do that!"

I guess you just set your lame treshold to 1. I've never done it myself, it seems kinda petty. But God help me, I'll do it now if this comment gets lamed.

This is the first time I've done it for that purpose. straw asked and it made me curious so I checked.

There's nothing wrong with curiosity, dogg.

Except for the death that ensues.

Yes, I most certainly did not mean to imply that you are petty, sir. In fact, you are rather RUDE (in the Achewood sense of the word); all yanking junk and telling girls they're cute.


I did it for science.

Well, OK. There's certainly not enough of THAT around.

A comment left by sneeeeeeeeeeeze was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, S_the_truth_D, mistlethrush)

Alternate version: Senor Johnny Cash doing his ANGRY REPLY!

I first read that as "Senor Johnny Cash doing his ANGRY PEE-PEE!"

I like that version much better.

Think, just think, about the visuals of angry urination . And tell me you didn't laugh.

Request: granted.




I am stoned. Congratulations. I laughed like a silly girl.

Which is basically what I am.

Where is your avatar from?


shades you got lamed a PRODIGIOUS amount of times

"If getting lamed was the piano . . . "

A comment left by catgrl131 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, chivalress, FirePowa8, cailetshadow)

Woah, why the lame-hatin'?

Wasn't me, but it was for explaining the joke. That is frowned upon in the Assetbarrio.

Hahah, assetbarrio, what with the chubby-cholos and Jaime the Lame-Fiend

Say, ju prolly wonner why asherdan gets lamed even when his comment is muy bueno! Jaime wonner this too!

Maybe ju an' me are amigos!

chubbied for "assetbarrio". i hope you don't mind if i start using this.

Why thank you!

I am ever so sorry ='(
See! I hope that equal-sign-apostrophe-parenthase combo conveys the amount of sadness in my heart right now. I just assumed it was to be contined, like a "why find out?" lacking a proper reply.
Once again, I have failed.
Achewood, why hast thou forsaken me?!?

Alternatively, slash-slash-period-closeparenthesis conveys a hilarious facsimile of a sad Emo child.


bjorntd, will you accept this emoticon rose?
Also, I find this: <(^@^)> to be an adorable little piggy.


This might be more than I wanted to know about Roast Beef.

He could cut an unnecessary step out of his day, and just leave the pants off entirely.

But then if anyone goes to use his computer, they will want to type through a napkin.

I can't believe I don't actually take a napkin around with me, or some disinfectant. Ew.

That explains my Friday routine perfectly.


A comment left by jamers was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, clembot, cpnglxynchos, yingkaixing)

Now I don't know if people are laming you because they agree with you or disagree with you.
Can I chubby and lame the same post?



results from urbandictionary:

1. chame
9 up, 4 down

n. A horrible fashion blunder

Mrs. Moriarty's pants were the worst case of chame I've seen in my lifetime.

When thinking of chame, a certain panda sweater comes to mind.

1. lubby
4 up, 2 down

Hotass that everyone wants to tap.
a Gangster =)

Dam lubbys growing some muscles.
Wow lubby can kick ass especially rinkles

surprising that both of these definitions have more "thumbs ups" than thumbs downs.

That is perfect and I wish I weren't out of chubbies.

A day that goes by without ever putting on pants is like a book without a front or back cover.

> A day that goes by without ever putting on pants is like a book without a front or back cover.

Or, a victory.

(Or a sick day.)

...in that they both involve reading on the Internet.

I haven't put my pants on in a week. Herpes, you see.

For serious, doggs. I'm all herped up. Or was. Not a good scene. But hey! No pants!

Thing is, He's hung like a cranberry and that bugs some people.

This strip is simple and good like a BLT.

They name Roast Beef's penis "Mister Dracula"?
Heck of surreal.

And he asks her to shine the bright light on it. And light kills vampires. That's seriously messed up. I guess you can take the boy out of circumstances, but you can't take the circumstances out of the boy.

Beef's developing a thing for succulent women.

How do you know?

blast from the past!

A comment left by tourach3 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by professorhazard, Thorfinn, pixie_meat, Flaaron, Zem)

Yes, it was. kylemcjuicy has done a clever thing in taking that line and changing a word so that it suits this particular situation.

Molly has a thing for succubus men.

You mean... incubi?

Wow, combining footwear, lamp and vampire fetishes all in one go. That's efficient.

I don't have a problem with any of the fetishes... it's the cheesy dialogue, "baby", and "Mister Dracula" that freak me out.

The cheesy stuff is what makes other peoples canoodling so hilariously uncomfortable to be around. I laughing out loud for longer than usual.

Other couples' pet names are very much not ftw *shakes head sadly*

*sips from her ale, and hails a barmaid* Verily, rainbowbrite, are they not fuhtewah.

A very un-worldly friend of mine was once called a "cuddleblumpkin" by her boyfriend. These pet names, they are not good.

On a lighter note, when I explained to her what a blumpkin is, she dumped him! Hilarious.

May I never ever be called such a ridiculous pet name. One ex-girlfriend tried to name me "Smudge" :'-(.

My girlfriend calls me Mitria (or Meetria? I don't know how it's spelled) because she thinks that this was my name in a past life. It does not please me.

A comment left by boredom_man was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rainbowbrite, Thorfinn, Deusoma, re5urgam, flazisismuss, DrSkradley, SpinyNorman, lateadopter)

In that you're insulting me for being boring, I think you could have done it with a more intelligent and amusing put-down.

I could, indeed, stand to be more intelligent and amusing, but I ain't insulting you for being boring. Saint hates gays; you hate people who use pet names. Prudery is not a main thing of mature and comfortable human beings, and I ain't really see the difference between yours and his.

Just because other people's pet names make me uncomfortable does not make me a 'hater' of them! I may wince when friends call each other ridiculous things, but I don't actively avoid their company. I'm happy to discuss their myriad fetishes and where to buy supplies for such activities, so while I may be slightly uncomfortable with one small aspect of some human relationships, I am not usually prudish.

OK, I'll take your word for it that you don't go around telling people who use pet names that prayer can cure it. I did keep my mouth shut until your third post on this topic, but, sexual tolerance is about being fine with what (consensual, adult) activity you don't like, that's the whole point. Anyway, we can split the difference between "prudish" and "cool" and call the fact that you're fine with heavy fetishes but squicked with pet names "impractical."

You should not be a cock to a stranger, especially not a hot stranger. Nul points.

I thought we've been through this: This is the Inter-net. You cannot, therefore, know for sure whether or not someone is hot. As devilishly handsome as that horse is.

Oh shit! I just looked up on Wikipedia, and did you know that horse is a DUDE??? I...I don't know how cool I feel about being attracted to a male horse. I mean....that horse that I thought was hot - it was a guy all along.

Okay I'll stop before I explain the joke more.


I used to think Teodor was just one part of Onstad's psyche, with Ray, Connie, even Philippe making up others, but now I just think T is a straight transfer from Onstad's mind to the page.

A comment left by falseprophet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, straw, Thorfinn, NeoNaoNeo, kylank, wittyname, re5urgam, RogerGS, dumase, cmjhogan, mortshire, Bertson, Sargasm, Magb, Tragic_Johnson, whoppin, anitrophaeron, gowerski, trawser, gkiyo, tragicone)

Man... I can't read a thing you're writing. Punctuation's cool, man. Even Beef does it when there are more than 4 sentences strung together. Please, save people from aneurisms. Only YOU can do it.

A comment left by zem was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by falseprophet, chemuswitch, flandango)


Never have I been so torn between the chubby and the lame. In the end, chubby for valiant effort.

Yeah, it's a real battleground up there, chubby- and lame-wise. I added to the former total, just to keep it close.

Both of my comments so far today have been about chubbies and lames. I need to take a little time off.

If you made that last statement in any other context in life but Assetbar, you would get some looks, man.

Not only was that ridiculously annoying to read (you are not a CAT sir), it was also wrong. I know plenty of young married couples that do exactly what Teodor is doing. Maybe when they're 30 they'll grow out of it. But something about our generation fucking loves takeout and youtube. And if they can get away with it without pants, then damn if they're not going to.

A comment left by falseprophet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, straw, tekende, rainbowbrite, Thorfinn, re5urgam, equinn2006)

A comment left by falseprophet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, rainbowbrite, Thorfinn, re5urgam, equinn2006, snoozebar)

I want to be buried next to you.

A comment left by falseprophet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, straw, tekende, rainbowbrite, Thorfinn, wittyname, re5urgam, equinn2006, snoozebar, nutmeg, whoppin, SPECTRE)

A comment left by falseprophet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, straw, tekende, rainbowbrite, Thorfinn, wittyname, re5urgam, equinn2006, nutmeg, whoppin, gowerski, SPECTRE)

A comment left by falseprophet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, straw, tekende, ButterMoths, rainbowbrite, Thorfinn, wittyname, re5urgam, equinn2006, snoozebar, DrSkradley, whoppin, gowerski, SPECTRE)

I cannot be bothered to read all of this. Can someone give me a TLDR, pls?

Falseprophet, I respect you as a person in the utmost. Your contributions are reliably intelligent in subject matter. We bonded a while back over some Clockwork Orange references. But with all due respect, I think Kirby speaks for all of us when he says:


Aww, what an adorable way to tell someone to shut the fuck up...

I agree wholeheartedly.

I think that's good.

Wow. I forgot that falsey used to be a troll. That's funny.

[Pages 6-1367 are not part of this book preview.]

I was that one friend.

...once. :(

There comes a time.

I wish you would stop writing like that; but regardless i completely agree with you. How you originally set it up was "You can't make assumptions. This isn't Onstad. Onstad is MARRIED." But once you removed that last part, we were on the same team.

Chubby for the literature.

Actually, no. Teodor is a straight transfer of me onto the page, as all I do is put on my pants, watch reruns on YouTube, then take my pants off again and stuff myself back into bed.

Same here, but I'm afraid I usually keep the pants off, and watch reruns on YouPorn.

hee hee hee! oh, hee hee!

and a chubby for the laugh!

Oh la la

Onstad has actually mentioned in an interview that T is the closest character to himself. I'm being a presumptuous fool by taking him at face value, but it adds some merit to your claims.

It is hard for the lady to get aroused by the cheap looking vampire.

However, Sharapova giving a banana some face time is a commodity with serious value. Chubby for that.

lol literally amirite

Three things.

1. Earendil, are you a YTMND-er? I am assuming so by the "amirite" reference.

B. Do please, explain the etymology and/or general origin of the name "Earendil" and its connection (or lack thereof) to the 16th President of the United States.

and III. Quote:
In the earliest Sumerian sources, beginning about 2400 BC, the land of the Amorites ("the Mar.tu land") is associated with the West, including Syria and Canaan, although their ultimate origin may have been Arabia.[2] The ethnic terms Amurru and Amar were used for them in Assyria and Egypt respectively. Amorites seem to have worshipped the moon-god Sin, and Amurru.

Earendil was a character in Tolkien's Silmarillion. Right now, he's charting the Ilmen betwixt the Gates of Morning and the Doors of night aboard the Vingilot with a Silmaril lighting the way, and Lady Elwing at his side.

Dammit, Skradley - you goaded me into geekery! Well, it's out of the closet, now, I guess.

A noble performance, but don't think the judge from Valinor is going to let those missing diacriticals go unnoticed, pedantic bastard that he is. (Can you even use an � in �ssetb�r?)

Guess not. Well then, 10 out of 10 for you. Sadly, like all of Tolkien's characters, I have no chubby to give (unless you are my sister).

Virtual chubby (hereinafter: V-chub) for the Turin reference, and also for trying (though in vain) to take Assetbar by force with sheer numbers of diacriticals. Alas, they have been rendered into harmless erotemes.

I would bestow another chubby, if I still had one. Let me disagree to a point: I think that Merry and Pippin had plenty of chubbies to give each other. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I'm gonna leave it up to the man himself to make the Lincoln association. There's nary a clue to be had.

I'm gonna have to leave the Lincoln connection a mystery. All I'll say is that they're both awesome.
(btw, I am definitely not a ytmnd-er. I thought that sort of lingo would go well with the maria-sharapova-sexual-innuendo humor.)

GAH I CANT LIE ANYMORE! I don't know why earendil and lincoln are connected!! Existential crisis! New avatar time!

Oh, good, this new screaming anime girl avatar really clears things up. Say, Earendil, is that a silmaril on your brow, or have you just gone super-saiyan?

Ya'll some nerds.

i chubbied you for having the mere ability to get through Silmarillion. I bought a copy about 4 years ago, read the first 10 pages and haven't picked it up since. It's not that I'm a bad reader or anything, just that Tolkien and I aren't really friends. I could barely get through The Hobbit. Under Hill, Over Hill is possibly the most tedious chapter in literary history -- excluding the Moby Dick chapters that explain whales in detail that I've only heard about.

my god man. you read my mind.

They come to a small disagreement yet they still remain in character. What a strong relationship.

I suspect that the "disagreement" is part of the fantasy.

"But those make me look cheap, Mr. Dracula!"

Judge for yourself. By the way, is it just me, or is this the funniest achewood in months?

That was... very disturbing.


improve ur sex life with new S.A.D. lamp technolagy @ $39.95

size increases for young trouser dracula up to 150%!!!!


Haha, chubby for "meat lieutenant". Awesome win.

Haha, when I read it I thought it was read "She'll scream once she sees your new gigantic meat, lieutenant" as if I am being sold online penis pills from Kif on Futurama .

As was I. I was just wondering "Why is this spam email directed at a military officer? There is no need".

try what i did

only $10K up front

Did everyone read this as "MEAT LIEUTENANT" or more like "MEAT, LIEUTENANT"? Every spam I get sees fit to address me by titles I do not possess.

Clearly, you are a colonel. Anyone can see that.

Yes. I can see that.

And you would be the expert

And technically one of poultry, not (red) meat.

(Insert Achewood rooster phallus reference here)


it's really odd how many times your avatar is extremely appropriate. and then you come out of nowhere, all like "yeeeeeesss?"

I live but to serve, my dear.

Honestly, though, I've been a little surprised myself by all the avatar-related posting opportunities in the last few weeks.

That's my line.

I have a strooooooooooke?

Oh shit. I did. And I made a redundant comment to that effect above. Damn it why don't I ever listen to that voice inside my head that tells me to shut up?

I am nothing more than a deaf Yankee square dance caller.

I'm out of them, but you get a chubby in spirit.

im pretty sure this is my new favorite strip ever

The first resounding 5 in a while.

I hate to interrupt, me from the past, but in point of fact I believe that this may be... the best Achewood strip.

I look at it, and that is how I feel about it. That is all.

Is the suggestion in panel 4 that Beef and Molly have some sort of fetish for Beef's depression?

Who doesn't?

I don't think I do, but that avatar of yours...

When something negative rules your life as much as depression rules Roast Beef's life (and Molly's by extension) you have to make light of it to get into a happy place. I mean who wants a sad mr. dracula? I'm not sure that qualifies as a fetish.
Put another way, sex when you are depressed is no where near as good as sex when you laugh about your depression.

I lamed you by accident. I apologise. You are not a lame achewood commenter.

there should be a way to retract chubbies/lames, to prevent such things from happening.

A lot of people seem to relate more to RB out of the characters, but I have to say Teodor struck a chord with me here

This post may challenge some of those who identify so closely to Roast Beef.

Although I dunno, the guy has always had his little kinks. Corpulent women and such. Still, Dracula is a sexual step beyond.

I don't think it's the kinks that will challenge the identification, it's more like the existence of the sexual experience itself...

I look at your animie avatar and say "Yes, I believe you. May you find the cartoon girl of your dreams some day."

It's from Xenosaga, a video game.

Thank you for clarifying. Chubby for you, and may MOMO smile upon you.

I'm sorry, but it looks like a puppet to me. I realise that it's computer generated...but I can't stop seeing it as a marionette. Was the game about teenage marionette angel-demons saving the inner world from a evil shaman and having sexual innuendo with one another? This is what I was assuming.

Is that the game where the kids suicide themselves to summon giant ghosts to do BATTLE?

Just looked it up - no, it's a Japanese story taking on Western and Middle Eastern religion and going to weird places with it, from what I bothered reading. Also stereotypical.


Haha, through your generalisations you hit so close to home with the plot it's scary.

Chubby sir, chubby.

That's not an accident.

That's lazy writing.

Well obviously. What point did you think I was TRYING to make?

I thought you were honestly impressed by his ability to vaguely make an accurate stab at the plot of your videogame thing. Sarcasm does not carry well over one-liners on the internet.

oh man, I'm in Ithaca and there is hella people with these lamps on at all times of day.

i swear Im think I'm about 50% Beef, 30% ray, 10% Teodor and 10% Todd.

I went to Ithaca and I'm pretty sure that about 20% of them use them to combat SO-SAD, and all the rest use them how Lyle would .

This is a very awkward thing. I am simultaneously afraid of this happening if I were to get such a lamp...and strangely aroused.

"I have crossed oceans of time to splooge on you."

This strip was not literally a lamp for me, but I have been hit pretty hard with the S.O.-S.A.D. this season, and it definitely brightened my area.

Area as in...
Oh, god no

I was trying to save Chubbies cos I knew there'd be good 'uns down the page, but alas Assetbar, that dastard, has conspired to bring me up short again.

I don't even have a lamp to shine to make the Chubbies grow back.

Those are some very disparaging windowsill ants.

That is one, one wonderful lamp.
Ha, ha, ha.

rule 34...
please don't. I'm not even going to search it.


But, of course, I was out of chubbies to give you. I wanted to, man, really I did.

i got 'im for you. no gratuity is necessary.

I count slowly, slowly, slowly getting faster
Once I've started counting it's really hard to stop
Faster, faster. It is so exciting!
I could count forever, count until I drop

One! One lamp! Ba-ha-ha


I think he's just grossed out.

A comment left by stevepants was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, ButterMoths, mckayle, equinn2006, flandango, LaserBlade, opprobrium, Tragic_Johnson, usversusthem, Tipist)

I don't get why this was worth so many Lames.

Yes stevepants, it's Beef and Molly.

'Cause he asked a question.

To be fair, it was kind of a stupid question.

Oh, definitely.

We are dealing with forces beyond all human experience, and enormous power. Special purple pumps are required.

This is EXACTLY why there are men on the street in Montreal yelling "Club Supersexe right this way - time to squeeze some titties".
Teodor is perturbed because they're hogging BOTH of the cures to so-sad and that is straight up unfair for a single bear of 30 still all up in his christmas of '83 turtleneck.

"Time to squeeze some titties" makes me think of Google Calendar coming up with a reminder. "11:30 PM - Squeeze titties (Club Supersexe, 13 rue Sleazee)"

That's the worst mis-typing of Ste. Catherine I've ever seen.

Hey, does anyone know how the hell the inbox works? There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the order in which comments are listed and there doesn't seem to be a way to clear it out, so it's basically just a pain in the butt to try to find new stuff in it. Am I missing something?

only a soul

no it's pretty silly

No it's like complete nonsense. All I can tell is that they're grouped together by what comic the comment is on, but I cannot discern how the order of the comics is determined. New stuff frequently seems to turn up on page four for me, but I know not why.

Huh. I guess I'll watch page four for a bit then. Thanks.

Yes, you are missing the following fact: if you get a reply, and then someone replies to that reply, the first reply is repeated, but only sometimes, and not always on the same page of the inbox.

That's spaghetti. I brought no sauce to the party, so I hope you like it dry.

i was looking for an email address for anyone associated with assetbar and i can't find anything! the only way i can find to communicate with them is to leave a comment on their blog, i don't know if that would help


Of course, Achewood is dubbed from the cat. In the original the foreplay goes like this:

Oooh nyeah nyarr nyarr waaau

nyarr nyarr waaau wurr yaw yaw

nyow? weeeow waw mreeee wurr?

Ooh nyeah yrrrr przft weeeorrr mrow Dracula mwahhhh-wow-wow

mrkgnao mrow yow wau wau! miaou wurr Dracula!

Drracula meww waw krrrrweeee yaw

wreeeee gnow bkrrrrr Dracula

Dracula gwo frrrr ptack yaa mwwwwah-ha-ha

I think you'll agree, while Paul Giamatti and Thora Birch do a decent job, the dubbing doesn't really do this scene justice.

The choice of actors are respectable, and your translation flawless.

this is something i have thought a lot about. let's discuss.
Thora Birch is perfect for Molly, but for Beef, i was thinking somebody younger and more soft-spoken.... Zach Galifianaki, maybe Zach Braff, or if an animated version ends up on adult swim, i'd trust the role with Brendon Small.
Todd - Chris Ward (mc chris. this is perhaps most basic idea.)
Vlad - Frank Azaria (this would make the world a perfect place.)
Lie Bot - Paul Rudd (or in my fantasy cast, Stephen Colbert if he comes back to voice acting)
Philippe - Maria Bamford (or any number of voice actors, really.)
Lyle - Dave Attel (my choices are somewhat obvious i suppose)
Pat - Michael Showalter
Cornelius, Teodor and Nice Pete could be any number of people.
Ray Quentin Smuckles is impossible for me to cast.

I'm sure you guys can top that cast. I'm really interested: who would you trust the voice acting for each character with?

Chubbied for casting Michael Showalter as Pat. That was inspired.

The more I think about it, Brendon Small = yes. He'd be great as Beef. Chubbs in progress.

Brendon Small works for Beef but for some reason I cannot help but think that Beef should be played by Snoop Dogg. They do not have the same personalities at all but there is something hilarious to me about Snoop Dogg playing Roast Beef.

Yes, YES.

I would die a little if you used Zach Braff. I think he's really annoying. Brendon Small sounds too young, but I'm sure he can do something else...

I imagine Roast Beef sounds way more surly then young. That's why he talks so small.

Paul Giamatti sounds too innocent (I never heard him before, just youtube him) when his voice "breaks" a little, that kills Roast Beef for me...

I imagine a really low, surly voice, that rarely loses it's "sass".

Zach Braff was my friend's suggestion.. I wasn't too keen on it, but I thought maybe it'd be a more popular opinion. Zach Galifianakis, my first idea, matches your requirements.

not to mention how their last names compliment each other..

I like your cast, because the people you're choosing for the voices are really unexpected, but when I thought about it, I understood that they were great choices, particularly Michael Showalter as Pat. That's a stroke, that is.

I could see Ed Norton doing a passable job as Roast Beef.

If he's talking about how he's "lost time," then definitely.

for teodor I like patton oswalt

Put Christopher Walken in there.

a young Christopher Walken would be the perfect live-action Cropes.... god, i wish i had some pirated photoshop.

Oddly enough I made a list just yesterday. I posted it somewhere else here (2005, I think), so I won't be surprised if this is lamed as a re-run to anyone who saw it there. Anyway:

As uncomfortable as I have always been with the thought of an animated Achewood ( those things never turn out right ), this is a fun game and, in spite of myself, I've definitely spent some time thinking about it. Some of these ideas were mentioned by others at various points - if I could remember who said what I'd credit them. Here are the possibilities that I (and they) have considered:

Beef - Crispin Glover

Cornelius - Michael Gambon (please everybody, stop this Kelsey Grammer nonsense. The man's got no class.)

Teodor - John Cusack (I understand that Teodor's Belarusian and Cusack isn't, but I know a few people of Russian decent who've lived in the states their entire life and who, unlike their parents, speak perfect American English, so this doesn't feel far-fetched to me).

Molly - Lucy Davis

Ray - Andre Benjamin

Lyle - Benicio Del Toro (I realize that Lyle isn't Hispanic, but I think he could bring a lot of life to the part. Think Fear and Loathing.

Philippe - An actual child. By "actual," I guess I mean "not necessarily an actor." Think Charlie Brown Christmas. Like that.

Pat - David Hyde Pierce

Lie Bot - Christopher Walken ( perfect! thank you, riazm)

Again, let me stress that I do not wish for this to happen. But if it had to, this, in my mind would be pretty ideal.

Well thought out, sir. I do have a bit of an issue with Crispin Glover in any role these days. The guy's a loony. Have you seen "What Is It?" Good Lord. There are no words, just soft, padded walls.

Also, I haven't seen enough of Andre 3000's acting to fully endorse this. He's got the persona, but does he have the chops?

An aside - I re-watched "Traffic" the other night. Benicio Del Toro can do fucking anything .

Andre really surprised me in the otherwise shitty "Be Cool".

that's clever Molly casting, i forgot she's British.

I always had Gary Oldman as Cornelius.

I think an actual Oldman would be more fitting.

As we seem to be talking about an animated feature, I don't believe Mr Oldman's age would really matter.

Besides, Gary is slowly but surely gettin' up there in years, and by the time any animated Achewood project came to fruition he'd proably be just old enough to pass, with some makeup.

Yul Brynner as Ramses Luther Smuckles. He made an anti-smoking commercial...after he died of lung cancer. Seriously, he's that bad-ass.

"I Kick Death's Ass--And I Can Act"

OH MY GOD YES Andr� Benjamin is PERFECT for Beef.

Ray. Not Beef.

Oh, YES! I usually read Lie Bot in a hyper car-salesman kind of voice, but I went back a few strips and Christopher Walken fits perfectly! A CHUBBY FOR YOU SIR!

Philli pe, guess WHats in the HALL.. closet!

A... SKEleton!

It works. Excellently.

That quote sounds more to me like the voice of William Shatner. Which could also be excellent.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to go pro-Shatner on this one.

For Your Consideration:

Ted Lange, or Isaac the Bartender as Ray Smuckles
Ian McKellen as Cornelius Bear (Classy, and can pull off some hardcore Shakespearean rage when Cornelius gets a fake tattoo/finds out that Phillipe is participating in E-buggery)
Del Tha Funkee Homosapien, or Andre Benjamin as Roast Beef (The dudes can bring on the sass)
Eve Myles (from Torchwood) as Molly
I'm still out on Lyle and Pat, but I think that Philippe should be played by a very special boy.

But what about Rod Huggins and Circus Penis? I see Gene Simmons as Circus Penis for some reason, but what about The Rod?

Easily Mr. Ron Jeremy.


In my head the only Achewood character I can pair with a real actor is Ray, whose voice I hear as being nearly exactly like the English version of Jet Black from "Cowboy Bebop" (if you have never heard of it, it is much cooler than the title may suggest, I assure you).

I kind of want to assign Nicky Jones for Philippe; he does the voice of Chowder ( if anyone watches that show ) and he does a pretty good job of being all precocious like Philippe would.

* would BE, rather.

John Goodman as Ray. When Ray opens his mouth I hear Walter Sobchak, and it's time Goodman did something respectable for a change.

I think an actual Goodman would be more fitting.


Oh, I just read your comment above about Gary Oldman, whereby I understood your joke. Good show.

Lie Bot - Paul Rudd (or in my fantasy cast, Stephen Colbert if he comes back to voice acting)

Jesus YES, for both of them.

And also yes to the guy who suggested Patton Oswalt as Teodor.

what about John C. Reilly for Teodor?

Interesting. Teodor was really the most difficult pick. I was also kind of leaning toward Adrien Brody, for whatever reason. It would have to be someone with character, but not too over the top. Not cartoony. That would be my worry with Patton Oswalt. John Goodman would be interesting as Ray, but in the end I just cannot hear Ray with a white voice. Just doesn't work for me.

I never thought of Beef as a guy with a high pitched whiny voice. I was thinking more like John Cusack.

You're on to something, there.

wait, who the hell is *Frank* Azaria?

This was the first thing I noticed too, can't believe it took this long for someone to post. C'mon people, he's like the patron deity of having a lot of crazy voices.

crap. hank. thanks. sorry.

I am especially intrigued by the "przft", "bkrrrrr", and "ptack". I've never heard a cat come close to making those sorts of sounds. Perhaps I need to pat attention to feline foreplay more often.

"Dracula" on the other hand is just too god damned surreal not to accept at face value.

I'm pretty sure Bill the Cat said "ptack" all the time. That may not have been foreplay, though.

I always considered cat foreplay to be holding the chick down with your claws and biting her neck, both cats screaming before the actual unpleasant process, which only ends up lasting a few seconds, then the chick swipes at the dude, before getting horny again and rolling about coquettishly for the dude.

This may be many guys' regular sex lives on the internet, too.

Dude, that's my ex-wife you're talking about.

I have read that the reason you hear cats hollering like that is because male cats have spiny junk.

Let's all take a minute to consider spiny junk.

There has been far too much considering of spiny junk on Assetbar already.

Pandas have inverse junk.

There is an evolutionary joke on pandas, basically.

I have also read that pigs have corkscrew junk, dolphins have prehensile junk, and one species of junk has bottlebrush junk so it can scrape out the semen of any ducks who mated with the female earlier.

There's some weird fucking junk out there.

One species of DUCK goddamn it. My mind is reeling with junk!

Yet only man can name his junk after old monster movie villains. I guess that's a leg up on all the other species.

Well...man and cats.

Ganders are the only birds with junk.

According to this article there are a few birds with junk. I believe it because there is a picture of a duck with a totally gnarly dick.

Yes, I found this article by Googling "bottlebrush penis." Yes, that will remain on my searched list forever.

There is something wrong in a universe where we live in the same town yet I do not know you.

I know, dude, we gotta make the t-shirts!

Educational shirts about junk of the animal world?

"My bottlebrush junk brings all the girls to the yard"

I was thinking more about "HAY I'M THAT GUY/GIRL FROM THE INTERNET," but this would probably actually be more recognizable.

Well...whatcha gonna do with all that junk?

*Sighs resignedly*

All that junk up in your trunk.

virtual chubby for you. too much commenty goodness on this page. sorry skradles.

yes, that's right. a pet name for you.
creepy yes?



Between this and her striped stockings, Molly seems to be very good at wearing footwear that people think is sexy.

I must say I'm relieved that the whole election thing seems over with- I think that relief made this one all the more delightful, though that last panel's dialogue is darn close to Hall of Fame quality.

O exchanged elections for erections.

Cornelius Bear doesn't need a seasonal happiness lamp. He's got his martini and he's all right.

his face in the last two panels... so perfect

I agree, pizza slice bro.

....aaaaand, that's lunch, people!

Lost_Buoy, yours was the first post on this page, as of...right now, to use the word "That".

I'd like to give you something, but I got nothin'. Here's a pizza trophy.

This makes me happier than Sally Field a nanosecond before she gets yanked off a stage during an acceptance speech.

I can't fathom how or why you did this, Skradley, but it harkens back to a nobler time when pronouns were kindred to gold bullion.

Dudes, I just noticed I can chubby myself. Is that the same as masturbating???


come on do you like 2 eat pizza

I was not aware that this could be done BUT I personally would consider it Bad Form. A Thing which, out of Honor, should not be done.

It's not every day you see a man sprint and frown at the same time.

And if it's a bear doing it, that's basically like getting hit by lightning.

Teodor needs a lady. Maybe a big German, with a mole and fishnet stockings. Always serving sausages and fried meat alongside large mugs of stout beer. Low-cut blouses and large, heaving breasts. I think he'd be down with all of those things.

Where do we sign up?

Man, keep steppin'. The St. Pauli Girl is MINE and MINE ALONE.

Yes, a woman of the same extraction as this. So when Teodor gets drunk the above picture is what he sees

I remember a red-headed St. Pauli Girl. Was that a light beer, or something?

I am in love with Babsi Stadlhuber.

look at all those friggin beers how do you even hold all those

she has one arm too!

After you pointed that out I think my facial expression matched your avatar's exactly.


Looks like two arms to me. Sorry to ruin your primo j/o material, amputation fetishists.


Ooooh la la!!

Thanks for defending the honor of my betrothed.

Actually, in the pic I posted, I think she's holding those 6 quarts of beer with one hand behind her back to impress the Oktoberfest crowd. That is impressive.

So exactly who is this girl? All the sites on her happen to be in German, whaddya know.

The international press dubbed her "the most beautiful Weisn waitress" at Oktoberfest 2000, and her face got plastered all over the news outlets. She still works it, but now in a more celebrity fashion, acting as MC and singing with the crowd, etc. As of last year, she's getting a music career going, apparently as a singer. Her family has a big resort hotel in Austria, and she is still in the family business, having studied tourist management at Johannes-Kepler University.

In future news, she will separate from her husband of 3 years and wed a handsome American artist who has a penchant for arch webcomics and beer.

Judging from those two pictures above, I find this odd. She's attractive, but she's not extraordinarily beautiful. I'd hate to see the other Weisn waitresses.

She's pretty hot in a Teutonic sort of way. Like, I bet she could carry you on her back and throw you pretty far.

You ain't kidding. In my *ahem* research, I found a picture with her hefting eight of those liter Hofbrau mugs.

tekende - I've seen pictures of the other Weisn ladies. And you're right. You would hate to see them. But, that crowd is drinking a lot of beer.

That doesn't really entice me.

With extreme caution and no mercy

I know, I know! She's a beer goddess , I tell you!

I had a Teodor moment at the polling place today. The woman in line in front of me had black-dyed and bleached hair and a stud in her lower lip. All punk rock but politically aware enough to vote in a primary. When she asked for the ballot, she had an exotic first name, something like "Azerbaijan". I imagined us discussing redistricting over Jack and Cokes between sets at the local club where she knows the drummer who's playing in 3 out of the 4 bands on the bill. Then I realized there's no way I could say anything to this girl at 8AM in front of a bunch of poll workers that wouldn't make me come off as a complete weirdo, so I had to be content with us sharing a quiet bond through our wearing of "I Voted" stickers.

This is a wonderful story, sir.

You should have just leaned up against something real cool-like (pantomime lean if there is nothing solid available, it's just as good) and then tell her you have a nine inch tongue and can breathe out your ears. Then wink and act like you're trying to get something stuck in your teeth with your tongue, and swallow.

She'll be all over you or sobbing hysterically. Both are wins.

Yeah, I started feeling like this when I turned 30. It's moments like that when I think, damn, why can't I wake up with the gin already in me?

I lamed you for being a pussy. Sorry man but grow a pair and stop comparing yourself to fat cartoon bears. Fact is she probably already thought you were a weirdo; thing is maybe she digs weridos. You got to roll with what you got.

Great Lessons from the Internet no. 324:
You got to roll with what you got.

Molly and Beef's sex talk is the funniest thing I've head in a long time.

You know Beef would instantly feel bad if he knew Teodor was mopey and hearing him made him more mopey, though.

Is it weird that instead of relating to Teodor, or being kinda sicked out that Beef's junk is known as Mr. Dracula, the only thing I really thought about this strip is that purple pumps sound like hella cute shoes that I should totally own?

no, yous a lady

Yep, what he said. I would think that only about 3% of the male Achewood demographic thought along the same lines, and they probably would also think about the right feather boa to go with them.

Not that I'm knocking gays or anything, but the sort of gay man who would think purple pumps are cute is the sort to know about matching feather boas.

I know a man who would not hesitate to do this.

In fact, he probably already owns purple pumps. And I know for a fact he has more than one feather boa.

Apparently, 10% of the population is gay. 3% being overly fashion conscious is probably a fair call.


Hooray for Beef's sex life!

5 for Teodor's expressions.

When was the last time we saw one of the cast approach the window of the other's houses in place of the door? That was a blast from the past for me, at least. There was probably quite a recent one, the blast of which just missed me.

Good point. The last one I can remember involved Ray and Tina... I probably missed a few new ones as well.

Naming your penis "Mister Dracula" implies that you are out for blood.

...I actually don't feel comfortable with that.

Mr Dracula greedy; he full of blood already.


MAN I wish Assetbar would allow us more chubbies per page...

Yeah, I'm sick of Assetbar calling me Friendly all smarmy whenever I'm just tryin' to be nice.

Shouldn't the amount of chubbies alotted be proportional to the number of posts on the page? Like, maybe you could chubby 30 or 40 percent? Same with lames.

I can't get it up anymore on this page, but... agreed.

I'd like to chubby that idea, but it's just not gonna happen.

I agree as well.

Three yesses, it's going to Hollywood.

This was the best idea on this page. And that's saying something. I haven't heard the word "chubby" used so much as on this page. Nor have I heard so many promises of chubbies, or allusions to actual erections and erectile dysfunctions.

This is why your idea is the best.

So many times I have felt how teodor is feeling. I like this dude.

Okay, so it's more of a "bizarre seasonal horniness lamp." That'd still work, Teodor! Grab it!

My goodness, Beef's so happy that he's actually making fun of his sadness, in which case he doesn't need the lamp, which he clearly does for his sex games: if he didn't have the lamp, would he be sad?

Depressed people don't have "Hello Mr Dracula" erections.

And there I was, thinkin' you strapped those things to your forehead and sat in a chair. I been doin' it all wrong all this time.

I dunno man, back when I was hella depressed in college I also masturbated a lot, which required erections.

Perhaps, but at the same time, you've invented "Sedentary Spelunking." Chubbied!

But were they Mr Dracula erections. Did you say 'Mwah-ha-hah!'?

I'm really glad I realised that the second voice was Molly; when I first read this, I thought Beef was playing this game with himself.

this is funny no doubt but i have to say it takes me outside of my Beef comfort zone a little bit.

god typing that i realized that i am like a huge nerd and i need to go outside.

hell of cute:


Fuck! You are the first shoe-picture-poster to deserve any of my chubbiness, but I have squandered it elsewhere on the page today. I'll find something else you did in this place and let you have it there.

"let you have it there" sounds like you're going to beat her up.

The most salient referent for "it" was "my chubbiness."

Yeah, I know.

I'm glad I'm not the only one to do this.

Yes, you deserve a virtual chubby for that shoe-shot, and rest safe in the knowledge that I've got a very real chubby here in my own living room.

This is why people have clown-o-phobia.

your avatar is a Gacy painting isn't it

Yes. And an Acid Bath LP-cover.

chubby because even though i don't like Acid Bath, i'm kinda into Dax Riggs new thing with the chick, elephant something i believe, oh well whateve you still get the chubby

Hmmmh, quite an undeserved chubby I feel, but thank you; thank you kindly.
It's 'Deadboy & The Elephantmen', by the way. I don't like Acid Bath either, it's just a coincidence. I do like Mr. Bungle and suchlike, though...

the depressed cat has a more exciting sex life than i will ever achieve.

Maybe it's your political affiliation. Nazism is so 80's.



Yeah, I guess 40's was more killing-the-Nazism.

The 80's was all about using Nazism as a negative comparison in usenet discussions. This was of course before Godwin's Bill was ratified.

Chubbied for a law which gets little to no respect in online gaming lobbies, such as one might find in Company of Heroes. People get compared to Hitler all the damn time.

Late 30s with a brief 70s revival but come on we were all stoned out of our minds anyhow.

nope, 40's, at least my icon.

I'm sorry, everyone. It's been fun, but I have to admit to you all that I do know what historical period Nazis hail from. If I accidentally led anyone to believe that I thought Hitler died in 1985, I am sorry. I thought it would be a vaguely humorous non sequitur, and I was wrong. That is all.

Eh. I just figured you meant punks or something went around wearing swastikas in the 80's for shock value in some minor pop culture movement I was unaware of, and I was just taking it to the next step of actual Nazism.

Oh, no. I was referring to Major Strasser, specifically.

Quick punctuation lesson to all: shift the apostrophe in "80's," "40's" and so on to before the number so it looks like "'80s" or "'40s." This is because you are abbreviating for the first two digits, not making it possessive. (speaking of Nazis)

Oh, c' mon. I enjoy nitpicking punctuation as much as anyone, but this is excessive, man. Like it or not, when something as inconsequential as this becomes as widespread as it has, it's time to bend a little, Herr hrm.

Was that a run-on sentence? Choke on it!

it's not a run-on sentence, but run-on sentences are A-okay with me because I love syntax.


But just to keep this conversation dynamic, I believe that "a-okay" (featuring a lower-case "a") is more proper.

I can't decide if I'm jealous of Molly and Roast Beef or not. I mean, on the one hand, Dracula Depression lamp sex. On the other hand, well, the same thing.

Did people have this problem in Roman times?

It was the same thing but with Cyclopes and torches, to a much more disastrous effect.

Also, how to you pluralize Cyclops?

Either cyclopes or cyclopses is considered correct.

*disappears into a cloud of purple smoke*

*smoke dissapates and chemuswitch is still standing there, comically pronouncing both cyclopes and cyclopses in a desperate attempt to decide which "sounds" right*

in the times roman? almost certainly: look at all that serif.

All right, Mr. Goebbels - after that punnery, you're grounded with Helvetica for a month.

I want to chubby this with all my heart. I'm so, so sorry I can't.

You are a Sincere Human, and I thank you for this and the one above (waaaay above).

Pliny had a problem with it(whiney son of a bitch that he was), check out his letters to the prefecture of Bythinia. but then he always was the equation of the month guy out of classical literature.

and before someone says "i thought that'd be pythagoras", go fuck yorself.

Hold the phone a moment

this is the first time Teodor has actually frowned.

This is the first time Teodor has actually POSSESSED A LOWER JAW!

Naw, I don't think it is... Pretty sure there's a precedent for such expressions.

No, there's that strip where Roast Beef finds him and Ray all chained up: https://m.assetbar.com/achewood/uuahQNnb9
(sorry, I do not dare to attempt BBCode)

I stand corrected. Much obliged, Mister BBCodaphobic Clown.

A comment left by spectre was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, divot, Ampkit5, Haschel47, catgrl131, smugairle, sarabria, nutmeg, iidebaser, neitherman, foea)


It sure gives me a yiffy stiffy.

I am speechless besides the obvious eeeew.... EEEEEEW!

I just want to know why they're both yelling.

Spiny junk .

Damnit. Okay, try this. Take a few deep, even breaths and recenter your Qi. Clear your mind and prepare to visualize exactly what you read. Then, link down to the segment on reproduction.

You'll thank me someday.

While I'm thinking about it, this clip also provides about twenty seconds of insight on the subject, from 2:40 to 3:00.

Dear Jesus,

I hit an innocent flock of geese today, and I'm just kicking myself about it. And I admit I wasn't using my noodle. Shame on me. Please lavish my unclean body with your baby oil of truth.

The second panel seems to be my life

I think beneath the immediate reactions of jealousy/disgust by the sex-having, or being annoyed that he can't borrow the lamp right now, Teodor is REALLY pissed because he knows that, even after Beef and Molly are done with the lamp, he STILL won't be able to borrow it without thinking about the Dracula sex. Basically, he's going to have to find a new cure for his blues, when this lamp was basically his only shot to begin with.

Also I found this way more shocking than when we actually see Beef and Molly get it on during the lolcat storyline. That was just routine couch-boning, but this is just straight freaky.

welcome to "it's time for a new avatar!" thank you.

I just don't like the icky weird ones

but perhaps I reacted unfavorably earlier

Entitled to your opinion, and well played. Massive respect for humility.

It was probably mostly your gay-ass wording but I don't think you deserve that many lames anyhow.

This is the best strip in a while. Drrracula.

so now we know about molly's pumps
but what is the status on her bump

i just realized how vulgar this actually is with his mister blacula all flappin in the breeze like that

I think I distributed around 8 chubbies for you in other comments, that should make up for how few chubbies either of those two comments are bound to get.

It's the flapping that makes it vulgar? Thanks, I was unclear on which single element in that video was the one that could transform a simulated public sex act performed for the camera into something tawdry.


maybe it's just all that rotgut cornerstore wine, but this had me laughing, face buried in pillow, like a straight up motherfucker. howlsing, even. cackling.

beef is a well endowed vampire

that lamp's got special powers.
Imagine Teodor under that lamp.


This deserves a chubby at least as big as the one Molly seems about to recieve...

I can't believe no one has posted this yet:

Hint: Click on the picture for the link.
They aren't purple, but the intent is there.

I don't think your link worked. On that note, if anyone here knows how to successfully execute this type of link, I'd be happy to know.


The link works for me.

I explain the technique, using parentheses for brackets:

(url=https://[/i]url of link[/i])(img) url of image (/img)(/url)

I would like feedback on whether it works for anyone else. I am using Firefox, and it works fine.


BBCode errors within the post explicating the BBCode technique. The picture as link part is correct, only the italics is messed up.

You have Zamboni'd my mind with technical misinformation.

I rather enjoyed it.

This we call irony.

Yeah biff, it may just be that Internet Explorer can't handle it. I'll try it when I get home.

An update, if you're still interested: now that I am at home (and using Firefox) this link does work. That's the good news. The bad news is that "this video has been removed by the user." But that's neither here nor there, really.

Am I the first person here to realise the irony of Mister Dracula enjoying having a sun lamp?

He's a vampire

Which is why he immediately seeks refuge in a nearby dark place.


It took a long time to scroll down here but you guys made it worth it.

heh. best strip in a long time. was downright hilarious (if thats the term i want)



I think The Future was more deserving, personally, but whatever.

I like to think it's more about the comments than the merit of the strip. Sure there were some interesting and funny discussions on the future but I feel we've really... bonded here.

It's true. I feel bonded.

Nothing says bonding like discussions of photoshopping and vampire cat cock and cheap, whorish high heels. I'm serious, man. Nothing.

It sort of makes you think there should be an AcheCon sometime in the future, where we can look at each other awkwardly and wonder where all the fine achewood chicks are at.

You rang?

so long as we don't get too many people looking for Akon, we're cool.

We're everywhere! It's just that apparently most of us are old, and everyone assumes we're dudes until they hover their mouses over us.

Achewood chicks: Old and mistakable for dudes.

This is a brilliant idea and I think it should be implemented.

But not by me. I don't want to plan something like that.

We could play games like "Who Hates Paris Hilton More?" or "The Small Indoor Fight: Three Hours, Three Conference Rooms, Thirty Men!"

I humbly propose that the AcheCon should be held in Palo Alto, spiritual home of Achewood. Mainly because then I would not have to shell out crap for airfare.

oh uh i already win that based on how i feel

I wonder what the fuck we're all talking about so much. I'd rather be fucked with a pineapple than go back and rereading it all, though. But rest assured that I read each and every one of your comments and gave each due consideration, often rhapsodizing upon the melodious, dulcet intermingling of each "such as" and "hell of" in place of the pompous, endless pleonasm of which most of the internet has been infected. Bravo, assetbar, for this truly has been an enriching journey to the heart of the mind and the spleen of the heart, and maybe the liver of the kidney, or the knee's balls. I have enjoyed it.

Unless what you said was lamed to shit. Fuck that, if that's the case.

Agreed. Bravo, Assetbar. And bravo, Acheworld.

Imagine if the knee did have balls, dude. Imagine then kneeing someone else in the balls.


Today I learned a new word. Thank you!

To be honest, I had just learned it too and it begged use.

Other options were sesquipedalian, tautologous, and prolix.

In listing and perhaps even using these words, I have raped them.

I love you.

Acheworld, let me make one thing clear: I love you.

I like to think that between the ignorable and the ignoble that skulk 'round the moldy corners of the Acheworld, there are some folk with sharp wits and intellect for whom I would be pleased to buy a round.

This massive comments page contains all the info to illustrate my POV very clearly.

Look at all us dudes hangin' out down here, at the bottom of the page. I feel like the last stalwarts of a long and raucous party, sitting around, tired as hell, drinking what's left of the booze, all chillin' and discussin' old times. Words slow, thoughts slow, but nothing but smiles.

It was a good party.

All chubbied out, staggering around through a wreckage of pizza boxes, beer cans and shattered dignity. But it was a pretty good night all the same.

Then comes the staggeringly terrifying moment when you poop out a condom.

What happened? What did I do?

I can safely say that I have been to several out of control parties, blacked out several times and never have I either experienced, or heard of someone shitting out a condom.

I am more fearful and intrigued in your party life.

I went to this party! Only it wasn't a party. It was traveling back from Tijuana. And the condom was full of Colombian white. And there were 40 of them. One, after the other, after the other.

I once crossed the Tijuana border with a lesbian who was scared the border guards would confiscate her vibrator.

The wife and I thank you very much.

People are just more talkative nowadays. "Most Commented" basically translates to "Some particularly conversation-provoking greats and then a cluster of recent strips in no particular order."

Or, in my case, a terribly slow day at work.

I cannot describe my shame.

I wish I had the slow-day-at-work excuse. For me, it was just a terribly slow day. Full time academia makes me want to communicate my needs strictly with buzzing and dance, as the bees surely do. Someone would probably notice that.

For me, it was the opposite of you both, somehow:

I have just finished my course, and am currently unemployed, and should be looking for more jobs right now, but instead my ADD procrastination is at full tilt and I am waiting by the phone for a call back from the people I had an interview with yesterday. So, while I shouldn't be looking at shit I will buy with all the barrels and barrels of Nazi gold I will be paid if I do in fact get this job, here I am no less. Plus I got hella depression last year and am still getting over it, and still don't wanna get off my ass. That's why I really hope I get this job.

This is the point of the party where someone says something that makes everyone go quiet and kinda ruins the atmosphere.

Hey look! Spinynorman is doing a beer bong!

I know where you're coming from, bobbing head, for that is where I am.

damn, people. bitch about the structure of assetbar, don't bitch that too many people love achewood and want to talk about it. what, are you surprised and angry that there 8,000 people saying things that you think are strictly self-serving and inane? then welcome to the internet, glad you could join us!

I really think that there should be a forum structure that allows everyone to have their witty say in a completely strip-specific way while not just bloating the page completely beyond usability, but I'm not sure what that would look like. maybe have the chubbiest comments/threads float to the top, while collapsing the reply trees? I just don't know.

Oh to stumble upon your friend's foreplay...

The foreplay finished 5 minutes before this, this is the deed itself...

To think that one could portray Count Dracula as a man with "not much money" and still have that laugh...Beef can sure be kinky. Also, read it in a Romanian accent.

this disturbed me on every single level, even levels that people don't know exist.

A very good friend of mine told a stripper "Dracula don't got much money this week" when a stripper propositioned him for a private dance.

that is some rude role playing......i'm actually quite jealous....

YELLING REALLY LOUD is fun to do when roleplaying your penis is Dracula.